单词 | 氄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 氄—down or fine hairExamples:玄秘—occult 玄妙—abstruse 玄妙adj—mysteriousadj
入口玄关处的洗衣清洁间和步入式衣柜,取代了原本开向厨房无自然采光的佣人套房。 chinese-architects.com | A laundry room and walk-in closet by the foyer replaced the existing maid’s room, which was originally open to the kitchen without natural light. chinese-architects.com |
这个城市还是保存完整的休眠火山和古代玄武岩村庄遗址的发源地。 shangri-la.com | The city is also home to preserved dormant volcano sites and ancient basalt villages. shangri-la.com |
神话和历史之间有一张包含精彩而独特的角色的玄奥之网,这些角色对于文化想象可谓必要。 shanghaibiennale.org | Between myth and history lies a sophisticated web of fantastic and singular characters that are necessary for the cultural imaginary. shanghaibiennale.org |
同一周,玄叶光外相与其他会员国 和国际组织的代表一道主办了一次部长级活动。活动 期间,近 400 名参加者就公平和人的安全等重要概念 进行了富有成果的讨论,并分享了关于在实地为推进 实现千年发展目标进程而采用的具体方法的有益信 息。 daccess-ods.un.org | That same week, Minister for Foreign Affairs Genba, together with other Member States and international organizations, hosted a ministerial-level event in which approximately 400 participants engaged in fruitful discussions about important concepts such as equity and human security, and shared useful information about the concrete methods being used on the ground to advance the process of the achievement of the MDGs. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,他很得玄宗的宠信,一直在朝中做了十九年的官。 chinesestoryonline.com | He was known for his flattery of the Emperor and skill in the political scene, which enabled him to remain powerful throughout his lengthy duration as the prime minister. chinesestoryonline.com |
Coat Check Chair可放在画廊入口、家庭玄关、精品服装店、学校宿舍和儿童房等处使用。 continuuminnovation.com | Memorable and practical, the Coat Check Chair has potential for use in gallery openings, home entryways, clothing boutiques, dormitories, and children’s rooms. continuuminnovation.com |
这些奇蹟的制表代表5个元素的宇宙,根据古代哲学的中国自然科学,宇宙本身的拨号。 5性状的传说中的生物,有角的龙蓝凤qylin在月光下,和宝贵的蛇和龟的结合卧虎藏龙玄武,分别唤起木,火,土,金属和水。 zh.horloger-paris.com | These wonders of watchmaking represent the 5 elements of the universe according to the ancient philosophy of Chinese natural science, or the universe itself for one of the dials. 5 traits of legendary creatures, horned dragon blue phoenix qylin in the moonlight, and crouching tiger Genbu, the combination of precious snake and tortoise respectively evoke wood, fire, earth, metal and water. en.horloger-paris.com |
以丰富的经验及先进的材质使捷信成为使用玄武岩纤维管第一个也是唯一制造商。 gitzo.cn | Using the experience gained working with other advanced composite materials has made Gitzo the first and only manufacturer of a new generation of tripods that use Basalt fiber tubes. gitzo.com |
该纤维是由玄武岩的岩石,被碾碎后在1500 ° C(或2735 ° F)融化而成。 gitzo.cn | The fiber is made from basalt rock which is crushed and melted at 1500°C (or 2735°F). gitzo.com |
课後功课辅导包括有圆玄社会服 务部的「校本课後学习支援计划」、家庭学习协会的「区本课後学习支援计划」、 明爱中心的「课後中文班」、「课後功课辅导班」等。 hktawts.edu.hk | And initiatives of after-school tutoring include the "School-based After-school Learning Support Programme" by Yuen Yuen Social Service, the "District-based After-school Learning Support Programme" by Family Learning Association, as well as the "After-school Chinese Lessons" and "After-school Homework Tutor Class" by Caritas Centre. hktawts.edu.hk |
2013年3月9日,东画廊将开启“合唱团”第三辑,“合唱团”是东画廊专于推 广年轻艺术家的年度项目,此番亮相的是三位女艺术家:胡子、王雁伶和玄卿。 randian-online.com | Chorus III will be released with three female artists, Hu Zi, Wang Yanlyn and Xuan Qing. randian-online.com |
粘结性能:由于液体SBS和沙索必德等高分子材料的存在,使得彩色沥青混合料既具有较好的耐磨性,较高的强度,又具有超强粘结性和柔韧性,适应高等级路面,与花岗岩、玄武岩、天然大理石、石英砂等矿料的粘结性强,粘韧性大于6N.m,韧性大于3 N.m。 jsrclq.com | Performance bond: SBS and Sasol will be as liquid polymer materials such as the existence of Germany, making the color of asphalt mixture has both good wear resistance, high strength, but also has superior adhesion and flexibility to adapt to high level surface, and granite, basalt, natural marble, quartz sand and other mineral aggregate bond is strong, sticky toughness than 6N.m, toughness greater than 3 Nm. jsrclq.com |
