单词 | 天那水 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 天那水—paint thinnerSee also:天水—Tianshui prefecture level city in Gansu 那天—that day the other day
阿星从天空下降,转变成一个美丽的女人,谁引导他们黑暗岛,巢穴的水雾,在那里他们发现了最后一个幸存的主Lilliandil。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A star descends from the sky andtransforms into Lilliandil, a beautiful woman who guides them to the Dark Island, lair of [...] the mist, where they [...]discover the last surviving Lord. seekcartoon.com |
妇女及其家庭面临许多与安全和健康有关的挑战,每天必须走很远的路,花 上几个小时去取水,而那水往往是受到污染的有害身体健康的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women and their families experience multiple challenges relating to security and health when they have to [...] travel considerable [...] distances and spend several hours a day collecting water, which isoften polluted and dangerous [...]to their health and well-being. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管这两 项司法裁决都下令将他立即释放,直到他被驱逐那天,都一直被拘留。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite these two court decisions ordering his immediate release, he remained in [...] detention until the dayofhis deportation. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于那些想要阻碍索马里实现和平的人,我们必 须采取坚定的立场,其中包括那些想浑水摸鱼,要把 我国重新拉回到死亡和战争年代去的破坏分子。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must take a firm stand against those who would hinder the [...] achievement of peace in [...] Somalia, including those destructive individuals who would fish in troubledwaters andact to return the [...]country to the years of loss and fighting. daccess-ods.un.org |
年少旅途中干旱的中东和非洲沙漠里天空和落日的颜色,亚洲潮湿的空气,斯堪的纳维亚半岛上低浮半空中的厚重云朵,童年时那些汗水淋漓的夏日午后,周围一片静谧,只传来蝉的啾鸣声,还有那高远的秋日长空——所有这些往日画面层层叠叠,累积成我心底的蓝色记忆。 shanghaibiennale.org | The colorsof the skiesand sunsets in the arid deserts of the Middle East and Africa, where I traveled when I was young, the humid airs of Asia, the heavy, low-hanging clouds of Scandinavia, those sweltering summer afternoon [...] scenes of my childhood [...]when all was quiet save for the chirping of the cicadas, and then the soaring skies of autumn – all the images of these many reminiscences have become layered, and have remained within me as blue memory. shanghaibiennale.org |
智利代表团指出,由于特定的地理结构,某些矿泉水天然含有一些高含量物质, 如砷、锰、硼和氟化物,不支持通过这些标准。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Chile indicated that [...] some natural mineralwaters due to certain geological [...]structure naturally contained [...]higher levels of some substances such as arsenic, manganese, boron and fluoride and did not support the adoption of these levels. codexalimentarius.org |
各位部长重申黎巴嫩对其石油和水、天然气资源的权利,特别是那些位于 其专属经济区内的资源,其西南边界是根据黎巴嫩政府于2010年9月7日和2010 年12月10日向联合国秘书处交存的地图划定的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers reiterated the right of [...] Lebanon toits oiland water and gasresources, especiallythose locatedwithin [...]its exclusive economic [...]zone, which South-West boundaries were delineated according to the maps that were deposited by the government of Lebanon to the Secretariat of the United Nations on 9/7/2010 and 12/10/2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后维持在那一水平,直到低于更替水平的生育率持续 100 年,此后缓慢上升到更替水平,并维持在那一水平,直到 2300 年。 daccess-ods.un.org | It then remains at that levelfor enough time to complete 100 years of below-replacement fertility, after which it rises slowly to replacement level and remains at replacement level until 2300. daccess-ods.un.org |
