

单词 引咎



admit responsibility and resign

See also:


fault n


External sources (not reviewed)

陳偉業議員則在他的修正案中要求公務員事務局局長承擔政治責 任引咎辭職
Mr CHAN Wai-yip, on the other hand, demanded in
his amendment that the Secretary for the Civil Service should assume political
[...] responsibility, take the blame and resign.
李議員 質疑,陳碧鏵女士為何引咎辭職 ,以挽回公眾對 八達通集團的信心。
Mr LEE queried why Ms Prudence CHAN did not resign in order to regain public confidence in the Octopus Group.
Mr Albert CHAN demands in his amendment that the Secretary for the Civil Service assume political
[...] responsibility, take the blame and resign.
倘若出現政策 失 誤 的情況,有關 的內閣閣員 未必引 咎辭職,最終是由執 政 黨 就 何 為保存 其公信 力的最恰當方法作 出政治決定。
In the end, it was a matter of political decision to be made by the ruling party as to what it saw was the most appropriate means to preserve its credibility.
[...] 政預算案也不能發揮,我想他便應該提 引咎 辭 職 ,否則,在下一個財政預 算案中,我希望他可以為香港的工業帶來一些新的發展、新的希望。
If Mr TANG still cannot assert himself in next
year's Budget, then he, in my opinion, had
[...] better take the blame himself and submit [...]
his resignation in advance. Otherwise,
my wish is for him to bring our industries some new development and hopes in the next Budget.
不過,自由黨對於陳偉業議員提出施以“極刑”,要求俞宗怡局引咎辭職 ,是有保留的,因為就是專責委員會的報告對一眾犯錯的官 員作出嚴厲的批評,俞小姐的錯在專責委員會的眼中,也不是最嚴重 的。
It is because notwithstanding the severe criticisms made in the Report against a number of officials who are at fault, the Select Committee does not consider the mistake made by Miss YUE the most serious.
涉事的官員難道不是同樣流着 道德的血液,難道他們不應該為毒奶蔓延 引咎 辭 職 甚至被捕坐監 嗎?
Should they not bear responsibility for the proliferation of tainted milk and resign, or even be arrested and imprisoned?
如果過兩三個月後發出的文件是 門檻過高的,讓很多人覺得原來這是騙人的,只是益惠了某些黨派而已 的話,我已說過了,我會馬引咎下 台 ,屆時便會進行補選 ⎯⎯ 不過, 不是公投 ⎯⎯ 而我亦不會參選了,主席。
If an excessively high threshold is set in the papers to be released in a couple of months, which would give many people the impression that this is a scam meant only to benefit certain parties and groupings, I would, as I have said, admit my mistake and step down immediately and then, it would be necessary to hold a by-election ― not a referendum though ― I would not run in elections anymore, President.
甘乃威議員表示,分別由黃成智議員 及何俊仁議員提出的兩項議案,旨在要求行政
[...] 長官退回離港職務訪問期間額外住宿花費的差 額給香港政府庫房,引咎辭職
Mr KAM Nai-wai said that the purposes of the two motions respectively proposed by Mr WONG Sing-chi and Mr Albert HO were to demand CE to return to the Treasury of the Hong Kong
Government the extra money spent on accommodation during duty visits outside Hong Kong
[...] and to take the blame and resign.
但 是,我個人也覺得她的錯未至於要“人頭落地”,要被“炒魷魚”或自己引咎辭職
However, personally, I do not think her fault is
so serious that she should be heavily penalized, that she should be fired, or that she
[...] should take the blame and resign.
主席,報告公布了後,有些同事或市民都認為把關的俞局長做得 不好,需引咎辭職
President, after the release of the report, some Honourable colleagues or members of the public opined that
Secretary Denise YUE had not properly discharged her function as the gatekeeper and hence, she
[...] should take the blame and resign.
主席,王 鳴 女士已 經 建 立 一個在憲 制 上 非常有 利 的 先 例 , 因為我們從 未 聽 過 香 港 政 府官員引 咎 辭職
Madam President, Ms Rosanna WONG has set a very useful precedent in our constitutional system because we have not heard of a Hong Kong Government official stepping down over failure in the past.
我的問題是透過局長問特首,他自稱為政治家,可否取出政治家風 度,如果今次不能落實他的選舉承諾 ⎯⎯ 真正解決政改問題 ⎯⎯ 會 否學習具風度的政治家,好像最近日本的鳩山由紀夫 引咎 辭 職 ,體現 一種真正的政治家問責精神?
