单词 | 污染者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 污染者 noun —polluter nSee also:污染 n—pollution n • contamination n • pollutant n 染 n—contamination n • dye n 染—catch (a disease) • add color washes to a painting • acquire (bad habits etc)
她向委 員保證當局會進行第二期乙,並會按 污染者 自 付 原則提供污水 處理服務。 legco.gov.hk | She assured members that Stage 2B would be proceeded and the polluter-pays principle would be adhered to in the provision of sewage services. legco.gov.hk |
為配 合 污染者自付 的原則,我們不但擬徵收堆填區費 用,亦建議對在篩選分類及公眾填料接收設施處置建築廢物開徵費 用。 legco.gov.hk | In line with the Polluter Pays Principle, [...] apart from the landfill charge, we propose to also introduce charging for the [...]disposal of construction waste at the sorting and public fill reception facilities. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,我感謝各位議員對我們在環境保護方面的工作、污水處理策略內的污水優 先處理計劃,以及特別是污染者自付 原則所給與的支持。 legco.gov.hk | I would like to thank Members for the encouraging support they have given to our environmental [...] protection efforts, and to the High Priority Programme [...] within the sewage strategy and the Polluter Pays Principle [...]in particular. legco.gov.hk |
然而,透過“污染者自付 ”的原則,不單可以將處理 污染的費用公平地分配,更能透過經濟誘因,糾正一些濫用和過度消耗的行 為。 legco.gov.hk | However, [...] through the "polluter pays" principle, [...]not only is it possible to assign the costs of addressing pollution fairly, [...]it is also possible to rectify abuses and the over-consumption of resources by means of financial incentives. legco.gov.hk |
因為每個污染者都應承擔改善空氣質素 的責任,停車熄匙的規定應涵蓋汽油和石油氣車輛。 forum.gov.hk | The ban should include petrol and LPG [...] vehicles as every polluter should bear the [...]responsibility to improve air quality. forum.gov.hk |
我希望政府從今次的事件汲取教訓,在 「 污染者 自 付」的原則㆘徵收費用時,能夠做 得更好。 legco.gov.hk | I hope the Administration can learn from the incident and do better as it proceeds with the [...] charges under the "polluter pays principle". legco.gov.hk |
在“可持續發展計劃,”之後加上“貫徹以減少廢物和回收再用為本 [...] 的廢物處理策略,”;在“包括”之後加上“落 實 污染者 自 付原 則、”;在“工業政策、”之後加上“為不同行業及社區設計廢物源 [...]頭分類回收計劃、”;及在“環保稅”之後加上“、政府部門應優先 [...]採用本地製造的循環再造產品”。 legco.gov.hk | To add "that adheres to the waste disposal strategy premised on the reduction, recovery and reuse of [...] wastes" after "development plan"; to add [...] "implementing the polluters pay principle," [...]after "which includes"; to add "devising [...]respective schemes on waste separation at source for various trades and communities," after "the recycling industry,"; and to add "priority should be given by government departments to using locally manufactured recycled products," after "reasonable green tax,". legco.gov.hk |
它还加强了“谁污染谁付 费原则”,即污染者必须 支付清理污染的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also fosters the “Polluter Pays Principle” in that the polluter must pay for the cost of cleaning up the pollution. daccess-ods.un.org |
本會促請環境運輸及工務局盡快就工商業污水附加費的徵 [...] 費準則及上訴機制進行全面檢討,以確保收費計劃公平及合 理,落實污染者自付 的原則;此外,政府亦應扶助受影響的 [...] 人士及行業採用包括高新科技的方法,以進一步節省用水和 減少污染物的排放。 legco.gov.hk | That this Council urges the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau to expeditiously conduct a comprehensive review of the basis for charging the trade effluent surcharge and its appeal mechanism with a view to ensuring that [...] the charging scheme is fair and reasonable, [...] and that the polluter pays principle [...]is put into effect; furthermore, the Government [...]should also assist the affected persons and businesses in adopting various means including new and high technologies to further conserve water and reduce the discharge of effluent. legco.gov.hk |
鑒於有人關注到採用 [...] 私人廢物收集商提供服務的住戶可能會受上述收費安排影響,有關收 費計劃其後改為以每公噸計算,以便更符 合 污染者 自 付 的原則。 legco.gov.hk | In the light of concern about the possible impact of the charging arrangement on domestic households served by private [...] waste collectors, the scheme was modified to charging on a per tonne basis to better [...] reflect the polluter-pays principle. legco.gov.hk |