回家以后,杨素跟他儿子杨玄感说:“我看李密这孩子的学识、才能,比你们几个兄弟强得多。 chinesestoryonline.com | After talking with Li Mi, Yang Su said to his son Yang Xuan Gan, "Li Mi's intelligence and capability is far beyond yours. chinesestoryonline.com |
他出生于Culver City,在南加利福尼亚州大学主修电影学,从事过人才中介师的工作,在成为一名玄学作家之前,他还在派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Pictures)担任过电影广告员的工作。 tipschina.gov.cn | Born in Culver City, he majored in cinema at USC, worked as a talent agent and then as a studio publicist for Paramount Pictures before becoming a metaphysical author. tipschina.gov.cn |
此外,基里隆周边地 区盛产黑色玄武岩和 宝石。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, black basalt and precious stones are found around the area of Kirirom. daccess-ods.un.org |
介于玄关和主要起居空间的画廊,自然地成为家庭生活中公共与私人领域间的中介空间,也为未来使用功能的扩充提供了可能。 chinese-architects.com | The foyer leads to the gallery which naturally becomes a common space for the family before entering into the main living space and private rooms, and also provides a possible expansion for future needs. chinese-architects.com |
适用范围:广泛适用于水泥厂的生料、熟料细碎作业,同时也可用于白云石、焦宝石、铅锌矿、蛇纹石、高炉渣、煤矸石、磷矿石等中等硬度物料的细碎作业,特别适用于硬质石灰岩、白云岩、花岗岩、玄武岩等人工造砂或高速公路路面石料的加工破碎。 mayastar.com.cn | It is also applicable for crushing iron ore, sandstone, gypsum, blast furnace residue, coal stone, piece coal, and many other ores of medium hardness, characterized by the large crushing ratio, little energy consumption, stable run, simple structure, and convenient maintenance and operation. mayastar.com.cn |
该产品加工中,采用了高脆性的玄武岩纱丝,这种纱线是玻璃、碳或高耐磨金属纤维纱线的代表。 news.groz-beckert.com | Brittle basalt yarns, among others, have been processed – representative for yarns made from glass, carbon or highly abrasive metal fiber yarns. news.groz-beckert.com |
项目在 2010 二月底完成,清除了大约 500,000 立方尺 (380,000立方米) 玄武岩,海底沉积物,河道深度从43 ft 增加到 49 ft (13.1 m 到 14.9 m) 以便能使大型现代船只过境。 hbm.com | The project, which was completed at the end of February 2010, removed approximately 500,000 cubic yards (380,000 cubic meters) of basalt and bottom sediment and increased the river depth from 43 ft to 49 ft (13.1 m to 14.9 m) to enable transit by the latest generation of modern large-draft ships. hbm.com |
以明太子等传统的材料配合香煎过的饭团,再与混合玄米茶及木鱼汁的汤底同吃,其美味关系绝对非比寻常,倍感满足。 ilovelkf.hk | Using traditional ingredients such as spicy cod roe paired with grilled rice, the dish is served in a tasty soup base made with rice tea and bonito broth for a satisfying culinary experience," our restaurant director explains. ilovelkf.hk |
5、适用范围:家居电视背景墙、玄关和屏风,广泛用于星级酒店、卡拉OK、美容院、SPA、会所、豪华别墅、家庭住宅、大堂、公司等室内装饰。 glass-art-e.com | 5、Applicable scope: TV background wall, hallway and folding wall for home decoration, widely used in interior decoration of starred hotel, karaoke, beauty salon, SPA, club, luxury villa, house, lobby and company. glass-art-e.com |
CAST玄武岩分为8组矿物的硬度(т.е实际上承认仅次于金刚石和金刚砂通过此参数),因此,它的穿着质量大大超过所有的钢材,包括锰钢,铸铁(含IChKh级),橡胶,塑料和所有的休息。 bazalt-eutit.com | CAST BASALT falls into 8th group of mineralogical hardness (т.е actually concedes only to diamond and emery by this parameter) and consequently, its wearing quality considerably exceeds all steels, including the manganese steel, cast iron (incl. IChKh grade), rubbers, plastics and all the rest. bazalt-eutit.com |
LINE业务部总监姜玄玭表示:「随着LINE Play正式在全球推出,部分东南亚地区热情的玩家已可享受该程式所带来的乐趣,并迅速的增长速度亦远远超乎预期。 ipress.com.hk | While some enthusiastic users in SE Asia had accessed and experienced LINE Play prior to its global launch, its rapid growth in popularity since then has exceeded expectations. ipress.com.hk |
长期和成功的实践的CAST玄武岩使用的示范例子是Starobeshevsky州地区电站独立的部分成荫的除灰管道已经安装在1967年仍然会被保留。 bazalt-eutit.com | The demonstrative example of long-term and successful practice of CAST BASALT use is the Starobeshevsky state district power station where separate sections of lined pipeline for ash handling which has been installed in 1967 are still remain. bazalt-eutit.com |