

单词 近卫文麿

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卫生 方近年来 ,儿童死亡率和产妇死亡率以及主要的卫生问题,如结核病和其它传染性疾病 都得到控制。
In the area of health, child and maternal mortality rates and major health threats, such [...]
as tuberculosis and other communicable
diseases, have been brought under control in recent years.
The recent establishment of an institution to defend human rights [...]
is consistent with the authorities’ determination to strengthen
the national institutional mechanism for protecting human rights.
LP系列链式破碎机适用于复合肥生产中块状肥料的破碎,同时也广泛用于化工、建材、矿山等行业,该机在粉碎过程中采用同步转速的高强度 麿 硬 质 合金链板,进出料口设计合理,破碎物料均匀,不易粘壁,便于清理
LP series chain crusher is suitable for bulk fertilizer crushing of compound fertilizer production, but also it is widely used in chemical industry, building materials, mining and other industries, in the process of grinding this machine adopts synchronous speed high strength wear-resisting hard alloy chain plate, inlet and outlet design is reasonable, crushing material evenly, not easy to stick wall, easy clean up
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会 文 化 权 利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良卫生标 准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参 文 化 生 活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right [...]
to enjoy property.
[...] 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆 近 散 发 的 文 件 : A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the
annexation of these territories (see,
[...] for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: [...]
但是,正如我近关于冲突文职能力的报告(A/66/311-S/2011/527)提到的那样,我致力于建 [...]
立一个更实际和灵活的方法,通过在总部使用协调人来查明能力和差距,其中涵 盖司法和安全等关键建设和平领域。
Moreover, as mentioned in my recent report on civilian capacity [...]
in the aftermath of conflict (A/66/311-S/2011/527), I am
committed to establishing a more practical, flexible approach to identifying capacities and gaps through the use of focal points at Headquarters covering key peacebuilding areas, including justice and security.
世界银行近与教科文组织 签署了一项谅解备忘录,以促进文 化和发展领域里的合作。
The Bank had recently signed a memorandum of [...]
understanding with UNESCO for further cooperation in the field of culture and development.
该代表进一步告知食典委,近召开 的世 卫 生 大 会(2008 年 5 月)已经通过了一个决议(WHA61.20),指出大会因粮农组织/世卫组织通过食典委 [...]
在婴幼儿配方粉法典卫生规范方面所进行的工作而受到鼓舞;敦促成员国通过应用和宣 传,执行世卫组织/粮农组织婴儿配方粉安全制备、贮存和处理准则,将细菌感染的危险
性降到最低,从而保证标签与法典的标准、准则的一致性,考虑到 WHA58.32 号决议;还 敦促成员国研究将母乳库中的捐赠乳喂养易受感染婴儿作为降低危险性策略的可能性。
The Representative further informed the
[...] Commission that the recently held World Health Assembly (May 2008) [...]
had adopted a resolution
(WHA61.20) which indicated that the Assembly was encouraged by the work of the FAO/WHO through Codex on the Code of Hygienic Practice for Powdered Formulae for Infants and Young Children; that Member States were urged to implement through application and dissemination the WHO/FAO Guidelines on Safe Preparation, Storage and Handling of Powdered Infant Formula to minimize the risk of bacterial infection and to ensure that labelling conformed with standards, guidelines and recommendations of Codex taking into account resolution WHA58.32 and in addition urged Member States to investigate the possible use of donor milk through human milk banks for vulnerable infants as a riskreduction strategy.
本国家报告由外交部根据司法部、内务部、劳动和社会保障部 卫 生 部 、教 育部文化部 、信息部、经济部、住房和公共事业部、农业和粮食部、体育和旅 [...]
游部、宪法法院、最高法院、总检察院、宗教和民族事务专员办事处、国家统计 委员会、国家科学院、国家立法和法律研究中心、白俄罗斯共和国总统办公厅下
This report was prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from data supplied by the Ministries of
Justice, the Interior, Labour and Social
[...] Welfare, Health, Education, Culture, Information, the Economy, [...]
Housing and Public Services,
Agriculture and Food and Sport and Tourism, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Office of the Procurator-General, the Office of the Commissioner for Religious and Ethnic Affairs, the National Statistical Committee, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Centre of Legislative and Legal Research and the Information and Analytical Centre attached to the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
假如近没有医院卫生保 健中心,应立即叫 医生。
If there is no
[...] hospital or health care centre nearby, call your doctor [...]
参考近例会的文件可 了解是否某种特定农药已 被考虑。
Consult the document of the latest session to see whether [...]
or not a given pesticide has already been considered.
世界动物卫生组织的观察员提请食典委注意世界动 卫 生 组织 最 近 通 过 了关于抗 菌剂耐药性的标准,并建议交叉参考这项标准,开展互补工作,以避免世贸组织卫生 [...]
The Observer from OIE drew the attention of the Commission to the
[...] fact that OIE had recently adopted a standard [...]
on antimicrobial resistance and proposed
to cross reference this standard and work in complementary way in order to avoid duplication and conflict between the standards developed by the relevant organisations referenced under the WTO SPS Agreement.
