单词 | 荒野 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 荒野 —wilderness荒野 adjective —wild adj荒野 noun —heathland nExamples:荒山野岭—wild, mountainous country See also:荒 adj—absurd adj • ridiculous adj • desolate adj 荒—shortage • scarce • uncultivated • out of practice 野 n—field n • boundary n 野—feral • rude • open space
本 港郊野公園及鄉郊㆞區荒野處處,遠離塵囂,無論在社會或精神生活方面均具有寶貴 [...] 價值,實非任何哥爾夫球場可以替代。 legco.gov.hk | The wilderness and solitude of our [...] precious country parks and countryside have social and spiritual value which no golf course can ever substitute. legco.gov.hk |
倘若居於該區的某先生沒有將「沙發」棄 置荒野,某 太太也沒有亂掉膠袋,事實㆖就可以避免今次的災情。 legco.gov.hk | If Mr A who lives in that district had not dumped [...] the sofa in the wilderness, or Mrs B had not [...]scattered plastic bags about, the disaster [...]could have been avoided this time, as a matter of fact. legco.gov.hk |
只需要几分钟,您便可以离开滑雪度假区或大城市的忙乱与喧哗,走 进 荒野 的 和 平宁静天地。 visitfinland.com | In just a few minutes, you can leave behind the hustle and bustle of a ski resort or a city and arrive in the [...] peace and quiet of the wilderness. visitfinland.com |
这不仅体现了底特律市民的荒野精神 、创造力和强烈的共同体意识,也展示了这座城市备受国际关注的艺术遗产。 shanghaibiennale.org | It exemplifies Detroiters’ wild spirit, ingenuity, [...] strong sense of communal identity, and the artistic legacy that has received [...]international attention as a result of it. shanghaibiennale.org |
我和那些在荒野中与 我共同奋斗 20 多年的同 伴们已用金盘子为你们奉献出《全面和平协议》。 daccess-ods.un.org | I and those who joined me in the bush and fought for more than 20 years have brought to you the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on a golden plate. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然罗恩穿的小盒,他克服了怀疑哈利和赫敏都陷入了爱河,他放弃了 在 荒野 中。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | While Ron wears the locket, he is overcome with the suspicion that Harry and Hermione are falling in love, and he [...] abandons the two in the wilderness. seekcartoon.com |
由于欧洲大多数地方已经改变了其大部 分 荒野 地 带 ,但是,人们日益担心美 洲这个新世界会照搬这一做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since in Europe, for [...] the most part, the wilderness had been transformed, [...]there was increasing concern that the new world, [...]the Americas, would follow suit. daccess-ods.un.org |
在荒 野地方 ,適當的衣服,露營用品及適當鞋襪等極為重要。 uhs.hku.hk | Remember, under [...] adverse conditions in wilderness areas, your life [...]can depend on your clothing, camping gear and footwear. uhs.hku.hk |
现在轮到你们了,特别是 那些没有机会体验荒野生活的人们。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is now your turn, especially those who did not have a chance to experience bush life”. daccess-ods.un.org |
偏远的荒野地区 城镇稀少,设施罕见,镇与镇之间通常相隔非常遥远的距离,这一点应特别注意,并应相应计划好您的旅行 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Our remote wilderness areas have few [...] towns and facilities, often with large distances between them, so be aware and plan your trip studyinaustralia.gov.au |
您可以在专业荒野导游的陪伴下,到森林中游览;或者留在拍摄用的隐藏小屋里,等待胆怯怕人的野生动物出现 – [...] 在那里,您可以看到野生动物在自然环境里的动态。 visitfinland.com | You can walk in the [...] forest with a wilderness guide or you [...]can wait for the more timid animals in a photography booth – you [...]can see the animals in their natural habitat. visitfinland.com |
一种: 栽培的的在中美洲的起源,在荒野的 未知物; 在世界,包括中国的热带的地区广泛引进和栽培。 flora.ac.cn | One species: of cultivated origin in Central America, [...] unknown in the wild; widely introduced [...]and cultivated in tropical areas of the world, including China. flora.ac.cn |
健行穿越从沙地里生长的雨林,以及开 满 野 花 的 荒野 , 并 在金边环绕的镜湖中游泳。 australia.com | Bushwalk through rainforest growing from the sand [...] and heathlands full of wild flowers and swim [...]in mirrored lakes ringed with gold. australia.com |
