

单词 引得

External sources (not reviewed)

许多村民的眼睛是蓝色或者绿色的,长着高而长的鼻子,甚至有人是金发, 引得 人 们 猜测他们可能有欧洲血统。
Many of the villagers have blue or green eyes, long noses and even fair hair, prompting speculation that they have European blood.
读者们的讨引得作者 又发表新的博文来进一步阐述她的立场。
A discussion with readers led to a second post in which the author explains her position in greater detail.
盛大的开幕庆引得中央 大街上万人攒动,当浪琴表全球优雅形象大使林志玲从心月宫殿神秘现身,以极致娉婷的时尚catwalk秀出腕上的心月系列腕表,优雅风采顿时倾倒众生。
The grand
[...] opening ceremony attracted tens of thousands [...]
of people on the Central Avenue, and when Lin Chi-ling mysteriously
appeared from the PrimaLuna palace and showed the PrimaLuna watch on her wrist in extremely dainty fashion catwalk, her elegance conquered the crowd.
以SEM精算师为例,其智能管理平台横跨百度、谷歌等主流搜索引擎,并且其功能复合企业SEM管理需求,涵盖了智能竞价、排名锁定、优秀创意推荐、效果数据分析等诸多一站式管理功能,直指企业SEM核心问题,使数以万计的关键词调控自如,直观显示了广告投放、流量分析等数据效果,更合理的分配企业的推广预算,自产出以来 引得 叫 好声不断,如今用户已超过了两万多家,回馈显示SEM效果提升了40%至300%不等,打破了长期困扰广告主的效果瓶颈。
Example SEM actuary, intelligent management platform across Baidu, Google and other major search engines, and its functional complex enterprise SEM management needs covering intelligent bidding, ranked lock recommend outstanding creative performance data analysis a lot of one-stop management functions, directed at the enterprise the SEM core of the problem, so that tens of thousands of keywords regulation comfortable, intuitive display advertising, traffic analysis data effect, a more
[...] distribution of enterprise marketing budget, since the output since attracted applause constantly, [...]
now the user has more
than 20,000 more than feedback SEM to enhance the effect ranging from 40-300%, breaking long been plagued by the effects of the advertisers bottleneck.
ixmation此次展出的氦检测试机引得 多 家 汽车应用领域的主供应商驻足观看,并详细的与ixmation工作人员讨论了氦检测试机在其制造中发挥的作用及带来的经济效益。
The exhibited ixmation Helium Leak Detection System drew the attention of several key suppliers the field of Automotive applications to the ixmation booth, to discuss the opportunities and performance of the ixmation HLDS to their manufacturing demands.
此外,根据《引渡法》第 6 条,被请求引渡的人可能因种族、宗教、国籍、 政治见解等原因被起诉的,得引渡。
Further, extradition may not take place if the person sought risks persecution based on his or her race, religion, nationality, political opinion etc., conf.
咨询 委员会建议:(a) 管理层应邀请该参与流程重新设计工作组;(b) 该部应提供咨 询意见,并确保其建议引起重视和得到记录;(c)
[...] 如果意见没有得到重视或考虑, 该部应向主任专员报告得引起关 注的问题。
The Advisory Committee recommended that: (a) management should invite the Department to participate in process redesign working groups; (b) the Department should provide advice and ensure that
its advice is captured and recorded; and
[...] (c) if the advice is not heeded or taken [...]
into account, the Department should report
its concern to the Commissioner-General.
任何人都得援引本公 约的规定侵犯《世界人权宣言》规定的或受到 国际法保障的人权和基本自由或限制其适用范围。
No one may invoke the provisions of this [...]
Convention in order to infringe human rights and fundamental freedoms as enshrined
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or guaranteed by international law, or to limit the scope thereof.
在前置分接选择器(换向器或者粗分接选择器)的区域 中敷设分接选择器引线时应做到,使 得引 线 至 前置分接 选择器的活动部件的距离足够大。
Place the tap selector take-off leads in the vicinity of the change-over selector (reversing switch or coarse tap selector) so as to allow sufficient clearance to the movable parts of the change-over selector.