十年宣传和推广方案举办了一系列有益的宣传举措,包括在 2008 年萨拉戈 [...] 萨博览会设立联合国水机制展馆; 为 2009 年伊斯坦布尔世界水论坛的联合国水 机制展区提供支助(由联合国水机制秘书处和粮农组织协调);每年的斯德哥尔摩 [...] 水周;在萨拉戈萨举办水问题记者讲习班和水运营商讲习班;与非洲之家西班牙 基金一起在大加那利岛为非洲水官员举办联合活动;以及 2010 年根据与塞万提 斯文化研究所达成的协定在世界各地举办一系列关于水质的讲座。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Programme on Communication and Advocacy has organized a series of catalytic communications initiatives, including: the UN-Water pavilion at the Zaragoza Expo 2008; support to the UN-Water exhibition area at the World Water Forum in Istanbul in 2009, which was coordinated by the UN-Water secretariat and FAO; the annual Stockholm Water Week; a journalists workshop on water and a workshop for water operators in [...] Zaragoza; a joint [...] event forAfrican water officials with the Spanish fund Casa Africa in Gran Canary Island; [...]and a series of lectures in 2010 onwater quality around the world under [...]an agreement with the Cervantes Cultural Institute. daccess-ods.un.org |
果利用公共部门提供的资金进行发展和应用的绿色革命不能有效地提高处于各种农业生态 环境中的贫困农民的生活水平,那么很显然由私营部门领导的生物技术相关研究更不可能 [...] 达到这个目的。 iprcommission.org | But if the Green Revolution which was developed and applied with public sector funding failed to reach [...] effectively poor farmers living in [...] agro-ecologically diverse rainfedenvironments, it [...]is apparent that biotechnology-related [...]research led by the private sector will be even less likely to do so. iprcommission.org |
在夏天,水塔是十分受欢迎的了望点,从那高处可俯视汉科和邻近的海域。 visitfinland.com | In the summer it isalso a popular vantage point, offering spectacular [...] views of Hanko and the sea. visitfinland.com |
包括店内药 物和附属的药品批发业 务。药房的客户包括在 法兰克福附近做健康水疗的病人,那里的订货 用汽车派送。 fresenius100.de | Among its customers were the health spas in the vicinity of Frankfurt, and supplies were taken there by car. fresenius100.de |
主管政治事务助理秘书长奥斯卡·费尔南德斯·塔兰科和主管维和行动助理秘书 [...] 长埃德蒙德·穆莱特向安理会通报情况,介绍秘书长第十七次报告和联合国驻黎 [...] 巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)行动地区最新情况,包括前晚发生的违反第 1701(2006) 号决议的情况,那天晚上,有人从黎巴嫩鲁马什地区向以色列北部发射了至少两 枚火箭,以色列国防军以炮火进行了回击。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, and the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Edmond Mulet, briefed the Council on the seventeenth report of the Secretary-General and recent developments in the area of operation of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), including the [...] violation of resolution 1701 [...] (2006) the previous evening when at least two rocketswere launched from [...]the area of Rumaysh in Lebanon [...]into northern Israel and the Israel Defense Forces retaliated with artillery fire. daccess-ods.un.org |
在大会开幕式上,萨尔瓦多总统毛里西奥·富内斯·卡塔赫 纳就全国土着人民在过去五个世纪里受到的伤害向他们道歉,从那天起,他将正 式终止历史上否定民族多样性的状况,承认萨尔瓦多是一个多族裔、多文化的社 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the opening of the Congress, the President of El Salvador, Mauricio Funes Cartagena, apologized to the nation’s [...] indigenous peoples for the [...] harm theyhad suffered over the past five centuries and stated that from that day forward he would [...]officially terminate the [...]historical denial of the diversity of peoples and acknowledge El Salvador to be a multi-ethnic and multicultural society. daccess-ods.un.org |
你总得在生日那天宠一下自己……昨天,我在卢塞恩的Embassy拿到了我期待已久的MIH的手表,这可是位于拉夏德芳的国际钟表博物馆的官方手表。 iontime.ch | You’ve gotto spoil yourself for your birthday…Yesterday,I wasat Embassy [...] in Lucerne to get my long awaited MIH watch, [...]official timepiece of the International Museum of Watchmaking in La Chaux-de-Fonds. iontime.ch |
在 2011 年 5 月 20 日的达格罗贝寺 “友谊日”那天,双方士兵喝着泰国啤酒和柬埔寨威 士忌,在有争议的古寺废墟上玩着法国保龄球,但 有些军官则一言不发。 crisisgroup.org | At a Ta Krabei “friendship day”on 20 May 2011, troops from both sides drank Thai beer, Khmer whisky and played French bowls in the disputed temple’s ruins, but some commanders were not talking. crisisgroup.org |
