

单词 寿终正寝

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External sources (not reviewed)

对国际社会来说,统治利比亚 40 多年之久的这 个政权由于利比亚人民的意愿 寿终正寝。
For the international community, the regime that has ruled Libya for more than 40 years has come to an end by the will of the Libyan people.
种族隔离在欺 骗与暴力之中孕育成形,但却在真理与和解之 寿终 正寝。
Apartheid was conceived in deceit and violence, but it ended in truth and reconciliation.
但是,最近的经济危机重新唤醒 了我们许多人本来认为已寿终正寝 的 保 护主义幽 灵。
However, the recent economic crisis has reawakened the spectre of protectionism that many of us had believed had been put to rest.
寿终正寝之后 , 它还可能作为一种心态,在受害者及其后代的心中、在实行奴隶制的继承者 的心中冥顽不灵。
It can persist as a state of mind — among victims and their descendants and among the inheritors of those who practised it — long after it has formally ended.
自大会上一次举行会议庄严纪念第二次世界大 战以来,又有许许多多的二战老兵离开了我们,他寿终正寝,而 没有死在可怕战场上的枪林弹雨中。
Since the last time the Assembly gathered in solemn commemoration of the Second World War, untold thousands of its veterans have left us, claimed in the fullness of time, not in the clang and terror of battle.
而最后当他在自己的祖寿终正寝后 , 正好他的葬礼队伍经过了米力都(Mil etus)附近的海岸,一大群海豚出现在了港口里,距离参加克拉努斯葬礼的人群非常近,就 好像它们也在参加葬礼、分担悲伤一样。
And when at last he died of old age in his native country, as it so happened that his funeral procession passed along the seashore close to Miletus, a great shoal of dolphins appeared on that day in the harbor, keeping only a very little distance from those who were attending the funeral of Coiranus, as if they also were joining in the procession and sharing in their grief.
如果没有持续停止暴力,联合国工 作人员没有完全的行动自由,在其它方面——六点计 划的所有其它方面没有取得迅速和有效进展的话,那 么我们就必须作出结论,监督团 寿终正寝。
If there is not a sustained cessation of violence, full freedom of movement for United Nations personnel and rapid, meaningful progress on other aspects — all other aspects — of the six-point plan, then we must all conclude that the Mission will have run its course.
她说,她探访了黎巴嫩北部旺地哈立德(Wadi Khaled)和东部贝卡谷地的农村及正规 安 置点的难民,难民目前的生活条件令 寝 食 难 安。
She said she had been emotionally affected by the
conditions the refugees
[...] were facing in villages and informal settlements she’d visited in Wadi Khaled in the north [...]
and in the eastern Bekaa Valley.
因此,对那些已达到其自寿命终点 或 其他组织更 有条件开展的活动应当实行“自然淘汰”的法则。
Sunset clauses should therefore be introduced for
those activities that have reached the end
[...] of their natural life or which other organizations [...]
are better equipped to deal with.
该国政府告知工作 组,一人因被控与该案有关而被捕 正 在 等待 最 终 判 决
The Government informed the Working Group that
an individual has been
[...] arrested and is being prosecuted in connection to this case and that a final judgment is awaited.
对于气象卫星 6
[...] 号,遵循 ISO 24113 号标准,所进行终结寿命操作完全符 合这一标准(见下文)。
For Meteosat-6, ISO 24113 was followed and full compliance with it achieved
[...] as far as end-of-life operations were [...]
concerned (see below).
一旦实现 2013 年和
[...] 2015 年的履约目标,应审议重点替换使 寿 命 终 结 的 设备的备选办法,在编制氟氯烃淘汰管理 [...]
Once the 2013 and 2015 compliance targets had been met, options for
prioritizing replacement of equipment at the
[...] end of its useful life should be considered, [...]
an approach which should also be taken
into account when preparing HPMPs.
当您的 Jabra 产品的使寿命终结时 ,请确保将产品送到贵国的废弃电子电气设备回收站。
When you’re finished using your Jabra product, please make sure you deliver the product for recycling to the WEEE collection system in your country.
2008 年,全球信息技术促进环发倡议开发了一个使 寿 命 终 点 管 理 工具,将会把这一工具纳入电子产品供应链问责工具现有的供应商自我评估问 卷。
In 2008 the Global e-Sustainability Initiative
[...] developed an end-of-life management tool [...]
that will be integrated into the existing
E-TASC self-assessment questionnaire for suppliers.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年开始并持 终 身 的 正 规和 非正规教 育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 [...]
增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy,
including functional literacy,
[...] formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, [...]
education in the mother
tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
[...] 片,其中包括改进运载火箭和航天器的设计,使卫星转轨,进行钝化 终 结寿 命作业,以及开发特定的空间碎片减缓软件和模型。
The Subcommittee noted with appreciation that States had adopted a number of approaches and concrete actions to mitigate space debris, including the improvement of the design of launch vehicles and
spacecraft, the reorbiting of satellites,
[...] passivation, end-of-life operations and the [...]
development of specific software and models for space debris mitigation.
图8给出了一个上下铺的实例,其寝 空 间 、面积以及通风条件都符 合最低标准,并且可以从一侧上床。
