单词 | 引柴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 引柴 —kindling (light a fire)Examples:引火柴—kindling See also:柴—surname Chai • lean (of meat) • thin (of a person)
這亦是我們 為 何 宣布會 [...] 考慮以不同 稅 項 來 吸 引 柴 油 車 主 使 用 超 低 含硫量 [...]柴 油 的 原 因。 legco.gov.hk | That is also the reason why we intend to create a differential duty rate as an incentive to [...] encourage owners of diesel vehicles to switch [...]to ULSD. legco.gov.hk |
刪除“但鑑於汽油及柴油車輛排出的廢氣均會造成空氣污染 ,在未能確定何者較為環保之前,本局”;在“促請”前加上 “並”字;刪除“檢討”並以“當局研究公眾對”代替;刪除 “,而以優惠措施吸引柴油車 輛車主自願轉用汽油車輛,取代 建議的強迫性措施”並以“所表達的意見,修改建議的計劃, 使之盡量為市民及柴油車輛車主廣泛接受,包括重新考慮建議 的對政府收入無增無減的原則,同意將任何可能由此獲得的收 入,撥作發展健康護理用途”代替;刪除“從速”而以“繼續” 代替;並刪除“更有效及為市民普遍接受的”等字。 legco.gov.hk | To delete "but as both petrol and diesel vehicles attribute to air pollution and before it can be confirmed which one of the two types of vehicle is more environment-friendly," and substitute with "and"; to insert "public response to" after "the Administration to review"; to delete the word "mandatory"; to delete "replace" and substitute with "amend"; to delete "with incentive measures to attract owners of diesel vehicles to change to petrol vehicles on a voluntarily basis, as well as to expeditiously" and subsitute with "to make it as widely acceptable as possible to the public and owners of diesel vehicles, including reconsideration of the proposed principle of revenue neutrality by agreeing to plough back any possible revenue so acquired into health care development and, to continue to"; and to delete "which are more effective and generally accepted by the public,". legco.gov.hk |
本局支持政府採取措施減低柴油車輛排放的廢氣,但鑑於汽油 及柴油車輛排出的廢氣均會造成空氣污染,在未能確定何者較 [...] 為環保之前,本局促請政府檢討《減低柴油車輛噴出廢氣的進 一步建議》諮詢文件內有關逐步淘汰四公噸及以下柴油車輛的 計劃,而以優惠措施吸引柴油車輛車主自願轉用汽油車輛,取 代建議的強迫性措施,並且從速尋求其他更有效及為市民普遍 接受的措施,改善本港的空氣質素。 legco.gov.hk | That this Council supports that measures be taken to reduce emissions from diesel vehicles, but as both petrol and diesel vehicles attribute to air pollution and before it can be confirmed which one of the two types of vehicle is more environment-friendly, urges the Government to review the mandatory scheme of phasing out diesel vehicles of four tonnes or below in the consultation paper "Further [...] Proposals to Reduce [...] Emissions from Diesel Vehicles" and to replace the proposed scheme with incentive measures to attract owners of diesel vehicles to [...]change to petrol vehicles [...]on a voluntarily basis, as well as to expeditiously explore other measures which are more effective and generally accepted by the public, in order to improve the air quality in the territory. legco.gov.hk |
动力方面,该艇采用MWM RS-348型柴油 引 擎 , 该 柴 油 机 已经作为柴油发电机在IXD型U艇上使用。 trumpeter-china.com | For the power plant, the Type XXIII used the MWM RS-348 diesel engine, which was already in use as a diesel generator aboard the Type IXDs. trumpeter-china.com |
不論是當年的FSI引擎,到TDI柴油引擎 , 以至LED照明系統,每項新技術的研製,都表現了一種對未來的想像,甚至是對人類生活型態的重塑。 think-silly.com | FSI, TDI diesel engine and LED lighting system are all [...] pointing us towards the future. think-silly.com |
選擇 安裝較 為 昂貴的柴油催化器的車主,則 須支付 2,700元 至 6,200元 的 差額, 差額多少視乎車輛引擎大小和柴油催化器的型號而定。 legco.gov.hk | Those who opted for the more expensive oxidation catalyst had to pay a balance of between $2,700 and $6,200 depending on the engine size of the vehicle and the catalyst model. legco.gov.hk |
