

单词 国际教育

See also:

教育 pl

schools pl

教育 v

teach v



External sources (not reviewed)

这个新的战略方向反映了儿童基金会高层管理高 瞻远瞩的视角,旨在让本机构在不断变化 国际教育 援 助 世界中对自身进行重新定位。
This new strategic orientation reflects a forward-looking vision of UNICEF
top management aimed at preparing the agency to reposition itself in the
[...] changing world of international aid to education.
可与最优秀国际教育体系媲美的教育体系,使公民获得满足其需求和 卡塔尔社会需要的必要资源。
An educational system that is the equal of the most outstanding international educational systems and [...]
will equip citizens
with the wherewithal to meet their needs and the needs of Qatari society.
金融危机 给教育预算国际教育经费 带来了非常现实的危险,并可能对扫盲支出产生负面 影响。
The financial crisis poses a very real challenge to
[...] education budgets and international funding for education, with a possible [...]
negative effect
on spending for literacy programmes.
(e) 非政府组织的观察员国际教育发展 会( 并代表反对一切形式歧视和种 族主义国际运动 )。
(e) Observer for a non-governmental
[...] organization: International Educational Development, Inc.
随着1994年推出中学项目(MYP),1997年推出小学项目(PYP),国际文凭被确定为 一种面向3至19岁学生的连续统一 国际教育。
With the introduction of the Middle Years Programme (MYP) in 1994 and the
Primary Years Programme (PYP) in 1997, the IB identified
[...] a continuum of international education for students aged [...]
3 to 19.
国际教育局为 艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防方面设置课程时,为全球艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育 资料库内新添加了 100 种课程资料,提供了更多的信息,发放了 500 多张有关课程与艾滋病 毒/艾滋病预防资料库的光盘,彻底更新 国际教育 局 艾 滋病毒/艾滋病的网站,(与教科文 组织其它信息交流中心协作)创建了公共网页,详细说 国际教育 局 用 来评估艾滋病毒/艾 滋病预防课程及其好的做法的评估标准第二稿,并对即将用于莫桑比克的艾滋病毒/艾滋病 非正规教育评估标准进行了详细阐述(与马普托和巴西利亚联合国教科文组织协作)。
IBE’s efforts in curriculum development for HIV/AIDS prevention concentrated on making available more and more information by adding 100 curriculum materials in the Global Content Bank, distributing over 500 copies of the CD-ROM “Global Curriculum Bank for HIV/AIDS Preventive Education”, completely upgrading the IBE HIV/AIDS website, creating (in coordination with all other UNESCO clearing houses) a common access web page, elaborating the second version of IBE appraisal criteria [...]
used to evaluate good
practices and HIV/AIDS curricula, and elaborating an adapted version of appraisal criteria to non-formal HIV/AIDS education to be used in Mozambique (in collaboration with UNESCO/Maputo and Brasilia).
澳亚教育集团(Academies Australasia)是一家涉国际教育市场 多个行业的澳大利亚教育组织。
Academies Australasia is an Australian education group that operates in
[...] several sectors in the international education market.
伊拉克政府努力发展伊拉克的教育部门,总理宣 布接近启动国家教育战略,以便为旨在改善我国教育 的路线图奠定正确的基础,并加强 国际教育 机 构和 组织的合作。
Within the framework of the efforts made by Iraqi Government to develop the education sector in Iraq, the Prime Minister announced the near launch of a national strategy for education aimed at creating the right foundation for a
road map for the improvement of education in the country and at
[...] strengthening cooperation with international institutions and organizations concerned with education.
(c) 联合国观察员实体、专门机构和相关组织:联合国儿童基金会; (e) 以下非政府组织的观察员:伊拉克妇女总联合会( 并代表阿拉伯妇女总 联合会国际教育发展 会和阿拉伯法学家联合会 ) 、国际拯救儿童联盟( 并代表国 际天主教儿童局、地球社国际联合会、妙智会基金会 [...]
) 、妇女世界首脑会议基金 会、(
(e) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: General Federation of Iraqi Women (also on behalf of
the General Arab Women
[...] Federation, International Educational Development and the Union of Arab Jurists), International [...]
Save the Children Alliance (also
