单词 | 要隘 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 要隘 —strategic passSee also:隘—pass • confined • defile • in distress
(g) 关于船只的自动识别系统,西非和中部非洲各国应就相关需求进行评 估,包括对重要隘口和 关键区域作分析,检查现有基础设施并确定还需要何种设 备和培训 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) With respect to ship automatic identification systems, West and Central African States should conduct needs assessments, including analysis of key choke points and critical areas, to review existing infrastructure, and to determine what further equipment and training is required daccess-ods.un.org |
我在此重申, 這項議 案 是 為香港經 濟 前 途 , 以及為增 加就業 機 會 而 提 出 的,請大家 不 要 以 狹隘的 行 業 眼 光 來 看 這項議 案。 legco.gov.hk | I also wish to reiterate that this motion has been proposed with the aim of promoting our overall economic prospects and increasing job opportunities. legco.gov.hk |
不過,你要談 到這麼狹隘的, 在哪一個抽屜放置甚麼的,老實說,我自己覺得行政機關有 權那樣做,亦須向公眾解釋為甚麼那樣做。 legco.gov.hk | Honestly speaking, I think that the executive authorities have the power to do so, though they must offer an explanation to the public. legco.gov.hk |
他特别强调,需要从狭隘 的中 小企业发展政策转向更加全面和系统的创业政策方针,许多发展中国家也已 [...] 经在这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, he [...] emphasized the need to shift from narrow SME development [...]policies towards more comprehensive and systemic [...]entrepreneurship policy approaches, already occurring in many developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
他 表 示 ,私隱小組忽 略 了 私隱權是有限度的此 一 [...] 基 本 原 則,而諮詢文件就人 類 對資料、通 訊 和 溝 通 的需要採取過份 狹隘的 觀 點 。 legco.gov.hk | He said that the Privacy Subcommittee had overlooked the fundamental principle that there were limits in privacy rights, and that [...] the Consultation Paper had taken an unduly [...] restrictive view of the human need for information, [...]communication and exchange. legco.gov.hk |
我 促請政 府不要採 取 一個狹 隘 而 欠靈活 的 觀 點。 legco.gov.hk | I urge the [...] Government to avoid adopting a narrow and inflexible approach. legco.gov.hk |
我們何 必要給予這麼狹隘的定義? legco.gov.hk | Why do we [...] have to provide for such a narrow definition? legco.gov.hk |
為何要以這麼狹隘的錯 誤想法,加諸我們身上 呢? legco.gov.hk | Why does he want to look [...] at us in such a narrow-minded and erroneous mind? legco.gov.hk |
地人民的需求、将人民的需要置于狭 隘 的 个 人和政治 利益之上的负责任的政治行为体来主导。 daccess-ods.un.org | process must be led by accountable political actors who prioritize and address the needs of the Haitian people and put those needs before issues of narrow personal and political interest. daccess-ods.un.org |
本人提出這項議 案 , 絕 不是要鼓 吹狹隘的 “ 民 族 主 義 ” 或 “ 反 日情緒 [...] ” , 更 不想藉 掀 出我們一段 痛苦的 歷史回 憶 而 挑 起 民 族 間 的 矛盾 和 衝 突 。 legco.gov.hk | The purpose of my moving this motion is [...] not to advocate any narrow-minded nationalism [...]or antipathy against Japan, nor do I [...]wish to recall the painful past to provoke conflict and clashes between nationalities. legco.gov.hk |
这些所谓国际法,难道与我们会 [...] 员国的标准毫不相关,而是根据安全理事会上某些重 要国家的狭隘利益设计的,目的在于保护以色列,让 以色列凌驾国际法之上? daccess-ods.un.org | Is this so-called international law designed on the basis of criteria that have nothing to do with [...] the criteria of our Member States but [...] much to do with the narrow interests of some influential [...]States in the Security Council, [...]with the aim of protecting Israel and holding it above international law? daccess-ods.un.org |
如果香港不想再在兩岸融合的過程中被邊緣化,香港一 定 要 改變 其狹隘地方主義的心態,以及認識到香港其實都是內地、台灣及香港 [...] 所組成的兩岸三地發展的持份者,香港應該趁着這個機遇進一步跟台 灣融合,而海西便是雙方融合的踏腳石。 legco.gov.hk | If Hong Kong does not want to be marginalized again during the [...] process of cross-strait [...] integration, it must change its narrow-minded concept of localism [...]and realize that Hong Kong is [...]in fact a stakeholder of cross-strait development involving the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
有关赔偿的任何裁决应规避显然对受害者 及其资格的狭隘定义,不要对可 提出赔偿诉求的侵害行为设限。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any decision on reparations should avoid an overly narrow definition of [...] victims and their eligibility and not limit the [...]violations allowing for reparations. daccess-ods.un.org |
