

单词 要风得风,要雨得雨

External sources (not reviewed)

不过,雷达影像常常包含大量可能会被误 以为是油类的异常特征(也可称作误报,例如海冰、 藻类盛放风幕和雨飑),因此要 由 专 家来解 释。
However, radar imagery often includes a number of anomalous features, or false positives, that can
be mistaken for oil, such as sea
[...] ice, algae blooms, wind shadows and rain squalls and so requires [...]
expert interpretation.
我們要忘記,本港很多㆟都得未 雨 綢 繆 ,儲蓄起㆒些款項,使生活得到保障。
We must not forget that many in Hong Kong have sensibly saved to look after themselves.
得要求孕 妇在高气压条件下工作,在存 风 疹 风 险 、 弓形体 风 险 的 情 况下工作,也不可要她们做接触铅及其有毒化合物的工作、地下工作、夜班和人 力移动重物。
[...] women may not be required to work in the conditions of high air pressure, in the case of an existence of a risk of rubella, risk of toxoplasmosis, [...]
nor perform work
with lead and its toxic compounds, underground work, work at night, and manual moving of heavy objects.
有很多因素影像打得风格:导演 要 求 、 故事、财务预算,以及摄影师的触 觉和经验,镜头种类,灯光器材及胶片的感光度和特性。
Several factors influence lighting style: the director’s needs, [...]
the story, the budget, the experience and artistic vision
of the cinematographer, lenses and lighting equipment, and the film’s sensitivity.
主要依赖地表水的太平洋岛屿(库克群岛、斐济、密克罗尼西亚联邦、帕劳、 巴布亚新几内亚、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛和瓦努阿图)在安 雨 量 计 和评估 要河 流的水资源方面得进展,依赖地下水的太平洋小岛屿发展中国家(基里巴斯、 马绍尔群岛、瑙鲁、纽埃、汤加和图瓦卢)侧重于监测和数据质量,而那些主要 靠收集雨水的国家(图瓦卢和瑙鲁)侧重于优化雨水的收集和储存。
Those dependent on groundwater (Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Tonga and Tuvalu) focused on monitoring and data quality, and those primarily harvesting rainwater (Tuvalu and Nauru) focused on optimizing its capture and storage.
这既 是各方满意的一种体现,也反映出了一些 得 关 注 的问题。 要风 险 包 括:非物 质遗产的概念遭到削弱或混淆;出于商业或政治目的对遗产进行开发;遗产持有 人群体对《公约》所采取的保护方式寄予厚望,但最终还是会失望;以及最严重 的风险,即忘记了《公约》的真正目的:保护非物质文化遗产。
Threats include the risk of diluting and confusing the concept of intangible heritage, the risk of exploitation for commercial or political ends, the risk of disappointing bearer communities, which place great hope in the approach taken by this Convention, and most of all the risk of losing sight of the real objectives of the Convention: safeguarding intangible cultural heritage.
不过,展望未来,鉴于主要发达国家金融部门持续疲弱和收益率 差距太大,要发展 中国家的货币的升值压力很可能继续,这意味着采取措施来 抵消高资本流入带来风险可能会 得 更 加 普遍。
In the outlook, though, the upward pressure on the currencies of major developing countries is likely to continue, given persistent financial sector weakness in major developed
countries and
[...] substantial rate-ofreturn differentials, implying that the measures taken to counteract the risks associated with the high capital inflows may have to become more pervasive.
按照总理要求, 世界粮食计划署(粮食署)作为粮食安全和营养问题工作组 现任主席,于 8月9日和9月9日召开了工作组两次特别会议,讨论2011年的雨来得晚、不稳定而且降雨量低对最脆弱群体的粮食安全的影响。
Following a request from the Prime Minister, the World Food Programme (WFP), as current Chair of the Working Group on Food Security and Nutrition, convened two extraordinary meetings of the Working Group on 9 August and 9 September to discuss the impact of late, erratic and low rainfall in 2011 on food [...]
security for the most vulnerable.
我們要看看去年得滿城風雨的公共 街市新租約,簡直像領匯一樣苛刻。
We only have to take a look at the new public market tenancy [...]
agreements which caused a furore last year and would find that
they are simply as harsh as those of The Link.
这些连接器具有多种引脚直径,可在 65°C 条件下承载 5A 和最高 30VDC
[...] 的额定电流电压组合。Switchcraft 设计此款密封电源插头和插座主要针 要 求 防 风雨 或 防水连接的户外、医疗和照明条件。
Available in a variety of pin diameters, these connectors are rated to carry 5A up to 30VDC at 65°C. Switchcraft designed the sealed power
plugs and jacks for outdoor, medical, and lighting conditions
[...] where a weather resistant or waterproof connection is needed.