據報,世界衞生組織("世衞")的國際癌症研究機構 把 柴 油 引 擎 排 放出的廢氣("柴油廢氣")由原有評定為第2A類屬"可能致癌"物質提升為第1類屬"致癌"物質,並指柴油廢氣為導致肺癌的物質以及與罹患膀胱癌的風險增加有關。 legco.gov.hk | It has been reported that the International Agency for Research on Cancer ("IARC") under the World Health Organization ("WHO") has raised the classification of exhaust from diesel engine exhaust ("diesel exhaust") from Group 2A "probably carcinogenic" to Group 1 "carcinogenic", and pointed out that diesel exhaust is a cause of lung cancer and is associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer. legco.gov.hk |
這包括鼓勵較小型車輛放棄使用柴油 引 擎 而改用汽油引擎;對較大型的柴油車 輛採取更嚴厲的廢氣管制標準;使用造成較少污染 的 柴 油 燃料 ; 引 進 電動車輛 ― 我 很高興剛在兩星期前,收到政府屬㆘的首輛電動車輛;鼓勵市民更多使用不佔路面的交 通工具。 legco.gov.hk | These include encouraging [...] a switch from diesel engines to petrol engines for smaller vehicles; adopting more stringent emission standards for larger diesel vehicles; using less polluting diesel fuels; introducing electric vehicles [...]— I was glad to [...]take delivery of the Government's first electric road vehicle just two weeks ago; and encouraging greater use of off-road transportation. legco.gov.hk |
我 們在香港推行了很多 改善空氣質 素的措施, 包括引 入 超低硫柴油, 以 及 推行石 油氣小 巴 和 的士。 legco.gov.hk | We have implemented many measures in Hong Kong [...] to improve air quality, including the introduction [...] of ultra low sulphur diesel and liquefied petroleum [...]gas (LPG) minibuses and taxis. legco.gov.hk |
鑒於歐盟國家 准許在超低硫柴油中混入5%至 [...] 10%的生化柴油,政府當局應仿效 這種做法,以及考慮在香港引入生化 柴 油 , 藉以促進競爭,從而 令燃料價格更具競爭力。 legco.gov.hk | Given that EU countries had allowed for the blending of 5% to 10% biodiesel in ULSD, the [...] Administration should follow suit and should [...] consider introducing biodiesel in Hong Kong to [...]facilitate competition, which would in [...]turn render the fuel price more competitive. legco.gov.hk |
(三) 有否估計在現時上述計劃的合資助資格的商用車輛當中,來往香 港及內地的車輛數目(包括貨車及旅遊巴士);鑒於現時沒有適 [...] 合歐盟 IV 期車輛使用的柴油在內地發售,來往內地及香港的商 [...] 用車輛的車主擬參與上述計劃更換車輛因而遇上困難,當局會否 與內地當局研究在內地引入該等柴油 的時間表,並檢討上述計劃 的資助期(特別是對長途旅遊巴士車主的資助期),以配合該時 [...]間表? legco.gov.hk | (c) whether it has estimated, among those eligible commercial vehicles under the above scheme, the current number of vehicles (including goods vehicles and coaches) which travel between Hong Kong and the Mainland; given that diesel suitable for use by Euro IV vehicles is currently not sold on the Mainland, thus posing difficulties to owners of commercial vehicles travelling between Hong Kong and the Mainland who intend to participate in the above scheme for replacement of their vehicles, whether the authorities will explore with [...] the mainland authorities a timetable [...] for bringing in such diesel on the Mainland and [...]review the incentive periods (particularly [...]that for owners of long-haul coaches) of the above scheme so as to tie in with the timetable? legco.gov.hk |
2006年,LMP的R8正式由R10 [...] TDI接替,並迅即為AUDI勝出了該年度的利曼24小時耐力賽,而R10 TDI最為人關注的就是它的柴油引擎, 雖說現 今 柴 油 引 擎 漸 漸普及起來,但還只是一條較少人走的道路。 think-silly.com | Its diesel fuel engine drew concern for it is still far from being [...] popular. think-silly.com |
澳洲公司Solar Sailor作為太陽能航海技術的領導研發者,採用太陽能電池推動混 合 引 擎 , 這混 合 引 擎 亦可 以 柴 油 及電力能源推動。 hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au | Using solar-collecting cells to power a hybrid diesel-electric engine, the technology was developed by Australian-based Solar Sailor, a leading innovator in maritime solar technology. hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au |
1997年,刚果两大政党之间的冲突引发 首 都布 拉 柴 维 尔 的战斗,平民伤亡严重。 un.org | In 1997, clashes between the two major Congolese political parties led to fighting in the capital Brazzaville, resulting in heavy civilian casualties. un.org |