能源数据的提供对大 [...] 多数小岛屿发展中国家而言都是一个大问题,但从能说明问题的国家数据中显然 可以看出,只有那些有水力发电潜力的小岛屿发展中国家的可再生能源所占比例 [...]较高。 daccess-ods.un.org | While energy data availability is a serious issue for most small island developing States, it is [...] evident from illustrative national [...] data thatonlythose with hydropowerpotentialhave [...]high shares of renewable energy. daccess-ods.un.org |
各位委员也许都知道,我们於2008年在天水围区11个公共屋邨,推行「房屋谘询及服务队」试验计划,以协助新屋邨住户适应新的居住环境,以及加强住户的归属感。 housingauthority.gov.hk | As Members may be aware, in 2008 we launched a pilot scheme, the Housing Advisory and Service Team (HAST), to assist new PRH tenants to adapt to their new living environment and foster a stronger sense of belonging among them in 11 PRH estates in Tin Shui Wai district. housingauthority.gov.hk |
答覆: 所有有关污水设施的操作及维修服务表现指标,均较 2003 年的水平为高;只有那些有关基本工程项目总值的指标,较 2003 年的水平为低。 devb.gov.hk | Reply : All performance indicators relating to the [...] operation and maintenance [...] of sewage facilities are at a higher level compared with 2003; the only indicators showing a lower level are thoserelating to the [...]value of capital projects. devb.gov.hk |
其中一个典型例子就是英格兰和威尔士的情 [...] 况,当地的取水许可规定了许可证持有人拥有从指定水源地取用一定水量的权利,同 时还保证不允许其他人来取用已分配给许可证持有人的那部分水量。wrdmap.org | A typical system is that used in England and Wales, where an abstraction licence gives the right to take a certain quantity of [...] water from a specified source and guarantees that no one else can [...] take theshare of water thatis already allocated to you. wrdmap.org |
於 完 成 重 组 前 , 本 集 团 於 二 零 一一年 一 月 一 日 及 二 零 一一年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 之 股 本 指 [...] 本 公 司 全 资 附 属 公 司海天 水电集团 有 限 公 司(「 海 天 [...]BVI」)及 本 公 司 之 股 本 。 haitianhydropower.com | Prior to the completion of the Reorganisation, the share capital of the Group as at 1 January 2011 and [...] 31 December 2011 represented the share [...] capital of Haitian HydropowerGroup Limited (‘‘ [...]Haitian BVI’’), a wholly-owned subsidiary [...]of the Company and the Company. haitianhydropower.com |
那天晚上,雨果有一个梦想,在那里他发现了一个金色的心形钥匙躺在railbed站,但运行的列车接近他的梦想与图像的Gare Montparnasse的事故1895结束。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Thatnight,Hugo has a dream where he finds a golden heart-shaped key lying on a railbed in the station but is run over by an approaching train and his dream ends with images of the Gare Montparnasse accident of 1895. seekcartoon.com |
一名见证 这一可怕行径的阿富汗国家安全局的目击证人说,是 高级和平委员会的一名成员、前塔利班政权的一名副 部长 Rahmatullah [...] Wahidyar 把自杀式炸弹手带去见 拉巴尼和总统高级顾问 Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai 的,后者在那天的袭击中受重伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | An eyewitness from the National Directorate of Security (NDS) of Afghanistan who was witness to this gruesome act said that Rahmatullah Wahidyar, a member of the High Peace Council and Deputy Minister in the former Taliban regime, was the one who brought the bomber to meet with [...] Rabbani and with top presidential adviser Mohammad [...] Masoom Stanekzai, who wasalso seriously injuredin thatday’sattack. daccess-ods.un.org |
然 而,需要国际社会提供帮助、特别是在能力建设方面, [...] 以便解放整个索马里,不仅是首都摩加迪沙,据报就在那天上午摩加迪沙发生的自杀式袭击造成 [...]70 或更 多的人死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the help of the international community, especially in capacitybuilding, was needed in order to liberate the whole of [...] Somalia, not only the capital Mogadishu, where a suicide attack had reportedly killed 70 [...] or more peoplethat verymorning. daccess-ods.un.org |