

单词 重历旧游

See also:


old calendar
the Chinese lunar calendar

External sources (not reviewed)

你也将沿着著名水上公园游泳俱 乐部,第二次大战潜水艇USS Pampanito,商船USS耶利米奥布莱恩,在海德街码头 历 史 船只 和 旧 金 山海上国家公园。
You will also
[...] sail along the famous swimming clubs of the Aquatic Park, the WWII submarine USS Pampanito, the Merchant Vessel USS Jeremiah O'Brien, the Historic Vessels at Hyde [...]
Street Pier and the
San Francisco Maritime National Park.
处于不同阶段的年轻癌症患者在离开医院后,均怀着同一个目标—— 攀上山脉之巅、划独木舟探索不同岛屿,或乘搭沙漠飞 游历 沙 漠
Young people at different stages of cancer leave the hospital and come together with a
common goal - to reach the summit of a mountain, explore an archipelago in a sea canoe
[...] or travel through deserts on a skidoo.
教育基础设施旧、教师的历很低 (超过一半的教师仅有 7 年的历)和三重职责 的制度,均属于最经常提到的造成这种情况 的原因。
The obsolescence of the educational infrastructure, the low level of the teachers’ qualifications (more than half have attained only the level of the seventh grade) and the three-shift system are among [...]
the causes mentioned
most frequently in explaining this situation.
这一项目旨在促进中亚和南亚偏远山区可持续的社区文化和生态 游 , 重 点 是 缓解贫 困,减少从农村到城市的移居人口并保护文化和自然遗产。
This project promotes sustainable community-based
[...] cultural and ecotourism in isolated mountain areas of Central and South Asia, with a focus on poverty alleviation, [...]
reduction of
ruralurban migration and the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage.
事先筛选的名册概念 的依据是:战略性的工作人员规化、使用通用空缺通 知、在不同职业类设立专家组、在整个秘书处采用中 央审查机构以及重上游的审核程序。
The concept of pre-screened rosters was based on strategic workforce planning, the use of generic vacancy announcements, the creation of expert groups in the various occupational groups, the use of central review bodies throughout the Secretariat and an upstreamed clearance process.
位于石垣市中心街的字登野城,在每年 旧历 7 月 16日,也就是盂兰盆节的第二天,当地的老人和狮子保存会的成员都会在狮子和弥勒的本家新城家 重 地 举 行“狮子祭”,用以祈求居民的无病消灾和平安无事。
In the Azatonoshiro area, which lies at the heart of Ishigaki City, the Shishimatsuri Festival is held on the 16th day of the 7th month, the day after the bon according to the Lunar Calendar, in the household of Arashiro which is the head family of the shishi (lion) and the Miroku (Maitreya).
当然,弱货币也可 导致高通货膨胀率和不稳定的政治局势,妨 重 要 的 旅 游 部 门的复苏,从而降 低增长率。
Of course, a weaker currency could also lead to higher inflation rates
and a destabilized political situation that would reduce growth by hampering
[...] the recovery of the important tourism sector.
促请会员国以及媒体、媒体协会、媒体自律机构、学校及其他有关伙伴在尊 重媒体自由的同时,酌情开展提高公共意识的宣传活动并制定适当措施和机制, 例如有关媒体暴力的行业守则和自律措施,以便提高对妇女权利和尊严的 重, 防止歧视妇女和形成旧的性别观念。
Member States and the media, media associations, media self-regulatory bodies, schools and other relevant partners, while respecting the freedom of the media, are urged, as appropriate, to develop public awareness campaigns and appropriate measures and mechanisms, such as codes of ethics and selfregulatory measures on media violence, aimed at enhancing respect for the rights and dignity of women while discouraging both discrimination and gender stereotyping.
使 用容量较大的新硬盘来取旧硬盘 时,即 使 重 新 进 行格式化也可能会在无意中将许多可以恢复 的个人信息和保密信息留在旧盘中。
When replacing your old hard drive with a new, higher-capacity [...]
one, you may unwittingly leave on the old disc lots of personal
and confidential information that can be recovered, even if you have reformatted it.
上海拥有许多极具历史感的地标建筑,例如外滩、静安寺,吸引了众 游 客 前 来感受上海 历 史 风情。日新月异的浦东天际线与充 历 史 韵味 的 旧 城 建 筑共同勾勒出上海迷人的城市轮廓。
As the world's eighth largest city, Shanghai stands as the epitome of China's spectacular economic growth.
代表们所提到的需要进一步加强改善之处是:应当进一步降低人事费与计划费的比例,制定公 众宣传战略,有必要强调争取更多的预算外资金来实现 重 大 计 划的主次目标,取消 旧 过 时 的项 目和更好地利用合作关系网,因这也有助于确定教科文组织较之其它有关各方的相对优势。
Areas identified for further improvement and refinement were the need to reduce still further personnel costs in relation to programme costs, the definition of a public information strategy, the need to highlight better the contribution of extrabudgetary funds to the realization of principal and other objectives of each major programme, the elimination of superannuated projects and improvements in context mapping which would also help to identify the comparative advantages of the Organization vis-à-vis other actors.
