

单词 铁锈色

See also:


rust n



rusty iron

External sources (not reviewed)

枝浅灰黑色,带有很少皮刺或不具刺;幼枝和嫩枝 铁锈色 短 柔 毛或无毛;腋生的芽被锈染色微柔毛。
Branches grayish black, with few
[...] prickles or unarmed; young branchlets and shoots rust-colored pubescent or glabrous; axillary buds rust-colored villosulous.
叶螺旋形,在小枝尖密集为假轮生;叶柄3-9厘米,无毛但幼 铁锈色 被 绒毛,特别是在基部,具2腺体在中部以上;叶片有光泽,倒卵形, 18-26 * 6-12 厘米,两面无毛除幼时铁锈色被绒 毛外,基部钝圆形或渐狭,先端钝或短尖的;用5-8 对的侧脉。
Leaves spiraled, crowded into pseudowhorls at apices of
branchlets; petiole 3-9 cm,
[...] glabrous but ferruginous tomentose when young, especially at base, with 2 glands above middle; leaf blade glossy, obovate, 18-26 × 6-12 cm, both surfaces glabrous except ferruginous tomentose when [...]
young, base obtuse-rounded
or attenuate, apex obtuse or mucronate; lateral veins in 5-8 pairs.
乔木,高约8米;枝,叶背面,和花 铁锈色 微 绒 毛或短柔毛;托叶长圆形;叶柄3-5毫米,粗壮; 叶片斜卵形或长圆形, 5-15 * 3-7.5 厘米,革质,正面绿色,干燥时带绿色,具短柔毛或只沿中脉具短柔毛,背面绿色,干燥时红棕色,基部圆形到浅心形,偏斜不等侧,先端锐尖或短渐尖;中脉和7-12对侧脉粗壮。
Stipules oblong; petiole 3-5 mm, robust; leaf blade obliquely ovate or oblong, 5-15 × 3-7.5 cm, leathery, adaxially green, greenish when dry, pubescent or only midvein pubescent, abaxially greenish, reddish brown when dry, base rounded to shallowly cordate, obliquely inequilateral, apex acute or shortly acuminate; midvein and 7-12-paired lateral veins robust.
叶柄2-3.8厘米,密被铁锈色短柔 毛具长刚毛;叶片狭披针形, 20-28 [...]
* 3.7-6.8 厘米,纸质,两面具刚毛,侧脉17 对,基部钝,边缘具刚毛有锯齿,先端渐尖。
Petiole 2-3.8
[...] cm, densely ferruginous pubescent with [...]
long setose hairs; leaf blade narrowly lanceolate, 20-28 × 3.7-6.8
cm, papery, both surfaces setose, lateral veins 17 pairs, base obtuse, margin setose-serrate, apex acuminate.
托叶三角形,基部并非耳形,先端锐尖 铁锈色 ; 叶柄 1.5-10 * 0.4-0.7 毫米; 叶片卵形到披针形, [...]
( 1.5-)2-6.5(-10) * (0.8-)1-2(-3) 厘米,纸质,有时膜质,干时两面同色到稍褪色浅的带白色的绿色到淡黄的或带灰色的淡绿色,背面无毛到具稀疏长硬毛,正面无毛,基部圆形,有时钝,稀锐尖,先端渐尖。
Stipules triangular, base not
[...] auriculate, apex acute, ferruginous; petiole 1.5-10 [...]
× 0.4-0.7 mm; leaf blade ovate to lanceolate,
(1.5-)2-6.5(-10) × (0.8-)1-2(-3) cm, papery, sometimes membranous, drying concolorous to slightly discolorous light whitish green to yellowish or grayish light green, abaxially glabrous to sparsely hirsute, adaxially glabrous, base rounded, sometimes obtuse, rarely acute, apex acuminate; secondary veins 3-6 pairs, sometimes not visible.
叶柄和轴圆柱状,疏生为所覆盖星状毛; 10-33厘米的叶片,奇数羽状复叶,具(5-)7-9(-11)小叶;小叶小叶柄1-3毫米, 铁锈色 星 状 毛;小叶叶片膜质的或纸质,卵形的或长圆状卵形, 5.5-9 * 2.5-4 厘米, 正面无毛, 背面混合短柔毛铁锈色星状 毛发,基部偏斜,近圆形,边缘全缘,先端长渐尖或者尾状尖的,侧脉6-10 对,正面稍凹陷,背面突起。
