

单词 六方最密堆积

See also:




close-packing of spheres (math)


pile up

堆积 v

drift v

External sources (not reviewed)

贯穿其整个历史,墨西哥一直是 《宪章》六条的最积极促进者,一直诉诸仲裁和国 际法院,并鼓励有关当方通过调解和平解决我们区 域的争端。
Throughout its history, Mexico has been one of its most active promoters, resorting to arbitration and international courts [...]
and encouraging the peaceful settlement
of disputes through mediation in our region.
这种密堆积的银 金字塔阵列的表面增强因子为EF=2.84 × 107,对于同一基底不同位点,或不同基底表面,其拉曼测试结果的相对标准偏差都小于8.78%。
The close-packed Ag pyramids exhibit [...]
a high average enhancement factor of 2.84 × 107 with relative standard deviation lower
than 8.78% across a single substrate and different batches of substrates.
有關「特首施方針滿意程度」調查的密度在董建華年代為每兩個月最少進行一次,曾蔭權上任後調 密 度 改為 每 六 個 月 最 少 進 行一次。
It was then changed to at least once every six months since Donald Tsang became CE.
在这种情况下最好能 够使 晶体结构的不同部分以不同的模型显示,每部分着重不同 方 面 ( 如原 堆积 、 3D 网络以 及局部原子环境等)。
In this context, it would be nice to have parts of the structure being displayed in different models, each focusing on different aspects (like packing of atoms, 3d-network, local atomic environments).
纸板积木和厚泡积木既轻便又易 堆 叠 , 幼儿玩起 来较方便。
Cardboard blocks
[...] and thick foam blocks are both lightweight and easy to stack, so these children [...]
can easily build with them.
切屑直接落入正方的切屑回收口,加工室内无切 堆积。
Because chips fall straight down into the
[...] chip pan, there will be no chip accumulation within the machining area.
要求受教育权利问题特别报告员与各国政府、联合国机构和方案、民间 社会和联合国其他任务执行机构等所有相关利益攸 方密 切 合作,在其提交大会六十六届会 议的下次临时报告中列入紧急情况中教育权利报告 最 新 资 料,以 便明确紧急情况中受教育权利方面的差距和余留挑战。
Requests the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, in close cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, including Governments, United Nations agencies and programmes, civil society and other relevant United
Nations mandate
[...] holders, to include in his next interim report to the General Assembly at its sixtysixth session an update to his report on the right to education in emergencies, [...]
in order to identify
gaps and remaining challenges in ensuring the right to education in emergency situations.
早在2008 年,在《提高穷人诉诸司方案》下 , 最 高 法 院的旗 方 案是 《加强流动司法项目》,该《项目》的目的是通过采用流动法庭解决主要涉及穷 人的紧急刑事案件,从而解决成 堆积 与 监 狱拥挤的两个问题。
An early 2008 flagship
[...] program of the Supreme Court under the Increasing Access to Justice by the Poor Program, is the Enhanced Justice on Wheels (EJOW) Project, which is aimed to address the twin problems of clogged dockets and jail congestion by resolving with dispatch criminal cases mostly involving [...]
the poor through the use of mobile courts.
以具有倒金字塔有序硅结构为模板构筑了 密堆积 的 银 金字塔阵列,这种阵列具有很好的均匀性和重复性。
Excellent surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) performance with high homogeneity (for a single substrate) and reproducibility (for different substrates) has been achieved on Ag pyramidal arrays obtained by using inverted pyramidal Si pits as an imprint template.
大会六十六届会议请联合国各实体通过青年发展机构间网络等途径,加强 协调并加大努力,在青年发展问题上采用更连贯、更全面和更综合的方法,吁请 联合国各实体和相关伙伴订立更多措施来支持国家、区域和国际各级努力应对各 种阻碍青年发展的挑战,在此方面鼓励与会员国和包括民间社会特别是青年组织 在内的其他相关利益攸方密切协作(第 66/121 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly requested that the United Nations entities enhance their coordination and intensify efforts towards a more coherent, comprehensive and integrated approach to youth development through, inter alia, the Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development, and called upon the United Nations entities and relevant partners to develop additional measures to support national, regional and international efforts in addressing challenges hindering youth development, and in this regard encouraged close collaboration [...]
with Member States and
other relevant stakeholders, including civil society, particularly youth-led organizations (resolution 66/121).
应在开启流体之前开启 空气,以确保流体的完全雾化并防止其在气帽堆积。
The air should be activated before the fluid to ensure full atomization of
