

单词 长沙



Cheung Sha Wan (poultry market in Hong Kong)


Changsha prefecture level city and capital of Hunan province in south central China

See also:


sand n
sands pl
powder n

surname Sha
abbr. for Tsar or Tsarist Russia

External sources (not reviewed)

主管法律事务副秘书长兼法律顾问帕特里夏·奥布赖恩和主管经济和社会事 务副秘长沙祖康 或他们指定的代表将代表秘书长主持会议开幕。
Patricia O’Brien, Under-Secretary-General
for Legal Affairs and the Legal
[...] Counsel, and Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for [...]
Economic and Social Affairs, or their
designated representatives, will open the proceedings on behalf of the Secretary-General.
温德姆酒店及度假酒店(Wyndham Hotels and
[...] Resorts)今日宣布了它在中国的拓展计划,分别在上海 长沙 和 杭 州等三个重要市场增开了三家豪华酒店。
Wyndham Hotels and Resorts today
announced its expansion in China with the addition of three luxury hotels in the key
[...] markets of Shanghai, Changsha and Hangzhou.
例如,御泥坊是一家销售护肤品的零售商,2 011年日均 发货3
[...] 0 0 0 份订单,占中国最大的快递公司在湖南省会城 长沙 的 快 递量的一半 左右。
For instance, Yunifang, which sells skin-care products, shipped 3,000 orders every day in 2011,
accounting for about half of the volume delivered by China’s largest
[...] express courier in Changsha (the capital of [...]
Hunan Province).
在博世起动机与发电机事业长沙工 厂 ,对于起动机和发电机的各项测试多达30多种,包括车辆应用测试、机械动力学测试、耐久性测试等。
At the Changsha plant of the Bosch [...]
Starter and Generator Division, more than 30 testing programs are currently implemented,
including tests for vehicle application, mechanical dynamics and endurance.
联合王国外交大臣、吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国外交 长 、 沙 特 阿 拉伯王国外交事 务国务大臣和阿拉伯联合酋长国国务大臣、俄罗斯联邦副外交部长、伊斯兰会议 组织秘书长、经济合作组织秘书长、亚洲相互协作与建立信任措施会议执行主任、 [...]
The Foreign Secretary of the United
[...] Kingdom, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Minister of State in [...]
charge of Foreign Affairs
of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization, the Executive Director of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, the senior representatives of the United States of America, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, the United Nations, the European Union, and NATO joined them at their meeting in Istanbul as observers.
在 2011 年 3 月 22 日的第二次会议上,印度财
政部税务司特别秘书、西班牙国家药物管制计划政府代表、乌拉圭毒品问题国 家秘书处秘书长、哈萨克斯坦打击毒品商业和药物管制委员会主席、老挝人民
[...] 民主共和国总理办公厅主任兼国家药物管制与监督委员会主席、阿富汗内政部 负责禁毒事务的副长、沙特阿 拉伯禁毒总局局长和法国打击毒品和吸毒问题 部门间特派团主席作了开幕发言。
At the 2nd meeting, on 22 March 2011, opening statements were made by the Special Secretary of the Department of Revenue of the Ministry of Finance of India, the Government Delegate for the National Drug Control Plan of Spain, the Secretary-General of the National Secretariat on Drugs of Uruguay, the Chairman of the Narcotic Business Combating and Drug Control Committee of Kazakhstan, the Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office and Chairman of the National Commission for Drug Control and Supervision of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Deputy Minister of the Interior for
Counter-Narcotics of Afghanistan, the
[...] Director General of the General Directorate of Narcotics Control of Saudi Arabia and [...]
the President of the
Interdepartmental Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction of France.
主持人联合国秘书处主管经济和社会事务副秘 长沙 祖 康做了介绍性发言。
The Moderator, Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic [...]