這樣做會違反污染者自付原則,而 對那些已同意繳費的行業亦並不公平。 legco.gov.hk | To do so [...] would violate the "polluter pays principle" [...]and be unfair to those industries who have agreed to pay. legco.gov.hk |
至於在處置 放射性廢料方面會 否 採用污染者自付 的原則, 生 署署理助理署 長 [...] ( 特別 生事務 )(下稱“ 生 署署理助理 署 長 ”)表示,《 輻射(管 制 放射性物質)規例》規定,有關經 營 東主須負 責從工 場 移 去 所有放射性廢料,並須 [...]按 該 規例的 規 定對該等 廢料作出 處理。 legco.gov.hk | As to whether the polluter-pays principle [...] would apply in the disposal of radioactive waste, AD(SHS) said that under the [...]Radiation (Control of Radioactive Substances) Regulation, the proprietor of the undertaking concerned was required to cause all radioactive wastes to be removed from the workplace and to be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation. legco.gov.hk |
在受訪者當中,近90%同意在日常生活中有減用購物 膠袋的空間,而分別有84%和 66%受訪者支持政府落實「污 染者自付 」原則和徵收購物膠袋環保費。 legco.gov.hk | Nearly 90% of the respondents of the survey agreed that there was room to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags in [...] their daily life. 84% [...] and 66% of the respondents supported the implementation of the “polluter pays” principle [...]and the introduction [...]of the environmental levy on plastic shopping bags respectively. legco.gov.hk |
政 府 當時及 其 後的政策 是 補貼污水 處理服 務的建設費用,並按污 染 者自付原則收回營運費用。 legco.gov.hk | The Government’s policy at the time, and since then, has been to [...] subsidize the capital cost of [...] providing sewage treatment services and to recover the operating cost in accordance with the polluter-pays principle. legco.gov.hk |
該署已就有關建議與業界進行初步討論,並計劃於今年 [...] 內開展一項規管政策影響評估研究,目的是根據 “ 污染者 自 付 ” 的原則,就不同方案的成本效益、對業界及有關人士的影響等因 [...] 素進行通盤評估,以期尋求一些切實可行的建議方案,在社會上 作廣泛諮詢。 legco.gov.hk | The aim of the study is to evaluate in detail the cost-effectiveness of different options and their impacts [...] on the industry and stakeholders in [...] accordance with the "polluter pays" principle, [...]so as to identify practicable options [...]for extensive public consultation. legco.gov.hk |
这些法律不应被用作无理限制国际贸易的手段, 应依靠污染者支付原则(原则 16)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those laws should not be used as an unjustifiable means of restricting international trade and should rely on the polluterpays principle (Principle 16). daccess-ods.un.org |
在參考所收集到的意見後,政府訂出了香港 [...] 首個可持續發展策略,並確立一系列策略性目標,其中包括透過落實 “ 污染 者自付”的原則以減少廢物,並鼓勵回收和循環再造。 legco.gov.hk | After studying the views collected, the Government formulated the First Sustainable Development Strategy for Hong Kong and established a series of strategic [...] targets, including inter alia the [...] implementation of the "polluter pays" principle [...]to reduce waste and encouragement of recovery and recycling. legco.gov.hk |
這是個可以接受的基本原則,不但環境保護㆟士可以接受,其他㆟士都應可 接受,因為這是根據「污染者付出 代價」的原則,不會特別歧視某㆒類別的㆟。 legco.gov.hk | It should be the basic principle which is acceptable, not only to [...] environmentalists but also everybody, because it [...] reflects the "polluter pays" principle [...]and does not discriminate against any one single group. legco.gov.hk |
在“公平及合理,”之後刪除“從而減輕飲食業的重擔”,並以“落 實污染者自付的原則”代替;及在“政府亦應扶助”之後刪除“飲食 [...] 業引入高新科技”,並以“受影響的人士及行業採用包括高新科技的 方法”代替。 legco.gov.hk | To delete "thereby alleviating the heavy burden on the catering industry" after [...] "fair and reasonable," and substitute with [...] "and that the polluter pays principle [...]is put into effect"; to delete "catering [...]industry in introducing" after "should also assist the" and substitute with "affected persons and businesses in adopting various means including"; and to delete "so as" after "technologies". legco.gov.hk |
我们面对生态的破坏,只能旁观、悲叹, 而 污染者 则 为 热带森林的消失流下鳄鱼 的眼泪。 daccess-ods.un.org | We can only look on the ecological damage, and [...] weep, while the polluters shed crocodile [...]tears at the disappearance of the tropical forests. daccess-ods.un.org |
