

单词 重利



value material gain over righteousness


value righteousness rather than material gain [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

我们必须尽快消 除重利润的发展,而是要变成以人为本的发展,来阻止这场战争。
We must put an end to this
[...] by moving from profit-centred development [...]
to people-centred development before it is too late.
代表团回答了一些预先准备的问题,并表示希望各国代表团能 重利 比亚 人民的宗教、社会和文化的特殊性。
The delegation provided responses to some of the questions asked in advance,
indicating that it hoped that delegations would respect the religious, social and cultural
[...] specificities of the Libyan people.
V. 作为低地和三角洲问题的方法的土地 重利用
V. Multifunctional land uses as approach to the problems of lowlands and deltas
此外,重要的国家方案和政策,如扶贫,仍然 重利 用 森 林实现国 家经济发展目标,而非保护土著人民自决和保护传统领土的权利。
In addition, important national programmes [...]
and policies, including those concerning poverty alleviation, continue to be
framed around meeting national objectives of economic development in forests, rather than protecting indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination and the protection of their traditional territories.
重利用信 息和传播技术,将经过合理化或简化的程序自动 化,从而提高效率和透明度。
Accent will be put on the use of ICTs to automate streamlined or simplified processes, hence enhancing efficiency and transparency.
应通过大众传媒广泛宣 传最佳做法,记者之间进行国家和国际信息交流与沟通,并特别 重利 用 所 谓的 新媒体,并应建立可持续产品的良好形象和进行透明标识。
This would include sharing information on best practices through the mass media, by creating national and international information exchange and communication between journalists, and paying special attention to so-called new media, along with creating a better image of sustainable products and transparent labelling.
在所有这些应用程序中,对于成功策划和实施这类系统, 重利益 攸关方之间的协作学习是必要的。
In all of these applications, a process of collaborative learning between multiple stakeholders is necessary for successful planning and implementation of such systems.
我們應該以尋求事實真相為出發點,以保護公眾利 益為大前提,以重利益申報機制的真確性為基礎,務實、客觀地弄 清事件的真相,而並非將之政治化。
With seeking the truth as the starting point, on the premise of protecting public interest, and on the basis of respecting the authenticity of the interest declaration mechanism, we should sort out the truth of the incident in a pragmatic and objective manner, rather than politicizing it.
管理部门的回应承认必须调整初级商品特别股,使贸发会议保留其在初级商 品领域里的领导作用,其方法是通过政府间机构和 重利 益 攸 关方论坛加强研究 和分析,在达成共识方面发挥更积极的作用,并在其分析工作的基础上提供更有 针对性的技术援助。
The management response acknowledged the necessity to retool the Special Unit on Commodities for UNCTAD to regain its leadership role in the area of commodities by strengthening research and analysis, playing a more proactive role in consensus-building – through the intergovernmental machinery and multistakeholder forums – and by providing more focused technical assistance that is underpinned by its analytical work.
这项工作很复杂,涉及重利益攸 关和能力问题, 而且应在取得短期结果(如提供基本服务等)和实现长期能力发展(包括体制改革) 之间保持适当平衡。
The process is complex,
[...] involving multiple stakeholders and capacity issues, and the need to strike the right balance between [...]
achieving short-term
results (such as providing basic services) and long-term capacity development including institutional reform.
虽然埃塞俄比亚支持南苏丹的立场很明显,但它需要同时平衡 重利 益 ,因此在南苏丹独立问题上很谨慎地走中立路线。
While its support to South Sudan is evident,
[...] Ethiopia has multiple interests to balance, [...]
so it is careful to toe a neutral line on independence.
(e) 很有可能涉及为促进社会经济和发展的 重利 益 , 可以农业为例(新西 兰,MISC.5/Add.2)
(e) Be designed where possible
to foster socio-economic and development co-benefits, for
[...] example with respect to agriculture [...]
(New Zealand, MISC.5/Add.2)
为了进一步改善发展成果,儿童基金会已经建立一个创新单位,特别 重利 用新 技术和创新产品,如系统管理服务器(程序)技术来跟踪营养不良和监测供应 [...]
To further improve development outcomes, [...]