Petiole and rachis terete,
[...] sparsely covered with ferruginous stellate hairs; leaf blade 10-33 cm, imparipinnately compound, with (5-)7-9(-11) leaflets; leaflet petiolule 1-3 mm, with ferruginous stellate hairs; leaflet blade membranous or papery, ovate or oblong-ovate, 5.5-9 × 2.5-4 cm, adaxially glabrous, abaxially mixed pubescent and ferruginous stellate-haired, [...]
base oblique, subrounded,
margin entire, apex long acuminate or caudate-acuminate, lateral veins 6-10 pairs, slightly impressed adaxially, prominent abaxially.
叶对生,每对稍不等长;三角形的托叶,4-5毫米; 叶柄1-7厘米; 叶片宽椭圆形,倒卵形,或者长圆状倒卵形, 5-30 * 3-18
[...] 厘米,纸质,正面沿脉具短柔毛,背面 铁锈色 微 绒 毛,基部钝,有时近心形,带有2-4腺体,边缘残波状有锯齿,先端锐尖;侧脉7-9 对。
Leaves opposite, each pair slightly unequal; stipules triangular, 4-5 mm; petiole 1-7 cm; leaf blade broadly elliptic, obovate, or oblong-obovate, 5-30 × 3-18 cm,
chartaceous, adaxially pubescent along
[...] veins, abaxially ferruginous tomentulose, [...]
base obtuse, sometimes subcordate, with 2-4
glands, margin repand-serrate, apex acute; lateral veins 7-9 pairs.
花序约的2.5厘米,腋生,2或3 簇生,1-3花,在幼枝上;花序梗约8毫米,具苞片在基部分枝;
[...] 苞片近对生,披针形,2-3毫米; 花梗8-11毫米,密被刚毛有长的 铁锈色 的 毛
Inflorescences ca. 2.5 cm, axillary, 2- or 3-fascicled, 1-3-flowered, on young branchlets; peduncles ca. 8 mm, with 2 bracts at base
of branches; bracts nearly opposite, lanceolate, 2-3 mm; pedicels 8-11 mm, densely
[...] setose with long, ferruginous hairs.
圆锥花序顶生或腋生,一般达30×15厘米, 铁锈色 短 柔毛;披针形小苞片线形,约1.5毫米,浓密 铁锈色 短 柔 毛; 花梗束状,纤细,长约8毫米,下部有节,节下 铁锈色 短 柔毛,节上无毛。
Panicles terminal or axillary, typically up to 30 × 15 cm, ferruginous pubescent; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, ca. 1.5 mm, densely ferruginous pubescent; pedicels fasciculate, slender, ca. 8 mm, articulate proximally, ferruginous pubescent under articulation, glabrous above articulation.
这些输入物料通常含有大量铁金属 (如 锈 钢 )、 有 色 金 属(如铝、铜、黄铜)、塑料、玻璃及其它复合物。
These input streams contain
[...] ferrous metals like unalloyed steel, non-ferrous metals like aluminium, [...]
copper and brass, as
well as plastics, glass and compound materials.
用途包括锈 钢、铸铁、有色金属 以及最耐高温的合金。
Applications include stainless steels, cast irons, non-ferrous [...]
metals, and most high temperature alloys.
具有PVD TiN涂层,适合提高润滑性和耐磨 性,切削刃口非常锋利。在轻微粗镗到高速精镗耐高温合金、 锈 钢 、 铸 铁 、 铝和 有色 金属方面VN性能卓越。
Coated with PVD TiN for improved lubricity and wear resistance with up-sharp cutting edges, VN excels in light
roughing to high-speed
[...] finishing of high-temperature alloys, stainless steels, cast iron, aluminum, and [...]
