单词 | 频繁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 繁—complicated in great numbers
快速向广大受众传达讯息,并以更少的成本更频繁地提供活动。 webex.com.hk | Get your message out to a broad audience fast and deliver your [...] events more frequently forless cost. webex.com.hk |
该会员亦质疑,频繁开关引擎是否对环境有利。 forum.gov.hk | The member also [...] queried whetherfrequent restartof the [...]engine was environmentally friendly. forum.gov.hk |
於Google,品质分数与广告表现有着密切关系,而关键字的品质分数会频繁地更新。 nw-imedia.com.hk | In Google, a keyword's quality score updatesfrequently and is closely related to its performance. nw-imedia.com |
委员认为, 香港与内地及台湾在各范畴(包括教育)的交流活动日趋频繁,这做 法既未能与时并进,亦不利於本地学生前往内地及台湾进修,因 为他们根本无法确定在内地及台湾取得的资历会否获香港承认作 就学或就业用途。 legco.gov.hk | Such a practice was also not conducive to the pursuit of further studies in the Mainland and Taiwan by local students as it was uncertain whether the qualifications to be obtained would be recognized for enrolment or employment purposes in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
在 2007-08 年度,我们会对 1 000 幢 目标楼宇进行大规模清拆行动,其中约 100 幢位於人流多及商业活动频繁的地区。 devb.gov.hk | There are another 1 000 target buildings identified for the blitz operation in 2007-08, and about 100 of them are situated in areas with heavy pedestrian flow and commercial activities. devb.gov.hk |
在 “本会 促 请 ” [...] 之前加上“鉴於香 港与内地的交往 日益频 繁,跨境口 岸 亦 越 见 增 多,”;在 [...]“ 尽快” 之 後 加上“及 尽 可 能 ”;在 “ 落 实 在 ” 之 後 加上“各现 有 和新跨 境口岸 , 包括”;在 “ [...]广深港高速 铁 路 香 港 段 ” 之 後 删 除 “ 及 ” , 并以“、 ” 代 替 ; 及在“ 香 港 国 际 机 场 ” 之 後 加上“、连 接 香 港 国 际 机 场 与 深 圳 机 场 的 铁 路 和 跨 境 直 升机场,”。 legco.gov.hk | To add ", as exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland [...] have become more frequent and the number [...]of cross-boundary control points has also [...]increased," after "That"; to add "and as far as possible" after "expeditiously"; to add "the various existing and new cross-boundary control points, including" after "clearance at"; to delete "and" after "the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link" and substitute with ","; and to add "the rail link between the Hong Kong International Airport and the Shenzhen Airport as well as cross-boundary heliports," after "the Hong Kong International Airport,". legco.gov.hk |
有很多经纪人谁给买和卖的建议,但一些很好的建议,使人们不像以前那麽频繁和投资者配置文件可能不适合的角色。 zh-tw.iniciantenabolsa.com | There are many brokers who give recommendations to buy and sell, but the number of good recommendations that make it far less often and may not be suitable roles to your investor profile. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
(h) 於二零零六年劳动法生效後,任何工厂安装的电力驱动的所有机器的(aa)每 一套螺丝、皮带或插条或任何旋转轴、主轴、转轮或齿轮须内嵌、包裹或 [...] 予以其他有效防护,以防止发生危险;及(bb)运行过程中毋须频繁调试的 所有凸齿、螺纹及其他齿型或摩擦传动装置应完全予以包裹,除非其所安 [...]置乃与完全包裹具同等安全效果。 cre8ir.com | (h) In all machinery driven by power and installed in any factory after the commencement of the Labour Act, 2006 (aa) every set screw, belt or key or any revolving shaft, spindle, wheel or pinion shall be so sunk, encased or otherwise effectively guarded as to prevent danger; and (bb) all spur, worm and [...] other toothed or friction gearing [...] which doesnot require frequentadjustmentwhile in [...]motion, shall be completely encased [...]unless it is so situated as to be as safe as it would be ifitwere completely encased. cre8ir.com |
该成员指出,为了遵守停車熄匙的规定,的士和公共小巴 可能需要频繁开关引擎,损害車辆和排出不必要的污染物。 forum.gov.hk | The member pointed out that taxis and minibuses might have to restart [...] their engines frequently to comply with [...]the ban, which would damage the vehicles [...]and generate unnecessary pollutants. forum.gov.hk |
