

单词 沉積帶

See also:

沉積 n

deposition n

沉積 n

deposit n

沉積 v

etch v

External sources (not reviewed)

第㆕、㆗央積金與 退休保障計劃㆒樣,對社 帶 來 沉 重 的 行政負擔,但未能圓 滿解決為老㆟提供經濟保障的問題。
Fourth, as with an RPS, a CPF imposes daunting administrative burdens on the community but does not offer a satisfactory solution to the problem of financial provision for old age.
[...] 議會和委員會的成員並不反對進行工程,但關注在疏浚及處 沉積物 期 間對環境的潛在影響,並要求我們盡量減少對漁業的影響。
Members of the aforesaid councils and committee did not raise objection to the project but expressed concern on the potential impact to the
environment during dredging and handling of
[...] the dredged sediment and requested [...]
us to minimize the impact to the fisheries industry.
挖掘 完成後的豎井及隧道均 以 混凝土鋪上襯 層,以提高 系統的水力效率, 同時避免污 水中沉積物在隧道內積聚。
The finished shafts and tunnels have been fully lined with concrete to enhance hydraulic
efficiency of the system and at the same time prevent
[...] progressive deposition of sediments within the tunnels [...]
during operation.
政權有意維持一種模糊而又具彈性的 灰色秩序,既標榜依法治國又奉行實際上的人治,既鼓勵權貴精英發 財致富又使既得利益者的資積累都 帶 上 沉 重 的 原罪。
The regime intentionally maintains a kind of blurry and flexible gray order: it flaunts its rule by law, but practices rule by man; it encourages influential officials and members of the elite to
become rich but it also
[...] discredits the accumulation of capital by all those with vested interests as a grave original sin".
帶是太古代變質火山巖、變 沉積 巖 和 酸性入侵層順序排列的夾層,蘊含大量重要的金礦床。
The Property is located within the Swayze Greenstone Belt of northern Ontario, an intercalated sequence of archean metavolcanics, metasediments and felsic intrusions that host numerous significant gold deposits.
由於去年在吐露港展開的鋪設天然 氣管道工程可能曾翻起海沉積的有 毒重金屬,而且漁農自然護理署(“漁 護署”)去年的化驗結果顯示,該區的貝類樣本的重金屬鎘濃度超出《食物 攙雜(金屬雜質含量)規例》(香港法例第 132 章附屬法例 V)就食物所訂 的有關准許濃度一倍以上,養魚戶因此要求環境保護署(“環保署")抽取 工程附近海床下面 2 至 3 米的泥土樣本作化驗,但該署以資源不足和缺乏有 關的鑽挖設備及技術人員為理由而予以拒絕。
As the laying of natural gas pipelines in Tolo Harbour last year might have stirred up the toxic heavy metals deposited in the seabed, and the test results of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) last year indicated that the concentration of cadmium, a heavy metal, in shell fish samples collected from such area was more than twice the permitted concentration specified for food in the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg. V), the fish farmers requested the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to take soil samples for testing from two to three metres beneath the seabed near the works site.
房屋署只設 1 個總工程師職位,實在不足以
[...] 應付這些職責及復建居屋方面的新增工作,以及其他房屋措施和日趨 複雜的公營房屋規劃及發展工帶來 的 額外工作量,包括:高樓齡屋 邨重建;工程可行性研究不斷增加 積 極 參 與公眾諮詢;基本工程儲 備基金總目 711 項下的支援項目愈來愈多;更多基建改善工程及合約 管理工作;為符合新的環保及工程規定而進行的工程發展和標準研究 [...] [...]
One CE post is grossly insufficient to cope with these duties together with the additional workload due to resumption of HOS as well as those arising from other housing initiatives and the increased
complexity in public
[...] housing planning and development works, such as the redevelopment of aged estates; increasing number of engineering feasibility studies; [...]
active participation
in public consultations; increasing number of supporting projects under CWRF Head 711; more infrastructure improvement works and contract administration works; increasing number of engineering researches on development and standard to meet new environmental and engineering requirements; and enhancement of land surveying services.
在加入STT之前,Pinarbasi博士曾領導SoloPower的技術工作,在那裡建立了成功開發出 帶 式 薄 膜光 沉積 製 程 和設備的綜合技術團隊,並率先推出業界首款靈活和重量輕並通過美國和歐洲標準認證的CIGS(銅銦鎵硒)太陽能模組。
Prior to joining STT, Dr. Pinarbasi led the technology effort at SoloPower, where he built a comprehensive technology
team that developed roll-to-roll
[...] thin film photovoltaic deposition processes and equipment, [...]
and spearheaded the industry’s
first flexible and light weight CIGS (Copper Indium Gallium di-Selenide)-based solar modules that are certified to both US and European standards.
4.20 有數個團體代表基於不同的原因,對政府當局向西九 管理局注資巨額的公帑表示極有保留,該等原因包括除投資文 化硬件之外,還有其他應優先撥款的項目;政府當局並無保證 該筆公帑的運用受到足夠的監察;以及西九文化區若最終無法 達致財政自給自足,便會為納稅帶 來 沉 重 的 負擔。