男孩成为荒野童子军,与先生Moseby作为他们的领导。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The boys become Wilderness Scouts, with Mr. [...] Moseby as their leader. en.seekcartoon.com |
这些目标的范围包括旨 在进行可持续利用的景观和海洋保护区、 物种自然保护区和天然纪念物、国家公园 和荒野地区(为保护大面积原始荒野 而设 立的严格监控的自然保护区)。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Their scope extends from landscape and marine reserves with sustainable use, to nature reserves for species protection and [...] natural monuments, to [...] national parks and wilderness areas (strictly supervised nature reserves for the conservation of largely untouched areas of wilderness). netzhammerbreiholz.de |
凯·威尔奇(Kai Welch)成长于美国俄勒冈州的荒野之 中 ,在2005年搬去伟大的音乐之城纳什维尔之前,他已经和这里的很多音乐人有过合作。 yugongyishan.com | Kai Welch is a [...] mulit-instrumentalist raised in the wilderness of Oregon who has [...]worked with a range of Nashville artists [...]after moving to the great musical city in 2005. yugongyishan.com |
這些熔岩洞保護狒狒不 受肉食侵略者的攻擊,尤其是那些在廣 闊 荒野 中 尋覓獵物的大型貓科 動物。 boschsecurity.com.tw | These lava tubes protect for the baboons from predators, particularly big cats which will prowl the baron landscape in search of prey. boschsecurity.co.uk |
国家公园和荒野地区占塔斯马尼亚州面积的五分之一。 australia.com | One-fifth of Tasmania is covered by [...] national parks and wilderness areas. australia.com |
陶氏 Live Earth Run for Water 活動將通過由全球應對用水問題促進會(Global Water Challenge)、兒童權利組織(A Child’s Right)、Fondo para la [...] Paz、印尼水資源合作組織 (Indonesian Water [...] Partnership)、連氏援助組織(Lien Aid)、Pump Aid 以及荒野保護基金 會(Wildlands [...] Conservation Trust)等非政府組織合作夥伴共同組成的全球網路籌款,為世界 [...] 各地的發展中國家帶去如地下水開採、泉水保護及太陽能過濾裝置、水井、供水站和反滲透過 濾 系 統 等 成 功 的 水 資 源 專 案 。 liveearth.org | The Dow Live Earth Run for Water global network of NGO partners, including Global Water Challenge, A Child’s Right, Fondo para la [...] Paz, Indonesian Water Partnership, Lien Aid, [...] Pump Aid and Wildlands Conservation [...]Trust will fund credible water projects such [...]as boreholes, spring protection, solar filters, wells, water kiosks and reverse osmosis systems in developing nations around the world. liveearth.org |
稀的晴朗,长满草地方或,混交林,通常扰乱的地方,在中国南方栽培的的长但是现在只不时发生 在 荒野 内 分布; 400-1100米广东,广西东部,湖南西南部,云南东南部 [? flora.ac.cn | Sunny, grassy places or sparse, mixed forests, often disturbed places, long [...] cultivated in S China but now only sporadically [...] distributed in the wild; 400-1100 m. Guangdong, [...]E Guangxi, SW Hunan, SE Yunnan [? flora.ac.cn |
因此,一些与会者呼吁教科文组织促进具体科研能力与技术的开发,特别是与阿拉 伯地区有关的领域,如水、信息传播技术 、 荒 漠 化 和海岸保护。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Hence, some participants called for UNESCO to promote the development of specific research capabilities and expertise in [...] areas of particular interest to the Arab region – such as [...] water, ICTs, desertification, and safeguarding [...]of coastal areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
考虑到阿 [...] 拉伯地区的需求,应该特别强调灌溉方法 , 荒 漠 化 ,以及自然灾害有效管理、水资源综合管 [...] 理和水资源利用的伦理问题的教育与研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Taking into account the needs of the Arab region, special [...] emphasis should be given to [...] irrigation methods, desertification, education [...]and research for efficient management of natural [...]disasters and integrated management of water resources as well as ethics of water use. unesdoc.unesco.org |
下列联合国机构派代表出席了会议:国际贸易中心、联合国艾滋病毒/ [...] 艾滋病联合规划署、联合国儿童基金会、联合国防 治 荒 漠 化 公约秘书处、联 合国开发计划署、联合国促进两性平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)、联合国 [...] 环境规划署、联合国教育、科学和文化组织、联合国人类住区规划署、联合 [...] 国国际减少灾害风险战略机构间秘书处和联合国人口基金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Representatives of the following United Nations bodies attended: International Trade Centre; Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; United Nations Children’s Fund; [...] Secretariat of the United Nations [...] Convention to Combat Desertification; United Nations [...]Development Programme; United Nations [...]Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women; United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; United Nations Human Settlements Programme; United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction; and United Nations Population Fund. daccess-ods.un.org |
