单词 | 引微 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 引微 noun —reference n微微 noun —curvilinear nSee also:微—micro- • miniature • surname Wei • abtruse • ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing • one millionth part of
史特拉斯堡IHU將把醫療手術的下個革命帶往影像 導 引微 創 混合型手術(MIX-Surg) [... websurg.com | The IHU Strasbourg will lead the next evolution of medical procedures [...] to Image-Guided Minimally Invasive Hybrid [...]Surgery (MIX-Surg). websurg.com |
神是有秩序的神,他能够引导微观的 计划,他同样能够引导宏观的计划。 conversation.lausanne.org | God is a God of order and he is equally able [...] to lead in both micro- and macro-planning. conversation.lausanne.org |
在引入微软Ou tlook的界面可选择性基础上, ExpressScheduler使你能非常灵活的以多样的设计选择来创建一个更高级的用户界面。 evget.com | Building upon the [...] interface options introduced in Microsoft Outlook, ExpressScheduler [...]gives you the ability to create a [...]superior UI with unrivaled flexibility and design options. evget.com |
胆管癌介入治疗是利用医学影像设备 引 导 微 导 管 从皮肤上一个2mm切口深入患者病变部位血管进行治疗。 asiancancer.com | Interventional therapy conducts medical imaging [...] devices to guide the emplacement of micro catheter onto [...]the blood vessels of lesion area [...]through a 2mm incision in the skin so that carry out treatments. asiancancer.com |
現有的證據證明,只要依循指引,使 用 微 波 烹 煮的食物無論在食用 安全或營養價值方面,與採用傳統方法烹煮的食物差不多。 cfs.gov.hk | The best [...] available evidence supports that the use of microwave [...]cooking resulted in foods with safety and nutrient quality [...]similar to those cooked by conventional methods, provided that the consumers followed the given instructions. cfs.gov.hk |
在设计空间上,微型滑动引导系统与 微 型 直 线循环滚珠轴承及导轨组件安装尺寸相同。 schaeffler.cn | In terms of design space, miniature plain guidance systems have the same mounting dimensions as miniature linear recirculating ball bearing and guideway assemblies. schaeffler.us |
无需索引服务—搜索引擎是完全独立 微 软 的 索 引 服 务 的。 evget.com | No Indexing Service - Search [...] engine is completely independent of Microsoft Indexing Service. evget.com |
當然,如果香港之學者,為了買多一艘更新更大的遊艇而「卑躬屈膝」 , 引 起 他 人 微 言 , 亦在所難免。 hkupop.hku.hk | Of course, if academics in Hong Kong compromise their dignity in order to acquire a bigger and faster yacht, it is inevitable that criticisms would flow in. hkupop.hku.hk |
病原体(能引起疾病的微生物 )也随之被 消灭,营养和污染水平也随之降低。 teebweb.org | Thereby pathogens (disease causing microbes) are eliminated, and [...] the level of nutrients and pollution is reduced. teebweb.org |
顯示一個有吸引力的訪問,其微妙的簽名鑽石皇冠。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Shows an attractive and accessible, with its subtle signature diamond crown. en.horloger-paris.com |
然而基于症状诊断微量营养素缺乏当然有严重的缺 [...] 点,如(1)除了特定微量营养素缺乏外的许多因素都可能导致外观可见的症状;(2)一种特 殊的可见症状可能由多种养分甚至是多种原 因 引 起 的 ;(3)一 种 微 量 营养素的缺乏可能与另 一种养分的过量有关;(4)田间缺乏症状很难鉴定,因为疾病、昆虫或除草剂的损害都可能 产生类似某种微量营养素缺乏的症状;(5)缺乏症状经常出现于生长阶段,采取补救措施为 [...]时已晚。 fertilizer.org | However, micronutrient deficiency diagnosis based on symptoms has certain serious disadvantages, like: (i) apparent visual symptoms may be caused by many factors other than a specific micronutrient stress; [...] (ii) a peculiar visual [...] symptom may be caused by more than one nutrient or even by more than one factor; (iii) deficiency of one micronutrient may relate [...]to an excessive quantity [...]of another nutrient; (iv) deficiency symptoms are difficult to be distinguished in the field, because disease, insect, or herbicide damage can resemble certain micronutrient deficiency symptoms; and (v) frequently, deficiency symptoms appear late during the growth period for taking effective remedial measures. fertilizer.org |
