单词 | 要路 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 要路—important roadless common: main thoroughfare fig. key position
核电支持服务——海卓泰特在重要路径RPV 停机活动中提供维护和停电支持服务。 hydratight.com | Nuclear Support Services - Hydratight offers maintenance and outage support services [...] during critical path RPV shutdown activity. hydratight.com |
这些举措包括 亚洲公路网和泛亚铁路网的主要路段的建设,其中包括各国之间的道路和铁 路联系、边境口岸的终点站、陆港和海港。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those initiatives included the development of major sections of the Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway networks, including intercountry roadand rail linkages, bordercrossing terminals, dry ports and seaports. daccess-ods.un.org |
该次专家会议的目标 是通过再度振兴古老的丝绸之路来重新兴建欧亚大陆之间的各条交通运输 线路,并介绍说,丝绸之路先前曾是各方开展贸易活动、传播各种知识和 相互交流思想的主要路径。 daccess-ods.un.org | The objective of the Conference would be to establish Euro-Asia land transport routes through the revival of the Silk Route, which had formerly been the backbone for trade, transfer of knowledge and sharing of ideas. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府在 2010 年 7 [...] 月底前限制人道主义车队通过恩德勒(巴 明吉-班戈兰省)周边主要路线,武装团体袭击车队,以及民主团结联盟和中非人 [...]民民主阵线抢掠非政府组织驻地,向受影响民众提供援助的工作因此面临更严重 的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Restrictions on the passage of humanitarian convoys by the [...] Government on majorroutes around Ndélé (Bamingui-Bangoran) [...]until July 2010, as well [...]as attacks on convoys by armed groups and looting of premises of NGOs by UFDR and FDPC, compounded the challenges associated with aid delivery to affected populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国在经历了多年的高速发展后,正面临着严峻的环境问题;同时,中国也在寻找一条适合的、可持续发展道路,绿色科技产业发展正是中国保持快速发展的重要路径之一,它将保证中国在保持发展速度的同时,提高资源利用效率,减少环境代价。 rolandberger.com.cn | After all those years of rapid development, China is now faced with a severe environmental problem, and thus looking for suitable and sustainable development comes to be China's first priority. rolandberger.com.cn |
阿根廷铁路民营化之後,与英国出现相同缺点,但却毫无优点可言,民营公司废弃不少路线,导致部分地区只能仰赖公车或自用车通行;尽管火车票价仍低於巴士,但搭火车费用已大增;服务品质低劣,有些重要路线每星期只有一班车,客运车厢年久失修,班次也常因为铁轨老旧而严重误点。 thisbigcity.net | After privatisation, entire routes were cut, leaving parts of the country that had been accustomed to having the option of train travel entirely dependent on buses or private cars. thisbigcity.net |
预期到了2006年,中区填海第一期工程范围的交通流量会增加一倍,而到了2011年,干诺道中-夏槺道-告士打道走廊主要路段在繁忙时间的交通流量,则会超出容量30%。 devb.gov.hk | With traffic volume in the CRI area expected to double by 2006 and that on critical sections of the CRC/HR/GR Corridor expected to exceed their capacities by 30% during the peak hours in 2011, congestion in Central would exacerbate to an intolerable level. devb.gov.hk |
Transmilenio系统充满无趣的灰色,地板、车站、桥梁、入口、废气皆然,减少灰色应该是件好事,例如增加绿屋顶,但主要路线也要大幅改变,纳入绿色空间。 thisbigcity.net | The Transmilenio filled up with that boring grey; the slabs, the stations, the bridges, the portals, the smoke, etc. It would be good to see a change that [...] decreases so much [...] gray, such asintegrating green roofing, but also with a profound change in the design of themain linesto include green areas. thisbigcity.net |
因此,迫切 需要找出新的发展道路,要能够确保环境可持续性,扭转对生态的破坏,并且让 [...] 全人类今天和明天都能过上像样的生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hence, there is an urgent need to find [...] new development pathways whichwould ensure [...]environmental sustainability and reverse [...]ecological destruction, while managing to provide, now and in the future, a decent livelihood for all of humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
占领国以色列必须要么选择走和平的道路,要么承担阻碍和平的罪责。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel, the occupying Power, must choose [...] either to pursue the path of peaceor to bear [...]responsibility for its obstruction. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们两个安全部队在专业化和现代化方面 还有很长的路要走,但我相信,我们到 2012 年一定 能实现我们最宏大的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | We still have a long way to go in professionalizing and modernizing the two security forces, but I believe we can achieve our most ambitious goals by 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
要根据世界银行和国际货币基金组织 (IMF)的政策建议(尤其在透明度方面)协调 本国海外投资和对外援助,中国还有很长的路要走。 crisisgroup.org | China has a long way to go to harmonise its investments and foreign assistance practices with those recommended by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), particularly in regard to transparency. crisisgroup.org |
我们深信,要使安理会的工作更加透明,仍有很 长的路要走,这种透明度将确保所有代表团更广泛地 获取信息,特别是其国家项目列入安理会议程的那些 国家的代表团。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are convinced that there remains a long way to go to make the Council’s work more transparent, which would ensure all delegations a wider access to information, particularly those delegations that have national items inscribed on the Council’s agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,他指出,蒙特利尔会议是联合国在发展 方面唯一主要的首脑会议,也是唯一没有设立常设 政府间机构促进执行其成果的首脑会议,他说,建 立发展筹资问题职司委员会,距离解决发展中国家 的关切还有很长的路要走。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, noting that the Monterrey Conference was the only major United Nations summit related to development that had not resulted in a permanent intergovernmental body to promote the implementation of its outcome, he said that, establishment of a functional commission on financing for development would go a long way towards addressing the concerns of developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