on behalf of the International Catholic Child Bureau, International Federation Terre des Hommes, Myochikai (Arigatou Foundation)), Women’s World Summit Foundation (also on behalf of the American Association of Jurists and the World Vision International).
以下非政府组织的代表也参加了对话:美国大学妇女协会;世界女童子军协 会(也代表欧洲青年论坛和大同协会) ; 国际教育 协 会 (也代表公共服务国际和国 际工会联合会);世界路德会联合会。
The representatives of the following non-governmental organizations also participated in the dialogue: American Association of University Women; World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (also on behalf of the
European Youth Forum
[...] and Pax Romana); Education International (also on behalf of Public Services International and International [...]
Trade Union Confederation);
and Lutheran World Federation.
长久以来,爱尔兰各个层次的教育出类拔萃,自然而然 国际教育 界 声 名鹊起。
Ireland has a long tradition of
[...] excellence in education at all levels, so the development of an international reputation for quality education was a natural [...]
Find out more at
[...] the Australian Education International website.
在申请阶段,国家留学基金委负责申请材料的接收和审查,以及进行申请材料的通讯评审工作;美 国际教育 协 会 北京代表处接受有关申请表填写及材料准备的电子邮件咨询。
At the initial application stage, the China Scholarship Council is responsible for the receipt and preliminary screening of application materials, and they coordinate the review of the paper
applications;  at this stage of the
[...] process the Institute of International Education’s Beijing Representative [...]
Office manages the preparation
and distribution of electronic versions of application materials and provides support to applicants with questions about the application process via e-mail.
大获成功的想象澳大利亚和澳大利 国际教育 司 (AEI)微博吸引了成千上万的粉丝(想象澳大利亚微博的粉丝已超过102000名;AEI微博的粉丝超过10400名)。
The award recognises the success of the Imagine Australia and
[...] the Australian Education International (AEI) weibo microblog [...]
sites (also known as 'Chinese
Twitter') in attracting thousands of subscribers (Imagine Australia weibo: over 102,000 fans; AEI weibo: over 10,400 fans).
该奖项是日本大奖国际教育媒体奖) (Japan Prize International Contest for Educational Media)麾下设立的特别奖项。
The prize falls under a special category of the Japan Prize International Contest for Educational Media.
计划亦提出纲领,说明如何将DESD融 入於其国际教育工程 ,例如是千禧发展目标 丶全人教育运动(EFA)和联合国扫盲十年计划 [...]
It also outlines how DESD can be
[...] incorporated into other international education initiatives, [...]
such as the Millennium Development Goals, the Education for All (EFA) movement, and the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD).
耀华豁下国际教育学校 及语艺中心,分别是英国剑桥大学国际考试委员会(CIE)授权注册的剑桥国际中心(CIC)、英国伦敦工商会考试 (LCCIEB)、Education Development International [...]
(EDI)、英国伦敦三一学院(Trinity College London)认证授权的
ESOL 考试中心、巴库大学在华主要合作者;耀华并与世界各相应课程的大学有正式联系,为中国学生顺利学习、考试和出国留学提供了可靠保证。
We are the authorised
[...] Cambridge International Examinations Centre (CIC) of Cambridge International Examination Syndicate [...]
(CIE), ESOL examination
centres of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examination Board (LCCIEB), Education Development International (EDI) and Trinity College London, and the major partners of the University of Bath in Mainland China.
北京耀中的学生还参加了一门名为 国际教育 证 书 奖” (ICE)的附加奖项考试。
At YCIS Beijing, students are also entered for an additional
[...] award called the International Certificate of Education (ICE).
他是美国商务部华盛顿州区域出口委员会成员、西雅图扶轮社成员、大西雅图贸易发展联盟顾问委员会成员、西雅图大学阿尔伯斯经济及工商管理学院全球商业顾问委员会成员 国际教育 工 作者协会中东小组成员,以及Taproot剧院顾问委员会成员。
He is a member of the U.S. Secretary of Commerce-appointed District Export Council for Washington State, the Seattle Rotary Club, the Advisory Board of the Trade Development Alliance of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, the Global Business Advisory Board of Seattle University’s Albers School of Business and Economics, the
