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实现千年发展目标基金的文化与发展项目成为其 他联合国合作伙伴、开发署、儿童基金会、卫生组织和粮农组织开展合作的 要领 域 , 其活 动将大大有助于实现联发援框架的优先领域,旨在加强社会文化做法,促进尊重人权、不歧 视和文化与民族多样性。
This MDG-F project on culture and development constitutes a main area of cooperation with other United Nations partners, UNDP, UNICEF, WHO and FAO, and its activities are significantly contributing to the UNDAF priority area aimed at reinforcing socio-cultural practices that promote respect for human rights, non-discrimination and cultural and ethnic diversity.
大会第六十六届会议邀请该区域所有国家继续参加区域中心的各项活动,并 提出供列入其活动方案的项目;鼓励区域中心在该地区所有国家就和平、裁军与 发展要领域进 一步开展活动;请秘书长就决议执行情况向大会第六十七届会议 提出报告(第 66/54 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly invited all States of the region to continue to take part in the activities of the Regional Centre and to propose items for inclusion in its programme of activities;
encouraged the
[...] Regional Centre to further develop activities in all countries of the region in the important areas of peace, [...]
disarmament and development;
and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 66/54).
经社会指出,亚太经社会和欧洲经济委员会就旨在促进诸如交通运输 和多式联运等要领域的 举措进行协调很重要,并强调中亚经济体特别方案 在推动这些努力方面所发挥了重要作用。
The Commission noted the importance of coordination between ESCAP and the Economic Commission for Europe on initiatives to promote key areas, such as transport and intermodal linkages, and highlighted the significant role the SPECA programme could play in facilitating those efforts.
在冲突时期,政治情况瞬息万变,很难获得政策承诺,在某些 要领 域 ,如两性 问题领域,似乎已经失去了势头,但深入的游说工作终于在教育部产生了专门的协调 中心,如性别问题协调中心(在教育部下的每个机构 )、艾滋病毒/艾滋病协调中心和 教育信息通信技术协调中心。
Policy commitments have been hard to obtain with rapid political changes during times of conflict, and momentum seems lost on certain important areas like gender, but intensive lobbying has resulted in dedicated focal points in the Ministry of Education, e.g. for gender (each agency under MOES), HIV/AIDS and for ICT in education.
洪都拉斯儿童及家庭协会主要负责执行三大计划:家庭福利和社区发展计 划,其重点在于预防,并着眼于在三个 要领 域 开 展活动:关注儿童、巩固家 庭,以及宣传促进儿童权利;社会干预和保护计划,其目的是保护处于社会风险 当中的儿童,不提倡将其送入管教所,而是努力使家庭以及社会参与到保护和恢 复儿童权利的工作当中。
IHNFA runs three major programmes: the Family Welfare and Community Development Programme, with a predominantly preventive focus and with its main initiatives in three key areas, namely child welfare, strengthening the family and publicizing and promoting children’s rights; the Social Intervention and Protection Programme, which aims to protect children at social risk by avoiding placement in care and to that end involving the family and society in the process of intervention and restitution of rights.
在妇女署成立以来开展的协商过程中,联合国伙伴已明确表示,妇女署在支 持联合国系统方面,应把下列要领 域 作 为优先事项:(a) 加强联合国系统各级 的能力,将性别观点纳入联合国各机构的单个项目组合和联合方案;(b) 帮助各 国提高对妇女地位的认识;(c) 领导联合国国家工作队改进性别平等问责制,包 括改进对投资的跟踪以及对全球政策、规范和标准的实施。
Throughout consultations held since the launch of UN-Women, United Nations partners have made clear the main areas that UN-Women should prioritize in providing support to the United Nations system: (a) strengthening the capacity of the United Nations system at all levels to mainstream gender perspectives into individual portfolios and joint programmes of United Nations bodies; (b) supporting improved knowledge on the status of women in individual countries; and (c) leading the United Nations country teams in improving accountability for gender equality, including improved tracking of investments, and implementation of global policies, norms and standards.
调查结果显 示:(a) 随着越来越多的国家认识到统计信息在制订和监督发展政策方面的核 心作用,对统计培训的需求日益高涨;(b) 统计所将其 2010 - 2014 学年战略计 划中的三个要领域(千 年发展目标、国家核算体系以及信息和通信技术)确定 为重点优先领域;而且 (c) 培训方案应当在更大程度上侧重于包括高级别官员 在内的政府官员的技能(能力)开发。
The results showed that: (a) the demand for statistical training is increasing as more and more countries realize the critical importance of statistical information in formulating and monitoring development policies; (b) the three focus areas (the Millennium Development Goals, SNA and information and communications technology) in the strategic plan of the Institute for the academic years 2010-2014 were identified as high priority areas; and (c) the training programme should have a greater emphasis on the skills (competency) development of government officials, including higher level officials.
