

单词 引咎辞职

See also:

辞职 v

leave v

External sources (not reviewed)

司法部长 Josué Pierre-Louis 2011 年 11 月辞职所引发的 政治动荡阻碍 了联海稳定团对司法和公共安全部的支持。
MINUSTAH support to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security was hampered by the political tumult surrounding the resignation of the Minister of Justice, Josué Pierre-Louis, in November 2011.
倘若出現政策 失 誤 的情況,有關 的內閣閣員 未必引 咎辭職,最終是由執 政 黨 就 何 為保存 其公信 力的最恰當方法作 出政治決定。
In the end, it was a matter of political decision to be made by the ruling party as to what it saw was the most appropriate means to preserve its credibility.
[...] 任何迹象表明,如果大会维持目前的服务条款和条件,已经超过或即将 超过 3 年期限的审案法官会在其案件审结 辞职。
The report of the Secretary-General, however, contains no indication that, if the General Assembly were to retain the current terms and conditions of service, ad
litem judges who have exceeded or will soon exceed the
[...] three-year period would resign before the completion [...]
of their cases.
[...] 推一推或是对出于职业道德努力行使其职责和责任或指出违规行为的同事进行报复:例如排 斥他们,甚至取消其职位把他们除名 辞 了 职 的 那 位助理总干事最近就是这样 咎 于 一 位同 事--当时的教育部门行政与财务股负责人(Chef, AO/ED)的。
Indeed, the cure seems likely to be worse than the disease insofar as it seeks to make accountable for their actions officials who normally either defer decisions that might cause them problems or take reprisals against colleagues who make an effort to carry out their duties and responsibilities professionally or who report irregularities, for example, by marginalizing them or even
removing them by
[...] abolishing their posts, as the ADG who has just resigned recently did at the expense of a colleague [...]
who was then the
Chief of the Administration and Finance Unit of the Education Sector (Chief, AO/ED).
由总统任 命成员组成的宪法法庭做出了一项有争议的判决, 由引发的 争论导致一些法庭成员遭到弹劾诉讼, 并最辞职,这 凸显了立法机构的权力,以及政治 体系在转型中所面临的风险,因为新组建的部门会 不断试探其上级的底线。
A dispute over a controversial ruling by the
presidentially-appointed Constitutional
[...] Tribunal led to impeachment proceedings and the resignation of the tribunal members, highlighting both the [...]
power of the legislature,
and the risks to a political structure in transition as new institutions test the boundaries of their authority.
在引起援引官员豁免权的行为方面,特别报告员还提到“国家关于其官员 有豁免权的声称与该国对国际不法行为的责任之间关系”的一个有关问题,他强 调,官员的所属国不管是否放弃对其官员的豁免权, 引 起 豁免问题的行为方 面,均不能免去对咎于它的行为的国际法律责任。
The Special Rapporteur also alluded to a related aspect concerning the relationship between a State’s assertion that its official had immunity and the responsibility of that State for an internationally wrongful act in respect of the conduct which gave rise to invocation of immunity of the official, underscoring that irrespective of the waiver of immunity with regard to its official, the State of the official was not exempt from international legal responsibility for acts attributed to it in respect of any conduct that may have given rise to questions of immunity.
委员会表示关切的是,虽然2002 年通过了《矿业法》,2004 年通过了采 矿计划,而且目前正在审查所有采矿合同,缔约国仍然存在自然资源的非法开采 和管理不善现象,其中外国公司辞 其 咎。
The Committee is concerned that, in spite of the adoption of a mining code in 2002 and a mining plan in 2004, as well as the current review of all mining contracts, the illegal exploitation and mismanagement of the natural resources of the State party continue with the involvement of foreign companies.
我的問題是透過局長問特首,他自稱為政治家,可否取出政治家風 度,如果今次不能落實他的選舉承諾 ⎯⎯ 真正解決政改問題 ⎯⎯ 會 否學習具風度的政治家,好像最近日本的鳩山由紀夫 引咎 辭 職 ,體現 一種真正的政治家問責精神?
May I ask the Chief Executive through the Secretary: as he claims to be a politician, can he act with the bearing of a politician by taking the blame and resign if he fails this time to fulfil his campaign promise to tackle the constitutional reform problem, just like what Yukio HATOYAMA of Japan did recently, so as to manifest the genuine spirit of accountability of a politician?
以机构资源规划(Umoja)项目作为理由是说不 过去的,特别是因为该项目主任和主管管理事务副秘 书长向指导委员会提辞职,引发了 严重的管理危 机。
The citing of the enterprise resource planning (Umoja) project as justification was inadequate,
particularly in light of the serious
[...] governance crisis provoked by the resignation from its [...]