[...] Geographic)杂志开展一次研究之旅,他们将驾驶雅克•伊夫•库斯托第二艘研究船亚克安娜(Alcyone)号并沿着当年的航 线 旧 地 重游。
On this particular occasion, the company will also be sponsoring a research voyage to be carried out by National
Geographic, which will be putting to sea in the wake of Jacques-Yves Cousteau
[...] in his second research ship, the Alcyone.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧 历 史 教 科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both
regions; the holding of
[...] youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
当您回到豪华的地中海邮轮上,必然感到活力焕发,并多了一 游历 地 球上最独特的地形景观的珍贵经历。
Return to your luxury MSC cruise ship invigorated and with the pleasure of having experienced one of the most unique landscapes on earth.
为了拟定文化旅游的政策建议,教科文组织参加了在巴黎国际旅游沙龙范围内举行的 一次国际会议(2002年3月14日),会议的专题是“旅游、伦理与全球化”;教科文组织 还与(比利时)弗朗德勒地区当局合作,于
[...] 2002年3月17--19 日在比利时布鲁日召开了一 次专题为“游历史城 市,为未来而分享文化”的国际会议。
With a view to framing proposals for a cultural tourism policy, UNESCO took part in the International Conference held on 14 March 2002 in the context of the International Tourism Fair in Paris, on the subject of “Tourism, ethics and globalization” and, in cooperation with the authorities of the Region of Flanders (Belgium),
convened an international conference on
[...] the theme “The Tourist Historic City, Sharing Culture [...]
for the Future” from 17 to 19
March 2002, in Bruges, Belgium.
应优先关注着重发展和升级包括家畜在内的农业部门,适当 重游 牧 文化 和可持续的自然环境。
Priority shall be given to policies directed to the development and upgrading of
the agricultural sector, including livestock, with due
[...] respect to the nomadic culture and sustainable [...]
natural environment.
这个网站的另外一重要目 的是将文艺复兴的艺术及创新与学生们的日常生活联系起来,启迪学生们文艺复兴并不是迂腐 旧历 史 ,而是令人惊奇地为现代所称赞。
Another key goal of the site was to connect
[...] Renaissance art and innovations with a student’s everyday life, revealing that the Renaissance is not moldy old history, but rather surprisingly recognizable to modern eyes.
当前任「老虎」逐渐成为真正的多边势力时,「游牧」邀请您一 游历 这 个 马赛克国家,见证它如何放下文化差异,走向现代化。
At the time where the former “tiger” is becoming a true multilateral power, Nomad invites you to a journey in a mosaic country, which set aside its cultural differences to move towards modernity.
12 名能力非凡的男女信使担任特奥会的发言人,耗时两年 游历 世 界 各地。
These 12 remarkable men and women travel the world as spokespeople for the movement over a two-year term.
1945 年,联合国各创始成员齐旧金山 ,在现历史上 最具破坏性战争的余烬和最削弱能力的经济 萧条中创建了本组织。
The founding Members of the United Nations gathered in San Francisco in 1945 to create this Organization out of the ashes of the most destructive war and the most debilitating depression in modern history.
然 而民盟的压倒性胜利未必符合政党或是国家的最佳 利益,因为这可能会导致三重要选 民团体 旧政 治 精英、少数民族政治党派、以及非民盟民主力 量)被边缘化。
But an NLD landslide may not be in the best interests of the party or the
country, as it would risk
[...] marginalising three important constituencies: the old political [...]
elite, the ethnic political parties
and the non-NLD democratic forces.
近 期船舶建造合同的推迟和取消可能对中国、大韩民国和越南等船舶建造国造重 大影响,旧船拆 船力度的加大可能对孟加拉国和巴基斯坦等主要拆船国的安 [...]
Recent postponements and cancellations of
[...] shipbuilding contracts may have major impacts on shipbuilding [...]
countries, such as China, the Republic
of Korea and Viet Nam, while intensified scrapping of older tonnage may pose further challenges for safety, health and environmental conditions in major ship-breaking countries, such as Bangladesh and Pakistan.
James 说,“我意识到我们需要 更新一旧设备,尤重要的 是,我们需要能够执行有效远程管 理的瘦客户机,以便促进业务不断向前发展”。
I was conscious that some of our older devices required a
[...] refresh and that it was important that we had a thin [...]
client device that could be managed
effectively remotely and be able to develop with our business moving forward,” said James.