[...] fluid and prevent buildup on the air cap.
设计时也特别注意区分地组织和起绒 组织的纱线的功能,向下开口的设计最大程度地防止落堆积。
Particular attention was given in the design to provide a clear separation of ground and pile warp yarns.
该基底与种植体之间采用密的防 旋转 六 角 连 接 方 式 ,在0.3mm厚度的基板之上是直的且略有锥形的修复功能区,功能区表面有抗旋转的功能平面。
The prosthetic functional section comprises a 0.3 mm high base that conforms to the implant diameter and a slightly conical retention section without angulation, which has a flat portion to provide rotanional security.
安全理事会着重指出,经济及社会理事会 可在处理经济、社会、文化和人道主义问 方面 做 出贡献,并强调依照《联合国宪章》 六 十五 条开密切合作的重要性。
The Security Council highlights the contribution that the Economic and Social Council can make in addressing economic, social, cultural
[...] humanitarian issues and underlines the importance of close cooperation in accordance with Article 65 of the Charter [...]
of the United Nations.
哈萨克斯坦代表介绍了该国政府的初步建议,即于 2010 年 1 月至 7 月与亚太经社会成员国和合作机密 切 合 作举 六 次 筹 备会议(五次次区 域会议和一次区域会议),其中有些可与委员会 六 十 六 届 会 议或其它区域 会议以衔方式举行。
The representative of Kazakhstan shared the preliminary suggestion of his Government to conduct, in
the period from
[...] January to July 2010, six preparatory meetings (five subregional and one regional), in close cooperation with ESCAP member States and partner agencies, some of which could be organized back-to-back with the sixty-sixth session of [...]
the Commission or other regional meetings.
它們的形狀為靈感的風格亞軍,但重新設計,提出了一個更技術和精確的反映LUC動作的質量字體的LUC收集的也發生了變化, 六 十 年代一個傳統的羅馬拼寫常用的 密方 法 的 基礎上。
Their shape is inspired by the style runner, but redesigned to suggest a more technical and precise than reflecting the quality of LUC movements
The typeface of
[...] the LUC collection is also changed, as encryption based on a traditional Roman spelling [...]
commonly used in the sixties.
請使最少由六個數 字及字母組成的複 密 碼 或按照網站提示的密 碼複雜性去訂立密碼。
Use complex passwords that are at least six characters long, with a mixture [...]
of numbers and letters, or follow the password
policy as suggested by the website.
这个问题可通过付给中间专利人一部分专利使用费来解 决,但这又会形成“专利使用堆积 ” 的问题,即付给中介的费用较之 最 终 产 品所获得 的使用费可能过高。
This can be addressed by assigning a share of royalties to intermediate patentees but this in
turn creates a
[...] possible problem of “royalty stacking”, where the royalties that need to be paid to intermediaries may be excessive in relation to the royalties received on the final product.
在富含钴的基底上加 了一层先进的多层涂层(TiCN/Al2O3/TiN),这个涂层给了SN在韧性、表面润滑性和抗 金堆积方面近乎最佳的 平衡,因此在它的整个用途范围内产生极好的耐磨性。
An advanced multi-layer coating (TiCN/AI2 O3 /TiN), applied over a cobalt enriched substrate, gives SN a near optimum balance of toughness, surface lubricity, and resistance to metal build-up to yield excellent wear resistance throughout its application range.
新加坡是世界上人最密集的 国家之一,但在克 服其积和地理方面的 困难中取得了成功。
Singapore, one of the most densely-populated countries in the world, had succeeded in overcoming [...]
the constraints of its size and geography.
使用于液晶面板或LED的生产的锑、铟等,至今为止不常听到的稀有金属从中国大陆以大气沉降物的形式飞来,其积累率在这30年间急速增加,这一事实是由八幡平山岳湖沼的湖 堆积 物 分 析而得来的。
The analysis of alpine lake sediments in
the mountains of the Hachimantai have
[...] revealed that the accumulation rate of these [...]
metals is rapidly increasing in the past 30 years.
瑞士法律草案规定,如果没有公 司能够达到这些标准且保卫任务无法通过其 方 式 完 成时,可以不必遵守这些规 则,但是这种情况下与安保公司的合 最 多 只 能签 六 个 月
The Swiss draft law grants an exception to these standards if
no company satisfying
[...] them is available and the protection task cannot be completed otherwise, but stipulates a maximum duration of six months for such contracts.
如果将 Husky 泵用于向活塞泵供应流体,而 活塞泵的输入阀没有关闭而导致流 堆积 在出 口管路中时,也可以产生过压。
Overpressurization also can occur if the Husky pump is used to feed fluid to a piston pump, and the intake valve of the piston pump does not close, causing fluid to back up in the outlet line.
益攸关方加强对话,把国家视角置于法治援助的中 心,以加强国家掌管权;请秘书长及时提交其关于联
[...] 合国法治活动的下一年度报告;并决定在大会第六十 七届会议高级别部分期间召开大会关于国内和国际 的法治的一次高级别会议,会议方 式 将在 第 六 十六 届会议期最后确定。