Steering Committee of the project
director and the Under-Secretary-General for Management.
大会第六十二届会议注意到协商委员会需要保留机构记忆,并注意到其两名 成辞职,决定批准协商委员会两名新成员的任期为三年完整任期,自 [...]
2008 年 1 月 1 日起,至 2010 年 12 月 31 日止;协商委员会其余三名成员将继续其三年任
期,至 2009 年 12 月 31 日止;委员会成员的指定今后将依照上文所决定的模式(第 62/521 号决定)。
At its sixty-second session, mindful of the need to maintain the institutional memory of the
Consultative Committee and taking
[...] note of the resignation of two of its [...]
members, the General Assembly decided that the two new members
of the Committee would be granted a full term of three years beginning on 1 January 2008 and ending on 31 December 2010; that the remaining three members of the Committee would continue to serve their three-year terms ending on 31 December 2009; and that the future designation of members of the Committee would follow the pattern decided upon above (decision 62/521).
有四份实际上辞职,其中三辞职 是 在无 薪特殊休假之后发生。
Four of them were in fact resignations, three of which had followed [...]
special leave without pay.
审查材料发现,统计数据并非完全可信:存在编码错误,特别是对合同 到期辞职之间 ,或协商离职和裁撤职位废除之间存在混淆。
However, the examination of files revealed that these statistics were not entirely reliable: coding errors had been made, in particular, the confounding of expiration of appointment and resignation, and of agreed separation and abolition of post.
主席,王 鳴 女士已 經 建 立 一個在憲 制 上 非常有 利 的 先 例 , 因為我們從 未 聽 過 香 港 政 府官員引 咎 辭職
Madam President, Ms Rosanna WONG has set a very useful precedent in our constitutional system because we have not heard of a Hong Kong Government official stepping down over failure in the past.
局長,我覺得與其要引 咎辭職,實在是浪費了你的能力,浪費了你這種資源,反而我希望你 [...]
可以在退休後,用你的經驗、學識,甚至你的積蓄,多些幫社會做事, 多些作出貢獻。
Secretary, instead of asking
[...] you to take the blame and resign (which [...]
is in fact a waste of your abilities and talents),
I would rather you can, upon your retirement, make use of your experience, knowledge or even your savings to do more work for the community and make more contributions.
雖然港府官引咎辭職 的例子不多,但他們更應有警惕性、責任 感。
Although there are few examples of government
[...] officials accepting blame and tendering [...]
resignation, they should be more alert and
more conscious of their responsibility.
要他們承擔責任,並要 求他們在出現嚴重政策失誤引咎辭 職 ,與公務員的常任制和既 定任免制度背後的理念並不相符。
Holding them responsible and expecting them to step down in the case of serious policy failures is incompatible with the underlying philosophy of a permanent civil service and its established appointment and removal system.
在這樣 的分析 下 , 我要 求的, 不是要將 梁司長撤 職 , 而是希望她有自知之明,“ 識 得做” , 從 而建 立 一個懂 得自引咎 辭職的慣 例 。
Having gone through that kind of analysis, I asked not to remove Ms LEUNG from office, but expressed the hope that she would know her failure and know what to do, thereby setting a precedent of resignation over one's failure.
(b) 在 2003年 10月 8日,劉慧卿議員動議進行議案辯論,議案的措辭為 “鑒於香港在行政長官董建華先生的施政下,人權、法治、經濟發 展出現倒退,政制民主化停滯,令
[...] 眾要求他下台的聲音不絕於 耳,本會要求董先生順應民意引咎 辭 職 ”。
(b) On 8 October 2003, Hon Emily LAU moved a motion “That, as there has been retrogression in human rights, the rule of law and economic development in Hong Kong and democratization of the political system has remained stagnant under the administration of the Chief Executive Mr TUNG Chee-hwa, prompting the public to make repeated demands for him to
step down, this Council calls on Mr TUNG to take the
[...] responsibility and resign in accordance [...]
with the wishes of the people.
秘书长与委员会协商后,于 2011 年 2 月 22 日任命大韩民国的 Duk Ho Moon(大规模毁灭性武器扩散),取代 2010 年 12 月 20 日辞职的大 不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国的大卫·伯奇;于 2011 年 3 月 21 日任命联合王国的约翰·埃维 拉德(地区问题);以及于 2011 年 8 月 22 日任命美利坚合众国的威廉·纽科姆先 生(金融)和日本的古川克久先生(核问题)。
The Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee, appointed Duk Ho Moon, Republic of Korea (proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, to replace David J. Birch, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, who had resigned effective 20 December 2010) on 22 February 2011; John Everard, United Kingdom (regional issues), on 21 March 2011; and William Newcomb, United States of America (finance) and Katsuhisa Furukawa, Japan (nuclear issues), on 22 August 2011.