4.20 A few deputations expressed serious reservation about the injection of substantial public funds into WKCDA for various reasons, such as the availability of other funding priorities other than investment in cultural hardware; the lack of assurance of adequate monitoring of the use of the public funds; and the heavy burden on taxpayer if WKCD turns out to be incapable of being financially self-sufficient.
是受傳媒的報道 影響,香港傳媒的表現非常勇猛積 極 , 為市 帶 來 很 多資訊,並且 影響了整個選情。
Hong Kong media are very aggressive and active, and they can provide a lot of information to the people, hence they played a part in determining the outcome of the election.
建議的緩解措施包括控制化學品的注入和疏浚速度、在進行疏 浚工作和運送時把挖出沉積物覆蓋、在疏浚範圍使用隔泥網,並在 [...]
The recommended mitigation measures include control of
chemical injection and dredging rates,
[...] covering of dredged sediments during the dredging [...]
operation and transportation, deployment
of silt curtains at the dredging areas and installation of silt screens at selected seawater intakes.
事實 上,當我們談到開源或融資的時候,我擔心這一定會對基層市 帶 來 沉 重的 心理壓力。
In fact, when we talk about opening new sources of income or adopting
financing arrangements, I always worry that it
[...] will definitely cause heavy psychological [...]
stress to bear on the grass-roots people.
因此,晚間積帶來期 貨市場的買賣壓力將不再集中於翌日早上期貨市場開市 時間,開市時市價波動的波幅及幅度亦將得以減低。
As such, overnight buying and selling pressures in the futures market would not be concentrated in the futures market opening period in the next morning and the volatility and magnitude of the futures market price movement at the opening could be reduced.
[...] 而家庭收入中位數僅增加15%,他認為檢討後的學 費升幅很可能會為學生的家帶來沉 重 負 擔。
As the Consumer Price Index (A) had increased by 20% over 2005 while the mid-point household income increased by only 15%, he
considered that the increase in tuition fees after the
[...] review would likely pose a heavy burden [...]
on the students' families.
即使政府現在可以保證不會對屯門居民及屯門公 帶 來 沉 重 的 交 通負擔,但如果汽車流量超出預計,屯門居民的利益又是否會再次被犧牲 呢?
Even if the Government guarantees that the project will not create enormous additional pressure to the residents of Tuen Mun and Tuen Mun Road, if the traffic flow should exceed the original estimate, will the interests of the residents of Tuen Mun be scarified once again?
在 “鑒於”之前加上“本會促請各界尊重法治精神和維護市民提出 訴訟的權利,而”;在“(‘外傭’)”之後加上“是否”;在“享有香港
居留權”之後刪除“會對本港”,並以“牽涉本港的人口和移民政策, 本會認為特區政府有權因應社會情況自行制訂相關政策和作出
[...] 規劃,以配合未來香港” 代替;在“ 福利等”之後刪除帶來沉重 負擔,影響深遠,引起廣大市民的憂慮,”,並以“需要;”代替; [...]
To delete “, as the enjoyment” after “That” and substitute with “this Council urges various sectors to respect the rule of law and safeguard people’s right to litigation; and given that the enjoyment or otherwise”; to delete “will impose a heavy burden on” after “(‘FDHs’)” and substitute with “involves Hong Kong’s population and immigration policies, this Council considers that the SAR Government has the right to formulate relevant policies and planning on its own in response to social
circumstances, so as to cater for the future needs
[...] of”; to delete “, and have far-reaching [...]
consequences, thus giving rise to widespread
public concern,” after “welfares, etc.” and substitute with “;”; and to add “, and if necessary, the SAR Government should make a request to the Central Government for an amendment of the Basic Law, so as to resolve the controversy” immediately before the full stop.
在一個典型的化學氣沉積實體表面(晶片或底材)是到一個或多個 揮發性氣體,產生反應或分解於所需的底材開放面上。
In a typical CVD process, the surface (wafer or substrate) is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, which react and/or decompose on the substrate surface to produce the desired deposit.
若不設經濟狀況調查而又大幅增加㆖述津貼,會為 納稅帶來沉重負擔,並會耗盡可用於直接服務或作為綜援金發放給有需要的㆟的撥 款。
Any substantial increase in the allowance without a means test would create a heavy burden on the taxpayer and use up funds which could be better spent on direct services or CSSA payments channelled to those in need.
上述投訴個案涉及乘客帶體積過大 的行李進入鐵路範 圍、在付費區內飲食、坐於列車地上、在車站範圍內玩耍、 做出一些個人行為對其他乘客造成滋擾,以及向乘客索取 報章或進行推銷等。
The above complaint cases involve passengers bringing oversized luggage into railway premises, eating or drinking inside the paid area, sitting on train floor, playing inside stations, indulging in personal behaviour that causes nuisance to other passengers, and asking passengers for newspapers or soliciting for business, and so on.