不過,這些屋頂蓋 板 畢竟已使用了 三十多 年,經 過長年累 月日雨淋,自 然會得殘舊, 故此,我們認為有要在屋頂蓋板破 損 之 前,及早 更換蓋板,改 用其 他 物料鋪蓋屋頂,以免 營友的健康受損。
It is therefore considered necessary to replace the roofing sheets with alternative materials before they deteriorate and cause health hazard to the campers.
灰 水系统所需要的储水池雨水收集系 要 小 得 多 ,因为水是在全年不断产生的,几乎 在产生的同时就用掉了。
Grey water
[...] systems require much smaller storage tanks than rainwater systems, [...]
as the water is generated constantly throughout
the year and used almost immediately.
尽管会按照安全理事会要求, 于 3 月 31 日前完成第二阶段减少 1 460 名 部队人员的目标,但在此日之后将继续调动和增援联利特派团某些部队人员,而 且得不在雨季完成。
While the reduction of 1,460 troops
during phase 2 will
[...] be completed by 31 March, as requested by the Security Council, the movement and consolidation of certain UNMIL force elements will continue beyond this date, and will have to be completed during the rainy season.
继续重视发展成果、综合得经验 教训、实质性 协调划一、查明要风险以 及为此提供支持的必要培训、人力资源、财政资源和 信息技术资源。
Emphasis continues to be placed on development outcomes, integration of
lessons learned,
[...] substantive alignment, identification of key risks and the requisite training, human, financial [...]
and information
technology resources to support it.
这些应对措施包括协助那些面临无国籍状 风 险 的得所需的出生证和其他要的身 份文件,以便他们在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、克 罗地亚、黑山、塞尔维亚和前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国获得国籍。
These responses
[...] included assisting people at risk of statelessness to acquire birth certificates and [...]
other vital identity
documents needed to establish their nationality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
要 看看近期的維 港 填 海 和 沙 士 報告得 滿城風 雨 , 我 們 就 不 得 不承認 , 特 首 仍 然 是 香港政 治穩 定的最大威 脅 。
Just look at the Victoria Harbour reclamation issue and the SARS report, and we must but admit [...]
that the Chief Executive
is the greatest threat to Hong Kong's political stability.
要风险包 括:关注经济增长,忽视其他问题;不同部门(能源、农业、采 矿)的得经济 利益和产业利益;缺乏共同看法;领导能力薄弱;未能在多边谈 判中达成协定,特别是有关贸易和气候变化的协定;未能兑现现有承诺,特别是 关于官方发展援助的承诺;不同战略之间缺乏整体性和一致性;影响到世界最脆 [...]
The main risks include: a focus on economic growth to the exclusion of other issues; vested economic and industry interests in [...]
various sectors (energy,
agriculture, mining); lack of shared vision; weak leadership; failure to reach agreement in multilateral negotiations, particularly on trade and climate change; failure to deliver on existing commitments, especially regarding ODA; poor integration of and coherence among different strategies; increased natural and global disasters affecting the world’s most vulnerable people; and political conflict.
[...] 域,如全球变暖、海冰覆盖面和冰体缩减、海平面升高、大规模洋流系统发生 变化、不稳定的天气条件,以及更强烈或更极端的天气事件,如 风雨 、 热带 气旋、洪水和旱灾。
The Committee noted that climate change had been adversely affecting all regions of the world through a variety of processes such as global warming, reduction in the sea ice coverage and ice masses, sea-level rise, changes in large-scale current systems in oceans,
unstable weather conditions and more intense or extreme weather
[...] events such as storms, tropical cyclones, floods and [...]
正如检察官报告第 13 段提到(见 S/2010/270,附 件二)的那样,我谨强调指出,克罗地亚已经开始就 1995 年“风雨行动 ”之后在格鲁波里村据称犯下的 罪行,对特别警察部队几名成员开始刑事诉讼程序。
As referred to in paragraph 13 of the Prosecutor’s report (see S/2010/270, annex II), I should like to highlight that criminal proceedings have been initiated in Croatia against several members of the special police forces for crimes allegedly committed in the village of Grubori in 1995 in the aftermath of Operation Storm.
只要分算 分摊会费安排起到原定的作用(即成员国按适当比例的美元和欧元缴纳会费), 欧元-美元汇风险得到减 少,因此不 要 特 别 储备金帐户来处理这种风险。
To the extent to which the split assessment arrangement functions as intended (i.e. Members are billed and pay the right levels of US Dollars and Euro to meet obligations in these
currencies), the
[...] Euro-Dollar exchange risk is mitigated and there is therefore no requirement that the SRA address [...]
this risk.
从常理而言,由于气候变化,未来随着 风雨 的频度和强度的增加,这些意外释放情形可望增加。
These unintended releases can reasonably be expected to
increase following the anticipated increase in the frequency and
[...] intensity of storms in the future, [...]
due to climate change.
