

单词 长江三峡

See also:


Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管中长江三峡工程 的总装机容量超过了伊泰普,但这个南美洲的发电站在年发电量方面仍是无可匹敌的。
Although the Chinese Three Gorges project on the Yangtze surpasses Itaipu [...]
in terms of total installed capacity, the South
American power station remains unrivaled in its annual energy production.
我决定聚焦在两个区域:中国长江 上 游 、 三峡 大 坝 地区和加拿大卑诗 省的高贵林湖、高贵林河与菲沙河地区。
I choose to focus on two
[...] regions: the Upper Yangzi River and Three Gorges Dam areas in China; [...]
and the Coquitlam Lake, Coquitlam
River and Fraser River areas in British Columbia, Canada.
长江上游和葛洲坝以下江段已存在可以自然繁殖的不同的胭脂鱼种群;葛洲坝 三峡 水 利 枢纽的建设不会直接威胁胭脂鱼物种的生存和繁衍。
Two respective populations exist in the upper and lower Gezhouba dam at present and they can reproduce separately.
上海境内除西南部有少数丘陵山脉外,全为坦荡低平的平原, 长江三 角 洲冲积平原的一部分,平均海拔高度为4米左右。
Except in the South West part, Shanghai area has not a lot of mountains and hills, most of the region of Shanghai lies in the broad and even alluvial low-altitude plain of the Yangzi Delta.
常州与上海、南京、无锡长江三角 洲 其他城市之间交通也非常方便,经铁路或公路均可轻松到达。
The city is also within easy reach of Shanghai and other main
[...] cities within the Yangtze Delta, i.e. Nanjing, [...]
Wuxi, Suzhou.
多样化的地貌包括位于该州最北端的金伯利,这里保留着原始的蛮荒,地势崎岖不平,海岸线逶迤 长 , 内 陆 峡 谷 令 人叹为观止。
Interesting variations in landscape include the Kimberley, in
the extreme north of the state, which is a wild and rugged area with a
[...] convoluted coastline and stunning inland gorges.
伊泰普有 20 台机组正在运行且由于巴拉那河的水流更加稳定, 长江 相 比 水文条件更加优越,因此伊泰普的年预期发电量可超过 95 0亿千瓦时,三峡目前 的预期发电量为 100 0亿千瓦时。
With 20 machines in operation and favorable hydrological conditions due to
the steady flow of the Paraná
[...] compared to the Yangtze, Itaipu is expected to reach an annual output of over 95 000 GWh, compared to a currently estimated 100 000 GWh for Three Gorges.
在伊泰普水电站(巴西和巴拉圭) 三峡 工 程 (中国)中,我们安装了世界上最大以及功率最高的水冷却机组,每个机组的功率都超过了 [...]
800 MVA。
For the hydro power plants Itaipu
[...] (Brazil / Paraguay) and Three Gorges (China) we have installed [...]
the world’s largest and most
powerful water-cooled units with over 800 MVA per unit.
我们的设备已经被用三峡大坝 、青藏铁路、南水北调、杭州湾跨海大桥、苏 长江 大 桥 、胶州湾跨海大桥、高速铁路等多项国家重点工程,2009年作为首台国产搅拌站参与海阳核电FCD。
Our equipment
[...] have been used in the Three Gorges Dam, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, South Water to North, Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Sutong Yangtze River Bridge, [...]
Kiaochow Bay Bridge, high-speed
railway, etc. national major projects.
[...] MSA)《内河船舶法定检验技术规则》(2004)及其《修改通报》(2007和2008)以及《 江 及 三峡 库 区航行船舶检验补充规定》(2004)对B级航区和J2级航段高速客船的要求。
Under design full load draught condition, the ship gives the maximum power with clean hull; the wind is not greater than Beaufort 3, wave height no more than Grade two, the deep hydrostatic trial speed is 34.0km / h. Under various loading conditions, the ship's stability can meet China Classification Society (CCS) "High-speed boat Classification and Construction principles" (2002) and the Republic of China Maritime Safety Administration (CHINA MSA) "River Marine Rules of Statutory Inspection Techniques" (2004) and
"Change Notification" (2007 and
[...] 2008) and the "Yangtze River and Three Gorges Ships Inspection Supplementary [...]
Provisions" (2004)
on the B-level navigation area and J2-level sail section.
除了参观世博会,代表团也将拜访江 苏 省 南京市、张家港市和金坛市的政府机构,参 长三 角 地区的企业,为本地公司牵线搭桥,寻找合作机会。
Apart from visiting the World Expo, the mission will also be meeting government agencies in Nanjing, Zhangjiagang and
Jintan in Jiangsu
[...] province, and interacting with enterprises in the Yangtze Delta region, to help local companies clinch business [...]
contacts and identify
opportunities for collaboration.