[...] 互动交流,例如,使其范围扩大到法律改革委员会官员、商会和行业联盟人员,研发机构人 员、议员以及贸易部、农业部卫生 部 、科技部 文 化 部、司法部和环境部的高级官员。
To strengthen the TRIPS implementation process during the last four years, WIPO has promoted the interaction among stakeholders at the national level to include, for example, officials of Law Reform Commissions, Chambers of Commerce and Federation of Industries, Research and Development institutions, Parliamentarians, high-level
officials of Ministries of Trade,
[...] Agriculture, Health, Science and Technology, Culture, Justice, Environment, [...]
among others.
食典委被告知近粮农组织/世卫组织 专家会议的重要成果以及要求粮农组织/世 卫组织给予科学建议的状况。
The Commission was informed of
[...] the main outcomes of recent FAO/WHO Expert meetings [...]
and of the status of the request for FAO/WHO scientific advice.
世卫组织的代表提请食典委注意由粮农组织和 卫 组 织 在 文件 CAC/32 INF/3 中提 供的有关科学建议方面法典相关事务分配到的经费信息,指出世卫组织和粮农组织贡献 的经费没有包括职员的费用。
The Representative of WHO drew the attention of the Commission to the information provided by FAO and WHO on the budget allocated to Codex-related activities on the provision of scientific advice in document CAC/32 INF/3, and indicated that the WHO and FAO contribution did not include staff costs.
[...] 管美国想方设法动摇波多黎各学生的精神,但他近期捍卫教育 权的斗争对全体波多黎各人来说是一 [...]
However, despite all efforts to break their
[...] spirit, the students’ recent defence of the right [...]
to education was a victory for all the people of Puerto Rico.
通过作为第 1820(2008)号决议的共同提案国、于 2008
年通过关于侵害妇女和女童的暴力以及打击对 妇女和女童一切形式歧视的欧盟长期指导方针以及 通过关于在欧洲安全和防卫政策框架内执行得到第 1820(2008)号决议加强的第
[...] 1325(2000)号决议的欧 洲安全和卫政策文件,欧盟成员国表明它们坚决致 [...]
The EU member States demonstrated their deep commitment to these objectives by co-sponsoring resolution 1820 (2008) and by adopting long-term EU guidelines on violence against women and girls and combating all forms of discrimination against them in 2008, as
well as adopting a European Security and
[...] Defence Policy document on the implementation [...]
of resolution 1325 (2000) as reinforced
by resolution 1820 (2008) in the context of the European Security and Defense Policy.
建立国际合作的优先领域是:粮食安全和主权、公 卫 生 、 教育 文 化 、 工 业信息和通信技术、工程、基础设施和住房、石油、天然气和其他能源、社会科 [...]
Areas deemed to have priority for the establishment of international cooperation
relations are food security and
[...] sovereignty, public health, education, culture, industrial information [...]
and communication technologies,
engineering, infrastructure and housing, petroleum, gas and other sources of energy, social sciences, a new international geopolitical configuration, environmental development and tourism.
他们认为,将此问题提交教科文组 织大会可能会导致最终审议能否改变 CR
[...] 建议:确保国家报告反映当地实际情况及其质量;统一报告的标准并公布这类报告,使两种 报告制度更近;使教科文组织 全国委员会积极参与国家报告的编制工作和后续活动;利用 [...]
They suggested that bringing such a concern to UNESCO’s General Conference could lead to examining eventually the possibility of transforming the nature of CR. Other suggestions that emerged related to ensuring that the States’ reports reflect the reality on the ground and are of quality; to standardization of reports and publicizing
them so as to bring the two
[...] reporting systems closer; to actively involving UNESCO’s [...]
National Commissions in the State reporting
and the follow-up; and to drawing upon human rights institutions which play a major role at the country level, etc.
这个方案包括:(a) 设置建立两性平等奖,这是一 项针对中等教育、高等教育学生和研究生的科学著作和 文 比 赛, 最 近 一 次 公开 比赛有近 5 000 名学生参加;(b) 两性平等、妇女、女权运动调查研究公报;(c) 全国调查研究中心和团体讨论会——思考两性平等与科学。
The Programme includes: (a) the
Building Gender Equality
[...] Prize, a set of essays and scientific articles targeting secondary school, university and graduate school students; the latest version was read by some [...]
5,000 students; (b)
the gender, women’s and feminist studies research bulletin; and (c) the National Research Communities and Groups Meeting: Considering Gender and the Sciences.
所以这些代表团建议制定像粮农组织、 卫 组 织 文 件 里 的标准, 而不是法典委员会指南。
These delegations therefore proposed to develop the
[...] criteria as an FAO/WHO document rather than Codex [...]
