

单词 污泥处理

See also:

处理 n

process n
handling n
usage n
settlement n

处理 (...) v

address v
process v
treat v
field v
deal (sth.) v
approach v
tackle v
manage v
touch v
action v
do v
dispose v
cope v


deal with

External sources (not reviewed)

澳大利亚致力于寻找闭合生物固体污 泥处理及其 资源再利用循环过程的方法。
The focus is now on finding ways to ‘close
[...] the loop’ of sludge processing to biosolids and [...]
its beneficial reutilisation.
由于COD降解而使微生物不断生长而产生过多的污泥,这些过多的污泥从污泥流中提出并排入储罐或进一 污泥处理 设 施 中。
Redundant biomass, produced by growth of microorganisms due to COD degradation, is withdrawn from the sludge stream and discharged to a storage tank or further sludge treatment facilities.
福伊特造纸提供的技术包括原材料高 处理 , 废水 、 污泥 和 废 渣 处 理 子 系统的最佳整合,残余原料和污水回收使用用于能源生产和循环水利用。
Voith Paper provides technologies for
[...] the efficient handling of raw materials, the optimal integration of subsystems for water, sludge and rejects, the [...]
utilization of residual
materials and waste water (effluent) for producing energy as well as the recirculation of clarified effluent.
泥的干化处理,使污泥农用 、作为燃料使用、焚烧乃至为减少填埋场地等处理方法成为可能。
Sludge drying process has made the process methods to be possible such as sludge used for farm [...]
application, used as fuel,
incineration to reduce the landfill site.
他们担心由于渠道加深而造成盐水入侵的风险、水质退化以及与污 挖泥船材料处理相关的问题。
They were concerned by the risk of salinity
intrusion due to
[...] channel-deepening, water quality degradation and problems associated with the disposal of contaminated dredge material.
The transport and disposal costs for the sludge are dispensed [...]
with in their entirety.
TMD6是应用王水热消化污泥的仪器 污泥 来 源于 水 处理 过 程的植物、土壤、肥料、废水以及植物性原料等。
The TMD 6 is designed for the hot
[...] digestion of sludge coming from water treatment plants, soil, compost, waste-water or vegetable [...]
materials, using "aqua regia".
能耗低、反应器占地面积小、化学品消耗非常低 污泥处 置 成本低,是厌氧 理 技 术 的优点,远超过好氧技术。
Low energy use, a small reactor surface area, lower
[...] chemical usage and reduced sludge handling costs are advantageous features [...]
of this technology over aerobic alternatives.
正在处理的污泥是一 个食品加工厂的冲洗 水,图片中清晰地显示悬浮固体含量可以非 [...]
常高 - 在这种特殊情况下为45%。
As the image clearly
[...] shows the suspended solids percentage can [...]
be quite high - in this particular example 45%.
带传送管道的液压驱动双缸单动式活塞泵,用 处理 粒 径高达120mm、粘度极高的有机或矿物渣浆 污泥 以 及 黏土。
Hydraulically driven two-cylinder
[...] piston pumps with transfer tube handling extremly viscous slurries, sludges and paste, both organic and [...]
mineral, with particle sizes up to 120 mm.
世界各地的客户使用 Allgaier 的机械设备用于清洗矿石、沙子,清除杂物 处理泥 浆 和 污 染 的 土质,生产高性能的磨料、调整粒子混合物的粒度分布。
Clients from all over the world use Allgaier washing machines for various functions such as: cleaning
minerals and sand, removing
[...] foreign particles, handling sludge and contaminated soils, producing [...]
high-performance sands as
well as for adapting the grain size distribution of particle mixtures.
可与好氧抛光系统结合,以实现最终废水排放的BOD<20ppm,创造的附加值是 处理 的 水回用于灌溉、废 污泥 作 为肥料得以应用。
Veolia also has demonstrated that Pomethane® can be combined with an aerobic
polishing plant to
[...] achieve a final effluent discharge of BOD < 20ppm, opening up additional value creation potential through the re-use of water for irrigation and the application of wastewater sludge as fertilizer.
[...] 这样的基础设施功能在不断退化,正在对人类福祉和生态系统产生负面影响,例 如废物理和污水处理系统
Currently, many of these forms of infrastructure are failing
and are having a negative impact on human well-being and ecosystems, for
[...] example waste management and sewerage systems.
在欧洲联盟,一般情况下,泥生产 处理 废 物 的最佳可得技术是,在任 何切实可行的情况下,在处理过程中重新使用已收集的微粒物质,或者在可能 的情况下将这些粉尘用于其他商品生产中(欧洲综 污 染 防治局,2010 年)。
In the European Union, BAT for process waste, in the cement manufacturing sector in general, is to re-use collected particulate matter in the process, wherever practicable, or to utilise these dusts in other commercial products, when possible.