and Social Affairs, made an introductory statement.
目前,舍弗勒大中华区拥有员工6,000多名,在安亭设有1个研发中心,在太仓、苏州、宁夏设有6个生产基地,在北京、上海、沈阳、广州、南京、济南、成都、武汉、太原、重庆、西安、天津、大连、杭州 长沙 、 哈 尔滨、郑州、香港、台北、台中设有20个销售办事处。
Schaeffler Greater China has over 6,000 employees, one R&D center in Anting, six production bases in Taicang, Suzhou, Ningxia and twenty sales offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Jinan, Chengdu,
Wuhan, Taiyuan, Chongqing, Xi’an, Tianjin,
[...] Dalian, Hangzhou, Changsha, Harbin, Zhengzhou, [...]
Hong Kong, Taipei and Taichung.
[...] 表本委员会全体成员,向负责裁军审议委员会会务工 作的大会和会议管理部的副秘长沙 班 · 沙 班 先生、 以及将要为委员会本届会议提供实质性支持的主管 [...]
裁军事务副秘书长塞尔吉奥·杜阿尔特先生表示衷心 感谢。
Before we take up the first item of the day, on behalf of all the members of the Commission, allow me to
extend my sincere
[...] gratitude to Mr. Shaaban Shaaban, Under-Secretary-General of [...]
the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management,
which is responsible for servicing the Disarmament Commission, as well as to Mr. Sergio Duarte, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and head of the Office for Disarmament Affairs, which will provide substantive support to the Commission’s session.
持发大会的指定秘长沙祖康 在开幕词中强调说,他将监督秘书处开展工 作,用最透明的方式支持筹备工作。
The designated Secretary-General of the Conference, Sha Zukang, emphasized [...]
in his opening remarks that he would oversee
the work of the secretariat in support of the preparatory process with the utmost transparency.
非凡丽致1995年婚纱摄影登陆武汉,经过十多年的发展,在中国已遍布武汉 长沙 、 青 岛、大连、北京、上海、深圳等多个大中城市,成为亚太地区婚纱业界的典型代表,国际婚纱摄影知名品牌,先后荣获国内贸易部 “全国十佳照相馆”奖、中国消费者协会 “ 全国十大杰出影楼”奖、中国人像摄影学会“全国摄影名店”和“全国摄影业百强企业”称号、中国商业信用中心“中国商业信用企业,信用等级A级”等诸多奖项。
Landis extraordinary Wuhan wedding photography landing in 1995, after
10 years of development, China has been
[...] around in Wuhan, Changsha, Qingdao, Dalian, [...]
Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and many
other large and medium-sized city, to become the Asia-Pacific region the wedding industry is the typical representative of the international wedding photography, well-known brands, has won the Ministry of internal trade of" national top ten studio" award, China Consumers Association" national ten outstanding studio" award, Chinese Institute of portrait photography" National Photography brand" and" National Photography Industry hundred enterprises" title, Chinese commercial credit center" China business credit business, credit grade" and many other awards.
今天上午我会见了一个总部设长沙 的 一 家著名公司。
I met this morning with a very well-known company that
[...] is headquartered here in Changsha.
下列小组成员作了讲述:主管经济和社会事务副秘 长沙 祖 康;新加坡常驻 联合国代表瓦努·戈帕拉·梅农;全球金融、国际发展和慈善事业经济评论员 [...]
Michael Green。
The following panellists made
[...] presentations: Sha Zukang, Under-SecretaryGeneral for Economic [...]
and Social Affairs; Vanu Gopala
Menon, Permanent Representative of Singapore to the United Nations; and Michael Green, Economic Commentator on Global Finance, International Development and Philanthropy.
在审议摆在我们面前的第一个事项之前,请允许 我代表委员会全体成员,赞扬主管大会和会议管理事 务的副秘长沙班·沙班先 生的英明领导,他的工作 人员负责为裁军审议委员会提供会议服务。
Before we turn to the first matter before us, allow me, on behalf of all the members of the Commission, to pay tribute to
the enlightened
[...] leadership of Mr. Shaaban Shaaban, Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly [...]