Middle East Interest Group of NAFSA:
[...] Association of International Educators, and a member [...]
of the Taproot Theatre Advisory Board.
国际教育司安 排年满15岁以上的留学生入住堪培拉家庭。
The International Education Unit arranges accommodation for international students over [...]
15 years old, with Canberra families.
在后期安置及签证申请、办理出国相关手续阶段,国家留学基金委和美 国际教育 协 会 北京代表处将分别负责各自的工作,这些工作都会在相关的通知中明确告知受资助者。
At the stage of placement and pre-departure preparation (visa application, preparation of the
necessary documentation and travel
[...] arrangements, etc.),   the China Scholarship Council [...]
and the IIE Beijing Representative Office
will each be responsible for their respective parts of the process – details about these arrangements will be specified in relevant communication to grantees at the appropriate time.
她来自荷兰,在美国长大并曾接 国际教育 , 她 认为在国际学校的学习“是人生中最重要的时光之一”。
Originally from the Netherlands, Yvonne grew up
[...] having experienced international education in the USA, saying, [...]
“…that is was truly one
of the most impactful years of my life.
3iS 每年都录取一批国际学生,积极参 国际教育 和 本 行业组织的活动,加强和电影电视学校国际联络中心(CILECT)和法国教育服务中心(Campus France)的交流。
Every year the Institute welcomes foreign students and is involved in professional networks abroad (Cilect, Campus France). 3iS also encourages students to do internships in an English-speaking country at the conclusion of their first year, and offers them the possibility of studying abroad within the framework of training courses and of partnerships established by the school.
结合开办国际学校并提供全方位教育服务的经验,陈保琼博士及叶国华教授创办了以招收中国学生为主的耀 国际教育 系 列 ;1998年于上海成立耀 国际教育 中 心 ,2000年在烟台开办第一所耀 国际教育 学 校 , 随后在重庆、深圳、上海和和北京开设耀 国际教育 幼 儿 园及婴幼儿教育中心。
Yew Wah International Education Centre was first set up in
Shanghai in 1998,
[...] and the first YWIES was founded in Yantai in 2000, and Yew Wah continues to extend its education services by starting up Yew Wah International Education Kindergarten and Infant and Toddler Education Centres in Chongqing, Shenzhen, [...]
Shanghai and Beijing.
英语预备课程为新加坡本地学生和国际学生而设。这些学生完成了高中学业,且愿意在LSBF英语学院和/或世界上其 国际教育 服 务 机构继续接受以英语授课的高等教育。
Preparatory Course in English (PCE) is offered to both local (Singaporean) and foreign students who
have completed their
[...] high school education and are interested in pursuing a tertiary education in English at LSBF's School of English and/or other international education service [...]
providers around the world.
和维持一所学校,弘扬并提供符合《联合国宪章》的精神和原则 国际教育 ,供 那些同联合国有公务关系的人的子女和其他希望子女获 国际教育 的 人 的子女 使用,推动具有国际性质的教育活动
Noting also, as stated in its by-laws, that the “purposes of the School shall be to establish, operate and maintain, under the
auspices of the United Nations, a school to
[...] promote and provide an international education conforming to the spirit and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations for the children of persons officially connected with the United Nations, as well as for the children of other persons desirous of obtaining a similar education for their [...]
children and to promote
educational activities of international character
[...] Job的精神,但是在达成梦想以前,他们必须下定决心并且善用自己的智慧,毕竟最终也只有一位实力最强的参与者可以夺下冠军宝座,”世 国际教育 集 团 首席执行员丘美兰女士表示。
I applaud the 8 candidates for making it this far into The Job, but to fight for their dream job, they will need all their wits and
determination that only the brightest and strongest can
[...] demonstrate,” said Ms Hew Moi Lan, SEGi Group Chief [...]
Executive Officer.




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