

单词 不连续


连续不断 adj

continuous adj


surface of discontinuity


Mohorovichich discontinuity (lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere)



See also:

连续 adj

successive adj
sequential adj

连续 n

succession n
progression n

External sources (not reviewed)

可根据用于探测和预测的分数 分布不连续性,将参数分成四类(A 为最高,D 为最低)。
Several end-to-end systems may develop, each contributing one or more data types and providing data to other parts of the global system as required.
[...] 小企业(SME)来说更是如此,因为这些企业的经济 不成规模不连续的生 产过程占据支配地位。
This is particularly the case for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), for which
[...] economies of scale do not exist and discontinuous [...]
processes dominate.
根据用于探测和预测的分数分布不连续性,将参数分成四类(A 为最高,D 为最低)。
Two existing organizations have the potential to give significant support to coastal GOOS, the IOC Committee on IODE and the programme area on data management of JCOMM.
由于多种原因,起草适当形式 不连续 形 式的具体条款如公约或 示范法供纳入国家法律体系并不总是可行:各国家法律体系经常使用 [...]
差异很大的立法方法和办法解决特定问题,各国可能还没有准备好就 单一办法或共同规则达成一致,可能就找到统一办法解决特定问题的
必要性不存在共识,或者就特定主题的关键问题以及如何处理这些问 题存在着不同程度的共识。
For a number of
[...] reasons, it is not always possible to draft [...]
specific provisions in a suitable or discrete form, such as
a convention or a model law, for incorporation into national legal systems: national legal systems often use widely disparate legislative techniques and approaches for solving a given issue, States may not yet be ready to agree on a single approach or common rule, there may not be consensus on the need to find a uniform solution to a particular issue, or there may be different levels of consensus on the key issues of a particular subject and how they should be addressed.
[...] 续性或连续性“一般原则”的推定,但其他委员则认为,它并未反映条款草案的 内容,其本质上是否不连续性作 为武装冲突爆发的结果的推定。
While some members considered it as establishing a presumption in favour of continuity, or a “general principle” of continuity, others were of the view that that did not reflect the content of the draft article
which was more in the nature of a
[...] presumption against discontinuity as a consequence [...]
of the outbreak of armed conflict.
If no continuity, trip breaker, [...]
reset, and retest.
针对第一阶段氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,印度政府决定淘汰 8 家生产家用制冷设备用保 温泡沫塑料企业以及 3 家生产连续夹芯板的企业的 HCFC-141b 消费,导致完全淘汰这两 个次级行业的氟氯烃消费;还将通过对 5 家最大不连续夹芯 板生产企业实行技术转换, 实现额外淘汰目标。
For stage I of the HPMP, the Government of India decided to phase out the consumption of HCFC-141b in eight enterprises manufacturing insulation foam for domestic refrigeration equipment and three enterprises manufacturing continuous sandwich panels, resulting in the complete phase-out of HCFCs in these two sub-sectors; additional phase-out will be achieved through the conversion of the five largest enterprises manufacturing discontinuous sandwich panels.
国 际 商 事 仲 裁 示 范 法 》 可 称 作 程 序 性 文 书, 它 提 供 了 一不 连 续 却 相 互 依 存 的 条 款。
The Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, which could be described as a procedural instrument, provides a discrete set of interdependent articles.
在有以下需要时使 用实际受聘合同:(a) 为断断续续的不连续性的 工作,(b) 为期限不确定的或 事先不能明确确定时间的任务,或(c) 为确保具备本组织所需要的特殊技能的人 员能临时通知就能报到。
WAE contracts are used when there is a need (a) for work of an intermittent or discontinuous nature, (b) for assignments whose duration is uncertain, or whose timing is not clearly identifiable in advance, or (c) to ensure the availability at short notice of persons with special skills required by the Organization.
提示:由于示波器采集到的波形数据是循环存储的,因此 DG5000 读回的波形数据也 是有限的,必然存在相位不连续。
Tips: The waveform data collected by the oscilloscope is stored circularly, thus the data read by DG5000 is also finite and exists discontinuousness in phase.
[...] 的走向约成正交),提供了大量的平底谷地,谷地被不规则而且往往 不连续的 几 百米高的海脊分隔(见附件一,图一)。
The widespread seafloor spreading fabric, oriented approximately orthogonal to the trend of the bounding fracture zones, provides a large number of
flat-floored valleys, separated by irregular, often discontinuous ridges a
[...] few hundred metres high (see annex, figure I).
此外,该区域内陆国家中一些相邻的过境国加入的公约甚至更 少,这导致在公约应用中领不连续 , 效 用大为降低。
Furthermore, some neighbouring transit countries of the
