

单词 经济情况

See also:

经济 n

economies pl
economic development n



情况 n

circumstances pl
situations pl
state n
case n
context n
circumstance n
matters pl

External sources (not reviewed)

该区域经 济情况具有 多样性,一些国家被列为高中收入国家,而某些国家属于贫穷的重债国 家。
The economies of the region are diverse [...]
with a number of the countries classified as upper- and middle-income countries
while some of them fall into the category of highly indebted poor countries.
我们 将继续加强各种模式,包括通过国家本身、联合国系统和有关多边机构的努力, 加强和改进有关一经济情况和展 望的信息数量和客观性。
We will continue to strengthen modalities, including through the efforts of the country itself, the United Nations system and relevant multilateral
agencies, to enhance and improve the level and objectivity of information
[...] regarding a country’s economic situation and outlook.
资源中心提供关于诸如获取机会和分享收益、立法、知识产权 经济情况 等 主题 的信息材料。
The resource makes available informational material about topics such as access and benefit-sharing,
[...] legislation, intellectual property and economics.
此 外,在一个国家得到有效实施的政策工具,由经 济情况、社 会规范和制度的不同,在另一个国家则 可能是无效的。
Furthermore, an instrument that works well
in one country may not work well in another country
[...] with different economic circumstances, social norms and [...]
安理会有责任确保利比亚危机不会导致萨赫勒 地区脆弱的安全和社经济情况进一 步恶化。
The onus is on the Council to ensure
that the Libyan crisis does not further exacerbate the fragile
[...] security and socio-economic conditions in the Sahel region.
同样,提供给非洲的官方发展援助可能会因为一些捐 助经济情况欠佳 而减少,在 2011 年和以后各年对许多非洲国家的政府支出产 [...]
Similarly, official development
assistance (ODA) to Africa might decline
[...] owing to difficult economic conditions in some [...]
donor countries, with significant negative
consequences for Government spending in many African countries in 2011 and beyond.
经社会强调,在执行可持续发展政策方面仍然存在着重大挑战,包括 全经济情况不确 定、资源不足、执行国家方案的能力欠缺、以及缺乏知识 [...]
The Commission emphasized that significant challenges remain in implementing sustainable development
policies, including the
[...] uncertainties in the global economic situation, inadequate resources, [...]
lack of capacity to implement
national programmes and lack of knowledge and technology, and requested assistance from the international community with respect to those challenges.
在老年人中,一个很大比例的多数是女性,尤其是 80 岁及以 上的老年人;老年男子比老年妇女比更有可能在婚;越来越多的老年人居住在城
[...] 市地区,尽管许多老年人仍然生活在农村地区;老年人之间的生活条件、社经 济情况和健康状况有相当大的差异。
A sizeable majority of older persons are female, especially those aged 80 and above; older men are more likely to be married compared to older women; an increasing number of older persons reside in urban areas, although many still live in rural areas; and
there are considerable variations with regard to their living
[...] conditions, socio-economic circumstances and health status.
宣言》除了普遍的基本人权外并未规定任何新的 特殊权利,而是在土著人民特定的文化、历史、社 会经济情况中阐述了这些权利。
The Declaration created no new special rights separate from the universal fundamental human rights,
but it elaborated upon them in the specific cultural,
[...] historical, social and economic circumstances of indigenous peoples.
(h) 不确定、特别是出现重经济情况时 不 确定备用地点或业务工作的委 托代理/转移。
(h) Not deciding on alternate locations or devolution/transfer of business processes, in
[...] particular for major emergency situations.
认识到需要为发展融资采取富有创意的改进办法,以应对当前全 经济情 况、贫 穷和实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标所带来的挑战,并强 [...]
调指出,这些新办法既不应替代也不应影响包括官方发展援助在内的传统来源的 发展筹资水平,而且此种办法应本着伙伴、合作与团结精神加以制定,同时应考
Recognizing that innovative and enhanced approaches to financing for development are needed to
address the challenges posed by
[...] the current global economic situation, poverty and the [...]
achievement of the internationally
agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and stressing that these new approaches should neither be a substitute for nor negatively affect the level of traditional sources of development financing, including official development assistance, and that they need to be developed in a spirit of partnership, cooperation and solidarity, bearing in mind the common interests and national priorities of each country