There are two main areas that have the potential for change: microbial pathogens, and harmful algal blooms.
她告知经社会,为指导和确定在应对各种挑 战和脆弱性方面的行动,秘书处的工作集中于以下四个 要领 域 : 维持亚太 区域的活力;加强社会包容性和公正性;努力实现可持续发展和加强韧力; 以及努力增进区域经济一体化和支持转型期国家。
She informed the Commission that the work of the secretariat had been focused on four key areas to direct and shape efforts to deal with the challenges and vulnerabilities: sustaining Asia-Pacific dynamism; building social inclusion and equity; pursuing sustainable development and resilience; and working for greater regional economic integration and support for countries in transition.
将第 14.4 段改为:“在 2014-2015 年期间,预期该方案将继续把精力集 中放在下列六个要领域: (a) 增强妇女在涉及其生活的所有领域的领导力 和参与,其中包括政治和经济领域;(b) 使妇女更易于增强经济权能和获得 各种机会,尤其是最受排斥的妇女,特别是处于贫困的妇女;(c) 防止并消 除暴力侵害妇女和女童行为,并扩大幸存者服务的获取渠道;(d) 增强妇女 在和平与安全及人道主义反应方面的领导力;(e) 在所有各级加强计划和预 算对性别平等领域的敏感度;(f) 支持拟订关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的 全球规范、政策和标准。
14.4 During the 2014-2015 period, the programme is expected to continue to concentrate its efforts on the following six focus areas: (a) increasing women’s leadership and participation in all areas that affect their lives, including in political and economic areas; (b) increasing women’s access to economic empowerment and opportunities, especially for those who are most excluded, particularly women living in poverty; (c) preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls and expanding access to survivor services; (d) increasing women’s leadership in peace, security and humanitarian response; (e) strengthening the responsiveness of plans and budgets in the area of gender equality at all levels; (f) supporting the development of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
这种种措施的目的在于,重申在美国拘留做法中必须遵守法治,确保 美国坚持贯彻其国际法律义务,并且在国家安全政策这个 要领 域内 促进问责制和透明度。
These measures cumulatively seek to reaffirm the importance of compliance with the rule of law in U.S. detention practices, to ensure U.S. adherence to its international legal obligations, and to promote accountability and transparency in this important area of national security policy.
继续改善签证程序使一些要领域的 国际学生和学者的来 美求学和留美工作之路更加通畅从而使之有助于美国的创 [...]
Continue to improve the visa process to make the pathway
for international students and scholars in
[...] high-priority fields more efficient, [...]
allowing them to contribute to U.S. innovation and global competitiveness.
农发基金的后续努 力将集中在以下四个要领域: 促进土著组织积极 参与制定农发基金的国家方案;使用具体指标改进 农发基金资助的项目制定、监测和评价;通过促进 有效和可持续的土著组织支持和赋权土著人民;以 及改进其在国家、区域和国际各级传播最佳做法的 宣传。
IFAD would focus subsequent efforts on four main areas: promoting the active participation of indigenous organizations in the design of IFAD Country Programmes; improving the design, monitoring and evaluation of IFAD-funded projects using specific indicators; supporting the empowerment of indigenous peoples by promoting effective and sustainable indigenous organizations; and improving its advocacy in disseminating best practices at national, regional and international levels.
加拿大 的全面、多元方法重点关注前苏联各国四个 要领 域 的 活动:(a) 加强对武器 用核材料和设施的实物保护;(b) 通过关闭俄罗斯最后一个钚生产反应堆,支 持国际努力处置 34 吨武器用钚,从而消除钚的使用;(c) 移走并保障高活度放 射源,加强放射安保;以及(d) 加强边境安保,预防非法贩运核材料及其他放 射性材料。
Canada’s holistic, multifaceted approach focuses on four main areas of activity in countries of the former Soviet Union: (a) strengthening the physical security of weapons-grade nuclear materials and facilities; (b) eliminating the use of plutonium through the shut down of the last plutonium-producing reactor in Russia and supporting international efforts to dispose of 34 tons of weapons-grade plutonium; (c) removing and securing highly radioactive sources to improve radiological security; and (d) improving border security to prevent the illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radiological materials.
[...] DX系统的功效和安全性提供实证数据支持,而且有助于对当前房颤研究的未决问题作出贡献,从而促进这一 要领 域 的 科学进步。
By utilizing data available from the device's home monitoring downloads, the MATRIX study will not only provide empirical data to support the efficacy and safety of the single-chamber Lumax DX system, but
will also contribute to open questions in current AF research and thus promote
[...] scientific progress in this important area.
