

单词 指挥部



general headquarters


earthquake relief headquarter

See also:


wave v
disperse v
scatter v

wipe away

External sources (not reviewed)

指挥部的调 查收集了多方面的证据,包括有关的指挥官和军官、地面和空中部队 以及航摄像片。
The command investigation gathered evidence from numerous sources, including relevant commanders and officers, [...]
ground and aerial forces, and aerial photos.
[...] 军法署署长在作出决定时将评估有关告诉本身,该告诉应包括原告和证人的第一 手叙述以及在军指挥部调查 (也称为行动问讯)期间所编写的证据记录和其他 [...]
As discussed below, in making his decision, the Military Advocate General evaluates the complaint itself, which may include first-hand accounts from complainants and witnesses,
along with the record of evidence developed
[...] during military command investigations [...]
(also known as operational debriefings) and other materials.
指挥部”概 述了其下述近期目标:(a) 消除安全部门改革障碍;(b) 打击贩运和 使用毒品行为,恢复国家内外形象,从而吸引外国投资;(c) 铲除有罪不罚文化; (d) 确保建立以尊重人权和言论自由为基础的民主国家进程的连续性。
The “Military Command” outlined its immediate goals as (a) removing obstacles to security sector reform; (b) [...]
fighting drug trafficking
and consumption so as to restore the internal and external image of the country and consequently attract foreign investment; (c) tackling the culture of impunity; and (d) ensuring continuity of the process of building a democratic State based on respect for human rights and freedom of speech.
指挥部调查 还 可就补救措施提出建议,例如采取惩戒行动或改变作战程序。
Command investigations may [...]
also recommend remedial measures, such as disciplinary actions or changes in operational procedures.
据刚果(金)武部队指挥部说, 前全国保卫人民大会军官从未向政府移交 他们在 2009 年合编前积聚的武器,特别是 2008 年在鲁曼加博军事基地夺取的大 量武器。
According to the FARDC command, ex-CNDP officers had never handed over to the Government the weapons they had amassed prior to the 2009 integration, in particular the large amounts seized at Rumangabo military base in 2008.
在与相互商定的非政府组织合作的情况下,21 个摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线基指 挥部中的 18 个指挥部正在 根据上述行动计划,在核心社区对与摩洛伊斯兰解放 阵线有联系的儿童进行快速登记。
Rapid registration of children associated with MILF in line with the action plan is in progress across core communities in 18 of the 21 MILF base commands, in partnership with mutually agreed upon non-governmental organizations.
黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间边界的有效管理继续受到下列事实的不 利影响:边界仍未能划定和标界,而且人阵 指挥部 和 法 塔赫起义组织的军事基 地仍遍布两国边界之间。
The effective management of the border between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic continues to be adversely affected by the fact that it is neither delineated nor demarcated, and by the continued presence of PFLP-GC and Fatah al-Intifada military bases that straddle the border between the two countries.
黎巴嫩武部队指挥部再次 确认,一旦收到区内有未经许可武装人员或武器的证据,就会立 即采取行动,制止任何违反第 [...]
1701(2006)号决议和政府相关决定的活动,尤其是 违反关于武装人员和武器在利塔尼河以南非法存在的决定的非法活动。
The Lebanese Armed Forces Command continues to state [...]
that it will act immediately on receiving evidence of unauthorized
armed personnel or weapons in the area and put a stop to any illegal activity in contravention of resolution 1701 (2006) and relevant Government decisions, specifically those concerning the illegal presence of armed personnel and weapons south of the Litani River.
军法署署长将大多数这类事件(12 起)直接提交刑事调查(不要求进 指挥部 调查或等指挥部调查 的结果),另一些事件(7 起)的提交调查,则是在军法署署 长审查指挥部调查 收集的结果和记录并作出结论认为有理由怀疑以色列国防 军部队进行了犯罪活动之后。
The Military
[...] Advocate General referred most of these incidents (12) directly for criminal investigation (without requesting a command investigation or awaiting the results of one), while some of them (7) were referred after the Military Advocate General reviewed the findings and records gathered during command investigations [...]
and concluded that
there was a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity by IDF forces.
因此,作指挥部调查一部分的具体投诉调查,不仅仅是改进 军队表现的一种手段,也是代表军法署署长对潜在军事不当行为进行的初步调 查。
The investigation of specific complaints as part of a command investigation thus serves not merely as a means to improve military performance but also as a preliminary inquiry on behalf of the Military Advocate General into potential military misconduct.
军法署署长审查指挥部特别 调查的结果及整个调查记录,他还审查了其 他一些资料,包括人权理事会实况调查报告中的资料,以及联合国总部调查委员 会关于 2008 年 12 月 27 日至 2009 年 1 月 19 日加沙地带某些事件的报告的补充 材料。