region’s landlocked countries have acceded to even fewer conventions, leading to
[...] a territorial discontinuity in their application which significantly reduces their effectiveness.
这些企业的技术转产包括:安装储藏罐和处理系统(120,000 美元/台 套);预混站(90,000 美元/台套);补充多元醇缓冲罐(20,000 美元/台套);改造高压 泡沫塑料机(90,000 美元/台套可用基准);水调节系统(30,000 美元/台套);用于易燃 发泡剂的安全相关设备(300,000 美元/企业);改造夹椇和模具(每个生产家用制冷设备 保温泡沫塑料 120,000 美元和每个生不连续夹芯 板的企业 60,000 美元);土建工程和电 路工程(120,000 美元/企业);培训、试验、检测和认证(150,000 美元/企业);以及应 急(估计为资本成本的 10%)。
Conversion of these enterprises includes: installation of storage tanks and handling systems (US $120,000/unit); premixing stations (US $90,000/unit); additional polyol buffer tanks (US $20,000/unit); retrofitting of high-pressure foam machines (US $90,000 each unit available in the baseline); water conditioning system (US $30,000/each); safety-related equipment for the use of a flammable blowing agent (US $300,000/enterprise); retrofit of jigs and moulds (US $120,000 for each enterprise manufacturing insulation foam for domestic refrigeration equipment, and US $60,000 for each enterprise manufacturing discontinuous panels); civil and electrical works (US $120,000/enterprise); training, trials, testing and certification (US $150,000/enterprise); and contingencies (estimated at 10 per cent of the capital cost).
运输数量少、距离远和运输模式 不连续 性 (即使短途陆运距离也如此),进 一步增加了本来就很高的货运和物流成本。
Low transport volumes, long distances
[...] and modal discontinuities (even for [...]
short overland distances) typically add up to
high freight and logistics costs.
修 订将其更改为,即使入院时不连续 , 也可将产假延长。
The amendment allows the extension of the maternity leave even if the period of
[...] hospitalization was not consecutive.
然而当输入精度不高的数据时,模型中的 间隙处出会出现较大不连续,几 何形体会存在重叠,尽管这些缺陷 可被自动修复,但我们常常还是希望使用人工方法,由经验丰富的人 员进行人工交互修复,确保功能设计不会因为自动修复而改变。
However, when the imported data is of low precision there are often larger inconsistencies in the form of gaps and overlaps of geometry that can be resolved automatically but are sometimes best resolved interactively by a skilled user to ensure that the functional design is not changed.
点“前哨”和定居点基础设施、转移以色列定居者和修建隔离墙以及拆毁房屋、 挖掘、居住限制和其他非法措施,继续在被占领巴勒斯坦领土,包括东耶路撒冷
[...] 及其周围地区制造无数非法当地事实,将领土分割为独立 不连续 的 部分,将东 耶路撒冷与其他地区隔绝开来,使数以千计的巴勒斯坦人流离失所,并彻底摧毁 [...]
Through its illegal settlement activities — including the confiscation of land, construction and expansion of settlements, settlement “outposts” and settlement infrastructure, transfer of Israeli settlers and construction of the wall, as well as by means of home demolitions, excavations, residency restrictions and other unlawful measures — Israel continues to create a myriad of illegitimate facts on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East
Jerusalem, severing the Territory into
[...] separate and non-contiguous parts; isolating [...]
East Jerusalem from the rest of the Territory;
displacing thousands of Palestinians from their homes; and destroying some communities in their entirety.
数据可得性:风投/私募对网络零售的投资数据 不连续 , 而 投资与网络零售 发 展之间的平均间隔时间从长期来看也未必一致。
Data availability: The data on venture capital and private equity investment in online retail are sporadic, and the average period between investment and e-tailing development might not be consistent over time.
年),就可以知道示范法形式是如何 适应所审议的主题事项和起草者所追求的灵活程度的。《国际商事仲裁 示范法》可称作程序性文书,提供了一 不连续 却 相互依存的条款。
The Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, which could be described as a procedural instrument, provides a discrete set of interdependent articles.
专家组认为海关管制不力导致科特迪瓦危 连续不 断 , 因为这种局面维持 对武器的需求,同时为采购武器提供便利。
The Group believes that ineffective customs control
[...] contributes to the continued crisis in Côte [...]
d’Ivoire, which sustains demand for weapons
and concurrently facilitates their acquisition.
特别是在含有锁链状高度不饱和系统及 季碳的连续不对称 中心的高立体选择性构筑法领域取得了丰硕的成果。
Recently new methodology for the construction of highly unsaturated acyclic systems and arrays of stereogenic centers including a quaternary carbon has been established utilizing these species.
归根结底,防止冲突的责任必须由国家机构承 担,否则,找到的解决方法可能有最终 不连 贯 一不可持续的危险。
Ultimately, the responsibility to prevent conflict must lie with national
institutions; otherwise, there is a risk that the solutions that are