隨著時 間的變化細小沉積物會被清除 掉,留下較粗、較重沉積物, 比較不易因海浪和潮流沖刷而重 新懸浮。
Over time, the fine sediment is winnowed out, leaving coarser, heavier sediment, less susceptible to resuspension by waves and currents.
為紓緩石礦場用地及安達臣道發展計劃日後發展帶 來的累積交通 影響,政府當局已進行了一項交通評估,並在評 [...]
估後建議進行多項改善道路和路口的措施,以及提供新的公共 交通設施、一個內部道路系統,以及經安達臣道發展計劃把石 礦場用地連接至鄰近公共屋邨的行人連接系統連升降機塔等。
To address the cumulative traffic impacts of [...]
the future developments at the Site and DAR, the Administration has undertaken
a traffic assessment which has recommended a number of road and junction improvement measures, the provision of new public transport facilities, an internal road system, as well as pedestrian linkages with lift towers connecting the Site with neighbouring public housing estates via DAR, etc. The details are given in the highlights of the draft RODP at Appendix I.
對挖泥工程可能造成的水質影響進行的定量模擬結果顯示,在挖 泥工程進行期間,可能會在大範圍內,令海床水層的懸 沉積物 濃 度超出水質標準。這種情況可能會令受影響地區內的海豚獵物 資源的分佈受到不良影響。
Quantitative modelling of the potential water quality impacts associated with dredging activities indicate the potential for large area exceedances of SS concentrations above water quality standards in the bed layer over the course of the dredging works, which may adversely affect the distribution of dolphin prey resources in the affected area.
(三 ) 完成檢討後,當局共主動檢視了多少積的“農業”帶,當中有多少積 的農 業用地被改變土地用途( 按面積及修改 後的土地用途分項列出)?
(c) of the total area of “Agriculture” zone which the authorities have proactively examined since the completion of the Review; and among such area, the area of agricultural land of which the use has been changed (with a breakdown by area and amended land use)?
特別是上屆立法會成立的小組委員會,就殘疾人士提 供票價優惠各方面作出詳細討論和研究,包括如何界定殘疾人士的定 義,以識別合資格的殘疾人士的數目;向殘疾人士提供票價優惠會否構 成另類歧視;會否對公共交通機帶 來 沉 重 的 財政壓力等。
This is particularly so with the formation of a subcommittee by this Council during the last term to discuss and study in detail the offer of fare concessions to people with disabilities, including such issues as defining what is meant by people with disabilities in order to identify the number of eligible people with disabilities, whether discrimination in another sense would be caused by giving fare concessions to people with disabilities, and whether heavy financial pressure will be exerted on public transport organizations.
對挖泥工程可能造成的水質影響的定量模擬結果顯示,在挖泥工程 進行期間,可能會在大範圍內,令海床水層的懸 沉積 物 濃 度超出 水質標準。
Quantitative modelling of the potential water quality impacts associated with dredging activities indicate the potential for large area exceedances of SS concentrations above water quality standards in the bed layer over the course of the dredging works.
政府當局指出,如果不進行經濟狀況 調查而向所有長者發放高齡津貼,不但會為政 帶 來 沉 重 的財政負 擔,更會因而攤薄每人可額外獲得的援助款額。
As to paying elders OAA without the need for them to undergo means testing, the Administration pointed out that to do so would create a heavy financial burden on the public coffer and the money would be spread too thin.
民建聯認為,從這一段說話中可以看 到,重要的是香港市民能否認識海西的發展前景、香港的投資者能否
[...] 掌握海西發展這個機遇,更要視乎特區政府有沒有洞察先機的能力帶領香港積極參與海西的建設。
In consideration of the above statement, the DAB opines the prime concerns are: whether Hong Kong people can recognize the development prospects of the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (West Coast); whether Hong Kong investors can seize the opportunities brought about by the development on the West Coast, and more importantly, whether the Special Administrative
Region (SAR) Government has the
[...] foresight to lead Hong Kong to participate actively [...]
in the development of the West Coast.
民協認為,政府必須借今次新政策局上場的機會,洗心革 面,糾正以往傾斜的發展思維,在勞工事宜重新整合下,加上新環境局 帶 領, 積極投入發展環保工業。
The ADPL thinks that at the inception of this new Policy Bureau, the Government must take the opportunity to correct its mistake and biased development mindset.
主席先生,港同盟深信原動議所提出的改革是㆒定會為完善警 帶 來 積極 的 效果,並可加強市民對警隊的信心,讓我們及普羅大眾在再看警方的宣傳片時,對 香港㆟擁有「我們的警察」會真真正正㆞感到驕傲。
Mr President, the United Democrats of Hong Kong is convinced that the reform called for by the motion will certainly have a positive impact on the quality of the Police Force, enhance public confidence in the Police Force and let us and the general public feel real pride in having "our police officers" as we watch the police's API.




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