

单词 肥效

See also:

become rich by illegal means
loose-fitting or large

External sources (not reviewed)

如果她没有确实体验过显著的肥效 果 , 她就不会写这篇文章。
She wouldn’t have written this article if she didn’t actually experience remarkable weight loss.
以100平方米用水量,只需要50公升在5分钟内喷洒,即可完全达到 肥效 果 , 在经济方面达到省药、省工、节水、省钱、事半功倍。
Water to 100 square meters, only 50 liters of spray
within 5 minutes, to fully
[...] meet the fertilization effect, in economic terms to the provincial drug, labor, water, save money, more efficiently.
来自美国的全科医生细田摄子将为患者调整肥胖导致的相关疾病、优化手术前状况,并帮助患者维持术后的理想 肥效 果。
She will help patients manage co-existing medical problems, teach mind-body approaches to weight loss, and assist with weight loss maintenance before and after surgery.
以GO2Pdf打印刚才的Word文档为例,只嵌入一种字体时PDF文档体积为176kB,当嵌入两种字体时体积变为232kB,“ 肥 ” 效 果 十 分明显。
to GO2Pdf print the Word document just as an example, only when embedded in a font size of
PDF document 176kB, when embedded into two kinds of fonts when the
[...] size of 232kB, "fertilization" effect is very obvious.
她说:“Anderson 工厂的每个人都让我倍受鼓舞,他们 注意到我的肥效果, 都夸我的状态比以前更好。
Everyone here at Anderson Plant is encouraging; they notice and comment that I have lost weight and look better,” she said.
她的丈夫现在已减掉 38 磅,他们稳定的肥效果有 赖于生活方式的改变,包括少吃多餐、按时进餐及忌食高脂肪或 高糖分食物。
She and her husband, who is now 38 pounds lighter, have steadily lost weight through lifestyle changes that include smaller meal portions, regular dinner times together and avoidance of foods high in fat or sugar.
通过饮食、运动或药物治疗无法达到理想的 肥效 果 时,外科手术治疗可帮助严重肥胖症患者获得持续显著的减轻体重的效果,同时改善肥胖症合并症。
Bariatric surgery can help patients with severe obesity achieve sustained, significant weight loss, while at the same time improving their overall health and alleviating obesity-related complications.
當然,正在節食的人不一定能在既定日期達到目 標,但肥效果數 據能為是應進一步努力,還是 偶而可吃一塊巧克力蛋糕提供依據。
Now, of course, the person who is dieting is not assured that his goal will be achieved on the target date, but the progress reports that polls represent will provide arguments for either more effort or the occasional slice of chocolate cake.
教科文组织对热带土壤生物学肥效 的 支 持赢得了全 球环境机构对未来几年工作的支持;尽管国际供资机 构与国家达成协议在 2001 年资助国际生物多样性科 划,提高对生态系 统的功能、益处和 价值的认识 学计划,但是该计划在这一年取得的进展很小,这一 计划将在 2002 年实施;改善了国际生物圈计划对相 关国际计划和倡议的参与与投入。
Award of GEF support for the coming years resulting from UNESCO’s support for TSBF; Little progress by the DIVERSITAS Programme during the year, despite agreement by the IGFA countries to fund it during 2001 the programme will become effective in 2002; Improved MAB’s participation in, and input to, relevant international research programmes and initiatives.
沭阳绿意得生活垃圾综合处理中心采用的 WIT
[...] [...] 技术平台的技术路线集成多项国际领先的垃圾处理工艺技术,如WST垃圾分选技术、ITAD液态高温好氧发酵技术、RDF衍生燃料技术及塑料热裂解技术等多项高科技资源再生工艺,有效地将生活垃圾、商业及农业有机废弃物转化成 肥效 的 有机肥料、种植营养土、RDF衍生燃料、塑料衍生燃油等一系列高附加值的再生资源产品,这些产品可广泛应用于农业、林业和园艺业等领域。
The WIT platform adopted by the Shuyang ITAD Centre is an integrated process for treating MSW and it employs a number of world-leading waste management technologies, such as Waste Separation Technology (WST), Innovative Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ITAD), Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) process and plastic pyrolysis process, to covert municipal, agricultural and industrial wastes
into various high value-added
[...] products: highly-effective organic fertilizers, nutrient-rich [...]
soil, recycled plastics, RDF,
and plastic-derived fuel oil, etc. These products are used widely in agriculture, forestry and horticulture.
2011年 4月,消委會的《選擇月刊》第414期提及一宗不當服食保
健食品的投訴個案便是最佳例證(我引述)“服食排毒減肥食品後心胸 劇痛”  在一間公司內,一名聲稱擁有碩士學歷的“醫生”,建議一
[...] 名婆婆每天分3次服用共90粒具排毒及 肥 功 效 的 “綠藻片”,她於是 以港幣1,600元買了4盒共4 [...]
In issue number 414 of the Choice magazine published in April 2011 by the Consumer Council, a prime example of a complaint against the improper consumption of health food can be found, and I quote, "Chest pain after taking detoxification and slimming product" ― in a company, a "doctor" claiming to have postgraduate qualifications recommended that an old lady take a
total of 90 "chlorella tablets" with
[...] detoxification and slimming effects three times a [...]
day, so she spent $1,600 on four boxes
of pills containing 4 000 pills in total.
实际上,农业推广服务和国内肥料工业在近几年才确信 肥 的 施用 成 效 , 但有很多人对此一无 所知。
In fact, it is a recent development that the agricultural
[...] extension service and the fertilizer industry in the country [...]
have got convinced about the use
of micronutrients; still the masses remain ignorant.
在蛋白质合成中,钾的存在提高了将吸收的硝酸盐转化为蛋白质的转化率,从而提 肥 料 中氮 的 效 率 (S QM, 2006)。
The action of potassium on protein synthesis enhances the conversion
of absorbed nitrate into proteins which contributes to
[...] an enhanced efficiency of the supplied N fertiliser (SQM, 2006).
I admit that we need to enhance our work in this area,
especially when more and
[...] more commercial slimming organizations are now publicizing the effectiveness of their products.
沼气厂将粪肥、能源作物和有机固 体废物转化为清洁能源和效肥料。
Biogas plants convert manure, energy crops and organic solid waste into
