

单词 国际棋联

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External sources (not reviewed)

国际象棋联合会主席 Kirsan Ilyumzhinov 对乌兹别克斯坦重视青少年 体育表示赞赏。
Witness the admiration voiced by Kirsan Ilyumzhinov,
[...] President of the World Chess Federation, for the attention [...]
paid to children’s and young people’s sport in Uzbekistan.
乌兹别克斯坦的优秀天才运动员早已留名乌兹别克与世界体育史册,包括: 60 公斤级柔道绝对世界冠军 Rishod Sobirov;国际赛艇协会所称的世界最佳赛 艇手 Vadim
Menkov;两度奥林匹克自由式摔跤冠军 Artur Taymazov;乌兹别克 斯坦顶级网球手
[...] Akgul Amanmuradova;2004 年世国际象棋联合会锦标赛获胜 者 Rustam Kasimdzhanov;游泳健将 [...]
Sergey Pankov;获得亚运会银牌和艺术体
操世界杯铜牌的体操选手 Ulyana Trofimova;乌兹别克中场队员 Odil Ahmedov; 世界青年拳击冠军 Elshod Rasulov;以及裁决 2010 年国际足球联合会(国际足联) 世界杯半决赛并被评为最佳裁判的国际足球裁判 Ravshan Irmatov。
These include Rishod Sobirov, the absolute world judo champion in the 60 kg weight class; Vadim Menkov, declared the world’s best canoeist by the International Canoe Federation; Artur Taymazov, twotime Olympic free-style wrestling champion; Akgul Amanmuradova, Uzbekistan’s top tennis
player; Rustam Kasimdzhanov, winner
[...] of the 2004 World Chess Federation Championship; the [...]
swimmer Sergey Pankov; the gymnast
Ulyana Trofimova, who won silver at the Asia Games and bronze at the 2011 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Kyiv; Odil Ahmedov, the Uzbek midfielder; Elshod Rasulov, the world youth boxing champion; and, of course, the international football referee Ravshan Irmatov, who refereed the semi-final game of the 2010 World Cup of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and was named its best referee.
此外它提供了8种联网游戏包国际象 棋 、 跳 棋、五子棋、Reversi、海战(Battleships)、足球,扫雷等。
In addition, it provides 8 kinds of online games including chess , checkers , backgammon , Reversi, naval (Battleships), soccer , mine clearance .
该小组将确联合国采取一盘棋的做法,确保参与向非索特派团提供 支持的所有部门执行统筹行动目标。
The Team would
[...] ensure a comprehensive United Nations approach and the implementation [...]
of integrated operational objectives
among all departments involved with providing support to AMISOM.
另外Carlsen是国际象棋奥斯 卡奖(就是在象棋领域范围内最享有盛誉的奖项)的两次获奖者。
Magnus Carlsen was twice awarded Chess Oscar, the most prestigious chess award.
在与主要赞助者(会国、联合国和 学 术界)围绕编制一 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做大量的 工作,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 需要制定际的政策工具。
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change, it became clear that significant work is needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical principles, including [...]
but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools.
[...] 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;( e) 与 国际 社 会 成员联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the
recovery of assets at the
[...] domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to [...]
ensure coherency in the
delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
[...] 面执行非索特派团支助的任务,确保采取整 联 合 国 一 盘 棋 的 作 法,各个部门和 支助非索特派团的其他实体以一体化的方式执行各项业务目标。
The Team assists senior management with the strategic planning, policy guidance and implementation of all aspects of the
support for AMISOM mandate and ensures
[...] a comprehensive United Nations approach and implementation [...]
of integrated operational
objectives by all departments and other entities providing support to AMISOM.
[...] [...] International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、大华银行有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行、兆 国际 商 业 银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯 国联 合 银 行。
The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New
Zealand Banking
[...] Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
在国家一级举办了下列与特殊疾病有关的一些会议和研讨会:与地中海贫血国际联合会合办的地中海贫血病患者的牙病问题会议(2008 年 6 月,德黑兰)、 肺癌治疗新发现(2008 年 6 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病治疗新发现(2008 年 4 月,德黑 兰)、管理特殊疾病患者的治疗费用(2007 年 11 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病研讨会(2007 [...]
年 4 月,德黑兰)、诊断和治疗特殊疾病新发现(2006
年 11 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病 中的心脑血管疾病(2008 年 8 月,德黑兰),以及遗传病高级诊断国际讲习班(2007 年 3 月,德黑兰)。
Some conferences and seminars held at the national
level related to
[...] special diseases are as follows: Dentistry Problems of Thalassaemia Patients, in cooperation with the Thalassaemia International Federation (Tehran, March 2008), [...]