国际社会还必须敦促 以色列结束对加沙地带的封锁并执行相关联合国决 议,包括第 1860(2009)号决议,这项决议呼吁,除其 他外,畅通无阻地向整个加沙人民提供和发放人道主
[...] 义援助,包括粮食、燃料和医疗、开放人道主义走廊 以及国际社会努力减轻加沙的人道主义 经济情况。
The international community must also urge Israel to end the blockade of the Gaza Strip and implement the relevant United Nations resolutions, including resolution 1860 (2009), which calls, inter alia, for the unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance, including food, fuel and medical treatment, to citizens throughout Gaza, for the
opening of humanitarian corridors and for international efforts to alleviate the
[...] humanitarian and economic situation in Gaza.
按照经修订的编写定期报告的准则( CERD/C/2007/1)第10至12 段,委员
[...] 会建议缔约国向委员会提供资料,说明其人口结构,资料应按民族血统和族 裔分裂,并提供不同群经济情况的 统 计数字,据以评估他们的经济、社会 和文化状况以及其权利得到保护的程度。
In accordance with paragraphs 10 to 12 of its revised reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), the Committee recommends that the State party provide information on the composition of its population, disaggregated by national and
ethnic origin, as well as statistical
[...] data on the socio-economic situation of the various [...]
groups, to enable the Committee to
evaluate their situation in economic, social and cultural terms and the level of protection of their rights.
参与义务劳动的能力要依据人们的整 经济情况而 定,以及人们能够在多大程度上为了未来的利益而放弃眼前的收益。
The ability to participate in unpaid work depends on
[...] people’s overall economic situation, and the extent [...]
to which they can forego immediate
payment for some future benefit.
对西方国家而言,这意味着更全面、精准地了解中国的社会、政治 经济情况。
For the West, this means developing a far richer and more nuanced understanding of China’s
[...] social, political and economic context.
所有社会福利援助案例均经过经济 情况调查”,以确定个人或家庭的财务状况,看他们是符合受援资格。
All social welfare assistance cases are “means-tested” to determine the individual’s or
[...] household’s financial situation and whether they [...]
qualify for assistance.
[...] 定;对特困户收入阈值和资格标准作了修订;利用刚刚制订的代 经济情况 调查 公式,提出了新的付款办法。
The poverty lines (absolute and abject) in all field locations were reviewed and defined, income
thresholds and eligibility criteria for
[...] the special hardship case families were revised [...]
and new payment schemes proposed based
on the utilization of a newly developed proxy means test formula.
大多数泡沫 塑料制造商已经转向甲基氯,一些由于该 经济情况 已 经 停产。
Most foam manufacturers have already switched to methylene chloride (MC), and some have stopped operations
[...] due to the economic conditions in the country.
鉴于国内的社经济情况,通 过了一项消除童工现象的多元化战略,它强 调立法措施、有利于童工家庭的总体发展方案、以及在童工高度集中地区开展项 目活动。
Given the socio-economic conditions in the country, a multi-pronged strategy for elimination of child labour has been adopted, which [...]
emphasises on legislative
measures; general development programmes for the benefit of families of child labour and projectbased action in areas of high concentration of child labour.
社工会根据 不同基金的申请条件及种类,评估申请人的情况,包括他们 经济情况 , 提 供适 当的协助。
Social workers will assess the conditions of the applicants including their financial resources in accordance with the respective criteria and categories of charitable funds and provide them with appropriate assistance.
9.79 编列经费 12 744 200 美元,其中包括:(a) 12 029 600 美元用于维持 44 个员额(1 个 D-2、 3 个 D-1、5 个 P-5、8 个 P-4、5 个 P-3、5 个 P-2/1、7 个一般事务人员(特等)和 10 个一般
[...] [...] 事务人员(其他职等)),为发展政策委员会提供实务支助和行政支助,并协助政府间进程发现 和了解新的和正在出现的经济问题,致力于改善有关世 经济情况 的 对话,以及加强发展中 国家将宏观经济政策和社会政策纳入国家发展战略的能力;(b) 714 600 美元的非员额资源, [...]
包括其他工作人员费用(61 700
美元)、咨询人(132 500 美元)、专家(242 000 美元)、工作人 员差旅费(131 200 美元)、订约承办事务(59 700 美元)、用品和材料(26 100 美元)以及家具和 设备(61 400 美元)。
9.79 The amount of $12,744,200 provides (a) $12,029,600 for 44 posts (1 D-2, 3 D-1, 5 P-5, 8 P-4, 5 P-3, 5 P-2/1, 7 General Service (Principal level) and 10 General Service (Other level)) to provide substantive and administrative support to the Committee for Development Policy and to the intergovernmental process in identifying
