

单词 不逞之徒

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 采取一切适当措施,如同在对阿尔巴尼亚的普遍定期审议时所建议的 那样,确保由在调查人员与警方的据称实施有部门或上下级联系的独立 机构及时和彻底地调查一切关于警方酷刑和虐待的指称,起诉那些负有责任的 人,并采取一切措施确保有
(a) Take all appropriate measures to ensure that all allegations of torture and ill-treatment by the police are investigated promptly and thoroughly by independent bodies, with no
[...] [...] institutional or hierarchical connection between theinvestigators and the alleged perpetrators among the police, and prosecute those responsible and take all measures to ensure that impunity does not prevail, as recommended in the [...]
of the universal periodic review of Albania
事实上,亚美尼亚总统通过赞美他的武装部队(这支部队在任何文明社会中 都将成为羞辱和蔑视的对象),以及讴歌一小撮应对战争期间对阿塞拜疆平民犯 下的残暴罪行负责的亡之徒全世界再清 表明,在他看来,“亚美 尼亚品牌”和“亚美尼亚价值体系”到底意味着什么。
In reality, by glorifying his armed forces, which would be an object of shame and contempt in any civilized society, as well as eulogizing a handful of desperadoes who are responsible for atrocious crimes committed against Azerbaijani civilians during the war, the President of Armenia makes it absolutely clear what, in his view, “the Armenian brand” and “the Armenian system of values” mean.
反腐败战 略依靠的是公众态度、预防措施、有效管制机构、惩 之徒回被盗资 产等的相互配合。
Anti-corruption strategies are based on a combination of public attitudes, preventive measures, effective institutions of control, punishment of wrongdoers and recovery of stolen assets.
建议各州建立有关机构,以促进学者 宗教 徒之辩论与共存, 政府机构和民间社会也应开展活动,以促进对宗教多样性的尊重,传播和平文化 和对不同信仰的尊重。
It is recommended that federal States establish bodies to promote debate and coexistence between scholars and adherents of different religions [...]
and government
agencies and civil society are also expected to undertake campaigns to promote respect for religious diversity to spread the culture of peace and respect for different beliefs.
对大马士革和阿勒颇的爆炸以及恐怖主义组织当前 对叙利亚人民辛勤努力建造的国家基础设施的破坏显然表明,这些组织尽管得到 了资金和军火,并征募了在几个国家受过训练的恐怖主义分子,但它们的目标没 有为叙利亚及其人民揭露了这个巨大阴谋,坚以无以伦比的决 心着手在全国各地恢复安全与稳定。
The bombings in Damascus and Aleppo and the ongoing destruction by terrorist organizations of the country’s infrastructure, which the Syrian people built with tremendous effort, clearly demonstrate that, despite the money and arms they have received and their recruitment of terrorists trained in several countries, those organizations have failed to achieve their aimsbecause of the steadfastness of Syria and its people, who uncovered the scope of the conspiracy and proceeded with incomparable resolve to restore security and stability throughout the country.
这种毫无道理的双重标准在安全理事 能够因为它符合那些 热衷于垄断卫星发射等尖端技术的国家的利益。
Such unreasonable double standards are possible at the Security Council because such standards are in line with the interests of those countries keen to monopolize such cutting-edge technology as satellite launches.
提高对这些极端主义力量的观念对我们多样的 文化遗产和文明构成的危害,是确保他们在各国间煽 动分歧的企佳方
Raising awareness about the danger that their ideas pose to our diverse cultural heritages and
civilizations is one of best ways to ensure that
[...] theywill not succeed in their efforts tofosterclashes amongnations.
巴基斯坦人民的普遍看法和评估是,暗杀一位具有国际地位和名望的领导人 的阴谋,除了可能拥有沟通和资金转移渠道的当地和本国执行如果没有 国际来源的策划、实施和资助,
It has been a general observation and assessment of the people of Pakistan that the plot to assassinate a leader of international stature and fame was not possible without planning, executing and financing from international sources inaddition to their executors at local or national level, with their possible channels of communicationand transfer of funds.
这显示出穆斯林和佛徒之紧张关系正愈演愈烈,也说教之 间会轻易地被高涨的极端民族主义情绪操 控。
It was a worrying development as itcast the tensions as Muslim versus Buddhist and showed how easily the distrust between religions could be manipulated by rising ultra-nationalist sentiments.
(6) 部 分 被 告 会 被 逼 或 受 诱 使之 徒牌 放 款 人 借 贷,因 而 助 长 非 法 保 证 人 或 借 贷 的 活 动 。
(6) Some defendants may be forced or tempted toraise the amount from criminals or unlicensed money lenders, thus stimulating illegal bondsmen or money lending practice.