有關這個集水區雨水排放系統全 面評估得的結 論是,必須改善現有的系統,以減低有關地區出現水 浸的風險,並滿足市民在改進防洪設施方面不斷提高的期望。
A comprehensive assessment of the drainage systems in this catchment area concluded that the existing drainage systems require improvement to alleviate the flooding risks in the districts and to meet the community’s increasing expectation for better flood protection.
在贸易和投资在 后复苏所需援助的增加前景暗淡,难以料定的背景下,发展中国家 要得 到支 柱,以便发展巨灾保风险覆 盖能力,填补与灾害的代价有关的缺口,同时降低 全球供应链遭受干扰的程度。
At a time of bleak landscape and uncertainty about increasing aid assistance for post-disaster recovery in trade and investment,
developing countries
[...] need support to develop capacities for catastrophic insurance risk coverage to fill [...]
gaps associated with
cost of disaster to also reduce the disruptions to the global supply chain.
当 肆虐的风雨和洪 水更加频繁地冲击海岸线和蹂躏 百姓之时,气候变化能对稀缺的资源造成更大的压 [...]
As more powerful
[...] and frequent storms and floods lash [...]
coastlines and uproot populations, climatic changes can put even more
pressure on scarce resources and expose vulnerable communities to greater instability.
委員察悉,香港的食水要來自 東江(約佔70%至 80%) 及從香港集水區收集得的雨水(約佔20%至 30%);他們關注到 香港的食水供應,以及一旦大亞灣核電站發生核事故,所有食 水來源可能會受到污染。
Noting that the source of water in Hong Kong mainly came from Dongjiang (ranging from 70% to 80%) and rainwater collected from catchments in Hong Kong (ranging from 20% to 30%), members expressed concern about the supply of water to Hong Kong and the possible contamination of all sources of water in the event of a nuclear accident at DBNPS.
阻碍联合国可持续发展大会得成功 结果的 要风 险 是 改革现有体制框架 的政治意愿不足,南北分歧和其他分歧以及总体上缺乏在国际一级合作的承诺。
The main risks to a successful outcome at the United Nations [...]
Conference on Sustainable Development relate to insufficient
political will to reform the existing institutional framework, North-South and other divisions, and overall lack of commitment to cooperate at the international level.
目前有一个 P-3 员额专门负责支助关于
[...] 水的研究、供应和养护,评估非洲各特派团的水资源并支助特派团管理这些资源; 评估地下水雨水容 量,就恢复技术提供咨询意见,以满足特派 要 求 ,还就环 境行动提供咨询意见,以养护、回收和补给资源,同时不对当地人口产生不利影 响。
There is currently one post (P-3) dedicated to supporting water research, supply and conservation, assessing water resources in African missions and supporting
missions in the
[...] management of these resources; assessing ground and rain water capacities and providing advice on recovery [...]
techniques to meet
mission requirements and environmental action to conserve, recycle and replenish resources without adversely affecting the local population.
[...] 為中央政府對民建聯的照顧無微不至,使它要風得風 要雨得雨 , 要 金 有 金, 要人有人,要位有位,要勢力便有勢力。
The DAB can enjoy the present status, power and treatment because it is under the tender loving care of the Central
Government, which has made the DAB
[...] able to summon winds or rain, get financial and human [...]
resources and enjoy status and power whenever they so wish.
如秘书长所述,业务连续性管理股在以下两个方面与信息和通信技 术厅密切合作并得到其支助:(a) 对秘书处的关键/非关键系统进行分类, 以此作为总体业务影响分析的一部分;(b)
[...] 落实电子通勤能力,这将构 成业务连续性计划中的一项减风险 措 施, 得 到 信 通厅的支持(同上, 第 26 和 27 段)。
As indicated by the Secretary-General, the Business Continuity Management Unit works closely with and is supported by the Office of Information and Communications Technology in two aspects: (a ) the classification of critical/ non-critical systems of the Secretariat, as part of the overall business impact analysis; and (b ) the implementation of telecommuting capabilities, which
constitutes a mitigation measure in the business
[...] continuity plan and which is supported by the Office [...]
(ibid., paras. 26 and 27).
CNNIC年度风险评估工作识别了24项 要风 险 并 制订了风险处置措施,内部审核工作发现了体系执行上 的30项“轻微不符合项”及“观察项”并制订了相应内审整改措施,风险评估和内部审核结果在CNNIC ISMS 体系管理评审会议得到了CNNIC高层领导和各中心/部门领导的认可。
CNNIC detected 24 key risks and formulated countermeasures against the risks during the annual risk evaluation work, found out 30 “slight unconformities” and “observations” of system execution during internal audit work, and prepared corresponding internal audit and rectification measures, the risk evaluation and internal audit results were approved by the executive level and the leaders of each center/department at CNNIC ISMS Management Review Conference.




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