

单词 指斥

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External sources (not reviewed)

誰㆟指斥我們對本港的工㆟、病 ㆟、傷殘㆟士、老㆟及兒童漠不關心?
Who will accuse us of not caring [...]
for our workers, our sick and handicapped residents, our aged and our children?
(3) 宣傳品內容不應含有違法、不雅、誹謗、影射、批評 指斥 個 別 人士/圑體的訊息。
(3) The contents of the PMs should not carry any messages that are unlawful, obscene, defamatory, insinuating, criticising or denouncing individual persons or parties.
[...] 所有人,如果誰曾被他取消廣告,便應立即出來“踢爆”他指 斥 其 “講 大話”。
That was what he said. I hope that if any
media has their advertisements cancelled by the MTRCL, they should come forward
[...] immediately to reveal that he was lying.
所以希望議員不指斥我們將經濟和政治混為㆒談,我贊成劉 慧卿議員所謂的在極端的例子㆗,經濟和政治根本無法分開。
I agree with Miss Emily LAU that economics and politics are virtually inseparable in some extreme cases as she suggested.
迪斯尼的演播室的envolvement 的指斥在人的假的旅行的生产月亮。
Denunciation of envolvement of the studios of the Disney in the production of the FALSE trip of the man the Moon.
當然,在座的民主黨議員或勞工界可以提出更多例證 指斥 輸入 外勞打碎本㆞工㆟飯碗,但就是因為大家各執㆒詞,仍未了解問題的根源出在何處之時, 我們是否可以理性的冷靜㆘來,先找出問題所在,再找出合情合理的有效解決方法呢?
Since different sides are holding different arguments and it is still not understood where the root of the problem lies, could we just be rational and calm down, and try to examine the crux of the problem and find out a reasonable and effective solution?
所以,主席,我的結論是,這《公共財政條例》決議案被否決或 不獲通過,加深了我對政府“N無 ”指斥的認同,因為很多同事剛才 也指政府無承擔或無其他作為等。
Therefore, President, my conclusion is that the voting down or non-passage of the Resolution under the Public
Finance Ordinance has made me agree all
[...] the more with the accusations relating to the [...]
"N noes" directed at the Government because
just now, many Honourable colleagues also said that the Government had not shown any commitment or taken any measure.
最後,我要向各位議員在這方面的貢獻致謝,你們發 指斥 罪行 ,催促政府採取進㆒步措施增強本港的治安。
Finally, I would like to thank Honourable Members for all you do
[...] to speak out against crime and to [...]
exhort the Government to further measures to
strengthen law and order in Hong Kong.
這些障礙在於官 員 深 怕 被指 斥 心 存 偏 頗 , 又 或 雖 [...]
然 是 見 慣 風 險 的 投 資 者 通常對市 場 更為熟 悉 , 但可能 是一眾高官 自 以為 他們較 企 業家更 瞭解市場而導致 這 種 局 面 。
The obstacle could lie in the officials'
[...] fear for being accused of favouritism. [...]
Or it could lie in the conviction of the
top echelon of the bureaucracy that they know better than the entrepreneur, even though it is usually the risk-bearing investor who knows the market much better.
儘管如此,仍應 在合理切實可行的範圍內採取生物保安措施,盡量減低禽流感 病毒入侵或傳播的風險。政府當局不同 指斥 當 局 沒有妥善履 行職責監察本地雞場的意見,因為除元朗一家雞場在 2008 年 12 月爆發禽流感外,禽流感自 2003 年起一直沒有在本 地雞場爆發。
The Administration disagreed with the view that it had not been doing a good job in monitoring local chicken farms as evidenced by no reports on the avian influenza outbreak at local chicken farms since 2003, except for the outbreak in a chicken farm in Yuen Long in December 2008.
費克根斯坦(Bill Fleckenstein)因而情緒化指斥格林 斯潘所掌 管的為「歷史上最無能和最不負責任的聯儲局」,是「人民頭號公敵」。
This has angered many analysts, including Bill Fleckenstein, who temperamentally called the Fed led by Greenspan “the most incompetent and irresponsible …. in history”, and considered it “Public Enemy No. 1”.
[...] 不但有歷來最多的修訂動議,而且很遺憾㆞,正如我們去年許多辯論㆒樣,有些議員仍 不能擺脫刻意搶鏡頭,或直接或間 指斥 他 ㆟ 的誇張作風。
But instead we have had a debate that has an unprecedented number of amendments and, like many of the debates we have had over the last year or so, some Members, I regret, have still not been
able to refrain from the very headline catching or perhaps very dramatic practice of
[...] directly or indirectly calling names.
她把前一部分 人称作“被排斥者”,后一种人为“未被充分纳入者”, 指 出 被 排 斥 的 人 总是穷 人。
She referred to the former as the “excluded” and the latter
as the “inadequately included”, noting that the flows in
[...] the processes of exclusion are always characterized [...]
by poverty.
有人愿意相信媒体提出 的离奇和无根据指控,甚至愿意相信受到联合国高级 官员斥的指控, 这是令人极其遗憾的。
The willingness to accept wild and unsubstantiated allegations made in the media — even those disowned by senior United Nations officials — is extremely unfortunate.
为了斥以色列的指控, 黎巴嫩想要澄清其对一些问题的立场,其中最重要 的几点如下
In refuting the Israeli allegations, Lebanon would [...]
like to clarify its position on a number of matters, the most important of which are the following
卢卡申科总统针对 抗议者措辞严厉斥责,频频指称政 治反对派是旨在毁灭白俄罗斯的“第五舰 队”。
President Lukashenka‟s rhetoric regarding the protests has been harsh, frequently referring to the political opposition as a “fifth column” that aims at destroying Belarus.
據 警 監 會的報告顯示, 近 兩年, 在 8 宗 投訴 警 方 毆 打 疑 犯 或 市 民的個 案被查 明屬實 後 , 警 方 只給 4 名涉案警員 所 謂指 導 ” (advice)或 斥 責,但 其中沒有一名 警 務人員受 到 刑 事 檢控。