[...] clean energy and efficient fertilizer.
以食肆廢油為例,如果把食用廢油妥善 收集、儲存,再運到工廠加工,是可以製成有經 效 益 的 肥 皂 、 肥 料 、 塑膠 原料等。
If waste cooking oil can be properly collected and stored and then sent to the factory for
processing, the waste oil can
[...] turn into soaps, fertilizers, plastic materials, and so on, which have economic benefits.
效的土壤-植物肥料微 量营养素咨询服务和人员培训。
And effective soil-plant-fertilizer micronutrient advisory [...]
service and staff training.
The most effective means to lose weight [...]
and prevent weight regain is through a disciplined and consistent combination of
healthy food choices with moderate portion sizes and building physical activity into your daily life.
事例包括:改良作物品种,有效的土壤和水管理以 及提高肥利用效率; 对作物和牲畜生产系统作出改进;加强动物疾病诊断和控 制;食品内沾染物的可追溯性;改进食品的保质期和安全,并以无害环境的方式 防治病虫害。
Examples include improved
[...] crop varieties; effective soil and water management and more efficient fertilizer use; improvements [...]
to crop and livestock
production systems; enhanced animal disease diagnoses and control; traceability of contaminants in food; improved shelf-life and safety of food; and the environmentally friendly control of insect pests.
最初的理论是在1973年首度引进美国医学界;亚舍-哈珀(Asher-Harper)研究提出将HCG管理和一天摄取500卡路里热量相结合的饮食方法可以作为对 肥 胖 的 一种 效 工 具
The original idea was first introduced to the American medical community in 1973; the Asher-Harper study
proposed that the combination of HCG administration and a 500-calorie-a-day
[...] diet would be an effective tool against obesity.
本詞通常不包肥料、 植物和動物營養素、 食物添加劑及獸藥。
The term normally excludes fertilizers, plant and animal nutrients, [...]
food additives and animal drugs.
我谨在今天这次简短的发言中强调会上提议的 几项行动:在各国政府、各机构和社区之间交流战略 和行动,支持有效的公共政策和多层面综合战略,根
[...] 决儿童肥胖症问题并促进保持健康体重;促进积累和 交流有关哪些项目和战略在何种情况下行之 效的 经验;提高人们肥胖症 严重影响劳动生产力,因而 严重影响社会经济发展问题的认识;投资于促进健 康,预防和减少肥胖症;将肥胖症数据纳入慢性疾病 [...]
In the context of this short intervention, please allow me to highlight just a few of the actions that were proposed: to commit to the fight against childhood obesity and promote healthy weight by sharing strategies and actions with and between our respective Governments, institutions and communities to support effective public policies and multilevel comprehensive strategies to address obesity, based on the principles as described in the call for action; to facilitate the accumulation and exchange of knowledge on
which projects and
[...] strategies have proved effective and in which settings; to increase awareness that obesity has a significant [...]
impact on labour
productivity, and therefore on the social and economic development of countries; to invest in health promotion to prevent and reduce obesity; to incorporate obesity data into chronic disease surveillance systems; and to monitor, measure and evaluate progress made to reduce the prevalence of obesity and its associated risk factors.
[...] 农业区和农田、森林面积、灌溉面积、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、农业中经济 活跃人口和肥的使 用;以及城市地区的城市人口规模和增长率、人类住区占据 [...]
碳的排放量、空气中颗粒物的密度、产业和服务业中的就业、国内生产总值、使 用中的机动车辆和能源消耗。
The data contained in the wallcharts include, for the rural areas, size and rate of growth of the rural population, size of the agricultural population, agricultural area and cropland, forest area, irrigated areas, access to improved water and
sanitation, economically active population
[...] in agriculture and fertilizer use; and for the [...]
urban areas, size and rate of growth
of the urban population, land area occupied by human settlements, urban population living in slums, access to improved water and sanitation, carbon dioxide emissions, concentrations of particulate matter in the air, employment in industry and services, gross domestic product, motor vehicles in use and consumption of energy.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个 效 的 受 害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
[...] 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间 效 地 用 多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 [...]
届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General
to ensure equal treatment for all
[...] language services and effective multilingual communication [...]
among representatives of Member
States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
鑒於政府當局未有採取效行動 ,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 [...]
完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文規定對"
官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。
That, in view of the
[...] Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the [...]
15 relevant Ordinances which bind the
Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家;
[...] 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的 效 , 例 如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 [...]
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be
re-allocated to the use of arts
[...] development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding [...]
policy in achieving the policy
goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.




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