構思、發展及建議適當的政策、策略、綱領及執行計劃,以達致本港 的水質政策目標,包括建造及營辦污水收集系統及污水處理系統的策 略、綱領及計劃、清理污水渠系統的污染物、污水再用、整體水質管 理,以及執行污染者自付的原則。 legco.gov.hk | To initiate, develop and recommend appropriate policies, strategies, programmes and implementation plans for the attainment of Hong Kong’s water quality policy goals, including strategies, programmes and plans for the construction and operation of sewerage and [...] sewage treatment [...] systems, the removal of pollutants from storm drain systems, effluent reuse, total water management, and the implementation of the polluter pays principle. legco.gov.hk |
根据国际法,这样做是非法的,而且严重违背 由污染者(此处 即船东)承担责任的既定原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is illegal according to international law and [...] violates well-established principles allocating the [...] responsibility to the polluter who, in this case, [...]is the shipowner. daccess-ods.un.org |
在奉行污染者自付 的原則下,政府正計劃逐步提高在化學廢物 處理中心處理化學廢物的收費,以期在日後悉數收回不定額的營運成本。 devb.gov.hk | In line with the polluter pays principle, [...] the Government is planning to gradually increase the charge of treating chemical [...]waste at the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre so as to recover the full variable operation cost in the coming years. devb.gov.hk |
任何利用公帑補貼因實施建議的管制措施 [...] 而導致可能的電費或巴士車費增加的建議,均違 反 污染者 自 付 原則,必須經過徹底討論; 而任何對醫療財政撥款的影響,都應該作分別考慮。 legco.gov.hk | Any suggestion of using public funding to cushion the community from possible increase in electricity tariff and bus fare following implementation of the [...] proposed emission control measures, which [...] runs against the polluter-pay-principle, [...]has to be thoroughly deliberated and any [...]possible impact on the medical expenditure should be considered separately. legco.gov.hk |
技术标准涉及规定了污染者必须使用 的具体技术和设备的监管制度。 undpcc.org | An emitter must pay this per-unit tax or fee regardless of how much of an emission reduction it undertakes. undpcc.org |
虽然“污染者必须赔偿”的原则已经在许多国家的环境立法中被赋予法律的 效力,但来自大气层、土壤和水的各种环境服务仍然主要被人视为全球共有的一 [...] 部分“免费物品”,既没有定价,对环境和社会造成损害的代价也还没有纳入生 产成本和价格之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the Polluter Pays Principle has [...] been given legal force in environmental legislation in many countries, environmental [...]services from the atmosphere, soil and water are still mainly regarded as part of the global commons of “free goods” that are not priced and the costs of damage to the environment and society are still not integrated into production costs and prices. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管太平洋辐射幸存者协会继续促请将关岛索赔者列为国会《辐射暴露赔偿 法》规定的顺风区受污染者,但 目前获得承认的关岛索赔者仅限于现场参与者这 一赔偿类别,而有资格列入该类别者仅限于同在岛上服兵役有关的人员,而非所 有遭受辐射的居民。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the Pacific Association for Radiation Survivors continues to advocate for the inclusion of Guam claimants as downwinders under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of Congress, the island’s claimants have been recognized only within the compensation category of on-site participants, a classification for which only those connected with military service on the island qualify, not the total exposed population. daccess-ods.un.org |
規劃環境㆞政司答(譯文):副主席先生,我想在研究如何減少社會製造的廢物時,我 [...] 們定會考慮罰款的效應或阻嚇作用,而且當局已將 「 污染者 自 付 」的原則訂為政府的 政策。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR PLANNING, ENVIRONMENT AND LANDS: Mr Deputy President, as part of the brief which seeks to reduce the amount of waste being produced by the community, I think the deployment of the sort of incentive or disincentive of charging is a factor that we should certainly take into account, and we [...] certainly have established already as a policy of this [...] Government that the "polluter pays" principle [...]should be deployed. legco.gov.hk |
有關徵費的目的並非要增加政府收入,而是希望透過落實 「污染者自付 」的原則,利用經濟誘因減少濫用購物膠袋的情 況。 legco.gov.hk | The objective of the levy is not to increase the Government’s revenue, but to create an economic incentive to reduce the indiscriminate use of plastic shopping bags in accordance with the “polluter pays” principle. legco.gov.hk |