

单词 同一天

同一天 noun ()

termination notice n

See also:

同一 adj

same adj



一天 adv

one day adv

一同 adv

together adv
along adv

External sources (not reviewed)

如我們在截止投票日同一天收到會員提交的電郵投票表格及郵遞投票表格, 則我們只會點算最後收到的有效電郵投票表格。
For postal and email voting forms
[...] received on the same day, only the latest [...]
valid email voting form will be counted.
同一天举行的第17 次会议上,人权高专办的代表代表人权高专首先在第 二小组的会议上发言。
At the 17th
[...] meeting, on the same day, a representative [...]
of OHCHR made introductory remarks on behalf of the High Commissioner for the second panel.
同一天,教 科文组织《2010 年科学报告》同时在教科文组织总部和多个外地办事处发 表。
The UNESCO Science Report 2010 was
[...] launched on the Day, at UNESCO Headquarters [...]
and many field offices simultaneously.
然而,主席可允许讨论和审议修正案或关于程序的动议,即使这类修正案 和动议尚未分发或只是同一天刚刚 分发。
The President may, however, permit the discussion and consideration of amendments, or motions as to
procedure, even though these amendments and motions have not been circulated or
[...] have only been circulated the same day.
同一天,夫 妻俩被逮捕,登记了一个虚假案件,但 俩人随后被尼甘布治安法院保释释放。
The same day, the couple were [...]
arrested, and a false case was registered against them, but they were subsequently released
on bail by the Negombo Magistrate Court.
大会为此决定,在大会第六十五届会议高级别全 体会议的第三天,原先根据第 64/184 号决议附件一 预定于上午 9 时至下午 1 时和下午 3
[...] 时至 6 时举行的 全体会议,改同一天上午 10 时至下午 2 时和下午 3 [...]
时至 6 时举行。
The General Assembly would decide, in this regard, that, on the third day of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, the plenary meetings originally scheduled from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 pursuant
to annex I of resolution 64/184, will be held instead from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and
[...] from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the same day.
同一天的第15 次会议上,希腊和土耳其代表作了行使答辩权的发言。
At the 15th
[...] meeting, on the same day, statements in [...]
exercise of the right of reply were made by the representatives of Cyprus and Turkey.
同一天,联 合 国安全和安保部(安保部)在瓦利卡莱的安全官员通 [...]
过短信息服务,向刚果民主共和国境内的人道协调 厅、世界粮食计划署的安全官员和联合国难民事务高 级专员办事处(难民署)的办公室、联合国开发计划署 协调中心以及联合国项目事务厅以及联刚特派团在
戈马的安全官员提出咨询意见,指出在 Mpofi 地区, 马西西-瓦利卡莱轴心已经落入卢民主力量手中,安 保部建议中止在该地区的通行。
The same day, the security officer [...]
of the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) in Walikale sent an advisory
by SMS to OCHA in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, security officers of the World Food Programme and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), focal points of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Office for Project Services and MONUSCO security officers in Goma, stating that the area of Mpofi, on the Masisi-Walikale axis, had passed under the control of FDLR and that UNDSS recommended the suspension of movements in that zone.
他指 出,最高法院没有努力委任可以审查其上诉许可申诉的第五名法官,并且在他提 出申诉同一天,最 高法院决定没有代理法官能凑足法定人数,这表明法庭并没 [...]
He points out that the Supreme Court made no efforts to appoint a fifth judge that could examine
his application for leave to
[...] appeal and, the same day his application was lodged, it [...]
decided that no acting judge were available
to complete the quorum, which shows that the Court did not try to find a substitute judge or that its administrative arrangements failed to prevail this kind of situations.
安全理事会同一天围绕 你关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团(科索沃 特派团)的报告(S/2011/43)进行的辩论表明,安理会全体成员认为,上述报告陈 [...]
The debate in the
[...] Security Council on the same date which centred [...]
on your report on the United Nations Interim Administration
Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) (S/2011/43) demonstrated that all Council members believed that the facts presented in the aforementioned report were extremely serious and required a thorough investigation.
这项禁令可能转介到公众使用的书面记录;针对传统法固定记录将作为其进一步发展的障碍行 同一天 , 按照现有的需求。
The prohibition probably referred to written records intended for public use; for a fixed record of the
traditional law would have acted as a hindrance to its further development in
[...] accordance with the existing needs of the day.
我们 请安理会改变这种做法,并在听取其他成员的意见之
[...] 后才开始就决议和主席声明进行谈判,而不是按迄今 的惯例,同一天予以通过。
We invite the Council to change this practice and to initiate the negotiation of resolutions and presidential statements
after having heard from the rest of the members, and not to
[...] adopt them on the same day, as has been its [...]
custom to date.
(會 後 補註:加 開 會議的預 告 連 同法案委員會的 修訂會議時間表( 立法會CB(1)2486/02-03號文 件 )
[...] 在 2003年 9 月 22日發給 委員,並同一天 發 給 政府當局。
(Post-meeting note: The notice of the additional meeting and the revised meeting schedule were
issued to members vide LC Paper No. CB(1)2486/0203 on 22 September 2003 and issued
[...] to the Administration on the same day.
定下日期:尽量确保记者招待会的日期不要和某一重大活动选 同一天。
Decide a date: Try to make sure that you do not hold the press
[...] conference on the same day that a major event [...]
may be taking place.
依我看,该加入通知与南斯拉夫联盟共和国(在加入《灭绝种族罪公 约》同一天通知 联合国秘书长)继承《关于国家在条约方面的继承的维也 [...]
纳公约》完全相悖,该公约第 34 条规定,被继承国的条约对每一个继承国 继续生效。
That single notification of accession, in my view, was totally inconsistent with the succession by
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia —
[...] notified the very same day to the United Nations [...]
Secretary-General as accession to the
Genocide Convention — to the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, which in article 34 provides that the treaties of the predecessor State continue in force in respect of each successor State.
同 一天,巴 勒斯坦各组织在开罗举行了和解会谈。
On the same day reconciliation [...]
talks among Palestinian organizations had begun in Cairo.
国家反腐败委员会采取初步行动 同一天 , 泰 国报刊头 条刊登了洪森的威胁言论,他扬言任何泰国军民,只要 [...]
On the same day as the initial NACC action, [...]
Thai headlines carried Hun Sen’s alleged comments threatening to shoot any Thai,
civilian or military, who crossed the border, and to tear up any Thai map used in border negotiation talks.
另一个严重事件 是同一天,达尔富尔混合行动一巡逻队在西达尔富尔州朱奈纳附近的 [...]
Manzula 村遭到乍得武装反对组织成员的阻拦,并被告知必须征得苏丹政府的许可才能过 境。
In another serious
[...] development, on the same day a UNAMID patrol [...]
was stopped by members of a Chadian armed opposition group
in Manzula village, near El Geneina, Western Darfur, and was told that UNAMID must seek permission from the Government of the Sudan to move through the territory.
同一天,一塊隕 石墜落在俄羅斯烏拉爾山脈並引發爆炸,導致1000多人受傷。
The flyby occurred just hours [...]
after a much smaller meteor exploded above Russia’s Ural Mountains.
全委會主席:梁議員,正如謝偉俊議員剛才指出,如果有關的議員不 是辭職,或不是如條文所述同一天 辭 職 ,這項條例草案即使獲通過 成為法例,對他也是不會造成影響的。
CHAIRMAN (in Cantonese): Mr LEUNG, as pointed out by Mr Paul TSE just now, if the Members
concerned have not resigned themselves, or
[...] resigned on the same day, as stipulated [...]
in the provision, this Bill will have no
impact on them even if it is enacted.
其次,如發現“除害劑-食物”組合不在最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量名單上,中心會馬 上進行風險評估,希望同一天能決定擬採取的行動。
Second, in case the detection of a pesticide-food pair that was not on the
MRL/EMRL list, risk assessment would be conducted immediately aiming for a decision