and Conference Management,
whose staff is responsible for providing conference services to the Disarmament Commission.
因此,我们坚持向安理会提交阿拉伯利比亚民众 国长、沙特阿拉伯外长殿下以及巴勒斯坦主席提到 的决议草案。
We have therefore insisted on presenting to the Council the
draft resolution
[...] mentioned by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, His Royal Highness the Minister for Foreign [...]
Affairs of Saudi
Arabia and the President of Palestine.
为了就里约会议二十周年开展有效的传播活动,该部同会议秘 长沙 祖 康协商, 召集了一个工作队,将为会议制定和实施全系统传播战略,包括重要的共同信息; [...]
协调媒体活动和提高公众认识的活动;并便利以印刷、在线和多媒体形式编制联 合或共享的信息产品。
To pursue an effective communications campaign on Rio+20,
the Department, in consultation with Conference
[...] Secretary-General Sha Zukang, has convened [...]
a task force that will develop
and implement a system-wide communications strategy for the conference, including common key messages; coordinate media events and public awareness-raising activities; and facilitate the development of joint or shared information products, in print, online and multimedia formats.
酒店的餐饮设施包括拥有长沙最大 的开放式厨房的Café Royale餐厅,提供全球各地美饌;大堂吧适合任何商业和社交聚会;设有11间包房、每日供应各种中国名茶的茶馆;设有28个包间和500平方米大厅的芙(Fu)中餐厅,主理湘菜和粤菜。
The hotel's food and beverage repertoire includes Café
Royale restaurant, serving international
[...] cuisine in the city's largest open [...]
kitchen; Lobby Lounge, which creates a perfect
atmosphere for business and social gatherings; Tea House with 11 private rooms where a wide variety of Chinese tea will be prepared daily; Fu Chinese Restaurant with 28 elegant private dining rooms and a 500 square-meter dining hall offering Xiang and Cantonese cuisines.
主管经济和社会事务副秘书长兼联合国可持续发展大会秘 长沙 祖 康 通过 视频链接致欢迎辞。
Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, delivered a welcome address by video link.
全体会议听取了意大利总检察长、阿 尔巴尼亚总检长、沙特阿 拉伯总检察长、日本检事总长和赞比亚总检察长的 发言。
The Plenary heard statements by the
[...] Prosecutor General of Italy, the Prosecutor General of Albania, [...]
the Prosecutor General of
Saudi Arabia, the Prosecutor General of Japan and the Director of Public Prosecutions of Zambia.
近年来,广州分所承办了多项具有广泛影响力的大型项目,包括:花旗集团牵头财团并购广东发展银行项目、粤财控股接收处置不良资产项目、广东省建设银行打包处置不良资产项目、广东省内多家农村金融机构的改制、引资及上市项目、成都银行重组引资项目、港珠澳大桥项目、东方电机承接巴西Jirau AHE电站(目前全球最大的水利工程项目)设计采购施工总承包项目、四季酒店落户广州项目 长沙 水 务 行业市场化运作系列项目、民安证券有限责任公司关闭清算项目、广东科龙电器股份有限公司重组项目、粤高速常年法律顾问项目以及包括广州富力地产股份有限公司、越秀房地产信托投资基金、合生创展集团有限公司、广州日报集团旗下粤传媒在内的数十家大型企业的私募及境内外上市项目。
Ltd-Brazil Jirau AHE Power Station Project (the biggest hydro project in the world); the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge project; the Four Seasons Hotel, Guangzhou; a series of deals privatizing the water industry of Changsha City; the liquidation of Mingan Securities Ltd; the restructuring of Guangdong Kelong Electric Ltd; the provision of routine legal advice to Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development; and, a private placement / offshore IPO transaction involving several dozen large enterprises including R&F Properties Ltd (Guangzhou), Yuexiu REIT Fund, Hopson Group, and GZ Daily Group's Guangdong Media.
其他主要的制造业基地还分布在广东广州、湖 长沙 、 江 苏苏州等地,苏州这个已经实现工业化的城市正迈入高端科技的生产领域。
Other significant manufacturing bases can be found in Guangzhou
[...] (Guangdong province), Changsha (Hunan province) [...]
and Suzhou (Jiangsu province), an already
industrialised city expanding into the production of high-end technologies.