一些委员提到,《大会议事规则》第 80 和第 81 条规定的程序的运作情况总的来说是 [...] 令人满意的,法律委员会不应增加具有灵活性的内容,因为它们必然在实行过程中 会 引 起一 些微妙的问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several members pointed out that the procedure established by Rules 80 and 81 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference had functioned satisfactorily on [...] the whole and that it was not for the [...] Legal Committee to introduce elements of flexibility [...]which could not fail to create [...]delicate problems in regard to application. unesdoc.unesco.org |
大亞灣核電站設有許多不同先進監測儀器,可偵測出少至一根燃料棒 的輕微瑕疵所引致的核素改變。 legco.gov.hk | The nuclear power station has many different [...] sophisticated monitoring instruments and can detect [...] the tiniest change caused by even a small defect [...]in one single fuel rod. legco.gov.hk |
在施用微量营养元素能使作物丰收的地方,它的经济效应也应该是具有 吸 引 力 的 ,因 为微 量营 养元素的施用剂量很少,并且能对随后的作物产生有利的剩余效应。 fertilizer.org | Where ever there is a good crop response to [...] micronutrient use, its economics is [...] ought to be attractive simply because micronutrient dosage is [...]very small and it leaves a beneficial [...]residual effect on subsequent crops. fertilizer.org |
本文件闡述建 議的即食食品微生物含量指引。 cfs.gov.hk | This paper presents [...] the recommended microbiological guidelines for ready-to-eat food. cfs.gov.hk |
这可能反映了前面提 到的、在大的老树中由微生物引起的 萃的缓慢降解。 wrcea.cn | This probably reflects the previously mentioned slow degradation [...] of extractives by microorganisms in large old trees. wrcea.org |
調查 顯示事故大部分均是由人為因素所造成,例如幕門玻璃被硬 物撞擊,其次是由於月台幕門玻璃含 有 微 細 雜質 所 引 起。 legco.gov.hk | Investigation revealed that most of the incidents were caused [...] by human factors, such as the glass being hit by hard objects, [...] while others were caused by impurity in [...]the glass panels. legco.gov.hk |
必须用足够剂量的氯剂给水消毒以根 除 微 生 物 ,例 如 引 起 霍 乱和伤寒 的细菌。 icrc.org | To disinfect the water, a sufficient quantity of chlorine must be [...] added to eliminate microorganisms such as those that [...]cause cholera and typhoid fever. icrc.org |
低成本 PIC32 MCUs - [...] Microchip Technology 推出一系列的低引脚数 32 位 PIC32 微处理器,在 50 MHz 下提供合适的外设配置时具有 [...]83 DMIPS 的性能,适合通用检测、USB 和语音设计。 digikey.cn | Low-Cost PIC32 MCUs - Microchip Technology presents a series of low [...] pin-count, 32-bit PIC32 microcontrollers that provides 83 DMIPS [...]of performance at only [...]50 MHz with the right mix of peripherals for cost-sensitive general purpose sensing, USB, and audio designs. digikey.com.mx |
由于不同微生物可引致此疾病,故亦可侵袭任何人士。 hsbc.com.hk | Gastroenteritis can affect anybody because [...] many different microorganisms can cause the disease. hsbc.com.hk |
然而, Christophe Claret 卻圓滿將之實現!他是如何辦到的?腕錶結構的巧妙之處在於由兩個 [...] 精鋼小球組成的系統,兩顆小球彼此分開,各自位於錶殼左右側的藍寶石水晶玻璃管 中,以由導線牽引的兩個微型磁 鐵所產生之磁力支持其運作。 christopheclaret.com | And yet Christophe Claret has done just that by creating a system where two small steel spheres – hollowed to make them lighter – encased within two sapphire tubes placed to the right [...] and left of the caseband, are controlled by precision magnetic fields [...] generated by two miniature magnets moved by cables. christopheclaret.com |