文献资料表明,热解过程曾被应用 污泥 - 油 转 化反应器系统(S TORS),这个系统 由巴特勒纪念馆研究所(US)开发,被用 处理 原 始 未消化的市政垃圾。
Literature review has indicated a hydrothermal
[...] process applied to primary undigested municipal waste called Sludge to Oil Reactor System (STORS) that was developed by 3 Battelle Memorial Institute (US).
因为淤泥不正常沉积而导污水处理 厂 出现 淤 泥 溢 流 现象。
Sludge overflow in the wastewater treatment plant due to [...]
a sedimentation problem.
多元环球水务研究院下设博士后科研工作站,与清华大学环境学院合作开展臭氧等高级氧化技术的课题研究;1个技术市场调研中心,开展 处理 技 术 领域关键技术及设备的调研;4个生产支持类实验室,开展反渗透膜、减压阀、EDI出水、能量回收器的分析测试,服务于公司现有产品的质量检测与改进;5个技术开发类实验室,与中科院生态中心环境工程与材料实验室、清华大学环境工程实验室合作,联合开展生物循环 污泥 深 度 脱水、MBR工艺、磁分离技术、深层过滤等的研究。
Duoyuan Global Water Research Institute has a postdoctoral center which cooperates with faculty of environment of Tsinghua University to conduct research in advanced oxidation technology, such as ozone; 1 technology market research center investigates the key
technologies and
[...] equipments in water treatment technology; 4 production support laboratories conduct the analysis and test of RO membrane, reducing valve, EDI water and energy recovery device to examine and improve the current products’ quality; 5 technology development laboratories cooperate with Ecological Center Environment Engineering and Materials Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Science, and Environment Engineering Laboratory of Tsinghua University to conduct research in biological cycle, sludge concentration dewatering, [...]
MBR technology,
magnetic separation and deep filtration.
[...] 撥款主要是用於部分基本工程計劃所增加的現金流量需求和開展 新工程項目,特別是淨化海港計劃第二期甲的工程項目以 污泥 處理設施項目。
This is mainly due to the increased cash flow requirements and commencement of some capital works projects,
in particular the projects under the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS)
[...] Stage 2A and the sludge treatment facilities.
据介绍,福星污处理厂的污泥日产量 为 800-1000 吨,固体含量大约在 20%。
Reportedly, the daily
[...] amount of the sludge generated from the WWTP is about 800 to 1,000 tonnes at ~20% solids concentration.
随着国家经济实力的增强,国民环保意识的提高,城 污 水 处理 行 业 得到迅速发展,城 污 泥 的产量与日俱增 污泥 的 处 置和开发利用问题日益为人们所关注。
Along with the national economic strength enhancement, the consciousness of national
environmental protection has
[...] improved; the sewage treatment industry is developing rapidly, the output of sewage sludge increases day by day, and people pay a lot of attention to the problem of sludge disposal and [...]
污泥 處理設施已 加 設了除臭 設 備,並使用密封容器 ,以盡 量 減少在處 理 、裝卸及運污泥 期 間 對公眾 造成的滋 擾 。
Odour control facilities have been incorporated and sealed containers are used to minimise nuisance to the public throughout the sludge treatment, handling [...]
and transportation processes.
业务费用项下上述超支额的一部分因下列方面的所需费用减少而被抵销: (a) 由于更换一污水处理卡车 和一辆托盘式装卸卡车的实际费用降低,购置车 辆的所需经费减少(231 000 美元)(同上,第 28 段);(b) 因为需要在当地医疗设 施接受治疗的军事人员人数减少,而且经谈判当地医疗设施的医疗服务费用降 [...]
低,医疗服务所需经费减少(80 400 美元);(c) 齐瓦尼营地的两个一级诊所合并
之后,医疗用品的所需经费减少(同上,第 29 段)。
The above overexpenditures under operational costs
were offset, in part,
[...] by reduced requirements for the acquisition of vehicles ($231,000), due to the lower actual cost for the replacement of a sewage truck and a [...]
palletized loading system
truck (ibid., para. 28); and for medical services ($80,400), due to the lower number of personnel requiring treatment in local facilities, the lower negotiated costs of services in local medical facilities and the reduced requirement for medical supplies following the consolidation of two level I facilities in Camp Ziouani (ibid., para. 29).
不同于专门的废物焚烧炉,将泥窑 中 加以 处理 的 废物所产生的灰尘残渣融 入生料,这样就没有需进一步管理的最终产品。
Unlike dedicated waste incinerators, ash residues from
hazardous waste materials
[...] co-processed in cement kilns are incorporated into the clinker so [...]
there are no end products that require further management.
例如,泥窑中的共处理为垃 圾填 埋和焚烧提供了可取的无害环境的资源回收选择。
As an example, co-processing in cement kilns provides [...]
