

单词 要说



speak one's mind

简要的说明 n

brief statement n


promises must be kept

External sources (not reviewed)

要说明的是,在多数国家,电影和摄影作品的保护期与其他作品 不同(通常要短)。
Finally, in most countries, movies and photographs have different (usually shorter) terms of protection than other works.
马尔代要说明的 是,对所收到建议的下述回应是通过本国正常民主程序, 特别是经过议会批准做出的。
The Maldives wishes to note that the below responses to the received recommendations are subject to normal democratic procedures in the country, in particular parliamentary approval.
我几乎不要说,我 国代表团将同安理会其他所 有成员一道努力为中东所有居民的和平和福祉做出 [...]
I hardly need say that my delegation [...]
will work with all other members of the Council to make an effective contribution to
peace and well-being for all inhabitants of the Middle East.
除了多国战略框架和向捐助者提供的活动计划之外,总部外办事处还将备有根据 C/4 和/5 文件在实地开展的教科文组织优先项目的 要说 明 表(也许可以根据 C/4 地区性战略按 地区列示)。
In addition to the cluster strategic framework and the plans presented to donors, field offices will have available summary sheets of the UNESCO priorities in the field based on documents C/4 and C/5 (perhaps differentiated by region in certain cases depending on the regional C/4 strategies).
得到的教训包括:有必要拟定更便于管理的会议议程并起草简明扼要的文件;有必要通过更好 地协调总部与外地办事处的规划,加强结果与指标之间的一致性;有 要说 明 在某些情况下因安全 条件等外部因素造成工作延误。
Among the lessons learned is the need to have a more manageable agenda and concise documents for the statutory meetings; improve coherence between results and indicators through better coordination of planning between Headquarters and field offices, and to account for delays in certain cases due to external factors such as security conditions.
Amha 先生要说明了国际热带木材组织现有的供资机制、即特别账户和巴厘 伙伴关系的作用和职能。
Mr. Amha outlined the role and functioning of existing International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) funding mechanisms, namely, the Special Account and the Bali Partnership Fund.
最后,要说,在 这个不断变化的时代,国际社 会——“我……人民”——具有独特的机会和责任, [...]
确保联合国宪章的全面实施,从而确保增进各国间和 平与谅解。
In closing, I would like to say that in these changing [...]
times the international community — “we, the peoples” — has the unique
chance and responsibility to ensure full implementation of the United Nations Charter and thus greater peace and understanding among nations.
由于其参与方式多种多样,它们的作用很难以任何 要说 明 加 以概括, 其影响也难以量化。
Their roles are difficult to encapsulate in any brief description because of the diversity of their engagements, whose impact is difficult to quantify.
说所有当事方有权对条约 提出保留,并不意味这个权利是无限的,更 要说 这 样 提出的一切保留,因为条 约内列入单纯的一般性条款,就在第 21 条第 1 款起首部分的意义上“成立”。
To say that all the parties have the right to formulate reservations to the treaty cannot imply that this right is unlimited, still less that all reservations so formulated are, by virtue of the simple general clause included in the treaty, “established” within the meaning of the chapeau to article 21, paragraph 1.
但对于想了 解该部组织方式的人,“关于新闻部”的链接含有 关于该部任务和结构的更多资料,包括组织结构图 和一些弹出框,对各司的活动进行了 要说 明 并且 提供各自网页的链接。
Nonetheless, for those who wanted it, the “About DPI” link contained further information on the Department’s mission and structure, including an organizational chart with pop-up boxes that provided a short explanation of each Division’s activities and a link to its individual web page.
将向执行局提交一份年度报告, 要说 明 从 所进行的评价中得到的主要结 果和建议,适当借鉴其他方面进行的评价,包括分散的评价及联合国其他实体和 非联合国实体的评价。
An annual report will be presented to the Executive Board summarizing key findings and recommendations from the evaluations carried out and drawing, where relevant, on evaluations carried out by others, including decentralized evaluations and of other United Nations and non-United Nations entities.