将优先关注特别易受影响的发展中国家,特别是低洼沿海、干旱和半干旱 区域、最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲、内陆国家,以及洪涝、干旱 和荒漠化 多发地区、生态系统脆弱以及与气候变化相关的极端和灾难性事件和 趋势发生次数增多的发展中国家缔约方。 daccess-ods.un.org | Priority will be given to particularly vulnerable developing countries, especially low-lying coastal, arid and semi-arid areas, LDC’s, SIDS and Africa, land-locked countries, and developing country parties with areas prone to floods, drought and desertification, with fragile ecosystems, and facing increased frequency of extreme and catastrophic events and trends linked to climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,亚美尼亚方面所谓历史说的一个生动例子是,亚美尼亚总统把占领阿 塞拜疆的 Daghlyq Garabagh [...] 说成是占领者的“祖祖辈辈的故土”或“祖国”,这 些说法都是荒谬虚 假的,唯一目的是误导国际社会并使暴力扩张领土政策合理 化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers historical assertions of the Armenian side, a vivid example of which is the reference by the President of Armenia to the occupied Daghlyq Garabagh [...] region of Azerbaijan as allegedly the [...] occupiers’ “historical land” or “fatherland”, [...]as false and having the sole purpose of [...]misleading the international community and justifying the policy of violent territorial expansionism. daccess-ods.un.org |
禁令涵蓋的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷凍或冷藏野味、 肉類和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有關食物的輻射水平並沒有超出食 品法典委員會的標準。 cfs.gov.hk | Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex. cfs.gov.hk |
它们需要援助的领域除其他外,还有拟定渔业管理计划; [...] 用现代化方法管理渔业;建造人工礁和实施鱼种放养方案,以增 加 野 生 鱼 种、管 理和监督海洋保护区促进水产养殖,并更好地利用副渔获物。 daccess-ods.un.org | They may also require assistance, inter alia, in the preparation of fisheries management plans, the implementation of a modern approach to fisheries management, the development of [...] artificial reefs and fish-releasing [...] programmes to enhance wild stocks, the management [...]and monitoring of marine protected [...]areas for fish nurseries and better utilization of by-catches. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 推行學生為本活動及發展計劃-為學生舉辦交換生計劃及交 流活動,以擴闊他們的視野和推 動院校國際化;把社區及社 會服務列為常規課程的一部分、發展全人教育、提供結合實 習機會的教育活動,以及提升學生的領袖才能及關鍵能力, 藉以促進學生的發展;設立獎學金表揚優秀學生;以及提高 香港在國際教育界的地位。 legco.gov.hk | (c) Student-oriented activities and development programmes - to conduct student exchange programmes and activities for students to widen their exposure and to promote internationalisation; to further student development by including community and social services as part of the regular curriculum, developing whole-person education, providing work-integrated education activities, and enhancing students’ leadership skill and core competence; to provide scholarships for outstanding students; and to strengthen Hong Kong’s position in the international education arena. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 新界東南堆填區的位置伸展至清水灣 郊 野 公 園 範圍內,原因是這樣做可以將堆 填區的容量增加約 20%,大幅度延長堆填區可供使用的時間,也可令堆填區的 設計更加自然,在完成後更易與㆕週環境融合,亦可減低處理廢物的單位成本。 legco.gov.hk | (a) The South East New Territories (SENT) landfill encroaches onto the Clear Water Bay Country Park for the following reasons: it increases the capacity of the landfill by about 20% and substantially extends its potential life; it permits a more natural landfill design which, upon completion, will blend more readily with the surrounding landscape; and it will reduce the unit cost of disposal. legco.gov.hk |