

单词 惊人之举

See also:


successful candidate in the imperial provincial examination



External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 时速,两人断定停下来已为时已晚,于是当机立断,赶 在火车经过之前双双低头弯腰,头皮擦着横杆下沿飞 驰而过。这样惊人之举更激 发了赛车界对 550 Spyder 的兴趣,而这款车型超凡出众的性能也更加令人刮目 相 看 了。
This exhilarating stunt only increased interest in the 550 Spyder and its impressive racing capabilities.
当您打电话时,DSP 技术自动调节您的通话声音,使之最 适 合您所在的环境,因此每个字都清楚 惊人。
When you’re on the phone, DSP technology
automatically adjusts the sound on your calls to
[...] best suit your surroundings, so that every word comes through in astounding detail.
那些除了依恋故国之外无可指摘人 们 被 迫生活惊恐之中。
People whose only crime was their attachment to their homeland were being forced to live in fear.
去年维斯塔斯人震惊的裁员举动之 后 , 丹麦政府起草了一个未来的新能源发展计划,计划延伸至未来很长的一段时间,直至2050年;对于到2020年这段时间也有很多实际的举措。
After last year’s shocking staff reductions at Vestas, the Danish government presented a proposal for a future new energy policy that represents a long trail towards 2050 and comes with a number of concrete initiatives for 2020.
在二十世纪七十年代和八十年代拉丁美洲国家所使用的安全措施与过去一个 世纪里其他地区,如非洲、亚洲、欧洲和中东所使用的安全措 之 间 可 以发惊 人的相似之外。
Striking similarities can be identified in the security measures of the 1970s and 1980s used in Latin American countries and, in the past century, in other regions, such as Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
与最不发达国家以及最贫穷、最脆弱和最弱势的国家及 人 民 保 持团结、合 作和伙伴关系,这不仅在道义上,而且在经济上和政治上都是必 之举。
Solidarity, cooperation and partnership with the least developed countries, the poorest, most vulnerable and weakest countries and their people are not only moral imperatives, they are also economic and political ones.
在外地一级,高专办根 据人权事务高级专员的授权,在短时间内派出了 10 个访问团,包括向格鲁吉亚、 几内亚、伊拉克、肯尼亚、马达加斯加和巴勒斯坦被占领土派 人 权 干 事,防止 发生侵人权事件;向加沙和洪都拉斯派出了实况调查团以及在加蓬 举之 前派 出了监察团。
At the field level, human rights officers were sent at short notice to contribute to the prevention of human rights violations in accordance with the mandate of the High Commissioner for Human Rights through 10 missions, including
to Georgia; Guinea; Iraq; Kenya;
[...] Madagascar; the Occupied Palestinian Territory and fact-finding missions to Gaza and Honduras; and a monitoring mission prior to elections in Gabon.
事实上,尽管布隆迪政府期 望得到资金以支付大部分选举费用,但它只收到了
[...] 所需数额的 40%多一点;现在距离计划于 2010 年 5 月 21 日举行第一次选举只有两个月的时间,布隆迪 政府正面临着近 2 100 万美元惊人的选举预算短 缺。
Indeed, while his Government had been anticipating funding to cover the bulk of the election costs, it had received a little over 40 per cent of the amount required; with the first election scheduled
for 21 May 2010 but two months away, it
[...] was facing an alarming shortfall of nearly US$ 21 million in its election budget.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来 之 前 的时间世界末日图 惊人 的 相 似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in
the Ḥasidean schools;
[...] hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time [...]
preceding the Messianic
advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
今年在英国Cosford举办的 夏季飞行表演秀,于6月14日盛大展开,届时将会看到全新面貌的飞行团队昂然凌空,并将再一次采用顶级Lynx 与Apache直升机,展演人为之惊艳的高空特技表演。
This year sees a new look team take to the skies for a summer season of spectacular air displays starting on June 14th at Cosford air show in the UK.
该 平台旨在联合开展公民教育培训、监测侵 人 权 事 件并确保各方在总统 举之 前、 之中和之后遵守各政党签署的行为守则以 人 权 规 范和原则。
The aim of the platform is to jointly conduct civic education training, monitor human rights violations and ensure that all parties adhere to the code of conduct signed by the political parties and to human rights norms and principles before, during and after the presidential election.