在该届会议上,委员会商定:㈠今后 的任何审查应当依据委员会先前对这个问题的审议、法国和美国提出的意见 (分别为 A/CN.9/635 和 A/CN.9/639)以及秘书处的说明(A/CN.9/638 及增 编),据认为,后者对贸易法委员会议事规则和工作方法的制定和演变做了特重要的历史回 顾;㈡应当委托秘书处编写一份工作文件,借助其先前说明 (A/CN.9/638 及增编)中的有关资料,介绍委员会在适用议事规则和工作方 法、特别是在决策以及在非国家实体参加贸易法委员会工作方面的现行做法; 该工作文件将有助于委员会今后就该事项进行正式和非正式协商。
At that session, the Commission agreed that: (i) any future review should be based on the previous deliberations on the subject in the Commission, the observations by France and the United States (A/CN.9/635 and A/CN.9/639, respectively), and the note by the Secretariat (A/CN.9/638 and addenda), which was considered as providing a particularly important historical overview of the establishment and evolution of UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work; (ii) the Secretariat should be entrusted with the preparation of a working document describing current practices of the Commission with the application of rules of procedure and methods of work, in particular as regards decision-making and participation of non-State entities in the work of UNCITRAL, distilling the relevant information from its previous note (A/CN.9/638 and addenda); this working document would serve for future deliberations on the subject in the Commission in formal and informal settings.
教科文组织还与(比利时)弗朗德勒地区当局合作,于 2002 年 3 月
[...] 17-19 日在比利时布鲁日召开了一次主题为“ 游历 史 城市,为未来而分享文化”的国际会 议。
In cooperation with the authorities of the Region of Flanders (Belgium), UNESCO
convened an international conference on the
[...] theme “The historic tourist city, sharing [...]
culture for the future” from 17 to 19
March 2002, in Bruges, Belgium.
此外,与国际海缆船务的合作证明了Xtera是既能铺设新系统又 重 新 部 署 旧 系 统 的完整解决方案提供商。
In addition, the partnership with KCS demonstrates Xtera's capability as a provider of complete
[...] solutions for redeployment as well as new systems.
就非洲人后裔而言,这可能需要确保在有此需要的地方提供双 语教育,并确保课程安排要珍惜和 重历 史 、文化和非洲人后裔对其国家和全球 [...]
发展所做的贡献,以便促进在社会内部对他们的承认和他们的认同感,特别是对 非洲裔的儿童和青年来说更是如此。
In the case of people of African descent, this may entail ensuring the provision of bilingual education where
relevant, and ensuring that curricula value
[...] and respect the history, culture and contributions [...]
that people of African descent
have made to their nations and global development in order to promote their recognition within society and a sense of identity, particularly for children and young people of African descent.
他在乌克兰建造防御工事,后来这些工事多数被波兰控制,用于对抗哥萨克和鞑靼人的战斗,1639 年他乘游历了第 聂伯河(德尼普洛河,乌克兰境内)。
He built fortifications in Ukraine, most of which was then under Polish control, took
part in battles with the Cossacks and
[...] Tatars, and in 1639 traveled by boat down the [...]
Dnieper (Dnipro, in Ukrainian) River.
a. 配合纳布卢斯市政府、文物古迹部和该大学制订了一项详尽的工作计划,并已得 到所有利益相关者认可,这项计划是要在巴勒斯坦建筑师中开展一项竞赛,请他 们制订出修旧城两座严重毁坏 的建筑物的提案。
(a) In coordination with the Nablus Municipality, the Ministry of Antiquities and the University, a detailed work plan has been established and approved by all stakeholders to launch a competition among
Palestinian architects, who will be invited to elaborate a proposal
[...] to restore two severely damaged old houses in the Old City.
大会第 64/230 号决议第三节第 5
段重申秘书长需要确保所有工作地点采用 的技术相互兼容,并确保此种技术便于所有正式语文采用;大会在同一节第 6 段
[...] 中请秘书长优先完成把所有六种正式语文的联合国全 重 要 旧 文 件 上载联合国 网站的工作,以便会员国也能通过这一媒介取得这些档案资料。
In section III, paragraph 5, of its resolution 64/230, the General Assembly reiterated the need for the Secretary-General to ensure the compatibility of technologies used in all duty stations and to ensure that they are user-friendly in all official languages; and in paragraph 6 of the same section, it requested the
Secretary-General to complete the task
[...] of uploading all important older United Nations documents [...]
onto the United Nations website
in all six official languages on a priority basis, so as to ensure that these archives are also available to Member States through that medium.




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