把條例草案的主要目的狹隘地詮 釋 為只是實施2010至 2011年度財政預算案的兩項特定建議,是完 [...] 全漠視了條例草案就《印花稅條例》提出擬議修訂背後的政策 原意和最終目的。 legco.gov.hk | To narrowly interpret that the main object [...] of the Bill is merely to give effect to the two specific proposals in the 2010-11 [...]Budget is a complete disregard of the policy intention and ultimate objective behind the proposed amendments made in the Bill to SDO. legco.gov.hk |
他呼吁所有代表团摒 弃狭隘的政 治观点,共同努力为中东创造更好的未 来。 daccess-ods.un.org | He called on all delegations to [...] move beyond narrow political views [...]and to work together to build a better future for the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
经济赋权不 是狭隘地关 注财务内容,而是有能力认识和寻求机会获得财富并做出正确决定, 也就是具有分析思考能力,这需要具 有 良好教育(正式或非正式)和适当的人力 资本开发能力。 fao.org | Economic empowerment is not narrowly focused on the financial component but rather on having the ability to recognize and exploit opportunities to make wealth and to make the [...] right decisions, which means [...]having the capacity for analytical thinking – and this boils down to having a good education (formal or informal) and appropriate human capacity development. fao.org |
在大会第 三十五届会议期间举行的教育问题部长级圆桌会议指出了 需 要 制 定政策的领域,本组织以该 会议的成果文件为基础,正在考虑如何更好地应对和预见新的挑战--例如气候变化对教育的 影响--以及支持会员国摆脱狭隘思想,从更广的角度看待全民教育。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Building on the outcomes of the [...] Ministerial Round Table on Education held during the 35th session of the General Conference, which identified areas for policy development, the Organization is reflecting on how to better respond to and anticipate new challenges – such as the impact of climate change on education – and support Member States to move beyond a narrow vision of EFA. unesdoc.unesco.org |
社会政策本身需要协调 一致,应避免过于 狭 隘 地 注重社会保护,避免只 以贫穷者为目标,而应更偏重于普遍性(为各个年龄组的人口建立“最 基本的社会保护”),并保障人类发展不断进步和家庭一级社会繁衍所 [...] 需的条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Social policy itself needs to be coherent, in the sense of avoiding too narrow a focus on social [...] protection and targeting [...]of the poor, and leaning more towards universalism (creating a “social floor” for people of all ages), and ensuring conditions for continuous progress in human development and for householdlevel social reproduction. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,应避免采取将社会保障作为安全网和短期应对各项危 机和冲击的狭隘观点,而需要采用 更广泛的视角来看待社会保障,其中涉及 [...] 社会保障和促进民生两方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | For this, as opposed to the narrow view of social protection [...] as safety nets and short-term responses to crises and shocks, [...]a broader perspective of social protection is necessary, involving both social protection and livelihood promotion. daccess-ods.un.org |
我覺得如果不清楚討論聯繫匯率及儲備這兩個問題,而單是 狹 隘 地 要求 庫 務局局長進行調查,看看收入和經濟的影響;是否要開徵新稅項,又或找 一 專業人士來討論是否要開徵新稅項,尤其是銷售稅,這樣做是不大公道 的。 legco.gov.hk | I think that if these two issues regarding the linked exchange rate and the fiscal reserves are not sorted out clearly by discussions, it is not quite fair to ask the Secretary for the Treasury to study, under a narrow scope, the correlation between recurrent income and economic growth, whether new taxes should be introduced; or to gather a bunch of professionals to discuss if new taxes, sales tax in particular, need to be introduced. legco.gov.hk |
我们的目的是使看待游戏的狭隘的方 法变得宽广,提供更加广阔的可能性和更加综合的基础 [...] 来考虑儿童生活的独特背景。 ipaworld.org | Our intention is to extend [...] some of the narrow ways of looking [...]at play and offer the possibility of a broader, more synthesised [...]base that considers the unique contexts of children’s lives. ipaworld.org |
有評論指 出由於選區的人口少,某些區議員往往只以 狹 隘 的 視 野討論公共政策和 社區問題,未能平衡不同界別的利益;部份區議員只關注他們的數千名 選民的意見,甚至因此反對在其選區內設置一些社區有 需 要 但 不 受歡迎 的設施。 legco.gov.hk | There have been comments that due to the small population sizes of constituencies, certain DC members often discuss public [...] policies and [...] community issues from a narrow perspective and fail to balance the interests of different sectors, and some DC members only care about the views of their several thousand electors to the extent that they even object to the provision within [...]their constituencies of some unpopular facilities which are necessary for the community. legco.gov.hk |