[...] 2009 年 4 月 26 日至 5 月 6 日访问该国的技术评估团指出,尽管许多 要领域 取得了进展,但起点极低——该国经过 14 年内战后百废待兴,基础设施支离破 [...]
暗流众多,如果没有联利特派团的制止,这些问题都会迅速发展成为主要的破坏 稳定因素。
As the Secretary-General indicated in his special report on the United Nations Mission in Liberia (S/2009/299), the technical assessment mission that visited the country
from 26 April to 6 May
[...] 2009 noted that, although progress had been made in many key areas, notwithstanding [...]
an extremely low
starting point — that of a completely failed State after 14 years of civil war, with an infrastructure in ruins, a third of the population displaced and a completely collapsed public sector — there were many contentious issues and political undercurrents that, without the deterrence provided by UNMIL, could rapidly develop into major destabilizing factors.
加共体赞同概念说明(S/2012/195,附件)中概述 的建议,即:对联合国的不同架构进行评估,以决定 它们满足各国在这一要领域能 力建设需求的程度 如何,并加强本组织帮助会员国打击非法流动的能 力。
CARICOM agrees with the proposal outlined in the concept note (S/2012/195, annex) for an assessment to be conducted of the different United Nations structures, with a view to determining the extent to which they are meeting States’ capacity-building needs in this vital area, as well as improving the Organization’s ability to help Member States counter illicit flows.
我要向安理会保证,葡萄牙仍然致力于支持东帝 汶努力巩固民主与发展,它是葡萄牙语国家共同体中 的一个姐妹国家,也是我国在许多 要领 域 的 主要发 展伙伴。
I would like to assure the Council that Portugal remains deeply engaged in supporting Timor-Leste in its efforts to consolidate democracy and development, both as a sister-country within the
Community of Portuguese-speaking
[...] Countries and as a major development partner of my country in a number of significant areas.
在这些要领域,所有最不发达国 家都落在后面,而这些领域正是改天换地的重要推动力量,如果能够妥善地加以 发展和利用,则会具有改变最不发达国家面貌的巨大潜力。
All least developed countries are lagging behind in these critical areas which are key drivers for transformation and have great potentials to change the development landscape of least developed countries if developed and harnessed properly.
他还指出,动物饲喂是世界动物卫生组织与食 典合作的一个要领域, 世界动物卫生组织正致力于制定有关动物饲喂的准则(陆生和 水生动物均包括在内),这将是对食典已开展的有关工作的补充。
He also indicated that animal feeding was an important sector of collaboration between the OIE and Codex and that the OIE was working on the development of guidelines on animal feeding (for both terrestrial and aquatic animals) which would complement the work already undertaken by Codex.
上述状况仍将是难民署 在 2012 年和 2013 年关注的要领域。
Those situations will remain important areas of interest for UNHCR in 2012 and 2013.
妇女署将通过以下 3 个要领域的评价在联合国系统中推动协调和问责: [...]
(a) 促进关于性别平等的联合评价,并担任联合国系统有关性别平等和增强妇 女权能的评价报告存放机构;(b) 利用联合国全系统评价进程提供的机会(即“一 体行动”和联合国发展援助框架)生成关于联合国系统为促进性别平等所作贡献
的评价信息;(c) 通过制订导则和问责框架,积极协助联合国评价小组开展工作, 把性别平等观点纳入联合国的评价中。
UN-Women will promote coordination and accountability in
the United Nations system through evaluation
[...] in three main areas: (a) fostering [...]
joint evaluations on gender equality and serving
as a repository of evaluations in the United Nations system on gender equality and women’s empowerment; (b) drawing on the opportunities offered by the United Nations system-wide evaluation processes (i.e., “Delivering as one” and United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks) for generating evaluative information on the United Nations system contribution to gender equality; and (c) actively contributing to the work of the United Nations Evaluation Group for the inclusion of a gender equality perspective in United Nations evaluations, through the development of guidelines and accountability frameworks.
报告中 还指出了亚太区域扩大贸易和投资机遇的三个 要领 域 : (a)使生产 结构符合亚太区域的需求;(b)通过进行关于气候智能型的货物和技 术的贸易和投资增强竞争力。
The Report also identifies three main areas of opportunities for expanding trade and investment in the region: (a) Aligning production structures to meet regional demand; (b) Developing competitiveness in trade and investment in climate-smart goods and technologies (CSGTs).
