

单词 经济困境

See also:

经济 adj

economic adj
financial adj

经济 n

economies pl
economic development n


in difficulty

External sources (not reviewed)

土耳其积极宣传索马里经济困境, 并宣布了对该国的一揽子援助计划。
Turkey has taken an active role in raising
[...] awareness of the economic plight in Somalia and [...]
has announced a comprehensive aid package for that country.
当前的全经济困境可能使很多发 展中国家最近几年的发展进步付之东流,因而这种努 力就更加必要。
This is all the more imperative in the midst of the
[...] current global economic difficulties, which have threatened [...]
to set back recent development
progress in many developing countries.
然而,用于武器的钱比用于 缓解饥饿、促进农业发展以及缓解大多数国家现在所面 经济困境 的 钱多 100 倍。
However, what is spent for weapons is 100 times greater than what is spent to
alleviate hunger, promote agricultural
[...] development and ease the economic predicament in which most [...]
countries find themselves.
除该集 团有非包容和非官方性质外,其中许多成员国还是导 致世界陷入目经济困境的正 统金融和经济理论的 积极倡导者。
Aside from the Group’s being non-inclusive and unofficial, many of the countries at that table represent the
champions of the
[...] financial and economic orthodoxies that led the world down the rabbit hole to its current economic malaise.
火山活动和飓风破坏、由此而产生的人口和商业中 心的流动以及社经济困境继续 给蒙特塞拉特造成了巨大困难。
Volcanic activity and hurricane damage, the resultant movement of population and
commercial centres and the
[...] attendant socio-economic difficulties continued to create tremendous difficulties for Montserrat.
本法之目的在于为处理跨国界破产案件提供有效机制,以促进达到下述 目标:(a)本国法院及其他主管机构与外国法院及其他主管机构之间涉及跨
国界破产案件的合作;(b)加强贸易和投资方面的法律确定性;(c)公平而有 效率地实施跨国界破产管理,保护所有债权人和其他有关当事人的利益,
[...] 包括债务人的利益;(d)保护并尽量增大债务人资产的价值;(e)便于挽救陷经济困境的企 业,从而保护投资和维持就业。
The purpose of this law is to provide effective mechanisms for dealing with cases of cross-border insolvency so as to promote the objectives: (a) cooperation between the courts and other competent authorities of this State and foreign States involved in cases of cross-border insolvency; (b) greater legal certainty for trade and investment; (c) fair and efficient administration of cross-border insolvencies that protects the interests of all creditors and other interested persons, including the debtor; (d) protection and maximization of the value of the
debtor’s assets; and (e) facilitation of
[...] the rescue of financially troubled businesses, thereby [...]
protecting investment and preserving employment.
卷入事件或事故会对学业造成影响,而且可能会陷 经济困境 , 所 以关键在于平时多加注意, 以免遭到危险。
Being involved in incidents or accidents has impact on
your studies and may sometimes
[...] force you into an economically difficult situation, [...]
therefore be careful not to meet with danger.
处境 特殊的国家在实现国际公认的发展目标的过程中所
[...] 取得的重要收益有可能逆转;由于严重的财政经 济困境,表 现良好的经济体正逐渐沦为那些被认为 [...]
The important gains made by countries in special situations in achieving internationally agreed
development goals were in danger of reversal; and
[...] well-performing economies were being pushed [...]
into the ranks of those deemed to be
in special situations because of serious financial and economic distress.
在全球处于金融经济困境的时 刻,几内亚湾的 海盗行为给有关国家造成了严重的财政和安全影响, 将用于关键的国家发展和社会经济优先事项的重要 [...]
At a time of
[...] global financial and economic hardship, piracy in the Gulf [...]
of Guinea has severe financial and security implications
for the States concerned and diverts important financial resources from key national development and socio-economic priorities to maritime security.
经济困境减缓 了它们 实现千年发展目标的步伐,直接影响了食品和能源供应。
The economic hardship had slowed their [...]
progress towards attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, directly affecting the food and energy supply.
在世界各地无数人面经济困境时, 联合国工作人员应树立恰当的榜样。
United Nations personnel and Member States should set an appropriate example at a time when so many people around the world were facing economic hardship.
2008 年政府宣布将Haliyas 从同地主
[...] 订立的契约劳务关系中“解放出来”,但是许多人仍然维持已经延续几代人的债 务劳工协议,因为他们担心在离开之后会陷 经济困境。