所谓的反 恐战争造成人权遭受持续侵犯,这尤其影响到国家、民族和宗教上的少数群体, 同样得引起警惕。
The continued violation of human rights associated with the so-called war on terror, which particularly affects national, ethnic and religious minorities, is also cause for alarm.
比较得引用的 论文之所以能获得较大的开放存取优势,并不是因为作者自己 在挑选开放存取论文时在质量上有所偏颇,而是因为用户在选择 自 [...]
己 想 使 用 和 引 用 的 论 文 时 , 更 偏 向 于 优 质 论 文 ( 传 统 出版只允许订阅者获取其出版物,开放存取则使用户摆脱了这 种约束)。
The open access advantage is greater for the more citable articles, [...]
not because of a quality bias from authors self-selecting
what to make open access, but because of a quality advantage, from users self-selecting what to use and cite, freed by open access from the constraints of selective accessibility to subscribers only.
(2) 任何新發展,或任何現有建築物的加建、改動及/或修改, 或現有建築物的重建,得引致整 個發展及/或重建計劃的 最高建築物高度超過圖則所訂明的限制:在指定為支區(A) 的土地範圍內,最高建築物高度不得超過主水平基準以上50 米;在指定為支區(B)的土地範圍內,最高建築物高度不得 超過主水平基準以上100米;而在指定為支區(C)的土地範圍 內,最高建築物高度不得超過主水平基準以上70米。
(2) No new development, or addition, alteration and/or modification to or redevelopment of an existing building shall result in a total development and/or redevelopment in excess of a maximum building height of 50 metres above Principal Datum (mPD) on land designated as Sub-area (A), a maximum building height of 100 mPD on land designated as Sub-area (B), and a maximum building height of 70 mPD on land designated as Sub-area (C) as stipulated on the Plan.
她是一个得引以为傲的Arts Projekt成员,已经给Sony ATV创造过几个定制的设计。
She is a proud member of Arts Projekt and has created several custom designs for Sony ATV.
[...] 考之用,故除供收錄於該通函內,在未經吾等事先書面同意下, 得引 述 或轉述本函 件之全部或部分內容,亦不得作任何其他用途。
This letter is issued for the information for the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders solely in connection with their consideration of the grant of the General Mandate
and, except for its inclusion in the
[...] Circular, is not to be quoted or referred to, [...]
in whole or in part, nor shall this letter
be used for any other purposes, without prior written consent.
根据习惯法以及传统国际法的一项规则,当事方 得引 用 其 国内法条款, 作为未适用国际法条款的合理理由;这一规则要求履行一项普遍义务,即不仅国 [...]
According to a rule of both customary and conventional international law,
[...] a party may not invoke the provisions of [...]
its own domestic law as justification
for not applying a provision of international law; this rule entails a general obligation not only to align domestic law with the provisions of the international instrument concerned, but also not to enact legislation which is incompatible with that instrument.
我们认为,那些受达尔富尔局势有效逮捕令通 缉的个人继续逍遥法外、并继续跨越国界四处旅行得引起人们严重关切。
Today we can affirm that the situation in Darfur is developing and that significant efforts have been made to resolve the conflict.
本 函 件 僅 供 獨 立 董 事 委 員 會 及 獨
立 股 東 在 考 慮 撫 順 上 馬 收 購 事 項 時 參 考 , 且 未 經 吾
[...] 等 事 先 書 面 同 意 ,得引用 或 提 述 本 函 件 全 部 或 [...]
部 分 內 容 , 亦不得 將 其 用 作 任 何 其 他 用 途 。
This letter is solely for the information of the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders, in connection with their
consideration of the Fushun Shangma Acquisition
[...] and is not to be quoted or referred to, [...]
in whole or in part, nor shall this letter
be used for any other purpose, without our prior written consent.
从严格基于列表的条约转 为主要基于可引渡罪行的最低处罚定义的协定(在大多数情况下至少剥夺一年
[...] 自由,或更严重的处罚),以确立两国共认犯罪,这 使 得引 渡 制度更加灵活,应 将其作为一种良好做法加以宣传。
The shift from rigid list-based treaties to agreements primarily based on the minimum penalty definition of extraditable offences (in most cases deprivation of liberty for a maximum period of at least one year, or more severe
penalty) for establishing double criminality
[...] has given the extradition system much more [...]
flexibility, and this should be highlighted as a good practice.