人口基金依靠自愿捐款,遵循其 2008-2013 年战略计划,其目标是
[...] 加速实现《行动纲领》和千年发展目标,侧重三个 要领 域 :人口与发展;生殖 健康和权利;性别平等。
UNFPA relies on voluntary contributions and follows its strategic plan 2008-2013, the goal of which is to accelerate progress towards realizing the Programme of
Action and the Millennium Development
[...] Goals, focusing on three key areas: population [...]
and development; reproductive health
and rights; and gender equality.
另外,要防止本报告所述期间卫生等 要领 域 因 罢工受 到的损害,必须在切合实际的薪酬政策框架下统一工资。
Furthermore, it is critical that salaries should be realigned as part of a sound wage policy so as to minimize the impact of strikes on key sectors, such as the health sector, as occurred during the period under review.
采取共同做法的要领域是 :(a) 确保就一个具有更大合法性的新政治分配 [...]
办法达成基础广泛的一致;(b) 支持治理结构更有效地运作,以促进和平和社会 公正;(c) 在过渡联邦政府控制地区以及“索马里兰”、“邦特兰”和索马里中南 部加尔古杜德州和穆杜格州改善社区安全和安保状况;(d)
继续和扩大基本社会 服务的提供,同时运用对冲突有敏感认识的做法;(e) 支持过渡联邦政府和相关 州行政当局制定实现公平增长和解决当前的冲突驱动因素的国家经济政策和战 略。
The main areas of common approach [...]
are: (a) ensuring a broad-based agreement on a new political dispensation with greater
legitimacy; (b) supporting governance structures to function more effectively to incentivize peace and social justice; (c) improving community safety and security in areas under Transitional Federal Government control, as well as “Somaliland”, “Puntland”, Galguduud and Mudug in southern central Somalia; (d) continuing and expanding delivery of basic social services, while applying conflict-sensitive approaches; and (e) supporting the Transitional Federal Government and relevant regional authorities in developing national economic policies and strategies that provide equitable growth and address immediate conflict drivers.
针对世界各地媒体和受众的需求,联合国电视台继续加强其在三个 要领域 的 业务:提供关于在联合国总部举办的会议和其他大型活动的实况转播;制作各 种新闻和专题风格的节目;制作视频材料,以尽可能广泛用于越来越多的网络和 移动平台。
Responding to the needs of media outlets and audiences around the world, United Nations Television continued to enhance its operations in three main areas: providing live feeds from meetings and other major events at United Nations Headquarters; producing varied news and feature-style programming; and generating video material for the broadest possible use on a growing number of web and mobile platforms.
2009 年 11 月,非洲粮食和营养发展工作队、非洲联盟委员会及其新伙伴关 系、区域经济共同体、儿童基金会、卫生组织、粮农组织和粮食计划署在亚的斯 亚贝巴举行会议,目的是协调非洲区域营养战略(2005-2015 年)的实施,以便处 理饥馑和饥荒情形不断增多、粮价企高不下等新出现的问题;制定一项侧重于三 个要领域的 工作计划;协调和调集资源;传播营养信息和进行知识管理;发展 粮食和营养方面的能力。
The African Task Force on Food and Nutrition Development, the African Union Commission and its NEPAD programme, regional economic communities, UNICEF, WHO, FAO and WFP met in Addis Ababa in November 2009 to harmonize the implementation of the Africa Regional Nutrition Strategy (2005-2015) in order to address emerging nutrition issues such as increasing cases of hunger and famine and high food prices; developed a workplan that focuses on three main areas; coordination and resource mobilization; nutrition information and knowledge management; and capacity development in food and nutrition.
改进联合国的维持和平行动是一项十分重要的 任务,其中涉及提高维持和平行动的管理质量,更
[...] 有效地利用区域组织的资源,以及建设联合国自身 在维持和平各个要领域的能力。
Improving United Nations peacekeeping was a fundamental task which involved enhancing the quality of peacekeeping operation management, more effectively utilizing the
resources of regional organizations and building the capacities of the United Nations
[...] itself in all key areas of peacekeeping.
委员会讨论了以下有可能取得进展的 要领 域 : 继续改进援助程序;提 出和分析援助需求;与有关国际、区域、次区域组织以及适当的非政府组织就 援助问题开展对话;加强委员会及其专家推动援助的能力,并提高对援助问题 的认识。
The Committee has discussed the following main areas for potential progress: continuing to improve assistance procedures; identifying and analysing assistance needs; continuing to develop a dialogue with relevant international, regional, subregional and, as appropriate, non-governmental organizations on assistance; strengthening the ability of the Committee and its experts to facilitate assistance; and increasing awareness of assistance issues.




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