单词 | 乏味 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乏味—tedious乏味adjective—blandadj boring Examples:枯燥乏味的adj—dryadj 单调乏味—donkeywork [idiom.] 乏味的adj—routineadj See also:乏—tired short of 味n—flavorAEn tasten 味—smell 味—classifier for mixture of prescribed Traditional Chinese Medicine
在大型网络中,软件分配和更新通常单调 乏味并占用大量的管理资源。 jabra.cn | In large networks, software distribution and updates are often tedious andtie up a lot of administration resources. jabra.com |
由于这种 有悖常规的现象出现,三个账户的余额数量之高异乎寻常,为此还需要去做枯燥 乏味的账目 暂计工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As a result of this anomaly, three accounts have abnormally high balances, thus necessitating painstaking work to clear the accounts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该插件能帮助你执行单调乏味的HTML 2的帮助任务,如同创建新型表单,为你的缺省值提供帮助和包括主页的MSDN [...] 目录的Help 2详细文件。 evget.com | The plug-in will also [...] help you perform tedious HTML Help 2 tasks [...]like creation of new style sheets, Default and Home pages [...]for your help and Include directory with MSDN Help 2 specific files. evget.com |
色谱柱必须拆除,而且溶剂和溶液也必须手工注入,既费力又 乏味。 malvern.com.cn | Columns must be removed and solvent and solutions must be injected by hand, a [...] laborious and tedious procedure. malvern.ru |
设置可靠、灵活的Silverlight输入控件,可以使开发人员摆脱 乏味的数据验证任务,转而集中精力关注核心的业务逻辑。 evget.com | A set of highly dependable and flexible [...] Silverlight input controls frees the [...] developer from the tedious task of validating [...]data and allows them to instead focus on the core business logic. evget.com |
正如前面一些发言者所指出的那 样,今年的报告仍然是统计式的事件总汇、平淡乏味的概要以及会议与成果文件的罗列。 daccess-ods.un.org | This year too, as some previous speakers also pointed out, the report continues to be a statistical compilation of events, a bland summary and a listing of meetings and outcome documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
与在枯燥乏味的教室里侍上一整天后再回到 旅店里不同,RH提供的是一个完全不同的学 习过程。 crossculture.com | There is a world of difference between the Riversdown Experience and going straight back to your hotel after a day spent in a sterile classroom. crossculture.com |
儿童的一些当地环境可能是充满恐惧和暴力的地方;可能由于对他 们独立行动的限制,他们无法接近当地的一些地方;它们可能几乎没有吸引力和神秘性而变得乏味和平庸;一些街区可能在环境上是有毒的;一些地方可能是压迫和囚禁的地方。 ipaworld.org | Some children’s local environments may be places of fear and violence; local spaces may be inaccessible because of constraints on their independent mobility; they may offer little attraction or mystery and become sites of drudgery and mediocrity; some neighbourhoods may be environmentally toxic; some may be spaces of oppression and imprisonment. ipaworld.org |
从长远看,持续 的对话,不管多么乏味,都将证明是解决棘手冲突的 最强大武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sustained dialogue, [...] no matter how tedious, will in the [...]long run prove to be the most potent weapon for the resolution of intractable conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |
如今街道已成为全球最时尚的街道之一,但Trudon却卖掉了极其 乏味(而 当时极具生命力)的杂货店。 mechanicsofstyle.com | The street was then, as now, one of the most fashionable streets in the world, but Trudon sold rather unglamorous (though no doubt back then, very organic)groceries. mechanicsofstyle.com |
不幸的是,安理会目前的报告仍旧是对事件的统 计式汇编、平淡乏味的概述和对会议及成果文件的罗 列。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, the present report continues to be a statistical compilation of events, a bland summary and listing of meetings and outcome documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
会员国还感到技术细节仍然枯燥乏 味,其形式和可读性均可改进。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was also felt that the format and readability of Technical Details, which are still heavy, could be improved. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因为Vagrant需要在每台开发工作站和持续集成服务器上安装并维护,这对已经在使用OpenStack的用户来说是非常 乏味的。 infoq.com | This was tedious for users already running OpenStack because Vagrant needs to be installed and maintained on every developers workstation and on their Continuous Integration server. infoq.com |
女性的主要是棕色的,但穿在她的肚子 乏味黄色 羽毛。 zh.northrup.org | The female is mostly brown, but wears duller yellow feathers on her stomach. head and back. northrup.org |