本报告是应大会第 63/100 B 号决议的要求编写的,其中要说明 了 新闻部 自 2008 年 7 月至 2009 年 2 月通过其战略传播事务向全球受众宣传联合国的工作 所取得的主要进展。
The present report, prepared in response to General Assembly resolution 63/100 B, summarizes the key advances made by the Department from July 2008 to February 2009 in promoting the work of the United Nations to the global audience through its strategic communications services.
要说明标准的含义时也可采用 附加定义。
There may also be additional definitions when these are
[...] required to clarify the [...]
meaning of the standard.
为便于其审议该项目,委员会将收到执行主任关于毒品和犯罪问题办公室活动 情况的报告(E/CN.7/2010/3-E/CN.15/2010/3),其中载有
[...] 2009 年期间该办公室 活动概览并要说明了 毒品管制、预防犯罪、预防恐怖主义和刑事司法与法 [...]
For its consideration of this item, the Commission will have before it the report of the Executive Director on the activities of UNODC, which contains an overview of the Office’s activities during 2009 and outlines the links between drug control,
crime prevention, terrorism prevention and
[...] criminal justice on the one hand, and [...]
the rule of law, development, security and
peace on the other hand (E/CN.7/2010/3E/CN.15/2010/3).
关于决议草案 A/C.2/64/L.64 项下各个员额请求 的资源,咨询委员会注意到,虽然秘书长估计需要 14 个员额来承担决议草案中要说明的任务,这些任务 之中大约有 30%可以由腐败和经济犯罪科现有的工作 人员承担。
With respect to the resources requested for posts under draft resolution A/C.2/64/L.64, the Advisory Committee noted that, while the Secretary-General estimated that 14 posts would be required to perform the tasks outlined in the draft resolution, approximately 30 per cent of those tasks could be performed by the current staff of the Corruption and Economic Crime Section.
下面的资料承认 2006 年提供的信息仍然是相关的,要说 明 有关渔业对相关鱼 种的影响的主要考虑。
Acknowledging that the information presented in 2006 remains relevant, the information below summarizes the main considerations regarding the impacts of fisheries on associated species.
现在看来,有要说明法 庭检察官办公室对法庭管辖范围内恐怖犯罪的调查 工作旷日持久的根本原因,并说明特别法庭必须同时面对的两类问题:困扰任何 国际刑事法庭的问题,以及这类法庭在处理恐怖主义案件时必须应对的问题。
Here, it may be judicious to try to explain the fundamental reasons for the protracted investigations conducted by the Tribunal Office of the Prosecutor into the terrorist crimes falling under the Tribunal’s jurisdiction, and also to show how the Tribunal must face both the problems besetting any international criminal tribunal and those that such a tribunal must come to grips with when it addresses crimes of terrorism.
要说明的 是,要判 断一个人是否全部或部分丧失劳动能力,仅凭他/她长期患有某种生理或精神疾 病的事实是不够的;真正起决定作用的,是所患疾病的严重程度,即是否影响和 阻碍他/她支配自己的行为。
Persistent physical or mental illness by itself is not sufficient grounds for deprivation or restriction of a person's capacity; the determining factor is the presence of the second requirement, namely the fact that that illness prevents the person from managing his/her affairs unaided.
秘书处建议,在制定氟氯烃淘汰管理计划过程中,有关执行机构和国家臭氧机构应该对已 经在多边基金资助下改造为氟氯烃的企业进行调查,特 要说 明 改 造年份、目前使用的技 术、改造时的生产能力、前一年氟氯烃消费数额以及下次改造的替代技术和计划实施时间。
The Secretariat recommended that, in the process of developing HCFC phase-out management plans, implementing agencies and the NOUs concerned should include a survey of the enterprises that had converted to HCFCs with the assistance of the Multilateral Fund, indicating in particular the year of the conversion, the technology currently used, the capacity at the time of conversion, the level of HCFC consumption in the previous years, and the replacement technology and planned time for the next conversion.
准备这 份文件的目的要说明关 联企业间交易的条 件与非关联企业间交易条件是一样的。