2005年的一份麦肯锡报告声称,尽管中国展示了明显的优势(并举中国受过良好教育的劳动力和持续的经济增长为例)——要对印度巨头INFOSYS和WIPRO的优势构成真正的威胁,中国仍有一段路要走。 dragonsourcing.com | In 2005 a mckinsey report, claimed that despite the manifest advantages offered by china - citing the country's well-educated workforce and continued economic growth - the country still had some way to go to pose a genuine threat to the likes of Indian giant infosys and wipro. dragonsourcing.com |
中国移动通信集团总裁王建宙说道:“智能电话和平板电脑对蜂窝网络有严格的要求,建设Wi-Fi [...] 网络是满足我们智能电话和平板电脑用户日益剧增的网路要求的最快方法,而和iPass合作,我们可以迅速的让我们的Wi-Fi [...]网络准确的提供给我们的国际伙伴和他们在中国使用漫游服务的用户。 tipschina.gov.cn | Building out our Wi-Fi network is the fastest way for us to meet the increasing Web demand by our smartphone and tablet users and by [...] partnering with iPass we can rapidly make our [...] Wi-Fi network seamlessly available to [...]our international partners and their users roaming in China. tipschina.gov.cn |
之前研究组把器材放在路的一边,怎料後来人群占用了两边马路,要修正位置时却因天桥上人太多而变得不可行。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, the marching crowd later took both sides of the street. hkupop.hku.hk |
中非建和办不断向国家当 局,包括司法部长以及人权和善治高级专员提出这些关切,但要实现在拘留中遵 守恰当程序和防止非法逮捕和拘留,仍有很长的路要走。 daccess-ods.un.org | BINUCA has constantly pressed these concerns with the national authorities, including the Minister for Justice and the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Good Governance, but much remains to be done to observe due process in detention andto prevent illegal arrests and detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
确保土着人民的 权利在教育、文化、传播和科学方面的政策中得到充分尊重,还有很长的道路要走。 unesdoc.unesco.org | There is still a long way to go to ensure that indigenous peoples’ rights are fully respected in policies related to education, culture, communication and science. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然本赛季还有很长的路要走,但他的脑海中可能会萦绕着一个计划,如果他决定和老特拉福德分道扬镳的话。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Though the season is still a long way to go, there could now be plans circling his mind as to possible options in case he decides to part ways with the Old Trafford outfit. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
初步分析结果表明,据达到所有国家都完成制定 全民教育计划的目标还有很长的路要走。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Preliminary results indicate that there is still a long way to go before the finalization of EFA plans by all countries is achieved and technical and financial support from the international community will be needed this year and probably through 2003. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该 Combi 产品 [...] 专门设计供谐振模式电路使用,如相移桥式电路,谐振模式电路要求IGBT 能快速关断,而反并联二极管的低正 [...]向电压降远比恢复速度要重要。 hybridelectronics.com | These Combis are intended for use in [...] resonant mode circuits, such as the phase [...]shifted bridge, where fast turn-off of the [...]IGBT is needed but the recovery speed of the anti-parallel diode is less important than its forward voltage. hybridelectronics.com |
摩 洛哥建议图瓦卢坚 持这条道路,要求国际社会提供 图瓦卢在这过程中需要的一切技术和 [...] 财政支持,尤其是 根据《 巴黎原则》建立人权机构、 继续努力使国内立法 和国际 人权文书协调一 致 、提高广 大 居 民 的 认识和 宣 传 人权原 [...]则 、对图瓦卢负责执法的人员进行人权培 训等工作所需的技术和财政支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | Morocco recommended that Tuvalu [...] perseverealong itspath and ask the international [...]community to provide all the technical [...]and financial support needed by Tuvalu during this process, particularly for the setting up of national human rights institution in conformity with the Paris Principles; for the continuation of efforts to harmonize national legislation with international human rights instruments; for awareness-raising and the dissemination of human rights principles among the population at large; and for human rights training for officers responsible for law enforcement in Tuvalu. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在,这些 内容均可在网站上浏览,仅需简单搜索即可:新的道路要闻杂志的在线数 据库—建筑工业专用—能够使您迅速查找到所需的相关文章。 wirtgen-china.com.cn | All this content can now be accessed onawebsite with a simple search function: the new online database of theRoadNews magazine – unique in the construction industry – ensures that you can instantly find whatever you need to know on a given topic. wirtgen-china.com.cn |
安哥拉代表团认识到,国家还有很长的路要走,但又指出,国际社会也明 白自身还哪些事要做,尤其是在提供发展所需资金和遵守在大型国际会议上所作 承诺这两方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting that Angola still had a long way to go, the delegation pointed out that the international community was itself aware of what needed to be done, in particular in terms of development funding and respect for commitments made at major international conferences. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然资本项目在成为现实之前有很长的路要走,资金现在无疑因为石油行业的停产和未来 多年的前景而被危及,但数十亿美元的合同在 2011 年还是引发了相当程度的竞争。 crisisgroup.org | Though the capital project is a long way from becoming a reality, and funds are now undoubtedly jeopardised by the shutdown of the oil sector, the prospect of multi-year, multibillion dollar contracts generated considerable competition in 2011. crisisgroup.org |
另一方面,尽管在公开场合发表了相反的声明,但塔利班似乎对会谈的 发展方向还是表示了谨慎的兴趣,当然在进行任何真正的讨论之前还有很长一段路要走。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other side, despite very public statements to the contrary, the Taliban appear cautiously interested in seeing where talks could lead, though there is still a long way to go before any real discussion could take place. daccess-ods.un.org |