尽 管 国际 投资协定领域的技术援助受益者 大多指出了专 题的复杂性, 但 他 们都一 致 确 认 了 所提供援助的质量:“此次研讨会 很 成 功 ……一个本可 能 很复杂乏味的话题 变 得 生动并引起了有趣的讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although beneficiaries of the technical assistance in the area of IIAs generally tend to point out the complexity of the topic, they are unanimous in acknowledging the quality of the assistance provided: “The workshop was a success…what might have beenatedious complex topic came alive and gave rise to interesting discussions. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如一位 与会者所说的,“如果安全理事会成员希望会议结果是预制好的,那么,它们就 不应抱怨这些会议乏味”。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the participant put it, “if members of the Security Council want the outcome of meetings to be pre-cooked, then they should not complain that they are boring”. daccess-ods.un.org |
对於能力一般或稍逊的学生,一个高要求的学习课业会使他们失去学习动 [...] 力。当要求能力高的学生來完成一些简单的学习课业,他们则会感到 乏味,并会失去学习兴趣。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | When students of average or low ability are faced with highly demanding learning tasks, they become demotivated, and when very able students [...] are asked to complete non-demanding learning tasks, they become [...] bored; andin both cases, they lose [...]interest in learning. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
这个过程的开端是乏味的,因为我只从远处走近它,荒谬的是,这个过程吸引我,但我永远不可能真正属的过程于。 luxe-immo.com | The beginnings of this [...] processwere tedious because I only [...]approached it from afar, and absurdly, from the circles that [...]fascinated me, but where I could never really belong. luxe-immo.com |
利用OpenToro可以省掉在开发一个Web数据库应用程序时编写JSP与SQL代码这样辛苦 乏味的工作. javakaiyuan.com | Use OpenToro can save in the development of a Web database application written JSP and SQL [...] code to work so hardtedious work. javakaiyuan.com |
一般而言,声响来自于极微小的音槌敲击锣或铃所产生的声音,其发出的清脆美妙音色取代了原先 乏味的卡 嗒声。 oris.ch | Usually, the sound is produced by a hammer hitting a gong or bell and this can produce a rather dull sound. oris.ch |
幸好后来出现了计算机和图书馆应用软件(OPACs), 现在类似没完没了填写卡片之类乏味的文书工作已成为历史,通过自由词和/或关键词检索, 我们能够获得一条记录的每一个可能的信息点。 conference.ifla.org | Thanks to computers and library software’s (OPACs),tedious clerical jobs such as filing are now history and we have access to every possible piece of information in a record through free and/or keyword searching. conference.ifla.org |
为银器抛光可能已不再是一件常见的家庭琐事,但其对于很多艺术博物馆而言却还是一项需要完成的 乏味的工作。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Polishing the silver may no longer be a common household chore, but it's still a tedious part of the to-do list at many art museums. chinese.eurekalert.org |
Gallops对于音乐结构的娴熟安排,让吉他原本单调 乏味的重复演奏充满顽趣,配合失真音效及略带神经质的鼓点敲击,将冰冷的器乐音色转码成B级恐怖片式的氛围。 spli-t.com | A blur of a four-headed machine, weaving mechanically pivoting structures of sound that evoke imagery of retro videogame dystopias and B-movie horror soundtracks; it’s fair to say that Welsh instrumentalists Gallops are a band whose music transcends the sum of their basic components. spli-t.com |
通常指酸度低,平凡而且缺乏味道的酒。 emw-wines.com | Usually indicates very low acidity, so [...] tasting insipid and lacking flavor. en.emw-wines.com |
20 年来我都是扮演相反角色 – 为诸如 Johnson & Johnson、L’Oréal、Colgate-Palmolive 之类的营销驱动型跨国机构工作的市场营销员 – 代理商乘飞机来看我——当然要我掏钱,有时是以商务舱机票——并展示一些陈旧、 乏味、过时的想法。 bootb.com | For 20 years I was on the other side of the court – a marketing man working for the worldwide marketing-driven organizations like Johnson & Johnson, L’Oréal, Colgate-Palmolive – and these agencies were flying to see me – at my expense, of course, and sometimes using business-class tickets, to present old, tired, worn-out ideas. bootb.com |
尽管这份重要报告为人 们提供了有关报告所述期间,特别是在 2008 年 12 月 以色列军事入侵加沙地带之后,巴勒斯坦儿童的普遍 和深重苦难的短暂、乏味的一瞥,但它描述了巴勒斯 坦儿童在以色列占领下继续忍受的严峻局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | While that important report provides a brief, sterile glimpse into the pervasive and intense suffering of Palestinian children during the reporting period, particularly in the aftermath of the Israeli military aggression against the Gaza Strip in December 2008, it nevertheless conveys a grim picture of what Palestinian children continue to endure under Israeli occupation. daccess-ods.un.org |
是否可能给原本乏味的城市片区带来更多活力? chinese-architects.com | This time instead of merely focusing our attention on the discovery and exposure of the raw industrial space as we did last time, we are more curious on the possibilities of bringing in new programs and new public spaces. chinese-architects.com |
FAI(Fully Automatic Installation,完全自动安装)是一种无须交互就可以完成那些重复性枯燥 乏味的、 常常需要手动完成的Linux安装、自定义以及管理任务的自动化系统。 infoq.com | FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) is a non-interactive system to avoid the boring and repeating task of installing, customizing and managing Linux systems manually. infoq.com |