在把武装冲突中妇女的问题作为优先领域加以 处理的《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》通过 15 年之后, 并且在安全理事会启动了帮助妇女的广泛议程的 10 年之后,事实表明所取得的进展不尽人意,并且在一 些情况下出现惊人的倒退。
Fifteen years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action addressed the issue of women in armed conflict as a priority area, and 10 years after the Security Council launched a broad agenda
in favour of women,
[...] the facts indicate that progress has been unsatisfactory and that, in some cases, alarming reversals have been observed.
目前各国紧缩开支的浪潮正加深这一趋势, 使 之 达 到 惊人地 步
The current wave of austerity is
[...] deepening this trend to alarming proportions.
被围困在加沙长年遭受占领国以色列集体惩 罚、残酷迫害、扼杀及封锁的 1 500 万巴勒斯人, 再次遭到一场蓄意的恐怖、死亡与破坏行动的打击, 这次行动已进入第 19 天举世震惊,难以置信。
The 1.5 million Palestinians imprisoned in Gaza, collectively punished, callously persecuted, strangulated and blockaded for years by Israel, the occupying Power,
have been subjected to
[...] a new deliberate campaign of terror, death and destruction, which continues for the nineteenth day as the entire world watches in horror and disbelief.
人 数之多令人震惊,而且清楚反映了目前所采取做法的 规模。
Such numbers are quite striking and give a clear [...]
idea about the scope of the current practices.
这个项目的总体目标是确保加勒比、太平洋和大西洋、印度洋、地中海及南海区域的小岛屿, 特别是青人,发 展地方能力并分享在可持续发展方面的明 之举。
The overall objective of the project is to ensure that small islands in the
[...] Pacific and AIMS regions, and especially young people, develop local capacity and share-wise practices [...]
in sustainable development.
2009 年举之后由议会成员按比例组成的 11 人政府 ,包括喀里多尼亚共同 党、人民运动同盟、共同未来党等 7 名反独立党派成员,以及喀里多尼亚联盟及 [...]
卡纳克解放党的 4 名赞成独立党派的成员,菲利普·戈麦斯先生(喀里多尼亚共 同党)当选为政府总统,皮埃尔·恩盖奥尼先生(喀里多尼亚联盟)当选副总统。
The 11-member Government drawn from Congress on
[...] a proportional basis following the 2009 elections comprised 7 members of [...]
the anti-independence Calédonie
ensemble (Rassemblement-UMP) and L’avenir ensemble parties, and 4 members of the pro-independence Union calédonienne and the Parti de libération kanak, with Philippe Gomès (Calédonie ensemble) elected as President and Pierre Ngaiohni (Union calédonienne) as Vice-President of the Government.
总统选举法》详细地规定了程序,具体写明了在举行总统举之前完 成每一个阶段工作需要的时期。《大选法案》概述了选举委员会组织选 举的规则和条例,涵盖了关于投票的所有方面,包括:投票权、选民登记、发表 选举公告、候人、拉 选票、拉选票费用、投票、计票及犯法行为及其惩罚。
The Presidential Elections Act details
[...] the procedures and specifies the time periods required to complete each stage in the lead up to the presidential elections, while the General Elections Act outlines the rules and regulations of elections to be conducted under the Elections Commission and covers all [...]
aspects with regards
to voting including the right to vote; voters’ registry; announcements of elections; candidates; canvassing for votes; expenses of canvassing; voting; counting of votes; and offences and punishments.
(d) 各国政府应当鼓励其执法当局支持中亚区域信息和协调中心以及经济 合作组织等合之举,这些举措可便利对调查进行协调、收集信息并确定打击 将毒品途经近东和中东地区进行走私的相关 人 或 团伙的行动的目标。
(d) Law enforcement authorities should be encouraged by
their Governments to support cooperative initiatives such as the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre and the Economic Cooperation Organization, which facilitate the coordination of investigations, the gathering of information and the targeting of operations against persons or groups engaged in the smuggling of drugs through the Near and Middle East.
剥夺Karma 先生自由系属任之举,构 成了违反《世 人 权 宣 言》第九、 十、十一、十九和二十条,以及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第九、十 四、十九、二十一和二十二条的行为,隶属可适用提交工作组审议的第二和 三类的案情。