May I ask the Chief Executive through the Secretary: as he claims to be a politician, can he act with the bearing of a politician by taking the blame and resign if he fails this time to fulfil his campaign promise to tackle the constitutional reform problem, just like what Yukio HATOYAMA of Japan did recently, so as to manifest the genuine spirit of accountability of a politician?
雖然港府官引咎辭職 的例子不多,但他們更應有警惕性、責任 感。
Although there are few examples of government
[...] officials accepting blame and tendering [...]
resignation, they should be more alert and
more conscious of their responsibility.
他早應問責辭職,正經的民主 大業搞不好,卻花了這麼多時間搞這個無謂的遞補機制,他早就應該 為推動民主不力引咎辭職
While neglecting the important duty of promoting the development of democracy, he has spent so much time on this meaningless replacement mechanism.
局長,我覺得與其要引 咎辭職,實在是浪費了你的能力,浪費了你這種資源,反而我希望你 [...]
可以在退休後,用你的經驗、學識,甚至你的積蓄,多些幫社會做事, 多些作出貢獻。
Secretary, instead of asking
[...] you to take the blame and resign (which [...]
is in fact a waste of your abilities and talents),
I would rather you can, upon your retirement, make use of your experience, knowledge or even your savings to do more work for the community and make more contributions.
要他們承擔責任,並要 求他們在出現嚴重政策失誤引咎辭 職 ,與公務員的常任制和既 定任免制度背後的理念並不相符。
Holding them responsible and expecting them to step down in the case of serious policy failures is incompatible with the underlying philosophy of a permanent civil service and its established appointment and removal system.
在這樣 的分析 下 , 我要 求的, 不是要將 梁司長撤 職 , 而是希望她有自知之明,“ 識 得做” , 從 而建 立 一個懂 得自引咎 辭職的慣 例 。
Having gone through that kind of analysis, I asked not to remove Ms LEUNG from office, but expressed the hope that she would know her failure and know what to do, thereby setting a precedent of resignation over one's failure.
(b) 在 2003年 10月 8日,劉慧卿議員動議進行議案辯論,議案的措辭為 “鑒於香港在行政長官董建華先生的施政下,人權、法治、經濟發 展出現倒退,政制民主化停滯,令
[...] 眾要求他下台的聲音不絕於 耳,本會要求董先生順應民意引咎 辭 職 ”。
(b) On 8 October 2003, Hon Emily LAU moved a motion “That, as there has been retrogression in human rights, the rule of law and economic development in Hong Kong and democratization of the political system has remained stagnant under the administration of the Chief Executive Mr TUNG Chee-hwa, prompting the public to make repeated demands for him to
step down, this Council calls on Mr TUNG to take the
[...] responsibility and resign in accordance [...]
with the wishes of the people.
在看完專責委員會報告後,我的判斷 是,在這件事上,俞宗怡局長的表現事實上令人感到失望,她無法履
[...] 行目前規管機制下她應該扮演的最後把關人的角色,但這個錯誤不致 於要引咎辭職
She has failed to fulfil the role of the
final gatekeeper under the existing Control Regime, but this mistake does not call for her
[...] to take the blame and resign.
在 提到差的方面时,他们通常将其咎 于 外部因素,例如:合作伙伴的参与程度低,或缺少人 力或财力。
When weak aspects are mentioned, they are usually attributed to external factors, such as low levels of involvement of partners, or shortage of human or financial resources.
雖然意外數字㆘降的趨勢可咎於多 個因素,可是我們相信違例駕駛記分制度對改善道路安全亦有幫助。
This declining trend is due to a number of factors, but we believe that the Driving Offence Points System has also played its part in improving road safety.
在引起援引官员豁免权的行为方面,特别报告员还提到“国家关于其官员 有豁免权的声称与该国对国际不法行为的责任之间关系”的一个有关问题,他强 调,官员的所属国不管是否放弃对其官员的豁免权, 引 起 豁免问题的行为方 面,均不能免去对咎于它的行为的国际法律责任。