Furthermore, despite a 2008 government directive “freeing” Haliyas from their bonded labour relationships with landowners,
many remain in the same debt labour agreements perpetuated for
[...] generations, fearing economic destitution if they leave.
当单亲家庭陷入极经济困境时, 堂区团体(如圣云先会)可帮助他们解决燃眉之急,或协助他们申请综援,或作其他安排。
When these
[...] families fall into dire poverty, parish communities [...]
(e.g. Society of St. Vincent de Paul) can help them to meet
their urgent material needs, or to apply for public assistance or have recourse to other arrangements.
关于制裁对津巴布韦的影响有两派不同的观点:一 些人认为津巴布韦受到了广泛制裁,这个制裁机制 是造成经济困境的主要原因;6 一些人则声称制裁 是有限的,ZANU-PF 的政策和行为才是造成国家 经济解体的主要原因。
Brussels will conduct its annual review of these in February 2012.5 A polarised narrative has emerged between those who argue that Zimbabwe is under a broad sanctions regime that is primarily responsible for its economic woes6 and those who claim the sanctions are limited, and ZANU-PF policies and practices are mainly responsible for economic disintegration.7 President Mugabe’s party lumps the targeted sanctions
together with
[...] suspension of most government-to-government development aid and IFI restrictions, including suspension of balance-of-payments support.8 Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono describes [...]
the latter as “undeclared
sanctions”.9 The combination of measures, it can be said, “has exacerbated Zimbabwe’s sovereign risk status” and “negatively affected a range of bilateral lending to Zimbabwe including from the private sector”.10 Yet, more resources have come into Zimbabwe from those imposing the sanctions over the last decade than in the pre-sanctions decade.
认识到许多发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家存在的社 经济困境 , 导 致贫 穷妇女人数日增
Report of the International Conference on Financing for Development, Monterrey, Mexico, 18–22 March 2002 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.02.II.A.7), chap.
[...] 认为到海外工作的大多数人都是为了解决迫在眉睫 经济困境 , 而 不是希望长期 迁居海外;循环移徙为家庭、原籍国经济以及东道国经济都创造了巨大的发展利 益。
Governments counterargued that
most people who work abroad do so to
[...] resolve immediate economic problems, not to [...]
resettle permanently; and that there were
measurable development benefits from circular migration for the families, the economies back home and the host countries.
118 尽管政府采取了积极的政策和措 施,有限的资源经济困境意味 着,难民在充分实现当地融合方面仍面临一些差 距。
However, certain provisions were still not fully in line with international standards.118 Despite positive Government
policies and measures, limited resources
[...] and the difficult economic situation meant [...]
that refugees still face gaps in their
full local integration.119 63.
在安全理事会 2010 年 7 月 21 日的会议上,主管政治事务副秘书长 B. Lynn Pascoe
[...] 说,“这些船队无助于解决加沙的基 经济困境 , 而 且有可能使紧张局势 不必要的升级。
At the Security Council meeting on 21 July 2010, the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, B. Lynn Pascoe, stated: “Such
convoys [vessels] are not helpful to
[...] resolving the basic economic problems of Gaza [...]
and needlessly carry the potential for escalation.
过去 20 年来,非洲各国历经政治动荡、武装冲 突经济困境。
Over the past two decades, African nations have seen their fair share of political turmoil,
[...] armed conflict and economic difficulties.
在苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟崩溃之后,由于出 现与能源、通信及信息孤立相关的出乎意料的新问 题,塔吉克斯坦面临严重经济困境 , 这 不可避免地 影响整个塔吉克民族的核心卫生指标。
Following the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Tajikistan faced a serious economic predicament due to unexpected emerging problems linked to energy, communication and information isolation that inevitably affected the core health indicators of the entire Tajik nation.
纳米比亚一贯支持这样一种观点,即通过提供足够资金和进行有效管理,在 当地执行发展方案,可以显著改善世界上脆弱公民、特别是妇女的社会 经济困 境。
Namibia has always supported the view that the social and economic plight of the world’s vulnerable citizens, particularly women, could be significantly improved through sufficiently funded and effectively managed local implementation of development programmes.