陳偉業議員則在他的修正案中要求公務員事務局局長承擔政治責 任引咎辭職
Mr CHAN Wai-yip, on the other hand, demanded in
his amendment that the Secretary for the Civil Service should assume political
[...] responsibility, take the blame and resign.
他早應問責辭職,正經的民主 大業搞不好,卻花了這麼多時間搞這個無謂的遞補機制,他早就應該 為推動民主不力引咎辭職
While neglecting the important duty of promoting the development of democracy, he has spent so much time on this meaningless replacement mechanism.
他代表刚辞职的当 代各种形式种族主义、种 族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为特别报告员发 言,介绍了提交给大会的报告(A/66/312 [...]
和 313), 并概述了其研究结果和建议。
Speaking on behalf of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary [...]
forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
intolerance, who had recently resigned, she introduced his reports to the General Assembly (A/66/312 and 313) and summarized their findings and recommendations.
如果主席或副主辞职或因其他原因无法完成任期,技术执行委员会应从 适当的候选人中选举一人接替,以完成余下的任期。
If either the Chair or
[...] the Vice-Chair resigns or is otherwise [...]
unable to complete his or her term of office, the TEC shall
elect a replacement from the appropriate constituency to complete the remainder of the term.
报告巴勒斯坦方面死亡人数使用的 辞 “ 丧 生”和针对以色列方面 使用的辞“被 杀”,可能向读者暗示 1 300 名巴勒斯坦人丧生仅仅是其自身行 为造成的结果,而没有把这些人的死亡 咎 于 杀 害或军事侵略或暴力等具体行 动,但是这句话却明确意味着以方人员是被巴勒斯坦方面故意杀害的。
The choice of terminology to report deaths on the Palestinian side as “lost their lives” and for the Israeli side as “were killed” may imply to the reader that the loss of life of the 1,300 Palestinians was simply a result of their own doing without attributing these deaths to a specific action such as killing or military aggression or violence, while it is clearly implied that those on the Israeli side were killed intentionally by the Palestinian side.
这种转变的最明显例证,是媒体刊登关于呼吁政府部 辞职 和 公众关心的问题的 报道。
Instances of such transformation are most visible when media reports calling for the resignation of Government Ministers and issues of public concern are published.
辞职的委员应向主席或秘书长直接 提交书面辞呈,唯有在收到这一辞呈之后才可采取行动宣布职位出缺。
The resignation of a member of [...]
the Committee shall be notified by that member in writing directly to the Chairperson or
to the Secretary-General and action shall be taken to declare the seat of that member vacant only after such notification has been received.
[...] 政預算案也不能發揮,我想他便應該提 引咎 辭 職 ,否則,在下一個財政預 算案中,我希望他可以為香港的工業帶來一些新的發展、新的希望。
If Mr TANG still cannot assert himself in next
year's Budget, then he, in my opinion, had
[...] better take the blame himself and submit [...]
his resignation in advance. Otherwise,
my wish is for him to bring our industries some new development and hopes in the next Budget.
不過,自由黨對於陳偉業議員提出施以“極刑”,要求俞宗怡局引咎辭職 ,是有保留的,因為就是專責委員會的報告對一眾犯錯的官 員作出嚴厲的批評,俞小姐的錯在專責委員會的眼中,也不是最嚴重 的。
It is because notwithstanding the severe criticisms made in the Report against a number of officials who are at fault, the Select Committee does not consider the mistake made by Miss YUE the most serious.
如果過兩三個月後發出的文件是 門檻過高的,讓很多人覺得原來這是騙人的,只是益惠了某些黨派而已 的話,我已說過了,我會馬引咎下 台 ,屆時便會進行補選 ⎯⎯ 不過, 不是公投 ⎯⎯ 而我亦不會參選了,主席。
If an excessively high threshold is set in the papers to be released in a couple of months, which would give many people the impression that this is a scam meant only to benefit certain parties and groupings, I would, as I have said, admit my mistake and step down immediately and then, it would be necessary to hold a by-election ― not a referendum though ― I would not run in elections anymore, President.
(c) 如果一名委员死亡辞职,或由于其他任何原因宣称无法继续履行其 [...]
职责,提名该委员的缔约国应任命另一名具有本条有关条款规定的资格并符合其 要求的专家,经委员会批准后,完成所余任期。
no longer perform her or his duties, the [...]
State party who nominated the member shall appoint another expert possessing the
qualifications and meeting the requirements set out in the relevant provisions of this article, to serve for the remainder of the term, subject to the approval of the Committee.




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