細微之處,這將吸引球迷的精度:LUC機芯11CF包括一個功能“復位到零,小二”,結合準確的時間設置和垂直離合裝置與停秒。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Subtleties that will appeal to fans of precision: [...] LUC Calibre 11CF includes a function "reset to zero small second" combined [...]with a stop seconds for accurate time setting and a vertical clutch device. en.horloger-paris.com |
为了共同推进中国社会化商业的变革,新浪与CIC于2011年10月联合发布《 CIC•新浪—微博引领的 中国社会化商业发展与变革》白皮书,旨在探讨微博的特点及其对中国互联网发展的意义,深入剖析微博营销价值,并进一步探究微博应用所启迪的社会化商业变革,帮助企业和代理公司更全面地认识、运用微博,理 解 微 博 引 领 的 企业和组织的商业模式变革。 ciccorporate.com | This white paper will discuss the features and market values of the microblog medium, thoroughly explore the microblog led social business revolution and help brands and agencies comprehensively understand and leverage the platform in the Chinese market. ciccorporate.com |
Glencore認為出現該等申索引發重大負債的可能性 極 微 , 由訴 訟 引 發 的負債(如有)不會對其綜合收入、財務狀況或現金流量造成重大 不良 影 響。 glencore.com | Glencore believes the likelihood of any material liability arising from these claims to be remote and that the liability, if any, resulting from any litigation will not have a material adverse effect on its consolidated income, financial position or cashflows. glencore.com |
别把鸡蛋放入微波炉微波,你会引发 一 场爆炸案。 4tern.com | Don’t put an egg into a microwave, you don’t to bomb down a kichen, do you? 4tern.com |
在 解释非洲地区的经济增长为何对减少贫穷的影响极 其 微 弱 时 所常 常 引 用 因 素大致 有:人口增长率高,穷人可就业的部门创造的就业岗位不足,基础设施的投资薄 弱,自然资源丰富和资本密集的“飞地部门”未能在更大范围的经济中产生扩散 和溢出效应。 daccess-ods.un.org | Factors usually cited to explain why Africa is the region where economic growth has had the weakest effect on poverty reduction generally include high population growth; inadequate job creation in sectors accessible to the poor; weak infrastructural investment; and, the failure of growth in natural-resource rich and capital-intensive “enclave sectors” to create spread and spillover effects in the broader economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,其清洁易剥离性尽量减少了 将微粒引入洁净环境的风险。 www2.dupont.com | This clean peel minimizes [...] the risk of introducing particulates into a clean environment. www2.dupont.com |
另一位成員質疑當乘客 上落車時,或需要在路邊輕微調整引 擎 時 ,駕駛者是否仍需要 停車熄匙。 forum.gov.hk | Another member questioned whether drivers should stop the engines when passengers were boarding or alighting; or when there were needs to tune the engines on roadside. forum.gov.hk |
特别是, [...] 正在出现的对范围从无线电、红外线、光学、X 射线到伽马射线,包括微中子和引力 波天文学在 内的多波长天文学的需要,为发展中国家的天文 [...] 学家积极参与研究、培训和教育提供了大量机 会。 neutrino.aquaphoenix.com | In particular, the emerging need for multi-wavelength astronomy, ranging from radio, [...] infra-red, optical, X-rays to gamma [...] rays, including neutrino and gravitational wave astronomy, [...]provides a rich opportunity for [...]astronomers from developing countries to be encouraged to carry out research, training and education. neutrino.aquaphoenix.com |
希望本次由CIC与新浪联合发布的《 CIC•新浪—微博引领的 中国社会化商业发展与变革》白皮书能够给业界以启发,推动中国社会化商业的持续发展与创新。 ciccorporate.com | We’re hoping this CIC and Sina joint white paper [...] China’s Social Business Development > will [...]inspire the industry and propel the social business innovation in China. ciccorporate.com |