[...] be made on the same day on any actions.
善用社區資源 與不同的社會服務機構合作,安排了一系列的校內及校外補救性、預防性及發展
[...] 性的輔導活動,如:「觀塘區倡健學校計劃」、「南亞裔健康支援計劃」、 同一天空 下 」成長計劃、「中國雜耍訓練課程」及專題講座,培養學生正面價值觀及積極的 [...]
By working with different social service agencies, we have organized a series of counselling activities, both internally and externally, of remedial, preventive
and developmental natures, such as "Kwun Tong District Health Promoting School Scheme", "South Asian Health Support
[...] Programme", "Under the Same Sky" Growth Plan, [...]
"Chinese Acrobatic Training
Programme" and special seminars, helping students to growth healthily with correct values and a positive outlook.
Tommy keeps reliving the same day over and over again, but no one else notices [...]
anything weird, making him feel like he's going crazy.
2000年12月4日,联合国大会通过了第55/76号决议,在这个决议中,大会注意到2001年是1951年的《关于难民地位的公约》五十周年,并且非洲统一组织(非洲联盟)同意国际难民日与6月20日非洲难民日可 同一天 举 行
The UN General Assembly, on 4 December 2000, adopted resolution 55/76 where it noted that 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and that the
Organization of African
[...] Unity (OAU) had agreed to have International Refugee Day coincide with Africa Refugee Day on 20 June.
同一天,全家人在Gävle 的移民局庇护 审查股申请庇护。
On the same day, the family applied [...]
for asylum at the Migration Board’s asylum examination unit in Gävle.
同一天,美 利坚合众国的一家法院任命了一名属于 X 先生,包括 [...]
Y 公司的公司 集团和所有人本人的资产管理人。
On the same day, a United States [...]
of America court appointed a receiver over the assets of the group of companies belonging
to Mr. X, including company Y and of the owner himself.
我谨提请你注意另一个残酷和野蛮的事件,2012 年 8 月 16 日星期四,在上
[...] 述定居者对载有六口之家的出租车进行恶性燃烧弹袭击 同一天 , 50 名以色列暴 徒在耶路撒冷市中心袭击了 [...]
3 名巴勒斯坦青年。
I would now like to turn your attention to another cruel and barbaric incident which involved an attack against three Palestinian youths by a mob of 50 Israelis in
Jerusalem’s city centre, also on Thursday, 16
[...] August 2012, the same day as the vicious [...]
settler firebomb attack on the taxi transporting
the family of six mentioned above.
这句话的 删除应该在一般保障条款的背景之下予以看待,该一般保障条款涉及国际组织的组成文书或
[...] 在国际组织范围内通过的条约,载于“公约”第 5 条,委员会同一天通过其最后的形式 (ibid. , p. 294, [...]
para. 79)。
The deletion of this phrase should be seen in the context of the general safeguards clause concerning constituent instruments of international organizations or treaties adopted within an international organization
appearing in article 5 of the Convention
[...] and adopted the same day in its final form [...]
by the Commission (ibid., p. 294, para. 79).
你只能赢得高:很多投资者也并不知道,但是当该交易的特征为天贸易(开始和结束 同一天 ) , 它是还允许销售的操作,即用的销售,而不是一个购买(在那里你想从中获益下跌),在不增加额外成本(租赁费,在某些情况下,额外的经纪),其他长期经营销售。
You can only win at high: Many investors do not know, but when
the transaction is
[...] characterized as Day Trade (started and ended on the same day), it is also [...]
allowed to start selling
an operation, ie with a sale rather than a purchase (where you want to gain from fall), at no additional cost (rental fee and, in some cases, additional brokerage) as sold in other long-term operations.
如果美国联合航空公司发现某人已确认此类预订都是到一个目的地或多个目的地,或者预订的 同一天 左 右的机票,则美联航有权取消与多个预订相关的所有确认座位,而无需通知进行预订的乘客或人员。
In the event United Airlines determines that an individual
has confirmed such
[...] reservations to one or more destination(s) on or about the same date(s), United [...]
reserves the right to cancel
all confirmed space associated with the multiple reservations without notice to the passenger or the person making the booking.




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