(g) 秘长转递非洲经济委员会执行秘书和欧洲经济委员会执行秘书关于 在穿越直布罗陀峡的欧 非永久通道项目的框架内进行的活动的报告的说明 (E/2009/63)。
(g) Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Executive Secretaries of the Economic Commission for Africa and the Economic Commission for Europe on the activities carried out within the framework of the project for a Europe-Africa fixed link through the Strait of Gibraltar (E/2009/63).
2006 [1992])长江三角洲 小农家庭与乡村发展》北京:中华书局。
(1990) The Peasant Family and Rural
[...] Development in the Yangzi Delta, 1350–1988.
福伊特为中国的这一世界最大的电站— 三峡 电 站 提供了6 套机组,单机出力70万千瓦。
For the largest power station in the
[...] world, at the Three Gorges Dam in China, Voith [...]
delivered six machine sets, each giving 700 megawatts of power.
试验大厅具有300KVA试验变压器和其它数套试验变压器及电老化试验装置、200kV直流高压发生器 长 度 达9.5米的试验油箱、瑞士Tettex公司的2809a精密测量电桥、德国LDIC局部放电测试仪、WW系列振动试验机、高温恒温试验箱、恒温湿热试验箱和低温试验箱、线棒冷热循环试验装置等, 三峡 、 燃 机、三个百万等级发电机绝缘系统和VPI等重大科研项目起到了重要作用。
The Testing Hall is equipped with following devices: 300KVA testing transformer and several sets of other testing transformers, electric aging testing device,
200kV DC high voltage
[...] generator, 9.5m-long testing oil tank, Sweden Tettex 2809a precision measuring bridge, Germany LDIC local discharge tester, WW series vibration tester, high-temperature & constant-temperature testing chamber, constant-temperature wet-hot testing chamber and low-temperature chamber, bar cold-hot cycle tester and so on, playing an important role in important scientific research projects, such as the Three Gorges project, gas turbine [...]
generator, three megawatt
generator insulation systems and VPI.
[...] 领域相对薄弱的基础和个人电脑制造商90%以上的原材料供应商分布 长江 和 珠 江三 角 洲 的事实,中国电子信息产业发展研究院顾问说,这是北京一家咨询公司。
But that ambition cannot change the city's relatively weak foundation in the IT field and the fact that more than 90 percent of
raw-material suppliers of PC manufacturers
[...] are in the Yangtze and Pearl river deltas, said CCID [...]
Consulting, a Beijing consulting company.
该领土是 一个狭窄的半岛,从西班牙西南海岸向南延伸,有一 长约 1.6 公里的峡与西 班牙相连。
The Territory is a narrow peninsula extending
southward from the south-west coast of Spain, to which it
[...] is connected by an isthmus approximately 1.6 kilometres long.
[...] 以適用於當地的排放因子及排放活動數據,同時考慮 江三角 洲 地區外已有的研究成果及估算經驗,對區內各類污染物排放 [...]
By adopting this Handbook as the objective basis of emission estimation, and the use of
available local emission factors and data, the
[...] Mid-term Review provided a scientifically [...]
sound estimation on the emissions of various
pollutants in the Region, having regard to findings of studies and experience gained from emission estimation in other areas.
福伊特水电获得许可,为世界最大的水电站之一 - 三峡水电站提供六台水轮机。
Voith Hydro gets the go-ahead for the delivery of six turbines for one of the world's largest hydro power
[...] stations at the Three Gorges Dam in China.
MAN B&W 在90年代早期就已经认识到这点,并且顺沿 长江三 角 洲 和上海飞速的经济发展,这儿将会演变成巨大的柴油机建造、造船业和船舶维修工业的区域。
MAN realized this in the early 90'ties, and also that along with the
rapid development of the economy in
[...] Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta, this area [...]
would become the hub of engine building-,
shipbuilding- and ship repair industries.
上海位于北纬31度14分,东经121度29分,地处太平洋西岸,亚洲大陆东沿 长江三 角 洲前缘,东濒东海,南临杭州湾,西接江苏、浙江两省,北界长江入海口,长江与东海在此连接。
Shanghai is located at longitude 121″29″ East and latitude 31 “14″ North. The city is lying on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean and on the East border of the Asian continent.