The aim of such documentation is to show that the conditions of the transactions are the same as those between non-related entities.
安全理事会再次确认,为要说明所列每个项目给出的参考将是安理会在一 次正式会议上首次处理该项目的日期,以及安理会就该项目召开最近一次正式会 议的日期。
The Security Council reconfirms that references given for each item listed in the summary statement will be the dates when the item was first taken up by the Council at a formal meeting and the most recent formal meeting of the Council held on that item.
We will give a basic review of how a direct digital synthesis system works, touching on the inner workings of the DDS engine at a relatively high level.
食典委注意到关于应用该标准确定一些工作重点的一个普遍的意见,特别是适用于 以下商品的标准:不仅要说明贸易量理由,而且 要说 明 与 潜在或实际贸易壁垒有关的 那些方面理由的商品。
The Commission noted a general comment regarding the application of the criteria for the establishment of work priorities, in particular those applicable to commodities, which did not require only justification in terms of trade volume but, more importantly, on those aspects related to potential or real barriers to trade.
I’m here today on behalf of the American people with a simple message: Every one of us has been touched by this attack on your beloved city.
由于本文定位于发展 中国家的决策者, 这个复杂的问题仅要说明。
This will probably have to be left to the developing country concerned.
报告并要说明关 于亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会与为亚洲及 太平洋提供服务的其他联合国组织及区域和次区域组织之间合作的经 社会第 67/14 号决议的执行进展情况。
implementation of Commission resolution 67/14 on cooperation between ESCAP and other United Nations and regional and subregional organizations serving Asia and the Pacific.
如果委员会希望考虑就 2015-2017 三年期制定一 种不同的行政费用制度,那么它应当在氟氯烃化合物淘汰管理计划第二阶段的任何协定中
[...] 指出这一可能性,因为它们的多年期协定可能 要说 明 不 同行政费用制度的可能性。
If the Committee wishes to consider a different administrative cost regime for the 2015-2017 triennium, it should note this possibility in any agreement
for stage II of HPMPs whose multi-year
[...] agreement might need to account for the [...]
possibility of a different administrative cost regime.
我们在本 文省略未谈许多昂贵的(核能)、不够成熟的(海洋
[...] 能源)或多样(工业加工)的技术;但首 要说 的是 研究、开发与示范和部署周期 [...]
We omit many that are either expensive (nuclear), not sufficiently mature
(ocean energy) or diverse (industrial
[...] processes), but first a word about the research, [...]
development, and demonstration, and deployment cycle (RDD&D).
大会在第 65/244 号决议中,也认 可了委员会第五十届会议报告2 第二章B部分所载的结论和建议,即请秘书长继 续努力改进方案执行情况报告,并在这方面强调,在有关执行率方面需要更多的 清晰度和解释,要说明增 加、推迟和中止产出的原因。
The Assembly, in its resolution 65/244, also endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee set out in chapter II.B of the report on its fiftieth session,2 in which it requested the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to improve the programme performance report and, in that regard, to emphasize the need for more clarity and explanation concerning the implementation rate, as well as the reasons for addition, postponement and termination of outputs.
介绍接着要说明了委员会根据 SPLOS/216 号文件采取的 短期-中期-长期措施的影响,并强调缔约国会议需要而且必须紧急采取行动,以 便除其他外确保潜在的候选人 2012 年的提名承诺与委员会的工作量及其工作条 件相匹配。
The presentation then outlined the impact of short-, medium- and long-term measures implemented by the Commission in accordance with document SPLOS/216, and stressed the need and importance of the Meeting of States Parties acting urgently, including with a view to ensuring that the commitment of potential candidates for nomination in 2012 would match the workload of the Commission and its working conditions.




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