不过,他强调 指出,尽管这些资金将专用于南南合作的活动,但 得引 导 他 们通过南南合作基金获取资 金。
He stressed however that, although these funds will be earmarked for South-South cooperation activities, they cannot be channelled through the South-South Cooperation Fund.
空氣濾清器完美的表現,使得引擎受 到保護並能發揮其最高效能。
Air filters which work perfectly ensure optimal engine performance and protection.
新《宪法引进或 加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:得足够 营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权; 得 良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and
[...] fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage [...]
and electricity; the right
to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
民 间 社会也 提 交了一份
[...] 根据与 儿童面谈 编撰的此问题详 情报告,有各种得引起关注和分 析的内容 。
A detailed report on this issue has also been
submitted by civil society, based on interviews with children, and there are
[...] various elements deserving attention and analysis.
加强与区域组织、特别是非洲联盟的合作也得 引人注目的进展,诸如继审议关于非洲维持和平的普 罗迪报告(见 A/63/666)之后。
Strengthening cooperation with regional organizations, in particular the African Union, has also seen remarkable progress, such as following consideration of the Prodi report on peacekeeping in Africa (see A/63/666).
这非常重要,因为非盟驻索特派团和地区军队在对抗青年党方面已 得引 人 瞩 目的成就,并正准备对青年党重新发起进攻。
This is important, because AMISOM and regional forces have made impressive gains against Al-Shabaab and are poised to renew their offensive.
警 察得引 起 、 煽 动或容 忍 任何酷刑、虐 待和非人道或 有辱人格的待遇或处罚行为(第 37 条)。
The police may not cause, incite or tolerate any act of torture, ill-treatment, and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 37).
(h) 如使用吸气管,须柔软并有足够的长度使头部可以自由活动,不得由于 缠绕或由于正常的下颏或手臂压力而堵塞面具, 得引 起 戴 用者不适。
(h) If a breathing tube is used, it must be flexible and of an adequate length to permit the free movement of the head; the mask must not close off through kinking or through ordinary chin or arm pressure.
於發行任何新股份之前,本公司可通過普通決議案決定首先以面值或溢價 向任何類別股份之所有現有持有人按與其各自所持有各類別股份數目盡量 接近之比例提呈發售相關新股份或其任何部分,或就發行及配發該等股份 作出任何規定,但倘並無任何該等決定或該等條文之適用範圍 得引 申, 則該等股份應由董事會處置。
The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, determine that the same, or any of them, shall be offered in the first instance, and either at par or at premium, to all the existing holders of any class of shares in proportion as nearly as may be to the number of shares of each class held by them respectively, or make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares, but in absence of any such determination or so far as the same shall not extend, such shares shall be at the disposal of the Board.
这往往很不公平,因为其他国家/地区的机动车同样 得引 起 关 注,例如这款意大利的Benelli Leoncino,它是20世纪中叶意大利摩托车设计的一个独特典范。
That’s unfortunate, because other countries’ bikes deserve a bit of that loving attention—including this Italian Benelli Leoncino, simply an exceptional example of mid-20th century Italian motorcycle design motorcycle design.
(2) 各股東同意放棄其可能就任何董事採取的任何行動而針對該等董事提出的任何 申索或訴訟權利,或就該等董事在本公司或為本公司履行其職責時未能採取的任何行動而針對 該等董事提出的任何申索或訴訟權利(不論單獨或透過或藉本公司的權利提出);惟該等放棄得引伸而 適用於與屬於該等董事的任何欺詐或不誠實行為有關的任何事宜。
(2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Director on account of any action taken by such Director, or the failure of such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the Company; PROVIDED THAT - 69
[...] 作案就被逮捕,他们的组织也被破获,但多尼的计划得引起注意,因为圣战文籍认为从压迫者手里解救 [...]
The robbers were caught and the
group exposed before the attack could take
[...] place, but it is worth flagging Toni’s plans, [...]
because there is high importance attached
in jihadi literature to rescuing detained comrades from the hands of thaghut, and discussions periodically have taken place about trying to do so.




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