

单词 天外来客

See also:

来客 n

guest n

外来 adv

outside adv

External sources (not reviewed)

外,现有一个 P-5 员额的职能经修改后将包天基信 息平台方案的协调工作,现 有一个 P-4 员额将调至主任办公室协助管理方案。
In addition, the functions of an existing P-5 post will be revised to include coordination [...]
of the UN-SPIDER programme, and
an existing P-4 post will be redeployed to the Office of the Director to assist in the management of the programme.
在位于内外的来客接待处值班的警卫肩背步枪坐在那 里。
The guard on duty at the visitors’ reception desk, situated immediately outside the inner gate, [...]
sat with his rifle over his shoulder.
您的代表可以利用该信息迅速判断网站 客来 到 您 的机构是否是为了合法业务;您可以屏蔽浪费时间的非法 天 请 求
With this information, your representatives can
[...] readily tell if website visitors have legitimate business with your organization; time-wasting, non-legitimate chat requests can [...]
be screened out.
从账户开立之时, 如果每90天客户在SWFX-瑞外汇市场至少有一笔开仓交易的话,储蓄账户不收取费用。
Starting from opening, Savings Accounts are
[...] free of charge for clients having had at least one open position on the SWFX - Swiss FX Marketplace [...]
during the last 90 days.
Carpeted in
[...] the spring with wild orchids and cyclamen, this lyrical [...]
Homeric landscape is clearly one of the most beautiful
and unspoilt parts of the island.
内销车今年已新款自行车为主,提高了我们整车的质量和档次,展会期间也深受国 外客 户 的问津和喜爱,外销以菜篮车和木箱车为主,在为 期 4 天 的 展 会期间,客户的人流量因国际经济形势的影响大不如前,但是我们的外销车仍旧吸引了众多 外客 户 , 他们对我们的CARGO BIKE、菜篮车和小童车都非常感兴趣,有客户直接在展会上下单,还有很多客户洽谈的非常愉快,留下了详细的联系方式,要求我们车展后马上报价回盘,还有要 来 公 司 现场参观后下单;同时,此次展会上我们也参观学习同行的先进技术和文化内涵,此次展会对我们的所有的参展人员和公司的发展都有很重要的作用。
Domestic car this year has been the new bike, improve our truckload quality and grades, during the
exhibition but also by the
[...] United States and foreign customers attention and love, for export to the features and wooden cars, over a period of 4 days, the customer flow is due to the influence of international economic situation as before, but we export the car still attracted a large number of foreign customers, to our CARGO BIKE, features and kiddie car are very interested, with customers directly in the exhibition place an order, there are a lot of customers to negotiate very pleasant, leaving detailed contact, we show that immediately after the pricing, and to the company site [...]
visits after place an
order; at the same time, this exhibition we also visited peer learning advanced technology and culture connotation, this exhibition to our all the exhibitors and the company's development has the very vital role.
尽管如此,目前许多国家仍未订立专门涉及车 辆驾驶人员的签证类别,而且本区域大多数国家在发放签证时仍把此类驾驶 人员当作客或外来劳工对待。
In spite of this, there is still no specific visa category for vehicle drivers in many countries and in
most countries in the region they are
[...] considered either visitors or foreign labourers for the [...]
purpose of visa issuance.
对家庭出游的客来说, 小孩可以参加我们精心设计的 天 候 免 费儿童游乐项目而且我们还配备了有资质的监管人员。
Active families make the
[...] most of our Kids Go Free programme and our day-long schedule of children’s activities [...]
with qualified supervisors.
旅舍的其他设施包括一间设施齐全的厨房、BBQ烧烤区、网络连接、一间洗衣房和干衣房,洗衣房和干衣房对于在汤加里罗步道跋涉一天或是在鲁阿佩胡山滑雪 天 的 旅 客来 说 尤 为重要。
Other facilities include a fully equipped kitchen, BBQ area, internet access and a
laundry and drying room which is especially useful after tackling the Tongariro
[...] Crossing or a hard day’s skiing at Mt Ruapehu.
如果您需要任何帮助,可致电GMI 24 / 5中文热线,电子邮件和在线天来联 系 我们 客 户 服 务。
If you require assistance, our
[...] multilingual Customer Support team is available 24/5 by phone, email and live chat.