长江三角洲 ,1960 年代后期的机耕所带来的是一年 三茬的普及,在早稻之后种晚稻,然后冬小麦。
In the Yangzi delta, for example, [...]
the coming of tractor plowing in the late 1960s was what made possible widespread triple
cropping, of early rice followed by late rice, followed by winter wheat.
马鞍山市艾格机械设备有限公司座落在富饶 长三 角 经 济圈内,位于享有 江 南 之城”的马鞍山,交通十分便捷。
LTD. Is located in the Yangtze river delta economic circle and inside, located in enjoy "jiangnan city" ma [...]
on shan, the traffic is very convenient.
为了解决能源问题,中国主要朝两个方向着手:发展新能源与节能,目标至2010-2012年替代性能源将提供15%-30%的能源需求,而我国照明所消耗的电能约占电力总消耗量的1/6,如目前国内1/3的白炽灯被LED代替,每年就可以为国家节省一 三峡 工 程 的年发电量。
In order to solve the energy problem, China started major move in two directions: development of new energy and energy conservation, alternative target to the 2010-2012 energy will provide 15% -30% of energy needs, and our lighting energy consumed by the total electricity consumption of 1 / 6, as currently 1 / 3 of the LED instead
of incandescent lamps is, that the country can annually save an annual
[...] generation capacity of the Three Gorges project.
通过由马六甲海峡和新加坡峡三个 周 边国家设立的合作 机制(包括合作论坛、项目协调委员会和航行基金援助),在海峡展开了各种活动, [...]
Through the Cooperative Mechanism, which was
[...] established by the three States bordering the Straits of Malacca [...]
and Singapore and comprised
of a Cooperation Forum, a Project Coordination Committee and an Aids to Navigation Fund, various activities to enhance safety, security and environmental protection in the Straits have been undertaken.
在峡谷里的密林,多数在树干,很少在疏林或 长 满 草 的 峡 谷 山 坡上; 近海平面到海拔2700米。
Dense forests in ravines, mostly on tree trunks, rarely in sparse forests or grassy ravine slopes; near sea level to 2700 m. W Fujian (Taining Xian), N Guangdong (Renhua Xian, Ruyuan Yao Zu Zizhixian), Guangxi, Guizhou, SW Hubei (Hefeng Tujia Zu Zizhixian, Xian- feng Xian), Hunan, W Jiangxi (Anfu Xian, Yifeng Xian), Sichuan, Yunnan [Vietnam].
出版了一份题为“黄河长江的河流沉积物”的双语小册子,其主要目的在于提高科 技人员和普通公众对于河流沉积物这一重要问题以及它与水灾控制和环境之重要关系的认 识。
A bilingual brochure entitled River Sediments of the
[...] Yellow River and the Yangtze River; the main [...]
purpose of the brochure is to enhance the
awareness of the technical as well as the general public on the important issue of river sediments as well as their importance in relation to flood control and the environment.
[...] 了当地人口的社会经济抽样调查,这五个进行个案研究的遗址是:圣路易斯(塞内加尔)、 波多诺伏(贝宁)长江下游 六个运河城市中的同济大学和西塘(中国)、琅勃拉邦(老 挝)和乔治敦(圭亚那)。
The project produced reports of the legal study on property ownership and the socio-economic sample surveys of the local population conducted in all five case study sites – St Louis
(Senegal); Porto Novo (Benin);
[...] Tongi and Xitang of the six Canal Towns of the Lower Yangzte River (China), [...]
Luang Prabang (Laos) and Georgetown (Guyana).
我国加入WTO后,随着全球新一轮产业结构的调整发达国家制造业正加速向我国沿海城市转移,因慈溪市是国务院批准的沿海经济开放区之一,地处中国经济发达 长三 角 地 区,位于 江 省 东 部,杭州湾南岸,是正在兴建的世界最长的跨海大桥--杭州湾大桥的南桥端所在地,东邻宁波,西近杭州,北与上海隔海相望,是一个位于沪杭甬经济金三角中的新兴城市,对本省及周边省份具有较强的辐射作用。
After China''s accession to the WTO, with the developed countries, manufacturing of the new round of global industrial structure adjustment are speeding up the transfer to the coastal cities in China, Cixi City, is approved by the State Council, one of the coastal economic open zones, located
in China''s
[...] economically developed Yangtze River Delta regionlocated in [...]
the eastern Zhejiang Province, the south bank of Hangzhou
Bay, is being built the world''s longest cross-sea bridge - Hangzhou Bay Bridge, South Bridge end location, east of Ningbo, West near Hangzhou, the north and Shanghai across the sea, is ain the new cities in the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo economic Golden Triangle, the province and neighboring provinces with a strong radiation effect.




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