领导人十分清楚这些恐怖活动的用心和目的,不认为可以用这些事件来为诽 谤伊斯兰和穆斯林找理由,或挑起穆斯林和基 徒之纷争,两者在阿拉伯区 域共存少世纪,相互密切交织,不分彼此。
The leaders are well aware of the dimensions and aims of those terrorist movements and do not accept that events can be used to justify the vilification of
Islam and
[...] Muslims, or to stir upstrifebetween Muslims and Christians, whoare all closely woven [...]
together in a fabric that hastaken shape over many centuries of coexistence in theArab region.
为了对抗占领国的非法行径,使其一心想一再规 避国际社会为其规定的义务的企 尔及 利亚呼吁巴勒斯坦阵营实现团结,呼吁国际社会提供 一切必要支持,来实现这一主要目标。
In order to confront the occupying Power’s outlaw behaviour and its headlong rush to repeatedly evade obligations placed upon it by the international community, Algeria calls for unity in the Palestinian ranks and calls upon the international community to lend the support necessary to achieve this prime objective.
首都航空公司事件说明了几个关键问题:阿威斯的个人领导对武装反对过 渡联邦政府和非索特派团的重要性;厄立特里亚对他的返回和随后为准备 2009 年 5 月攻势而重振伊斯兰党予以直接和公开支持;该区域一些国家——这次是 肯尼亚——虚弱的管制框架在某种程度上使首都航空公司参与的这类“破坏制 裁”行为能够
The Capital Airlines episode is illustrative of several key issues: the importance of Aweys’s personal leadership in armed opposition to the Transitional Federal Government and AMISOM; Eritrea’s direct and overt support for his return and the subsequent reinvigoration of Hizbul Islam in preparation for its offensive of May 2009; and the degree to which weak regulatory frameworks in some States of the region — in this case Kenya — enable sanctions-busting behaviour of the kind Capital Airlines engaged in.
该集团许任何阻止纪念 会议的企图
The Group would not allowany attempt to stop the commemorative meeting [...]
to succeed.
欢迎所有促进跨文化和信仰之间和谐的国际和区域主动行动,包括明联盟”倡议、“宗教间合作促进和平与和谐国际对话”及世界各种宗教和文化徒之对话,感谢它们在各级水平上为促进和平与对话文化所作出的宝贵努 力,又欢迎当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象问题报
Welcoming all international and regional initiatives to promote cross-cultural
and interfaith harmony,
[...] including the Alliance of Civilizations initiative, the International Dialogue on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace and Harmony and the dialogue among the followersof world religions [...]
and cultures and
their valuable efforts made in the promotion of a culture of peace and dialogue at all levels
巴基斯坦的穆斯林须在护照申请表中庄严宣示自己“不承认穆罕默德(愿安 拉赐他平安)任何意义或类型的自称先知者,不承认这种人为先知,也不 承认宗教改革者为穆斯林”,且他们“认为米尔扎·古拉姆·艾哈迈德·卡谛亚 尼是假先知,还认为其徒不于拉合尔派还是卡谛亚尼派都不是穆斯林”。
In Pakistan, Muslims are required to solemnly declare in their passport application form that they “do not recognize any person who claims to be prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Muhammad (peace be upon him) or recognize such claimant as prophet or a religious reformer as a Muslim” and that they “consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Quadiani to be an imposternabi and also consider hisfollowers whether belonging to the Lahori or Quadiani Group to be NON-MUSLIM”.
[...] 年奥斯曼土耳其帝国对索伦托的劫掠,以及穆斯林与基 徒之控制地中斗争,可能激发了诗人对十字军东征的兴趣。
Tasso was born in Sorrento, in the Kingdom of Naples, and his interest in the Crusades probably was kindled by the sacking of Sorrento in
1558 by the Turkish Ottomans and the
[...] ongoing strugglebetween Muslim and Christian powers for control [...]
of the Mediterranean.
同样,结束恐怖主义的挑战要求建立最可能广 泛的各国联盟,不仅靠使用武力,还要并主要靠推动 信仰、文化和文明的对话,使兜售仇恨的
Likewise, the challenge of terrorism demands the broadest possible coalition of nations to put an end to it — not only through sheer force of arms but also and mainly through a dialogue of faiths, cultures and civilizations that will put themerchants of hate out of business.
虽然由于已采 取的具体措施,海盗行为数已经减少,但令 是,我们注意到,目前仍有许多海盗袭击和 劫持人质的事件,并且目前已延伸到索马里海岸以外 区域。
Although the number of successful acts of piracy has decreased significantly owing to the specific measures taken, it is nevertheless worrying to note that there are still many instances of pirate attacks and hostage-taking, and that those now extend beyond Somalia’s coasts.




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