天来临的 最新迹象是电信软件制造商亚信联创(Nasdaq: ASIA)可能会以高溢价被收购;外, 据 说声名狼藉的做空机构浑水公司可能最终准备终止对中概股公司的多番攻击。
The latest signs
[...] of spring are coming from telecoms software maker AsiaInfo-Linkage (Nasdaq: ASIA), which may be on the cusp of a buy-out at a nice premium; and word that infamous short seller Muddy Waters [...]
may finally be ready
to cease its relentless attacks on US-listed China companies.
此标志性的自然景点吸引不计其数的国内和 外 游 客来 城 市 观光。
This iconic natural attraction draws
[...] thousands of local and foreign visitors to the city.
来说,一艘为孟加拉国特遣队运送装备的船只被苏丹当局挡在海外 64 天,一艘为埃及特遣队运送装备的船只被扣押在苏丹外 24 天,运送赞 比亚特遣队装备的另一艘船被扣 4 天,结果造成超过 750 000 美元的扣押费。
Specifically, a vessel transporting equipment for the Bangladeshi contingent was held offshore by Sudanese
[...] authorities for 64 days, a vessel transporting equipment for the Egyptian contingent was detained outside of Port Sudan for 24 days, and a third vessel with Zambian equipment was detained for four days, resulting in [...]
detention charges of more than US$ 750,000.
在另一次国别任务中,前任 任务负责人 观 察 到,来 天 主教徒 实际上 不 能 在 军队、 警 察 和其他 包外 交在内 的敏感行政部门工作(A/51/542/Add.1,第 65 至 67 段)。
During another country mission, the
previous mandate-holder
[...] observed that Catholics seemed, in practice, not to be accepted for careers in the army, the police and other sensitive areas of the administration, including diplomacy (A/51/542/Add.1, [...]
paras. 65-67).
随 后外用半天全会 的时间提交结果和建议。
The results and recommendations were subsequently presented in
[...] a separate half-day plenary meeting.
鑑於部分反對管制停車熄匙的人士提 天 氣 炎 熱時 客 和 駕 駛 者的舒適問題,一位成員提議在夏天時才進行停車熄匙管制的 [...]
A member suggested conducting a pilot
scheme in summer as some opponents of the ban had
[...] raised the issue of passenger and driver comfort [...]
when the weather is hot.
从著名的吴哥窟附近的暹粒外天堂 , 到拥有酒店热带花园迷人景观的迪拜莱佛士泳池,全球莱佛士酒店的泳池 客 人 提 供了优秀的休闲环境、令人叹为观止的景观以及周到的服务。
From Siem Reap's outdoor haven near the famous temples of Angkor, to Raffles Dubai's pool with stunning views of the hotel's tropical garden, [...]
swimming pools at Raffles properties across
the globe provide a relaxing backdrop, complemented with inspiring vistas and thoughtful service.
35年来,尼 克劳斯公司的使命就是提升高尔夫体验,为国 外客 户 提供与高尔夫相关的业务和服务,这些服务折射出杰克 尼克劳斯在其职业生涯与生活中建立起来的高标准。
For more than 35 years, the mission of the Nicklaus Companies has been to enhance the golf experience, [...]
and to bring to the
national and international consumer golf-related businesses and services that mirror the high standards established in the career and life of Jack Nicklaus.
然而,经常预算客户只 占其文件总量的 30%,而预外客户的 执行率非常低,对他 来 说 , 10 周规则可 能只适用于少数特定文件。
However, regular budget clients account for only 30 per cent of its total volume of documents, while
the level of compliance
[...] has been very low among extrabudgetary clients, for whom the 10-week rule [...]
may be applicable to a
small number of specific documents only.
届时将有大量的外客人前来,为 了表示银座要团结一心做好接待的心情,我们制作了GINZA INTERNATIONAL WEEK的徽章。
A large number of visitors will be coming from overseas. We created a Ginza [...]
International Week badge to express Ginza’s
desire to unite as one district to provide hospitality for our guests.
德国航天中心执行局主席 Johann-Dietrich Wörner、执行局成员 Gerd Gruppe 和 Hansjörg Dittus,以及德国大使 Peter Ammon 于 2011 年 12 月同美国国家航空 航天局(美国航天局)局长 Charles Bolden 和美国国会议员举行会谈,以便特别 是讨论来对国际空间站的利用、 外天 文 学平流层观测站的状况,以及重力 再发现和气候实验后续飞行任务。