He also reviewed additional materials, including information in the Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Report and the Report of the United Nations Headquarters Board of Inquiry into certain incidents in the Gaza Strip Between 27 December 2008 and 19 January 2009.
我一直呼吁黎巴嫩当局拆除解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线 指挥部 和“ 法塔赫起义”组织的军事基地,并呼吁阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府向这些努力 提供合作。
I have called consistently upon the Lebanese authorities to dismantle the PFLP-GC and Fatah al-Intifada military bases, and on the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to cooperate with these efforts.
我正式指出,当事各方对武器 贮藏集装箱外的武器达成了三项协定:《监察军火和 军队管理工作协定》本身,它规定储存毛派部队的多 数武器和尼泊尔军队同样数量的武器,并在每个主要 武器储存地点的周围用 30 件武器保安,在每个附属 储存地点使用
15 件武器;2007 年 6 月底签署的关于 毛派领导人安全的协定,它允许特定保安人员携带各 种口径的 42
[...] 件武器;以及最后,在联合监察协调委 员会记录中大量提到的一项非正式谅解,允许毛指 挥部队的 师长、副师长和旅长各携带一件武器。
For the record, the parties have made three agreements over weaponry outside the weapon storage containers: the Agreement on the Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies itself, which provides for the storage of most Maoist army weapons and of an equal number of Nepal Army weapons, and the use of 30 weapons for perimeter security at each main cantonment site and 15 at each satellite site; the agreement on the security of the Maoist leadership, which was signed in late June 2007 and which allowed 42 weapons of varying calibre to be carried by designated security personnel; and, finally, an informal understanding, amply referenced in the records of the Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee, that permits a
weapon to be carried by Maoist divisional commanders, deputy
[...] divisional commanders and brigade commanders who command troops.
军法署署长将审指挥部 调查 收集的资料,并审查收到的投诉和所有其他公开获得的材料,然后确定是否 [...]
The MAG will examine the information
[...] gathered in the command investigation, together with [...]
the complaint received and all additional
publicly available materials, before determining whether to refer the case to criminal investigation.
此外,鉴于责任范围的扩大以 指挥部 门 下辖 部队人数的增加,新的区总部必须建立考虑到多国组成的程序和做法。
In addition, with expanded areas of responsibility and increased numbers of troops under their command, the new sector headquarters have to establish procedures and routines, taking the multinational composition into account.
指挥部调查 披露,尽管以色列协调和联络局要求各方面并收到关于加沙境 [...]
内敏感地区的最新信息,但在行动前没有得到关于 Namar 水井的信息。
The command investigation [...]
revealed that although the Israeli CLA requests and receives updates from different sources on
sensitive sites inside Gaza, it had no information about the Namar water wells before the operation.
o 对于交指挥部调查 的告诉,军法署署长审 指挥部 调 查 的记录和结论 以及其他现有材料,以确定是否建议启动纪律程序,并决定是否存在犯 罪行为嫌疑,如有,则告诉将交予刑事调查。
o For those complaints
[...] referred for a command investigation, the Military Advocate General reviews the record and findings of the command investigation, [...]
along with other
available material, to determine whether to recommend disciplinary proceedings and whether there is a suspicion of a criminal act – in which case the complaint is referred for a criminal investigation.
o 除进行了其指挥部调查外,总参谋长启动了六项特 指挥部 调 查 ,审 查一些最严重的指控89 o 军法署署长下令军事行动事务军法官办公室甚至在作出是否提出指控 的决定之前,与宪兵部队刑事调查局密切合作
o The Chief of General Staff initiated six special command investigations to examine
[...] some of the most serious allegations, in addition to the other command investigations conducted.89 [...]
o The
Military Advocate General ordered the Office of the Military Advocate for Operational Affairs to work closely with the MPCID on every criminal investigation, even before any decision on whether to file charges.
2010 年,此前与上帝抵抗军有关联的儿童和年轻母亲大部分 (77%)通过军事情指挥部门或 乌国防军儿童保护部门被遣返回乌干达,而非立即移 交给适当的文职保护儿童行为体。
In 2010, the majority (77 per cent) of children and young mothers formerly associated with LRA were repatriated to Uganda through the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence or through UPDF child protection units, instead of being handed over immediately to appropriate civilian child protection actors.