委员会认为,这表明该国因收入来源萎缩问题 加之缺乏充足的外部资金来源而陷入严重 经济困境 , 而 不是表明缺乏履行财政 义务的承诺。
This, in their view, demonstrated the dire economic predicament of the country, where the problem of dwindling revenue sources was exacerbated by the lack of sufficient external sources of funding rather than by a lack of commitment to fulfilling financial obligations.
[...] 于该国财政状况的恶化、黯淡的增长前景、失业程度 以及经济困境相联的社会问题,上述问题就需要引 起特别关注。
There are other issues, such as macroeconomic affairs, that while not peculiar to Bosnia and Herzegovina nonetheless require special attention in view of the deterioration of the country’s financial
situation, poor prospects for growth, unemployment levels and social problems
[...] associated with a difficult economic situation.
因此,对这些国家而言,区经济一 体化是 一个高度优先要务,因为这可以帮助它们摆脱其无缘于各种机遇 困境 ,并 增强其抵御能力。
Therefore, regional economic integration was a high priority for those countries because it could help them overcome their isolation from opportunities [...]
and enhance their resilience.
经济困难环境下, 制订该安保计划已考虑到 32 C/68 号文件中业已完成的设施、现时 [...]
The elaboration of the security plan,
[...] in a difficult economic context, took into [...]
account measures already taken in relation
to document 32 C/68, the updated level of threat and expert recommendations, and included reflection on the rational methods for strengthening safety and security instruments.
Hafiz Pasha
[...] 先生承认需要改革国际金融结构并建议一些改进的领域,例如提高大 型发展中国家在国际金融机构的管理结构中的表决份额和作用,以及增加对 穷国的资金供应以便应困难的经济 环 境。
Mr. Hafiz Pasha acknowledged the need for reform of the international financial architecture and suggested some areas for improvement, such as increasing the voting shares and role in management structures of large developing economies in the international financial
institutions, and increasing the funds
[...] available for poorer countries to navigate the challenging economic environment.
他呼吁世界贸易组织(世贸组织) 成员确保在关于内陆发展中国家的入世谈判中将困境考虑 在内,并且不要求内陆发展中国家做出超 越经济、财政和发展能力的让步。
He appealed to the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to ensure that accession negotiations for
landlocked developing
[...] countries took their predicament into account and did not require concessions beyond their economic, financial and [...]
development capacities.
在 2009 年会议方案中,委员会准备讨论以下问题:纾解人道主义和社经 济困难的 必要性,包括巴勒斯坦妇女和儿童的 境 , 特别是重视亟需支助加沙地 带的恢复、再建和重建工作;国际社会对保护巴勒斯坦人民承担的集体责任和维 [...]
In its programme of meetings for 2009, the Committee intends to address such
issues as the need to
[...] alleviate humanitarian and socio-economic hardships, including the plight of Palestinian women and children, [...]
with particular
focus on the urgent need to support the process of recovery, rebuilding and reconstruction in the Gaza Strip; the collective international responsibility to protect the Palestinian people and the need to uphold international humanitarian law; and the responsibilities of Israeli political and military decision makers for their actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
就中 国外交政策以往的报告,见亚洲报告 N200,《中国和 朝韩黄海冲突》,2011 年 1 月 27 日;亚洲简报 N112, 《中国的缅甸战略:选举、民族冲突 经济 问 题 》, 2010 年 9 月 21 日;N100,《从中国视角看伊朗核问 题》,2010 年 2 月 17 日;亚洲报告 N179,《红色的差 别:中国的朝鲜政策辩论》,2009 年 11 月 2 日; N177,《中国的缅困境》,2009 年 9 月 14 日; N166,《中国的联合国维和贡献与日俱增》,2009 年 4 月 17 日;N153,《中国的石油政策》,2008 年 6 月日。
For previous reporting on Chinese foreign policy, see Asia Report N°200, China and Inter-Korea Clashes in the Yellow Sea, 27 January 2011; Asia Briefings N°112,
China’s Myanmar
[...] Strategy: Elections, Ethnic Politics and Economics, 21 September 2010; N°100, The Iran Nuclear Issue: the View from Beijing, 17 February 2010; Asia Reports N°179, Shades of Red: China’s Debate over North Korea, 2 November 2009; N°177, China’s Myanmar Dilemma, 14 September 2009; N°166, China’s [...]
Growing Role in
UN Peacekeeping, 17 April 2009; N°153, China’s Thirst for Oil, 9 June 2008.




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