自 2007 年 12 月起(即 自本港引入歐盟 V 期柴油起 ),據我們的監察,本港歐盟 V 期柴油零售價格 的升降走勢,大致與新加坡車用柴油的離岸價格的升降走勢相若,顯示本地 車用柴油的零售價格的升降走勢,並未 因 引 入 歐盟 V 期柴油而出現不合理情 況。 legco.gov.hk | From December 2007 onwards (that is, since the [...] introduction of Euro V diesel to Hong Kong), our monitoring reveals that the trend movements of local Euro V diesel retail prices are more or less the same as those of Singapore auto-fuel FOB prices, which demonstrates that the trend movements of local diesel retail prices have not become unreasonable following the introduction of Euro V diesel. legco.gov.hk |
Caterpillar 是建築和採礦設備、柴油和天然氣引 擎 、工業用燃氣渦輪 和 柴 油 發 電車頭的世界領導製造商。 taiwan.cat.com | Caterpillar is the world's leading manufacturer [...] of construction and [...] mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. taiwan.cat.com |
在過去一段時間裏,我和我部門的同事也就更換車輛的問題,多次與業 界進行商討,包括在 3 月和 5 [...] 月,劉健儀議員聯同數十名業界代表,與我們 開會討論“停車熄匙”所帶來的影響 和 引 入 歐盟 IV 期柴油車輛所帶來的技 術問題。 legco.gov.hk | For some time in the past, on a number of occasions, the colleagues in my department and I have had discussions with the sector concerning the replacement of vehicles, including in March and May, when together with several dozen representatives of the sector, Ms Miriam LAU had discussions with us concerning the implications of the [...] measure to switch off idling engines and the technical problems [...] relating to the introduction of Euro IV diesel vehicles. legco.gov.hk |
在改善路邊空氣質素方面,政府自1999年開始採取了一系列 針對車輛的減排措施,包括在2000年引 入 超低 硫 柴 油 , 以大 量減少在空氣中二氧化硫的排放;分別在2003年和2005年完 成資助計劃,鼓勵柴油的士和小巴轉用石油氣車輛;在 2007年強制所有歐盟前期舊柴油車輛安裝微粒消減裝置;在 2006 年按歐盟步伐分階段引入歐盟IV 期車輛廢氣排放標 準;在 2007年推出資助計劃,更換歐盟前期及I期舊的柴油商 業車輛,並提供稅務寬減以鼓勵使用環保汽油私家車;及在 同年12月,引入歐盟V期車用柴油。 legco.gov.hk | To improve roadside air pollution, the Government, since 1999, has embarked on a series of control measures [...] targeting vehicles. It [...] includes the introduction of ultra low sulphur diesel in 2000 that cut sulphur dioxide emission drastically; programmes for incentivizing the replacement of diesel taxis and light buses with liquefied petroleum gas vehicles which were completed in 2003 and 2005 respectively; mandating in 2007 the retrofit of particulate removal devices for all pre-Euro diesel vehicles; introducing Euro IV vehicle emission standards in 2006 in tandem with the European Union; launching in 2007 an incentive scheme to encourage the replacement of pre-Euro and Euro I diesel commercial vehicles and a tax concession scheme to encourage the use of environment-friendly petrol private cars; and introducing Euro V motor vehicle diesel in December 2007. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 由㆒九九㆓年㆒月㆒日起,對所有輸入本港 的 柴 油 引 擎 和 汽油引擎車輛實施非 常嚴格的國際噴出黑煙標準。 legco.gov.hk | (b) Introducing new and very stringent international emission standards for all vehicles both diesel and petrol-engined [...] imported into Hong Kong from 1 January 1992. legco.gov.hk |
至於路邊空氣質 素方面 ,政府 自 1999 年 已推行 多 項 的 [...] 措施以減 少 車輛排 放 的 污染物,有關措施包括資 [...] 助 車 主 把 柴油的士及小 巴 轉 為 石 油汽車輛、 引 入 低硫柴油、實施最嚴格車輛排 放 和 車 用燃 料 標準、加 強 [...]管 制 黑 煙車輛、 要 求 歐盟前期柴油車輛安 裝微粒消 [...]減 裝置, 以 及 資 助 歐盟前期和歐盟 I 期 柴油車輛更換為 歐盟 IV 期 型 號 車輛等 。 legco.gov.hk | To improve roadside air quality, the Government has implemented a wide range of measures since 1999 to reduce vehicle emissions. These measures include providing grant for owners to replace diesel taxis and light [...] buses with liquefied [...] petroleum gas models, introducing ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD), implementing [...]the most stringent [...]emission and fuel standards for vehicles, tightening control on smoky vehicles, requiring pre-Euro diesel vehicles to be retrofitted with particulate removal devices, offering grant for the replacement of pre-Euro and Euro I diesel vehicles with Euro IV models. legco.gov.hk |