and understanding new
[...] and emerging economic issues, pursuing improved dialogue on the world economic situation and strengthening [...]
the capacity of developing
countries to integrate macroeconomic and social policies in national development strategies; and (b) $714,600 for non-post requirements including other staff costs ($61,700), consultants ($132,500), experts ($242,000), travel of staff ($131,200), contractual services ($59,700), supplies and materials ($26,100) and furniture and equipment ($61,400).
为特经济情况而制 定的粮食安全和民生措施,加上文化和社会心理支持活动,也有助于防止招募和 [...]
Food security and livelihood measures, tailored
[...] to the specific economic context, together with [...]
cultural and psychosocial support activities,
can also contribute to preventing the recruitment and the rerecruitment of children.
认识到全球化主要由经济自由化和技术驱动,这就意味着,一国 经济情况 正日益受其地理边界之外的各种因素的影响,要公平地实现全球化惠益的最大 化,就必须制定对策,通过加强全球发展伙伴关系应对全球化,以实现包括千年 [...]
Recognizing that globalization, driven
[...] largely by economic liberalization and technology, implies that the economic performance of a country [...]
is increasingly affected
by factors outside its geographical borders and that maximizing in an equitable manner the benefits of globalization requires developing responses to globalization through a strengthened global partnership for development to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals
这可能扩大发展中国家之间在进入国际资本市场融资方面 的差异,迫使条件较差或宏 经济情况 不 佳 的国家更多地依靠多边机构提供资 金,或以较差的条件进行成本更高的融资。
This could deepen the differences among developing countries in terms of access to the international capital markets, which would oblige less well-endowed or more macroeconomically vulnerable countries to rely more heavily on financing from multilateral agencies or on more expensive financing under less advantageous conditions.
后来为了适应不断 变化的人员结构和实经济情况,对 规定进行了调整,结果是要求非全额参加者也要纳费。
Eventually, rules were changed to adapt them to the evolving
[...] demography and economic reality and as [...]
a result associate participants were required to pay a contribution too.
不稳定局势成为犯罪与恐怖活动 和腐败发展的沃土。社会经济情况 不 良 和缺乏法治 与犯罪活动和腐败不断上升之间的因果关系非常明 [...]
确,造成发展难以为继,影响国内、区域及国际和平 与安全。
The clear cause-andeffect relationship between
[...] poor social and economic situations and a lack [...]
of the rule of law on the one hand and
rising crime and corruption on the other makes development unsustainable and affects domestic, regional and international peace and security.
关于发展援助的重大决策仍然主要是根据宏 经济情况 制 订的,但是人均国 民生产值已不再是衡量发展进步的唯一考虑因素,因为发展进步越来越多地是指 社会、体制、政治及人文等方面的全面进步;国家只有取得这些进步,才能使其 [...]
Major development assistance decisions are still based
[...] primarily on macroeconomics, but national per capita production is no longer the [...]
sole factor to be considered
in measuring progress towards development since the term refers increasingly to the entire range of progress in the social, institutional, political and human spheres that a country must make in order to give its inhabitants longer, more peaceful and happier lives.
委员会还鼓励缔约国和国际伙伴交流和传播最大限度地减 经济情况 对儿 童受教育权的负面影响方面的经验教训,以提高应急准备状态,以免紧急情况下 受教育权再遭侵犯。
States parties and international partners are also encouraged by the
Committee to share and
[...] disseminate lessons learned about minimizing the negative impact of emergency situations on children’s [...]
right to education,
with a view to achieving better preparedness and avoiding the recurrence of violation of the right to education in emergency situations.
如出现自然灾害、内乱或紧 经济情况 等紧 急情况,需要儿基会立刻作出反应以便在收到按照细则 104.4 捐助的其他资 源之前就开始行动,即可动用应急准备金。
The emergency reserve shall be
[...] available in cases of emergency, including natural disasters, civil strife or economic emergency, where [...]
the immediate response
of UNICEF is necessary to start operations until Other Resources are received through Contributions as provided in Rule 104.4.




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