UNICEF had created an innovation unit featuring the use of new technology and innovative
products, such as SMS technology to track malnutrition and monitor supply.
随着城市的交通拥堵愈加重,利用 出 行途 中收看电视的吸引力亦不断增加。
As cities experience increased traffic congestion, the appeal of catch-up TV during the commute should also increase.
潜力;讨论带有低地和三角洲水处理系统的城市及其周 围耕地的关系;研究生态系统和景观保全的潜能;接受 土地重利用观念的挑战;讨论把知识、思想、远见和 观念应用于市场的方法。
The aims of the conference are : to explore and discuss the threats as well as the potentials for the lowlands and deltas of the future; to discuss the relationship of the intensification of farming in and around cities with the water management systems in lowlands and deltas ; to study the potentials for the safeguarding of ecosystems and landscapes in these areas; to take up the challenge for new multifunctional land use concepts ; to present and discuss methods on how to bring knowledge, ideas, visions and concepts to the market.
会议认为,在重利益相 关方的 协商方面没有适用于所有国家的“千篇一律”的方法,特别是在政府设计各项政 [...]
There was agreement that there was no “one-size-fits-all”
[...] prescription for multi-stakeholder consultation [...]
that applied to all countries, particularly
with respect to how the government should weigh inputs from stakeholders appropriately when devising policies and negotiating objectives.
为了提高与其他组织的协同效应,委员会可以考虑更加 重利 用 或 发掘与 其他组织共享资源、制定联合项目或发展合作伙伴关系的可能性,特别是委员 会成员国也加入的组织或在国际贸易法领域开展活动的组织。
To improve synergies with other organizations, the Commission might consider devoting more attention to undertaking or exploring possibilities for sharing of resources or developing joint projects or partnerships with others organizations, particularly those of which member States of the Commission are also members or that are active in the field of international trade law.
中国的维和行为受重利益驱 使,包括从多边主 义和形象塑造到更为传统的考虑,如孤立台湾, 确保中国的海外投资等等。
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Principles and Guidelines (Capstone Doctrine)”, United Nations, DPKO, department of field support, 2008, at http://pbpu. unlb.org/pbps/Library/Capstone_Doctrine_ENG.pdf.
( i i i ) 有重 利 益 衝 突 的 風 險 , 因 為 他 們 希 望 達 成 和 解 , 所 以 會 把 代 [...]
墊 付 費 用 ( 例 如 醫 療 費 、 其 他 專 家 費 用 ) 減 至 最 低 ( 這 些 費 用 頇
由 中 介 人 自 行 支 付 ) , 結 果 令 案 件 未 能 為 進 行 審 訊 而 得 到 充 分 的 諮 詢 、 評 估 或 準 備 。
(iii) There is a serious risk of conflict of interest in that disbursements [...]
such as medical fees or other experts‟ fees
are kept to a minimum (because the claims intermediary pays for these fees himself) in the hope of a settlement, with the result that cases are not properly advised, assessed or prepared for trial.
注意到意利重视罗 姆族和辛提族儿童及年轻人的教育, 匈牙利询问这些方案取得的成果。
Noting Italy’s emphasis on the education [...]
of Roma and Sinti children and young people, Hungary asked about the results achieved through those programmes.
保障公眾利益和保障個人權利應繼續作為規管機制的兩項基本原 則,而保障公眾利益應較保障個人 利重 要。
Protection of the public interest and protection of an individual’s right should continue to be the two principles
underlying the control regime, with protection of
[...] the public interest taking precedence over protection of an individual’s right.
鼓励推动各种文化和文明的媒体相互开展对话,强调每个人都享有言论 自由的利,重申行 使这一权利附带特别的义务和责任,因此可能受到某些限制, [...]
但这些限制只应限于法律所规定,而且是尊重他人权利或名誉、或者保护国家安 全或公共秩序、保护公共健康或道德所必需;6 6.
Encourages the promotion of dialogue among the media from all cultures and civilizations, emphasizes
that everyone has the right to freedom of
[...] expression, and reaffirms that the exercise [...]
of this right carries with it special
duties and responsibilities and may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall be only such as are provided by law and necessary for respect of the rights or reputations of others, protection of national security or of public order, or of public health or morals;6 6.