New Findings in Treatment
of Lung Cancer (Tehran, June 2008), New Findings on Treatment of Diabetes (Tehran, April 2008), Management of Treatment Costs of Patients with Special Disease (Tehran, November 2007), Seminar on Diabetes (Tehran, April 2007), New Findings in Diagnosis and Treatment of Special Diseases (Tehran, November 2006), Cardio-vascular Diseases in Diabetes (Tehran, August 2008), and International Workshop on Advanced Diagnosis on Genetic Diseases (Tehran, March 2007).
由于条款比较苛刻,又担心会与国 发生 冲突,近年来许多石油公司对于是否在伊朗 投资一直棋不定
Because of these unfavourable terms and concerns about the risk of conflict with the U.S., many oil companies have hesitated to invest in Iran in recent years.
根据既定规则以及每个囚室被拘留者的人数,囚室有以下共用物品:家用洗 涤剂;棋类游戏(国际跳棋、国际象棋 和 多 米诺)、清扫囚室用品、缝纫用针、剪 刀和用于切割食物的刀具(可在中心工作人员监督下供短时间使用)。
cell, the following items are for
general use in cells: domestic
[...] detergent; board games (draughts, chess and dominoes); products for [...]
cleaning cells; and sewing
needles, scissors and knives used for cutting up food (which may be provided for short-term use under the supervision of staff at the centres).
在冲突后和转国家, 教科文组织更加注重以一棋的方 法协助重构和发展一个独立、多元、专业的传媒部门,支持传媒专业协会和媒体发展。
In post-conflict and transition countries, UNESCO strengthened its holistic approach [...]
in assisting the reconstruction and
development of an independent, pluralistic, professional media sector supporting media professional associations and media development.
活动内容丰富多彩,包括:寻宝大冒险、才艺展示、虚拟世界游艺、手工艺 国际 象 棋 、 舞 蹈大赛,孩子们甚至还可以编写个性化报纸并绘出自己喜欢的生活内容。
From treasure hunts and kids’ missions
to talent shows, the Virtual World
[...] Arcade, trivia, crafts, chess and dance contests…there’s [...]
even a newspaper to write and
draw about their preferred activities.
个人兴趣活动包国际象棋俱乐 部、园艺等。
Personal interest
[...] activities include Chess Club and Gardening.
[...] 和应对灾害网络、亚洲理工学院、亚洲再保险公司、人道主义援助和 民事保护总局(欧洲联盟委员会)、红十字会与红新 国际联 合 会 、国 际全 球航空航天监测系统项目国际执行委员会、国际标准化组织、日 本宇宙航空研究开发机构、太平洋岛屿电信协会、以及日本遥感技术 [...]
Other entities represented included: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center; Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network; Asian Institute of Technology; Asian Reinsurance Corporation; Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil
Protection (European
[...] Commission); International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; International [...]
Committee on the
International Global Monitoring Aerospace System Project Implementation; International Organization for Standardization; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) and Remote Sensing Technology Centre of Japan.
新:国际象棋,五 子棋等桌面游戏,自助厨房,屋顶,更烧烤区
New: chess, backgammon, and more table games, guest kitchen, barbeque area on the roof [...]
and more.
2008-2009 年,这些行动所用的资金十分有限,主要用于可行性研究,编制项目建议或选定的试
[...] (基因技术、蛋白质技术和生物信息技术)中心,在第比利斯(格鲁吉亚)建立一个高加索 生物技术研究所国际联合核 研究所(JINR)基准中心开展的发展中国家青年研究者培训活 [...]
2011 年国际化学年建议以及成立教科文组织教席国际基础科学计划多国基金会。
In 20082009, these initiatives entailed very limited financial implications, principally for feasibility studies, the preparation of project proposals or selected pilot activities, including for the creation of a international Biomics (genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics) centre at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot proposed by the Israeli National Commission; the establishment in Tbilisi (Georgia) of a Caucasian Institute
of Biotechnology; the development of
[...] the activity of the International JINR Benchmark Centre [...]
for training of young researchers
from developing countries; the preliminary proposal by the Russian Federation for a UNESCO satellite science education project; the International Year of Chemistry in 2011 proposed by Ethiopia and other Member States; and the foundation of the IBSP cluster of UNESCO Chairs.
次区域和区域合作在促进最不发国 家 的持续、有包容性和公平的经济增长 和可持续发展方面可以发挥重要作用,包括通过加强次区域和区域的 际联 系和 机构联系,并加强应对各种威胁和危机。
Subregional and regional cooperation can play a critical role in promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development in least developed countries, including through enhanced subregional and regional connectivity, both physical and institutional, and strengthened responses to threats and crises of various kinds.