[...] found may not be consistent or sustainable in the long run.
[...] 框有时候证实是障碍而不是帮助,因为现实情况是, 重建一个经历了冲突的国家的努力的确是一 连续 不断的过程。
These have sometimes proved to be an obstacle rather
than a help because the reality is that the effort to rebuild a country that has
[...] suffered conflict is really a continuum.
对理解暴力行为采取整体做法要求将暴力侵害妇 女现象置连续统一 体中,以便把握其各 不 同 的 形式和变相的方式。
A holistic approach to understanding violence requires violence against women to be situated along a continuum in order to capture its varied forms and incarnations.
因此, 必须优先考虑建立一种机制,以便能使用 连续不 断 地参与到产品的定位和沿岸模块的 建设、运行与和发展工作中来。
Thus, high priority must be placed on the
establishment of mechanisms to involve
[...] user groups on a continuing basis in the definition [...]
of products and in the establishment,
operation and development of the coastal module.
[...] 可为在同一学年内另外单独发生的不当行为对该儿童施 连续不 超过 10 个校日的停学, 条件是这些停学处罚不构成教育安置的改变(定义请参阅以下由于训诫停学而改变安置 [...]
School personnel may also impose additional removals
[...] of the child of not more than 10 school [...]
days in a row in that same school year
for separate incidents of misconduct, as long as those removals do not constitute a change of placement (see Change of Placement Because of Disciplinary Removals for the definition, below).
[...] 中死亡,情况始终不明了,加之儿子尸体被送回家属埋葬的状况,为提交人带连续不断的 愤怒和心理压力,委员会十分理解,认为这等于对提交人不人道的待 [...]
The Committee understands the continued anguish and mental stress caused to the
author, as the father of a deceased
[...] detainee, by this persisting uncertainty amplified [...]
by the condition in which his son’s
body was returned to the family for burial, and considers that it amounts to inhuman treatment of the author, in violation of article 7 of the Covenant.
2009 年 7 月 27 日经济及社会理事会第
37 次全体会议表示注意到,非政府
[...] 组织委员会在确认秘书处向尚未提交报告的组织发出了最后催复通知,要求每 个组织在 2009 年 5 月 1 日之前提交一份涵盖前一个四年期的报告,以及确认已 向相关非政府组织总部所在的会员国常驻代表团发出了最后催复通知,明确表 明如果这些非政府组不能在最后期限前履行义务,委员会则要向理事会提出 应承担后果方面的建议之后,决定在理事会续会上提交一份 连续 两 次或更多 次没有提交四年期报告而要中止其咨商地位的非政府组织清单。
At its 37th plenary meeting, on 27 July 2009, the Economic and Social Council took note of the decision of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations to submit, at its resumed session, a list of non-governmental organizations that had failed to submit their quadrennial reports for two or more consecutive periods, for suspension of their consultative status, after having confirmed that the Secretariat had sent final reminders to those organizations with outstanding reports and had requested each to submit a report covering the preceding four-year period by 1 May 2009, and that the permanent missions of the Member States in which the headquarters of the non-governmental
organizations concerned are
[...] based had been notified of the final reminders, which clearly indicated the consequent recommendations the Committee would make to the Council should those non-governmental organizations fail [...]
to meet the deadline.
毋庸置辩 的是,占领国意图使用此类非法手段驱逐巴勒斯坦居民,强制实行非巴勒斯坦化, 从而改变被占东耶路撒冷的市容及人口结构,与此同时,它又通过其他实际殖民 措施,在当地制造事实以推进该市的犹太化,这些措施包括修建和扩大定居点及 隔离墙,将成千上万更多的以色列定居者迁入,并在全市各 连续不 停 地 进行开 挖,连“尊贵禁地”也不例外。
The intent of the occupying Power is irrefutable — to alter the physical and demographic landscape of Occupied East Jerusalem by forcing its de-Palestinianization by driving out the Palestinian inhabitants of the city by such unlawful means, while at the same time promoting the city’s Judaization through other physical colonization measures that create facts on the ground, including the construction and expansion of settlements and the Wall, the transfer of thousands upon thousands of more Israeli settlers and the incessant excavations throughout the city, including in the area of Al-Haram Al-Sharif.
(a) 406MHz 搜索和救援处理器
SARP 卫星信道传输收到的 406MHz 信标数据 这些数据已经卫星 部分处理过 以确定每个遇难信标传输组的标识 传输时间和频率 由于 SARP
[...] 信道的机载存储能力较大 它为以 406MHz 工作的遇难信标提供全球 但尚连续不断 的覆盖率
(a) The 406 MHz Search and Rescue Processor (SARP) satellite channel transmits received 406 MHz beacon data
that has already been partially processed
[...] by the satellite to determine the identification, [...]
time of transmission and frequency
for each distress beacon transmission burst.




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