到了1998年,IWC万国表推出飞行员环球时间腕表,其革新之处在於可用表冠轻松设置时间和日期,是为顺应全球化日益普遍、人类差旅活动越见频繁而推出的设计。 iwc.com | In 1998, the Pilot’s Watch UTC, where adjustments to both the time and date are made using the crown, came as IWC’s reaction to greater mobility in an increasingly globalized world. iwc.com |
在2001至02年度的赛季结束,AUDI车队包揽了冠亚季军,Audi AG董事会主席Martin Winterkorn博士在赛後说:「对Audi来说,赛车与量产车之间的技术的转换是非常频繁且彻底的。 think-silly.com | When AUDI won the championship and the two runners up in season 2001/02, MARTIN WINTERKORN (director of AUDI AG) commented ‘FSI is a fine example of the technology interchanging between race cars and one-off cars. think-silly.com |
香港特约评论员林泉忠表示︰「随着全球化趋势越来越明显、跨境活动越来越频繁,国际法的相关条文也越来越多…大陆民对尽快建立法治的期盼,反映了改革开放、生活水准提高後人民对中国下一个发展阶段以及与世界接轨的期许,值得进一步关注。 hkupop.hku.hk | Invited commentator from Hong Kong Dr John [...] Chuan-Tiong Lim observes, "With the more [...]vibrant globalization and intense cross-border [...]activities, there are more and more related articles regarding the International Laws… the wish of the Mainlanders to enjoy the rule of law reflects people's expectations on China's development in the next phase, as well as their wish to be connected to the world, after society opens up, and their living standard improves. hkupop.hku.hk |
尽管可以在电池中还有一点剩余电量时就给电池充电,但是不建议在电池为充满电的情况下继续频繁地给电池充电。 us.leica-camera.com | The battery can be recharged even when it still has some [...] charge left, but it is not recommended that the [...] battery charge be frequently toppedup while [...]the battery is fully charged. en.leica-camera.com |
远在2008年的选举日到来之前,竞选活动已紧锣密鼓展开:总统候选人举行了 多次辩论,竞选广告在电视节目中频繁出现,民调结果不断问世。 americancorner.org.tw | Far ahead of the November 2008 elections, campaigning was well underway, the [...] presidential candidates had already held several debates, campaign ads were popping up, and [...] poll results were cited frequently. americancorner.org.tw |
香港管弦乐团作为香港演出最频繁的旗舰音乐团体,是城巿文化生活不可或缺的一部份。 hkphil.org | As the city’s largest andbusiest musicalorganisation, [...] the Hong Kong Philharmonic is a vital part of Hong Kong’s cultural life. hkphil.org |
近二十年来,随着世界各地人民在经济与文化上的交流和互动日益频繁,以及经济相互依存度的大幅度提高,「地球村」与「世界公民」(或称「地球村村民」)的提法出现在媒体的频率也愈来愈多。 hkupop.hku.hk | In the past two decades, the [...] ever-increasing frequent exchanges and [...]interactions of people aroundthe world economically and culturally, [...]as well as the intensifying degree of economic dependency between countries, had led to the increased mentions of "global village" and "global citizen" (also known as "global villager") in media. hkupop.hku.hk |
已获配商誉之现金产生单位 已於每年或於有迹象显示单位可能出现减值时更频繁地进行减值测试。 westchinacement.com | A cash-generating unit to which goodwill has [...] been allocated is tested for impairment [...] annually or more frequently whenthere [...]is an indication that the unit may be impaired. westchinacement.com |
萧邦(Chopard)COSC使用的车型很多,包括它的整个集合LUC而此行通过频繁的日内瓦印记,特别是它的漩涡。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Chopard COSC use for many of its models, including its entire collection LUC And this line passes frequentlyHallmark of Geneva, in particular all its eddies. en.horloger-paris.com |
惟 营 业 收 入 之 对 价 为 一 年 期 以 内 之 应 收 款 时 , 其 公 帄 价 值 与 到 期 值 [...] 差 异 不 大 且 交 易量频 繁,则不 按 设 算 利 率 [...]计 算 公 帄 价 值 。 chroma.com.tw | However, receivable from sales maturing within one year or less may not be valued at fair value according to the imputed [...] interest rate when the discrepancy between their fair value and value at maturity is [...] small, and sales occur frequently. chroma.com.tw |