an environmentally sound resource recovery option preferable to landfilling and incineration.
欧洲聚合物股份公司生产粉状和乳液型阳离子和阴离子絮凝剂、多胺、聚二烯丙基胺二甲基氯化铵(polydadmac),以及用于原生水和废水 处理 、 污泥 的 浓 缩脱水、采矿业、石油业和造纸业等领域的其它产品。
Europolimeri produces cationic and anionic flocculants in emulsion or powder form, polyamines,
polyDADMAC and other products
[...] for treating raw water and wastewater and dewatering and thickening sludge, as well as [...]
products for the mining,
petroleum and paper manufacturing sectors.
教科文组织--水教育研究所在 2008--2009 年开展的部分能力建设项目包括:1) 一项超 过 50
个短期课程的培训计划,以及为伊朗供水和卫生部门专业人员安排的一次学习考察活 动;2) 开发水资源研究,提高卢旺达国立大学开展理科硕士教育的能力;3) 设计和实施在
[...] 以色列、约旦和巴勒斯坦开展的小规模水处理和人工注水试点项目,交流取得的成果;4) 加 强特立尼达和多巴哥水污水处理主 管当局以及西印度洋大学的能力。
Some examples of capacity building projects that UNESCO-IHE led in the 2008-2009 biennium include (1) a programme of over 50 short courses and study tours for Iranian professionals working in the water supply and sanitation sector, (2) development of a water resources research and M.Sc.level education capacity at the National University of Rwanda, (3) design, implement and exchange results produced by pilot-sites for small-scale water treatment and artificial recharge in Israel, Jordan, and the
Palestinian Authority, (4) capacity enhancement
[...] for the Water and Sewerage Authority and [...]
the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago.
EYBC反应器作为一种改进型的升流厌氧反应器,虽然在结构形式、污泥形态等方面与升流厌氧非常相似,但其工作运行方式与升流厌氧显然不同,主要表现在EYBC中一般采用2.5~6m/h的液体表面上升流速(最高可达10m/h),高的液体表面上升流速使颗 污泥 床 层 处 于 膨胀状态,不仅使进水能与颗粒污泥能充分接触,提高了传质效率,而且有利于基质和代谢产物在颗粒污泥内外的扩散、传送,保证了反应器在较高的容积负荷条件下正常运行。
The EYBC reactor is one improved UASB reactor, and very similar in structure and sludge appearance, but its operation model is obvious different with the UASB reactor, as EYBCnormally take the ascending speed for 2.5-6m/h (max. for 10m/h), and the
liquid surface high ascending speed
[...] make the particle sludge bed in expansion, not only [...]
make the inlet water touch the particle
sludge completely, improve the transfer efficiency, but also benefit to the diffusion and transfer of the basic media and metabolite in the particle sludge, ensure the reactor in normal operation in high volumetric load.
鼓励和促进拟定一项 10 年方案框架,以支持区域和国家的倡议,加速 转向可持续消费和生产,在生态系统的承受能力范围内促进社会和经济的发
[...] 展,通过改进资源的使用和生产过程的效率和可持续性并减少资源的退化污染和浪费处理经济 增长与环境退化,并酌情使其脱钩。
Encourage and promote the development of a 10-year framework of programmes in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production to promote social and economic development within the carrying capacity of ecosystems by addressing and, where appropriate, delinking economic growth and environmental degradation through improving efficiency and
sustainability in the use of resources and production processes and
[...] reducing resource degradation, pollution and waste.
主要产品包括基于丰富的实绩和经验知识所诞生 污泥 回 收 利用系统(ODESSA EARTH SYSTEM)、以及及低成本·高品质的建筑残 处理 系 统 (残土回收系统),此外也可以处理含有害金属的石炭灰和焚烧灰。
We handle the products of Earth Technica, which has rich
experience and
[...] know-how in this field, including sludge recycling systems (Odessa Earth Systems) and cost-efficient high-quality systems for the treatment [...]
of excavation soil (Ecozando Systems).
(b) 许多培训班和讲习班审议了各项中心问题的现状,提出了解决办法,这 些问题包括:可再循环和可再使用固体废物的 理 ; 污 染 环 境废物管理的现代趋 势;再循环工业废物的经济和环境效益;废 处理 ; 再 循环塑料废物;以不损害 环境的方式管理电子废物和电器废物。
(b) Many training sessions and workshops have considered the status of and proposed solutions to central
issues, including the management of recyclable and reusable solid waste;
[...] modern trends in the management of waste that causes environmental pollution; the economic and environmental benefits of recycling industrial [...]
waste; the treatment of wastewater; recycling plastic waste; and the environmentally
safe management of electronic and electrical waste.




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