Figure 7 gives an example of bunk beds which conform to minimum standards in terms of the size of sleeping space, floor space and ventilation, and which allow lateral access.
秘书处忆及,分析和采样方法如同食典标准中任何其他规定一样,由食典委审议 通过,并指出审议中的文本明确规定食典委拥有决定一项修正是编辑性还是实质性正 的最终权力
The Secretariat recalled that methods of analysis and sampling were considered for adoption by the Commission as any other provision in Codex standards, and noted that the text under
consideration specified that the
[...] Commission had the final authority to decide whether an amendment was [...]
of an editorial or substantive nature.
在更发达的经济体,生产力的快素下降加 寿 命 延 长 正 导 致 老龄化的人群,老年 人比例越来越高。
In more-developed economies, rapid reductions in fertility combined with improvements in survival are leading to an ageing population, wherein an increasing proportion of the population is concentrated among older age groups.
事实上,学生们早上离开在杰斯特楼 寝 室 , 等到当晚返回时,他们的房间就已完全被置于消防水喷淋设施的保护之下。
In fact, at Jester Hall the students left their rooms in the morning and were able to return to a room that was completely protected with fire sprinklers by that evening.
在首次安装后应检查系统的电气连续性,然后制定定期 检查连续性的时间表,以终保持正 确 的 接地。
Check your system electrical continuity after the
initial installation, and then set up a regular schedule for checking
[...] continuity to be sure proper grounding is maintained.
施工时间的安排对于学校项目而言非常关键,因 寝 室 、 教室和公共生活及学习区域一年当中只在特定的时期使用,如果在这些期间的任何其他时间关闭这些场所,承包商将会因为无法按时完工而增加成本,同时也会给教育机构和学生带来很大的不便。
Timing is crucial in school projects as dormitories, classrooms and common living and learning spaces are only occupied for certain spans of time during the year, and any other closures of the space can mean that plumbing contractors lose money for missing their goals, and educational institutions and their students can be majorly inconvenienced.
拟建中心总部将设在位于萨瓦王寝 宫 内 雄伟的维纳里亚王宫城堡群中,后者于 1997 年被列入《世界遗产名录》。
The headquarters of the proposed Centre will be hosted in the monumental Venaria Reale castle complex, located within the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy, which were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1997.
应用领域包 括汽车座椅、室内装潢寝具泡 沫、高性能弹性体、用于 建筑和冷藏货物的各种隔热材料、包装、电气和电子设 备、鞋底、休闲和运动设备、工业和办公设备的辊轮等。
These include automotive seating, upholstery and bedding foam, high performance elastomers, various insulation material for buildings and refrigerated goods, packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, shoe soles in footwear, leisure and sports equipment and rollers in industrial and office equipment.
摇篮或者小床的尺寸不应该太大,床垫的尺寸要合适且不能太 软;甚至要注意小孩的脚部能触到摇篮或小床的底部,不使孩子寝时滑动。
Accordingly, the bassinette or cot must not be too big and the mattress must be the same size, and not too soft; also you must lay the baby in a way that his feet touch the bottom of the bassinette or cot so that he cannot slide down.
此外,法律也规范了处理 入住感化院未成年人的程序,当中最严重的纪律处分是青少年在晚间被安排入住 单寝室,为期最长
Furthermore, the Law details the procedures for dealing with the minors in the YOI and the most serious disciplinary action is placing them into an individual bedroom during the night period for at the most a month, without prejudice to counselling concerning their education and normal activities.
正在始终如一 地落实建议采取的第一项行动,即“认识到武装冲突期间侵犯 妇女和女孩人权的严重程度;并确保这一认识体现于所有和平支助行动的规划和 实施中”,但在“通过对妇女和妇女组织进行正式和平进程培训等活动,确保妇 女全面参与国家和国际一级的和平协议谈判”的工作尚未取得进展。
Whereas the first action recommended to “recognize the extent of the violations of the human rights of women and girls during armed conflict and ensure that awareness of these violations is a factor in planning and implementation of all peace support operations”, is being consistently implemented, efforts to ensure the “full involvement of women in negotiations of peace agreements at national and international levels, including through the provision of training for women and women’s organizations on formal peace processes” are yet to gain ground.
包含对功能缺陷患者的诊断、评估、预防及 治疗,其目的是便利、保持或恢复患者的大部分功能及自理能力, 终 重 归 正常 生活。
Rehabilitation of patients with reparable functional deficiencies comprises diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and treatment and aims at facilitating, maintaining or improving patients' achievable functional capacity and independence so as to enable them to return to their habitual environments.
[...] 迫采取的紧缩措施让难民们忧虑不安,担心国际社 会不再致力于必要的人道主义援助,甚至 终 不再 支持正解决他们的困境。
Regrettably, the austerity measures the Agency had been forced to apply on various occasions had made the refugee population fearful that the international community
was no longer committed to the necessary humanitarian
[...] assistance, or even ultimately to a just resolution of [...]
their plight.




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