According to a report complied by the IPCC, over the past two years, the police have only given four police officers involved so-called "advice" or reprimand in eight substantiated complaints against police officers for having assaulted suspects or members of the public.
行政長官昨天已斥俞局長,指出這 次申請的審批如果能做得更細緻、更審慎,考慮 的因素更廣,便可以避免引起公眾的關注和質疑。
[...] the Chief Executive reprimanded Secretary Denise [...]
YUE that she could have avoided arousing public concern and
suspicion if she had vetted and approved the application in a more careful and prudent manner by taking into account more factors.
报告 着重指出了科索沃社会的重大斥问 题, 并 指 出 ,受 排 斥 是 各 种各样的人都会遇到 的遭遇,他们都有可能成为科索沃“看不见的人”,包括长期失业者、弱势儿童及 青少年、农村妇女、科索沃罗姆族、阿什卡利族和埃及族人以及有特殊需要的人。
The report highlights the sheer scale of exclusion across Kosovo society, noting that exclusion is a condition experienced by a wide range of people who risk becoming Kosovo’s “invisible population”, including the long-term unemployed, disadvantaged children and youth, rural women, the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities and people with special needs.
科索沃当局斥了这一指责, 表示广播不受政府或任何 政党的控制,而且该公司曾播放过严厉批评政府的节目。
The Kosovo
[...] authorities refuted the allegations, stating that the broadcaster [...]
had not been under the control of the government
or any political party and that it had aired programmes highly critical of the government.
歧视的定义指任何区别、斥或限 制, 其目的或其影响均足以妨碍或否认在与其他人平等的基础上认识、享有或行使在 [...]
Discrimination has been defined as
[...] any distinction, exclusion or restriction which has the purpose [...]
or the effect of impairing
or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.58 97.
10 秘书长关于联合国工作的报告(A/64/1)也指出了妇女遭 受暴力的危险增加,原因是缺乏赋权和社会 斥 , 并 指 出 在 经济下滑期间这样的 危险更加突出。
Violence against women violates fundamental freedoms and rights, and impedes social and economic development.10 The report of the Secretary-General on the work of the
Organization (A/64/1) also highlighted women’s increased risk of violence owing to their lack of
[...] empowerment and social exclusion, and noted that that [...]
risk was accentuated in times of economic downturn.
秘书长斥了以色列指控, 并且宣称第二委员会 是解决这一问题的恰当论坛。
The Secretary-General had refuted Israeli allegations and had asserted [...]
that the Second Committee was the correct forum in which to address the issue.
该委员会还联系了巴勒斯坦议会党团,即法塔赫运动集团、与哈马斯有联 系的变革和改革派集团、解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线集团、民主阵线和巴勒斯坦民族 倡议,以便了解这些集团对侵犯行为指控的立场和意见,并从它们那里获取有关 证据以支持或斥这些指控。
The Commission also contacted Palestinian parliamentary blocs, namely, the Fatah movement bloc, the Change and Reform Bloc, which is affiliated to Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine bloc, the Democratic Front and the Palestinian National Initiative, in order to gain an understanding of the positions and
views of those blocs with
[...] regard to the alleged violations and to obtain from them evidence to support or refute the allegations.
希腊监察员定期对不同领域的受 斥指 控 进 行调查,并特别重视在国家机构、当 地政府和民间社会之间进行协调的必要性。
The Greek Ombudsman regularly
[...] investigates allegations of exclusion in different [...]
fields, putting special emphasis on the
need for coordination between state agencies, local government and civil society.
在这方面,鉴于地区、种族或收入方面 的不公往往是这种斥的动力,全 指 标 必须转化为国家和国家以下一级的指 标,并根据具体情况加以调试。
In this regard, global targets must be translated into national and subnational targets and adapted to the specific context, given that regional, ethnic or income inequalities are often the driving force of such exclusion.
立法會當時邀請了5、 6位醫
[...] 生出席事務委員會的聽證會,但在這幾位醫生中,除了鍾尚志教授願 意直接、老實和公正地斥其非,直 指 出 那 位醫生當時講手機買賣 二手汽車有違專業操守 [...]
⎯⎯ 只有鍾尚志醫生1個人這樣說 ⎯⎯ 其 他出席的醫生都只是轉彎抹角,不敢直接批評。
But among all the doctors who attended the hearing, with the exception of Prof CHUNG Sheung-chee who was
willing to directly, honestly and
[...] fairly make criticisms accusing that doctor of professional [...]
misconduct for talking on his
mobile phone about buying and selling second-hand cars at that time ― only Dr CHUNG Sheung-chee made such comments ― the rest of them were merely beating about the bush, not daring to make criticisms directly.
委员会注意到移民难民局斥了所 有这 指 控 ,移民难民 局认为提交人并没有证明如果他返回突尼斯,由于他的政治观点,他的生命将受 [...]
The Committee
[...] observes that these allegations have been refuted by the Immigration [...]
and Refugee Board (“the Board”) which
found that the author had not shown that, if he were to return to Tunisia, his life would be in jeopardy and that he was likely to be tortured or subjected to ill-treatment on the grounds of his political opinions.




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