The chair of the DLR Executive Board, Johann-Dietrich Wörner, and members of the Executive Board Gerd Gruppe and Hansjörg Dittus, as well as the German Ambassador Peter Ammon, met in December 2011 with the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Charles Bolden and members of the United States Congress to discuss, in particular, the future exploitation of the International Space Station (ISS), the status of the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and the Grace Follow-On mission.
除了SANBlaze提供的系外,客户还 可以将Emulex HBA应用到自己的系统中,购买SANBlaze仿真软 来 在 这 些配置中运行,充分利用自己的存储实验室设备来进行更高密度测试。
In addition to the systems that SANBlaze provides, customers are able to incorporate the Emulex HBA into systems of their [...]
own, and purchase SANBlaze emulation
software to run on these configurations, leveraging their storage lab equipment for higher density testing.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开 外 联 活 动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地 天 提 供 八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in
the regional
[...] headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
这些威胁可以与多种因素有关,比如自然灾害或流行病灾害、国 家领土遭外来侵害以及体制危机。
The threat may be linked to a variety of events such as
natural or epidemiological disasters, invasion of the
[...] national territory by foreign entities or an institutional crisis.
3.6666 NL-1005
[...] 该中心负责处理当天的失物招領询问、正常办公时间之后或周末的 开门请求、以及关于下班之后发 来客 询 问台 当 天 关 闭后仍留在询问台 的身份证的请求等。
Takes enquiries for same-day lost and found items, requests for opening doors after regular office hours or on weekends and
returning, after the close of business, IDs
[...] previously left at the Visitors Information Desk before it closes for the day.
还可通过其提供的上千个插件进行功能扩展包括:电子商务与购物车引擎,论坛与 天 软 件 ,日历, 客 软 件 ,目录分类管理,广告管理系统,电子报,数据收集与报表工具,期刊订阅服务等。
Also available through the thousands of plug-ins for extensions include :
e-commerce and shopping cart engines ,
[...] forums and chat software , calendars , blog software , [...]
directory category management , advertising
management system , email newsletters, data collection and reporting tools , periodicals subscription services.
[...] 人士尚未根據單程證計劃成為香港居民,但許多雙程證持有人除了返回內地 續辦簽證的天外,實 際上全年大部分時間均留在香港。
Although these NEPs had yet to become residents of Hong Kong under the One-Way Permit Scheme, many held Two-Way
Permits and stayed in Hong Kong throughout
[...] the year except for days when they had to [...]
return to the Mainland to renew their visit endorsement.
[...] 加快建立联利支助团,与其实务组成部分相比,特别是由于全球服务中心提供支 持,因而产生外来足迹 较少(A/66/679,第 78 段);通过一个相对小型、产外来足迹 较少的特派团支助结构为联阿安全部队提供特派团支助服务,利用了区 域服务中心和南苏丹特派团的能力和设施(同上,第 [...]
79 段)。
Other achievements attributed by the Secretary-General to the implementation of the global field support strategy include the ability of the Secretariat to expedite the establishment of UNSMIL with a lighter footprint for support functions as compared with its substantive component, owing in particular to the support provided by the Global Service Centre
(A/66/679, para. 78), and
[...] the delivery of mission support services for UNISFA through a relatively small mission support structure with a [...]
light footprint, drawing
on the capacities and facilities of the Regional Service Centre and UNMISS (ibid., para. 79).
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系来,使 移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场客名单 ,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access
to the Fixed
[...] Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering [...]
and passing through
the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.




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