大約 4 年前,我要求政府調低超低硫柴油稅至每公升 0.55 元,這是在 每公升 1.11 元稅率中間落墨的,當時的柴油價格是每公升七元多,較 2000 年引入超低硫柴油時上漲了大約兩成,當時已對業界造成很大壓力。 legco.gov.hk | About four years ago, I requested the Government to lower the duty on ultra-low sulphur to $0.55 per litre, which was about half of the duty rate of $1.11 per litre at that time. legco.gov.hk |
2008年的北美國際及日內瓦車展,AUDI展出了搭載V12 TDI柴油引擎的 R8 TDI Le Mans,我們又再次看到,一項於頂尖環境下不斷磨鍊的技術。 think-silly.com | In North American International Auto show in 2008, AUDI presented R8 TDI LE [...] MANS with V12 TDI diesel fuel engine. think-silly.com |
审计委员会建 议行政当局确保达尔富尔混合行动调查燃料 消耗不寻常的原因,并采取适当措施避免再次 发生此类情况(第 305 至第 307 段) 混合行动已注意到该建议,并已采取以下行动: (a) 达尔富尔混合行动引入了“蓝染色” 柴 油。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board recommends that the Administration ensure that UNAMID investigates the reasons for the unusual fuel consumption and takes appropriate measures to avoid a recurrence (paras. 305-307) The Operation takes note of the recommendation and has taken the following actions daccess-ods.un.org |
新系統則由符合歐盟 V 期排放標準的柴油引擎驅 動,減少排放污染物,因此更具 [...] 環保效益。 legco.gov.hk | The new MXRVSSs [...] will be powered by diesel engines of Euro [...]V emission standard which produce less emission and are therefore more environmental-friendly. legco.gov.hk |
很多产品包括底特律活塞柴油机60系 列 引 擎 和 通用汽车第一个ABS制动系统至今仍受益于此技术。 shainin.cn | Many products including Detroit Diesel's series 60 engines and [...] General Motors first ABS brake system have benefited from this technology since. shainin.com |
現時,Vario更可利用選擇性催化還原 柴 油 引 擎 技 術(SCR,Selective Catalytic Reduction)處理廢氣,透過將廢棄導入催化轉化器並混合水性添加劑AdBlue®,減少高排 量 柴 油 引 擎 的 氮氧化合物排放量。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | And now the Vario is also able to benefit from SCR [...] (Selective [...] Catalytic Reduction) exhaust gas aftertreatment which reduces NOX emissions from the high-displacement diesel engines by feeding the exhaust gases through a catalytic converter, where they are mixed with the [...]water-based additive AdBlue®. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
全新設計的演算程式可控制油軌壓力、噴射容量和次數, 使 柴 油 引 擎 典 型的燃燒特性幾乎完全消失:V8 引擎可和諧運轉、低振動且沒有柴油車慣有的擾人背景噪音。 pap.porsche.com | Completely new algorithms were developed to control rail [...] pressure, injection volumes and times – with [...] the result that diesel-typical combustion [...]characteristics have practically disappeared [...]altogether: The V8 runs harmoniously with low vibration and without any annoying diesel-like background noise. pap.porsche.com |
苏联的“共产国际”火炮牵引车是以中止研制T-12坦克和后来的T-24坦克为基础开发的,T-24从1935年到1941年间大约生产了2,000辆,装备一台131 马力的柴油引擎。 trumpeter-china.com | The Komintern artillery tractor was based [...] on the suspension of the T-12 tank and later the T-24 (2,000 built from 1935 to 1941), [...] powered by a 131-hp diesel engine. trumpeter-china.com |
(b) 由於大部分公共巴士的車輛總重量都超過㆕噸,並須 以 柴 油 引 擎 推 動,因目 前並無適用的其他汽油引擎可代替,所以政府現時並無計劃規定這類車輛使 [...] 用無鉛汽油。 legco.gov.hk | (b) As most public buses are larger than [...] four tonnes in gross vehicle weight, and [...] are powered by diesel engines because [...]there is currently no viable petrol alternative [...]for them, the Government has no plans at present to require such vehicles to use unleaded petrol. legco.gov.hk |
環境局局長表示,雖然大部分車輛可使用混有最 多 5%生化柴油的超低硫柴油而不會引致 兼 容問題,但較高的比 率則可能會導致若干不能兼容的車輛出現燃料系統腐蝕的問 題。 legco.gov.hk | SEN said that while ultra [...] low sulphur diesel blended with up to 5% of biodiesel could be used [...]by most vehicles without causing [...]compatibility problems, any higher percentage might cause possible corrosion problems to the fuel system of certain incompatible vehicles. legco.gov.hk |