[...] Hopkins大学严格的护士课程——入学前她刚生了一场差点致命的重病,正处于恢复休养之中——以及在二战之后的动荡与贫困中重 长沙 湘 雅护理学院的过程。
Mrs. Scherer’s self-published memoir, To Be a Pilgrim, grants a glimpse into her early years when she endured real difficulties: the often lonely existence of a child of foreign missionaries, the daily realities of China’s long struggles with war and poverty, the hard living in the U.S. during the Great Depression, the gruesome slaughter of the Sino-Japanese war, the rigors of tackling the Johns Hopkins nursing curriculum whilst
recovering from a near-fatal illness, and rebuilding Xiangya in the face of uncertainty
[...] and poverty in Changsha after WWII.
湖南中长沙卷烟厂网络系统长沙 烟 厂 统一信息平台建设和运行的基础平台环境,是全厂信息传递重要核心平台。
China Tobacco Hunan Changsha Cigarette Factory network system [...]
is a unified platform environment for information construction
and operation, the core information transmission platform of the factory.
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助理秘书长披露,主管经济和社会事务副秘长沙祖康 在最近在非洲与各国财政部长举行的会议上指出,部长们所关切的一个 [...]
The Assistant Secretary-General revealed that
the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and
[...] Social Affairs, Sha Zukang, at a recent [...]
meeting with finance ministers in Africa,
had noted concerns of the Ministers about the neglect of the role of government over the past decades, which had resulted from poor advice from international agencies.
建设基于湖南中烟的异地数据容灾系统,采用先进的以缓存为核心的数据存储系统,实现各业务系统信息的共享,实现作为湖南中烟现有核心应用系统,并通过现有的远程光纤链路,将数据实时同步复制 长沙 卷 烟 厂的容灾存储系统中,当核心生产磁盘阵列出现故障时,可即时恢复应用和数据,保证了应用的连续性和异地数据保护。
Synchronize data to the disaster recovery storage system at Changsha plant in a real-time manner through the existing fiber links, so that when the core production disk array has a fault, the applications and data can be instantaneously recovered to ensure application continuity and off-site data protection.
10月12日长沙—— 全球领先的技术和服务供应商博世今天宣布,博世汽车部件 长沙 ) 有 限公司的新技术中心及新工厂今日正式开业,此次新研发中心和新工厂的建立总投资达7亿元人民币,旨在服务于起动机和发电机、电子驱动两个汽车事业部门下的起动机、发电机、空调和发动机冷却系统、雨刮系统和小电机系统的研发和生产。
By expanding the R&D center and establishing the new plant, the strategic investment, worth 700 million CNY, aims to further improve the R&D and production capacity of the Bosch's automotive divisions including Starter Motors and Generators and Electrical Drives, whose product range covers starter motors, generators, thermal systems, wiper systems and actuation systems.
在世界青年交响乐团的将近一个月的巡演期间,该乐团将访问北京、天津、上海、杭州、南京、广州、深圳、成都、重庆、昆明、西安、武汉 长沙 、 青 岛和大连。
During their almost month-long stay in China the orchestra will visit Beijing, Tianjin,
Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Kunming,
[...] Xi’an, Wuhan, Changsha, Qingdao and Dalian.
学校推 行“学科性公司制”后, 依托该学科成立长沙冠华 生物化工技术有限公司,几年中, 公司为该学科投资兴建了矿冶生物工程大楼,增添了大批仪器设备,极大地提升了我校 矿冶生物加工技术及生物工程学科的研究发展能力。
In recent years, the corporation invested and built mining and metallurgical and biological engineering building, and added a great deal of equipments and instruments.
泵的整个上部结构均由中联公司与意大利设备制造商CIFA(中联公司的一家子公司)在中联公司位于中国中部的主力 长沙 制 造 厂联合设计和制造。
The entire superstructure package was designed and manufactured by Zoomlion in conjunction with the Italian equipment manufacturer CIFA (a subsidiary of Zoomlion) at Zoomlion’s main facility at Changshain central China.




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