关于蓄意以 el-Bader 面粉厂为目标的指控,以色列国防军进行 指挥部 调查 ,从许多来源收集证据,包括有关的指挥官和官员及地面部队和空军。
With respect to the allegation of deliberate targeting of the el-Bader flour mill, the IDF conducted a command investigation, which gathered evidence from numerous sources, including relevant commanders and officers [...]
and ground and aerial forces.
虽然看上去是奥阵的一次行动,但实际是在 Te’ame
[...] 将军的领导下,由厄立特里亚政府的对外行 指挥部 构 想 、计划、支 持和指挥。
Although ostensibly an OLF operation,
it was conceived, planned, supported and
[...] directed by the external operations directorate [...]
of the Government of Eritrea, under
the leadership of General Te’ame.
M23 运动发言人Vianney Kazarama上校在Runyoni接受电话访 谈时告诉专家组说,M23 运指挥部命令所有前全国保卫人民大会军官停止接受 恩塔甘达将军的命令(见附件 34)。
Vianney Kazarama, M23 spokesperson, told the Group in a phone interview from Runyoni that M23 command had ordered all ex-CNDP officers to stop responding to Gen.
西非经共体国家元首通过了如军政权不在 72 小 时以内接受西非经共体的要求就对军 指挥部 及其相关人员执行的一系列定向制裁措施,此外还有对该 国的外交、经济和金融制裁措施。
The heads of State adopted a series of targeted sanctions on the military command and its associates, along with diplomatic, economic and financial sanctions on the country, if the junta failed to accept ECOWAS demands within 72 hours.
总参谋长 最近采纳了军法署署长的建议并发起了第六次特别调查,以审理更多的指控,并指挥部调查 官无法证实的投诉进行复核。
The Chief of General Staff recently adopted a recommendation by the Military Advocate General and initiated a sixth special
investigation, to consider
[...] additional allegations and to re-examine a complaint that a command investigator [...]
could not substantiate.
联阿援助团继续强调,征聘必须基于能力并顾及全国族裔平衡,并且必须通过北 大西洋公约组织(北约)阿富汗培训特派团和阿富汗联合安全过 指挥部 以 及欧 洲联盟驻阿富汗警察特派团提供培训。
UNAMA continues to emphasize the importance of merit-based and ethnically balanced recruitment across the country, as
well as the provision
[...] of training through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Training Mission — Afghanistan and Combined Security Transition Command — Afghanistan [...]
and the European Union
Police Mission in Afghanistan.
[...] 年成立的由阿根廷、巴西和巴拉圭警察和安保部队组成 的三国边界三指挥部,通 过交流该地区犯罪活动的有益、适当和可靠的信息, [...]
Regionally, the Tripartite Command of the Triple Border, established in 1996 and made up of the police and
security forces of Argentina, Brazil and
[...] Paraguay, plays an important role through the [...]
exchange of useful, appropriate and reliable
information about the crime activity in the area.
在我们的共同边界地区,1996 年以来已经设立了 一个联指挥部,由 阿根廷、巴西和巴拉圭警察和安 全部队组成,在我们的共同边界地区执行任务,目前 [...]
正在打击非法贩运武器弹药和各种形式的走私、贩 毒、绑架、洗钱和非法贩运人口活动的努力中发挥着 重要作用。
In our common border
[...] region, a joint command made up of police and security forces from Argentina, [...]
Brazil and Paraguay has
been operating in our common border region since 1996 and is playing an important role in efforts to combat illicit trafficking in weapons and ammunition, all form of smuggling, drug trafficking, kidnapping, money laundering and illegal trafficking in persons.
专家组从区域刚果(金)武部队指挥部和 G ety 地区的地方当局获悉,刚果(金)武装部队放弃的多个基地已 被抵抗阵线控制,该阵线还在积极征募新兵。
The Group has learned from the regional FARDC command and local authorities from the Gety area that several of the abandoned FARDC bases came under the control of FRPI, which are also actively recruiting.
在北部,科索沃警察并不直接向普里什蒂纳的科索沃警 指挥部 报 告,而是 暂时通过欧盟驻科法治团警察行动事务室向欧盟驻科法治团警察部分主管报告, 后者还担任科索沃警察主管,负责尚未过渡的科索沃警察单位,包括反恐怖主义、 战争罪行和合法截听单位及其各自审理案件。
In the north, the Kosovo Police did not report directly to the Kosovo Police command in Pristina but reported provisionally through the EULEX Police Operations Room to the Head of the EULEX Police Component, who also holds the position of Head of the Kosovo Police for the non-transitioned Kosovo Police units, including the units for counter-terrorism, war crimes and lawful interception and their respective cases.
这不可能是以色列 国防军开枪留下的,因为指挥部调 查结论所示,事件发生后三天占领面粉厂所 在地的以色列国防军并没有占据面粉厂的房顶,不然他们会把自己暴露在敌人的 [...]
This could not have been the result of IDF fire, since
– as was evident from the
[...] findings of the command investigation – the IDF forces which occupied [...]
the mill’s compound three
days after the incident did not occupy the roof of the mill, where they would have been exposed to enemy fire.




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