The Special Rapporteur also alluded to a related aspect concerning the relationship between a State’s assertion that its official had immunity and the responsibility of that State for an internationally wrongful act in respect of the conduct which gave rise to invocation of immunity of the official, underscoring that irrespective of the waiver of immunity with regard to its official, the State of the official was not exempt from international legal responsibility for acts attributed to it in respect of any conduct that may have given rise to questions of immunity.
因此,在强迫失踪发生在文书生效之前,或者在具体国家接受主管机 构管辖之前的情况下,失踪事件在生效或接受管辖之后继续发生的这一事 实,使机构具备在相关法律文书生效或接受管辖之后,将强迫失踪行为作 为整体,而不只是对咎于国家的行为或疏忽进行审议的主管权和管辖 权。
Thus, when an enforced disappearance began before the entry into force of an instrument or before the specific State accepted the jurisdiction of the competent body, the fact that the disappearance continues after the entry into force or the acceptance of the jurisdiction gives the institution the competence and jurisdiction to consider the act of enforced disappearance as a whole, and not only acts or omissions imputable to the State that followed the entry into force of the relevant legal instrument or the acceptance of the jurisdiction.
许多代表团将《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》未能达到最高预期 咎 于 其中诸多授 权任务缺乏适足资金,并坚持认为所有利益攸关方必须提高对《伊斯坦布尔行动 纲领》的财政支持。
Many delegations attributed the failure of the Brussels Programme of Action to meet its high expectations to a lack of adequate financing for the broad agenda mandated by the agenda and asserted that financial support by all stakeholders for the Istanbul Programme of Action must be increased.
但有人指出,“不 当理由”这一说法并非真正的法律术语,应明确声明相关理由到底 咎 于 事 实或 法律错误还是毫无根据。
It was suggested, however, that the notion of “mistaken grounds”, which was not really legal terminology, be clarified by stating that the grounds in question were either attributable to an error of fact or of law, or were baseless.
这些缺陷要咎于多 个因素,包括最不发达国家及其发展伙伴未能履行承 诺,财政资源与《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》设定的宏伟目标相比尤显不足,以及最不 发达国家的人力和体制能力有限。
These shortcomings were attributed to a variety of factors, including unfulfilled commitments on the part of least developed countries and their development partners, inadequate financial resources, particularly when set against the broad ambitions of the Brussels Programme of Action, and the limited human and institutional capacity in the least developed countries.
新政策的重点是:警察监控 和加强监狱管理;处理国家工作人员犯罪 咎 的 问 题;恢复公众对国家警察的信 心;按照和平协议的精神重建部队。
The new policy would focus on police control and greater control in prisons; addressing impunity for crimes committed by State agents; recovering public trust in the national police force; and the restructuring of the force, in accordance with the spirit of the peace accords.
换言之,如基金组织所述(见 A/CN.4/556,第二节 N 部分),一国际组织确定某一目标,而成员国决定以违反其国际义务的方式加以 实现,既不造成国际组织违反这些义务,也不能将责任 咎 于 国 际组织。
In other words, as stated by IMF (see A/CN.4/556/sect.II.N), the identification of a certain objective by an international organization, which the member country decides to achieve by breaching its international obligations, can neither result in a breach of such obligations by the organization, nor in attribution to its responsibility.
部分人把賽馬博彩投注額下 降的原因,咎於經濟逆轉、投注者的興趣由賽馬博彩轉往足球博彩,甚或 馬會管理不善,而不是由於非法投注市場的競爭。
Some people may attribute the decline in turnover of horse race betting to economic downturn, shift of punters' interest from horse race betting to football betting or even the poor management of HKJC rather than the competition from the illegal betting market.




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