依据使用习惯和环境,清洗的时机和 次数也会有所不同,系统使用次数越频繁,清洗次数 也会增加。 antec.com | The frequency will change depending on system usage (users whose systems run 24/7 will likely have to check/wash more often than those who don’t use their systems every day) and on environmental conditions. antec.com |
我 们 去 年 全 年 载 客 量 较 二 零 零 五 年 有 超 过 425,000 人 次 的 增 长 , 主 要 是 由 於 香 港 与 中 国 内 地 之 间 的 经 济 活 动 愈趋频 繁。 swirepacific.com | More than 425,000 customers flew with us than in the previous year, mainly due to increased economic activity between Hong Kong and the China Mainland. swirepacific.com |
但是正因为我如此频繁地出游,因此没需要在纽约租用办公室。 iwc.com | But, because [...] I travelso frequently, itdoesn’t [...]make sense to rent an office space in New York. iwc.com |
由於新档案的存取通常较为频繁,因此硬碟的 Adaptive Memory 技术也会将新档案加入固态快取记忆体。 content.dell.com | As new files are accessed more frequently, they too will be added to the solid-state cache by the drive’s Adaptive Memory technology. content.dell.com |
随着香港总部 与世界各地跨境商业活动越趋频繁,集团不断积极推动与世界各地业务的 融合及不同地区的员工知識交流及技术转移。 citictel.com | Moreover, with the growing cross-border business activities between Hong Kong headquarter and other worldwide countries, the Group continues to strengthen business integration, knowledge sharing and skill transfer between staff in different territories. citictel.com |
一个解决方案,蜗轮,以前安装的频繁出现,在耐磨性和贫困越来越不适合。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | A solution with worm gears that were previously installed appearsfrequently,in terms of wear resistance and poverty increasingly unsuitable. en.developmentscout.com |
营 业 收 入 系 按 本 公 司 与 买 方 所 协 议 交 易 对 价 ( 考 量 商 业 折 扣 及 数 量 折 扣 後 ) 之 公 [...] 平 价 值 衡 量 ; 惟 营 业 收 入 之 对 价 为 一 年 期 以 内 之 应 收 款 时 , 其 公 平 价 值 与 到 期 [...] 值 差 异 不 大 且 交 易量频 繁,则不 按 设 算 利 率 计 [...]算 公 平 价 值 。 advantech.com.tw | For trade receivables due within one year from the balance sheet date, as the nominal value of the consideration to be [...] received approximates its fair value and [...] transactions are frequent, fair value of [...]the consideration is not determined by discounting [...]all future receipts using an imputed rate of interest. advantech.com.tw |
2011 年预计检验的升降机及自动梯的數目比 2009 年及 2010 年为低,在升降机意外频繁的情况下,当局会否考虑增加检验次數以确保升降机及自动梯的安全? devb.gov.hk | The number of lifts and escalators inspections in year of 2011 was lower than that of years 2009 and 2010. With numerous lift incidents, will the Administration consider to increase the number of inspections in order to ensure the safety of lifts and escalators? devb.gov.hk |
Barracuda XT 硬碟机结合 64 MB 快取记忆体,能让频繁使用快取记忆体的应用程式 (例如 PC 游戏和非线性视讯编辑) 发挥最佳瞬间效能,以及 Serial ATA 6 Gb/秒 (为一介面,可提供最高的系统传输量),使桌上型电脑硬碟机能达到最高效能。 seagate.com | The Barracuda XT hard drive combines a 64MB cache that optimizes burst performance in cache-intensive applications such as PC gaming and nonlinear video editing with Serial ATA 6Gb/s – an interface that delivers the highest system throughput – to enable the highest performance available in a desktop hard drive. seagate.com |
本行及 / 或基金经理有绝对酌情权,就其合理地怀疑是涉及选时交易及 / 或频繁交易行为、清洗黑钱活动,或将违反有关基金之交易限制的基金单位认购及 / 或转换申请,拒绝全部或部份该等申请,以及不透露有关怀疑之理由。 hangseng.com | The Bank and / or the fund manager have an absolute discretion to reject, in whole or inpart, any application for subscription and/or switching of units in a fund which the Bank and / or the fund manager reasonably suspect to be associated with market timing and/or active trading practices, money laundering activities or which will breach any dealing restriction of the fund, without disclosing the reason for the relevant suspicion. hangseng.com |