The deprivation of liberty of Mr. Karma is arbitrary, and constitutes a breach of articles 9, 10, 11, 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of articles 9, 14, 19, 21 and 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, falling within categories II and III of the categories applicable to the cases submitted to the Working Group.
人震惊的是,“大之 城基 金会”通过美国的“大卫之城之友”(税务识别号码:11-346-6176,免税资 格条款:501(C)(3))和联合王国的“联合王国大卫之城之友”(英国慈善注册编 [...]
Alarming is the fact that Ir David Foundation receives tax-deductible donations from citizens of [...]
two Member States, in the
United States through Friends of Ir David (tax ID #: 11-346-6176, tax exempt status: 501(c)(3)) and in the United Kingdom through UK Friends of the City of David (UK Charity Registration #: 1121683).
宝马古根海姆实验室与GOOD 合作,全球在线征集“您会如何改造所在城市的公共空间,提升城市的舒适性 之 创 意点子,邀请公众发挥创意,提出富有前瞻性、创新、有想象力、 人惊 奇 或 是不拘一格的方案,从而提升人们的公共空间体验。
In collaboration with GOOD, the BMW Guggenheim Lab has launched a worldwide, online call for ideas to "make" urban comfort, asking: "How would you transform a public space in your city to make it more comfortable?
它 对 安 全 部 队最近杀害 无 辜 青 年,并 说他们 都是游 击队员,是打击游 击队的成之举,表惊。
Expressing its shock at the recent news of the killing of innocent young men by security forces and who were said to be guerrilla fighters and presented as a success in the fight against the guerrilla, the Netherlands was impressed with the extent of the initial measures taken by the Government, such as the dismissal of many officers.
改革框架》明确阐明按照总 统的授权,在平等、公平举、人权 、 公正、透明度、现代性和真正的民主理之上制定新的宪法和进行选举。
The SFC articulates the formulation of a new
[...] Constitution and elections based on equality, equal suffrage, human rights, justice, transparency, modernity and true democratic ideals as mandated by the [...]
此外,我们欢迎潘基文秘书长对该地区进行的及 时访问,他正在那里同区域领人举 行 一 系列会谈, 旨在推动对安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议的遵守, 包括确保各之间达成立即停火,并加大为保持停火 进行必要安排和保证的努力。
Moreover, we welcome the timely mission undertaken by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the region,
where he is conducting
[...] a series of meetings with leaders in the region aimed at promoting respect for Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), including securing an immediate ceasefire between the parties and [...]
intensifying efforts
to provide the necessary arrangements and guarantees to sustain such a ceasefire.
工作人员-管理层协调委员会(SMCC)副主席在 3 月 22 日致秘书长的信中指出广大工人员 对 此 举 感 到“ 震 惊 和 沮 丧”,并指出, 这样惨淡的预算现实“要求进行成熟的讨论而不是匆忙的行动”,以及“工作人 员、管理人员以及确实会员国所期待的仅此而已”,并提醒收信人,联合国的规 则和核心价值观要求对广大工作人员可能产生影响的措施必须经过与工作人员代 表机构的事先协商,没有例外
In a letter to the Secretary-General dated 22 March, the Vice-President of the SMCC noted the “alarm and dismay” of the staff-at-large at such a move, noting that such bleak budgetary realities “demand mature discussion, not hasty action” and that the “staff, managers and indeed the Member States expect nothing less”, and reminding the letter’s addressee that the rules and core values of the United Nations require that measures with possible impact on the staff-at-large must be the subject to prior consultations with SRBs without exception
联合国海洋法公约》附件二第二条第 2 款规定,联合国秘书长应在每次举之日前 至少三个月发信给各缔约国,邀请它们在进行适当的区域协商后于三个 月内提出候人。
Article 2, paragraph 2, of annex II to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provides that, at least three
months before the
[...] date of each election, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall address a letter to the States parties, inviting the submission of nominations, [...]
after appropriate
regional consultations, within three months.




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