以下非政府组织的观察员:开罗人权研究所、人权倡导者协会、人权 观察社、人联盟国际联合会
(e) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Human Rights Advocates, Inc.
还与法国非政府媒体组织、保护艺术国际联合会 合作,在喀布尔建立了新闻和文化中心,为新闻工作者提供培训和咨询服务、 信息、及传播设备和设施,并为独立媒体提供办公地点。
It supported the setting up of the Media and Culture Centre in Kabul, in collaboration with the French media NGO, AINA, to serve as a resource for journalists by providing training, advisory services and information as well as equipment, communication facilities and space for independent media to operate.
正值叙利亚危机进入第三个年头际 , 联 合 国 儿 童 基金会通讯员普里扬卡.普鲁第报道愈演愈烈的悲剧致使叙利亚濒临即将因战争失去一代人的边缘。
As crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic enters its third year, UNICEF correspodent Priyanka Pruthi reports on the growing tragedy that has put a country at the brink of losing a generation to war.
会议的成果是,与会者商定设立一个利比亚问国际联络小 组,该小组的任务是,第一,领导国际努 力并为其提供总体政治方向,并为支持利比亚而与联 [...]
合国、非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟、伊斯兰会议组织 和欧盟密切协调;第二,为协调在利比亚问题上的国 际对策提供一个论坛;以及,第三,为与利比亚各方
As an outcome of the conference, participants
[...] agreed to establish an International Contact Group on Libya, [...]
which would, first, provide leadership
and overall political direction to the international effort, in close coordination with the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States, the OIC and the European Union to support Libya; secondly, provide a forum for coordinating the international response on Libya; and thirdly, provide a focal point in the international community for contact with the Libyan parties.
保护植物新物国际联盟公 约(见文字框 3.1)是一种以欧洲和美国的立法为基础的可采 用制度。
The UPOV Convention (see Box 3.1) is one system which they may adopt, based on the legislation introduced in Europe and the US.
公约》 规定的这一特别义务有潜力,可将“整体政府一 棋 办 法 ”转化 国 家 卫 生和发 展政策和方案,并根据执行《公约》的需要成功地进行调整和统一。
This particular obligation under the Convention has the potential to translate the “whole-of-Government approach” into national health and development policies and programmes that will serve to successfully align and harmonize implementation of the Convention.
专家组将请和平利用外层空间委员会成 国 、 联 合 国 政 府间机构、相关的 政府间组织,以及工作组工作范围和工作方法(A/66/20,附件二)第五节所列 的其国际组织 和机构提供意见,并请各国非政府组织和私营部门行动方通过 委员会的相关成员国提供意见。
The expert group will invite contributions from States members of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, United Nations intergovernmental bodies, relevant intergovernmental organizations [...]
and other international organizations
and bodies, as listed in section V of the terms of reference and methods of work of the Working Group (A/66/20, annex II), as well as from national non-governmental organizations and private sector actors through relevant States members of the Committee.
[...] [...] 共同体、中非国家经济共同体、西非国家经济共同体、欧洲联盟、独立国家 联合体执行秘书处、政府间发展管理局、国际移徙政策发展中心、红十字国 际委员会、红十字会和红新月 国际联 合 会 、 国 际 移 徙组织、阿拉伯国家联 盟、东加勒比国家组织、法语国家国际组织、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲安全与 合作组织、南部非洲发展共同体和马耳他骑士团。
United Nations specialized agencies, departments, funds and programmes, African Union, Council of Europe, East African Community, Economic Community of Central African States, Economic Community of West African States, European Union, Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, International Centre for Migration Policy Development,
International Committee of
[...] the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Organization [...]
for Migration, League
of Arab States, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, International Organization of “la Francophonie”, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Southern African Development Community and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
采取何种方式方法加强妇女在正式和非正式的预防冲突和调解努力中 的参与和作用,包括采取措施,例如为冲突中和冲突后妇女和平运动提
[...] 快速反应名册,安排使妇女民间社会团体在和平谈判、捐助方会议国 际联络会议具有观察员地位,采 取 措 施增加妇女在外交事务部门任职的 [...]
Ways and means to enhance women’s participation and role in formal and informal conflict prevention and mediation efforts, including measures such as capacity-building support for women’s peace movements in conflict and post-conflict situations, the establishment of a rapid response roster of women mediators and mediators with sector-specific gender expertise, arrangements for observer status for women’s civil society
groups at peace negotiations,
[...] donor conferences and international engagement meetings, [...]
and steps to increase the number
of women in the Foreign Service and ensure that women diplomats are engaged in leadership roles in conflict resolution.




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