安全和安 保处有 5 个员额由支助账户供资,3 个员额由经常预算供资,这些训练干事为 在维和特派团工作近 1 400 名国际卫和 2 200 名本国卫以及 总部安全和 安保处 400 名警卫提供以下方面的技术训练:基本的安全和安保;枪械教官认 证;武器使用资格认证和再认证;防身术;监视探测;枪械和其他装备的使用; 消防和安全;警卫上岗培训;急救。
While there are five posts funded from the support account and three posts funded from the regular budget in the Service, the training officers provide technical training to approximately 1,400 international and 2,200 national security officers serving in peacekeeping missions and 400 security officers of the Service at Headquarters in rudimentary safety and security; firearms instructor certification; weapons qualification and requalification; personal defence tactics; surveillance detection; firearms and other equipment use; fire safety; security officer induction training; and first aid.
[...] 包括:美国的 Dawn、Deep Impact 和 Stardust 航天器;加拿大近地天体监卫 星; 欧空局和日本宇宙航空研究开发机构的马可波罗近地天体样本送回飞行任 [...]
务;日本的隼鸟近地天体样本送回飞行任务;以及预期中的德国小行星发现者 航天器飞行任务。
The Subcommittee welcomed past and upcoming missions investigating near-Earth objects, including the Dawn, Deep Impact and Stardust
spacecraft missions of the
[...] United States; the Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite mission of Canada; [...]
the Marco Polo near-Earth
object sample return mission of ESA and JAXA; the Hayabusa near-Earth object sample return mission of Japan; and the prospective AsteroidFinder spacecraft mission of Germany.
这种情况导致民事基础设施,包括迅速恶化的保 健、饮水和环卫生体系近乎崩 溃,造成各个领域中 的巨大社会经济痛苦,并且播下了深深的绝望和无助 [...]
感的种子,对巴勒斯坦人民的今世后代产生深刻影 响。
It has caused the near collapse of civilian infrastructure,
including that of the rapidly decaying
[...] health, water and sanitation systems; it has [...]
caused extreme socio-economic distress in
all sectors and has sown the seeds of deep despair and hopelessness, with far-reaching consequences for the Palestinian people now and in the future.
a) 和平或战争时代的敌对或战争行为,包括阻击、抗击或 卫 实 际、 迫 近 或 预 期的攻击; b) 和平或战争时代使用原子裂变或放射性武力的战争武器; c) 暴动、叛乱、革命、内战、篡夺权力,或者政府当局为阻击、抗击或防卫这类事情发生所采取的行动,检疫或海关条例规定的查封或毁灭, 政府或公共当局命令的查封或没收,禁运或非法运输或贸易的风险; d) 在重新占有或者交还保险车辆之后发生;或者 e) 在美国或加拿大境外发生。
Any loss resulting from total loss to the covered vehicle caused by or resulting from any of the following causes are specifically excluded: a) hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war, including action in hindering, combating, or defending against actual, impending or expected attack; b) any weapon of war employing atomic fission or radioactive force, whether in time of peace or war; c) insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken by governmental authority in hindering, combating or defending against such occurrence, seizure or destruction under quarantine or customs regulations, seizure or confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risks of contraband or illegal transportation or trade; d) occurring after covered vehicle has been repossessed or placed in repossession; or e) occurring outside of the United States or Canada.
在湄公河区域(柬埔寨、老挝人民民主共和国和越 南),约 53 000 人受益于改善了的供水服务,155 000 人受益卫生项目,近6000 人受益于固体废物管理方案。
In the Mekong Region (Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Viet Nam), about 53,000 people benefited from
improved water supply
[...] service, 155,000 from sanitation projects and nearly 6,000 from solid waste [...]
management programmes.
[...] 手行动维护尊严”,其目标在于进一步加强国际合作,以解决土著人民 文 化、 教育卫生、 人权、环境及社会和经济发展等领域所面临的问题,途径是开展注 [...]
The goal of the Second Decade, with the theme “Partnership for action and dignity”, is the further strengthening of international cooperation for the solution of problems
faced by indigenous peoples in
[...] areas such as culture, education, health, human rights, the [...]
environment and social and economic
development, by means of action-oriented programmes and specific projects, increased technical assistance and relevant standard-setting activities.
[...] 济委员会(拉加经委会)、西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)、欧洲经济委员会(欧 洲经委会)、人口基金、教文组织和 卫 生 组织开展协作,与这些机构共享《世 界人口展望 [...]
2008 年订正本》的初步结果,以使他们能够对这些结果发表意见。
The Population Division collaborated with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), ESCAP, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA),
the Economic Commission for Europe
[...] (ECE), UNFPA, UNESCO and WHO by sharing with [...]
these bodies the preliminary results of
the 2008 Revision of World Population Prospects in order to allow them to comment on those results.
[...] 言人希望获知各会员国是怎样改进其报告内容的, 以及这项审查是否也应该针对不具备专门的执行机 制和报告机构的法文本,如《人权 卫 者 宣 言》。
With regard to the universal periodic review, she wished to know how Member States could improve the presentation of their reports and whether that review should also cover instruments that did
not have specific mechanisms for follow-up and
[...] for drafting reports, such as the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders.




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