在这方面,区域内那些纵容对索马里的入侵和统治及其给索马里人民带来的 痛苦的各国政府,或那些因狭隘的自 身利益或不了解情况而选择保持沉默的各国 [...] 政府,最终也不能推卸自己的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, Governments in the region that are either condoning the invasion and domination of Somalia and the sufferings meted out to its [...] people or that have chosen to keep silent, [...] for reasons of narrow self-interest [...]or due to lack of information cannot, ultimately, shrug their responsibilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,委员会还关注一些国内法的 解释狭隘,并 且关注《公约》的条款没有在法院内直接引用和参照,所有这些将 [...] 影响《公约》所规定的一些人权的享有。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the Committee is [...] concerned at the narrow interpretations [...]of some domestic laws and the fact that the provisions [...]of the Convention have not been invoked or referred to directly in courts, which may impede the enjoyment of some human rights enshrined in the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
据指出,(a)和(c)分段可指“受影响 [...] 的”而不是“所有的”债权人,哪些内容构成“充分通知”可能不清楚,而且 [...] 并不是所有的债权都须按比例偿付;(b)分段因仅提及对资产管理的方式进行参 与而过于狭隘,或 许应提及债权人进行参与以保护其合法权益,而“有意义的 [...] 参与”的内容是什么可能不清楚;(d)分段应指“基本上所有的”资产和负债。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was observed that subparagraphs (a) and (c) could refer to “affected” rather than “all” creditors, that what constituted “sufficient notice” might be unclear and that not all claims would necessarily be subject to pro rata payment; that in referring only to participation with respect to the manner in [...] which assets were administered, [...] subparagraph (b) was too narrow, that it should [...]perhaps refer to creditor participation [...]to protect their legitimate interests and that what constituted “meaningful participation” might be unclear; and that subparagraph (d) should refer to “substantially all” of the assets and liabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,科特迪瓦的政治领导人应鼓起勇气,克服 狭 隘 的 党 派性并超越个人 目标,将国家利益置于首位,在调解人的主持下参与真诚的对话,以解决他们之 [...] 间的分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ivorian political leaders should therefore summon the courage [...] to overcome narrow partisan and [...]personal goals, put national interest first, [...]and engage in genuine dialogue, under the auspices of the Facilitator, to resolve their differences. daccess-ods.un.org |
a) 通过编印针对新闻工作者的指导手册,宏扬新闻工作者职业伦理精神; b) 参与大学中已设置的有关种族主义和媒体的思考课程; c) 对媒体专业从业人员进行培训; d) 开展关于新的传播通信技术,尤其是因特网技术的发展与种族主义及 狭 隘 偏 执 思 想之间关系的研究;这项研究可能还有助于建立一个观察站,由其负责整理出有 关这些问题的法律文件的索引,对有关发展趋势进行分析研究,并在出现偏差时 向有关专业界敲警钟。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (d) Research on the new communication technologies, primarily the Internet, and on questions of racism and intolerance; this research could also give rise to the establishment of an observatory, for compiling indexes of legal texts on these subjects, analysing trends and alerting professional circles in the case of abuses. unesdoc.unesco.org |
埃及坚信决议草案不但打算重新解释《公民及 [...] 政治权利国际公约》的条款,而且还打算将新的阐 释和狭隘观点 强加给其他国家,它只讨论了生命权 [...]的一个方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Egypt was firmly convinced that the draft resolution sought not only to reinterpret the provisions of the [...] International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, but also to impose new [...] interpretations and narrow viewpoints on States. daccess-ods.un.org |
它是一个由 安全理事会操控的有选择性的机构,至今无视以色列 [...] 占领军在巴勒斯坦被占领土上犯下的罪行,不过是在 专事于为少数国家狭隘的政 治利益服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is a selective body controlled by the Security Council. It has to date ignored crimes perpetrated by Israeli occupation forces [...] in occupied Palestinian land and merely concentrated on [...] serving the narrow political interests [...]of a handful of countries. daccess-ods.un.org |