[...] 不断,可能压制或已经压制人民和民族自决的 利 ; 重 申 普 遍实现所有人民,包 括处于殖民、外国或外来统治下的人民的自决权利,是切实保障和尊重人权以及 [...]
或占领导致人权特别是自决权利受到侵害的情况给予特别注意;请秘书长就此问 题向大会第六十五届会议提出报告(第 64/149 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly, deeply concerned at the continuation of acts or threats of foreign military intervention and occupation that were threatening to suppress, or had already
suppressed, the right to self-determination of
[...] peoples and nations, reaffirmed that the universal [...]
realization of the right of all peoples,
including those under colonial, foreign and alien domination, to self-determination was a fundamental condition for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights and for the preservation and promotion of such rights; requested the Human Rights Council to continue to give special attention to the violation of human rights, especially the right to self-determination, resulting from foreign military intervention, aggression or occupation, and requested the Secretary-General to report on the question to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session (resolution 64/149).
目的应在加强如下进程:特性、知识、社会化、保护和适当使用自然、社区组织 制度和惯例、使用本地语言、一切文化领域的教育和研究”;13 (h) 哥伦比亚重申承诺遵守土著人民的 利 ; 重 申 愿意采取有效措施,承认 和保护这些权利的行使;申明同意《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的精神和原则。
Its purpose shall be to ensure the processes of identity, knowledge, socialization, protection and adequate use of nature, community systems and practices of organization, use of vernacular languages, teacher training and research in all spheres of culture;13 (h) Colombia wishes to renew its commitment to the rights of indigenous peoples, reiterate its willingness to adopt effective measures to acknowledge and protect the enjoyment of those rights and state that it shares the spirit and principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
利重新审 视“和平一天”的核心价值 观,并对该组织每天的运营进行了改变(使 [...]
用 Skype 视频呼叫代替乘坐飞机去开会、使用 循环和可持续利用的办公室产品、办公室再 循环利用)。
Their discussion
[...] prompted Jeremy to re-examine Peace [...]
One Day’s core values and make changes to the day-to-day running of
the organisation (Skype Video calls instead of flights to meetings, recycled and sustainable office products, office recycling).
他询 问特别报告员是否考虑将重新接纳协议作为有效的
[...] 威慑工具,在谈到联合国在原籍国和过境国中的作用 时,他询问联合国能否加强自己的作用,使贩运受害 者利重新融入。
He asked whether the Special Rapporteur considered readmission agreements to be an effective deterrent and, concerning the role of the United Nations in countries of origin and
transit, whether the United Nations could enhance its
[...] role in the successful reintegration of the victims [...]
of trafficking.
表示关切许多残疾儿童继续被剥夺接受教育的 利 , 重 申 所有儿童都 有权在机会平等和普遍可得基础上接受教育,残疾儿童有权切实获取和接受教 [...]
育,以利于他们尽可能充分地融入社会和尽可能充分的个人发展,包括文化和 精神发展
at the number of children with
disabilities who continue to be denied the right to
[...] education, and reaffirms the right of all [...]
children to education on the basis of
equal opportunity and universal accessibility, and the right of children with disabilities to have effective access to and to receive education in a manner conducive to their fullest possible social inclusion and individual development, including their cultural and spiritual development
应将暗含土地利重大转 移的土地投资视为最后的和最不理想的 选择,只有当任何其他投资模式都无法对当地发展做出类似贡献或改进有关地方 [...]
Land investments implying an important shift in land rights [...]
should represent the last and least desirable option, acceptable
only if no other investment model can achieve a similar contribution to local development and improve the livelihoods within the local communities concerned.




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