Under the terms of that draft resolution, the Assembly would, inter alia, call for enhancing dialogue among all stakeholders with a view to placing national perspectives at the centre of rule of law assistance in order to strengthen national ownership; request the Secretary-General to submit, in a timely manner, his next annual report on United Nations rule of law activities; and decide to convene a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the rule of law at the national and international levels during the
high-level segment of its sixty-seventh session, the
[...] modalities of which would be finalized during its sixty-sixth session.
在成方面, 无级变速器目前的定位介于四速自动变速器和干式DCT双离合变速器之间 最 昂 贵 的 六 速 自 动变速器和DCT双离合变速器成本更高,但无级变速器正在改善其价格定位,而博世(Bosch)正在开发的新一代无级变速器将进一步提高性能,降低重量,进而降低材料成本。
In terms of cost, CVT is now
[...] positioned in the middle, between a four-speed AT and a dry DCT; the most expensive six-speed automatics and DCTs are costlier, but CVTs are improving [...]
price position and the new-generation CVT under development at Bosch promises to further increase performance and reduce mass – and therefore material costs.
為了讓呈現無懈可擊的完美畫質,結合前日本畫質技術研究所代表中村順平的專業經驗以及BenQ液晶顯示器團隊精湛的調校技術,制定出BenQ獨家的智慧調校標準,並不斷地學習精進色彩藝術與調校科技,全面而 密 地 串 聯 六 大 工 法,讓各項調校都能達 最 佳 狀態,層層淬煉出完美的液晶顯示器畫質,引領雙眼感受最真實的色彩,觸動內心最極致的感動。
BenQ invited the help of Nakamura Junbei, the former CEO of the Japan Picture Quality and Technology Laboratory to develop a proprietary picture adjustment algorithm to adjust images and optimize colors that are true to life and a viewing experience that is nothing short of moving.
大会在题为“推动拟订一项武器贸易条约:建立常规武器进出口和转让共同 国际标准”的第 63/240 号决议中决定设立一个不限成员名额工作组,以便于联 合国全体会员国一步步地以公开和透明 方 式 进 一步审议审查具有法律约束力 的关于常规武器的进出口和转让的综合文书的可行性、范围和暂定参数政府专家 组的报告(见 A/63/334)第 27 段中有关建议的落实情况;工作组从 2009 年开始, 举最多六次为期一周的会议。
In its resolution 63/240, entitled “Towards an arms trade treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms”, the General Assembly decided to establish an open-ended working group that would meet for up to six one-week sessions starting in 2009 in order to facilitate further consideration on the implementation of the relevant recommendation contained in paragraph 27 of the report of the Group of Governmental
Experts to examine the feasibility,
[...] scope and draft parameters for a comprehensive, legally binding instrument establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms (see A/63/334), on a step-by-step basis among all States Members of the United Nations, in an open and transparent manner.
最后, 我要再次强调,我们希望伊朗采取务实与 合理的行动积极响应六个协 调国愿意对话的姿态, 为了整个国际社会的利益,有效地解决伊朗核问题。
In conclusion, I should like again to underscore that we expect that Iran will act in a pragmatic and reasonable manner and respond positively to the six facilitators’ openness [...]
to dialogue to effectively
resolve the Iranian nuclear issue in the interest of the entire international community.
HY-DTII(A)型带式输送机是通用型系列产品,可广泛用于建材、冶金、煤炭、交通、电力、化工、轻工、粮食和机械等行业,输 堆积密 度 50 0~2500kg/m³的各种散装物料和成件物品,试用环境温度为-20~40℃。
HY-DTII (A) belt conveyor is one kind of general series products which can be widely applied to building materials industry, metallurgy industry, coal industry, transportation industry, electric power industry, chemical industry, light industry, food industry and machinery industry, etc. It
can convey various articles in bulk
[...] or end products of stacking density of 500-2,500 [...]
kg/m3 and work under ambient temperature
ranging from -20¡É to 40¡É.
最多可有 8 个类别统堆、15 个速度统堆和 2 个方向统计堆;所有这些统计堆都可以或都不可以同时配置,配置的统计堆数将影响 区间存储容量以及区间数据下载时间。
There are up to 8 class bins, 15 speed bins and 2 direction bins; all or none of these bins may be simultaneously configured and the number of configured bins will impact the interval storage capacity, as well as interval data download time.




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