non-ferrous materials.
根据其生产链中一贯的投资策略,玛切嘉利 已经将卷材加工、1D钢板和2B成品加入到 奥氏体铁素体不锈钢产品系列。
Within a strategy of consistent investments in its production chain, Marcegaglia has added
the manufacturing of coils and sheets 1D and 2B finish to its range of
[...] austenitic and ferritic stainless steel products.
上厕所只能用马桶,有一 张旧地毯,牢房横着一根用来吊人的 锈 的 铁 栏 杆
He only had a bucket to use as a toilet, an old piece of
[...] carpet and a rusty steel bar across the [...]
width of the cell to hang people from.
白色的聚碳酸酯外壳和锈钢41 毫米, 色 表 盘及日期,手链 色 聚 碳 酸酯, 西 铁 城 MIYOTA石英计时机芯,防水5 ATM,5年保修钢。
Case of white polycarbonate and stainless steel of 41 mm, white dial with date, bracelet white polycarbonate, [...]
Citizen Miyota quartz chronograph
movement, waterproof 5 ATM, 5-year warranty.
锈钢表壳,色橡胶 上圈,并搭配拥有F1垂直轮胎压纹的橡胶表带。
A black rubber top ring on stainless steel is combined [...]
with a strap that mirrors the vertical tread pattern of Formula1 tyres.
在他们的第一个晚上在他们的祖父的RV露营亲切地命名为 锈 斗 ,”奔发现一个陌生的吊舱带有神 色 彩 的类似手表的装置命名为“Omnitrix”环。
On their first night camping in their
grandfather’s RV
[...] affectionately named the “Rust Bucket,” Ben finds an alien pod with a mysterious watch-like device [...]
named the Omnitrix.
用途: 从多孔的和非多孔的界面中去除各式各样的土壤和油脂,像墙壁,地板,色的表面,铝, 不锈钢,乙烯基, 橡皮, 塑料和地毯。
To remove a wide variety of soils and greases from porous and
non-porous surfaces, such as walls, floors,
[...] painted surfaces, aluminium, stainless, vinyl, rubber, plastic [...]
and carpets.
基于Permax 805聚合物的底漆可将氧铁(铁锈) 转 化为鞣酸铁,从而减少耗时的除锈清理工作。
Primer based on Permax 805
[...] polymer converts rust from iron oxide to [...]
iron tannate, reducing time consuming surface preparation.
在技术样本和服务手册上我们提出的这些额定数据是基于对油液使用的经验,这些 油液中包含氧化物铁锈和泡 沫抑制剂。
The rated data which we publish in our Technical
Information and Service Manuals are based on the use of premium hydraulic fluids
[...] containing oxidation, rust, and foam inhibitors.
所得收入的三分之二上交联邦当局,当局首先将其用作建设和维修高效 铁路网所需资金,从而进一步推动从污染环境的道路运输转向 绿 色铁 路 运 输。
Two thirds of the income generated goes to the federal authorities, who use it first and foremost to finance the
construction and maintenance of
[...] an efficient railway network, thus further facilitating the switch from polluting road transport to greener rail transport.
在中国,我们的主要服务为检验鉴定、测试分析及技术服务。产品范围包括能源矿产品(煤、焦炭、生物燃料等)、钢铁原材料 铁 矿 、 锰矿、铬矿 铁 合 金 等)、 色 金 属 (铜、铝、铅、锌等)、钢材和海事、工业矿产品(水泥、石材、镁砂、盐、萤石、重晶石等)、化肥及固体化工品、农药及除草剂、地质勘探样品、机械采样系统等。
In China, our team mainly provides the services of inspection, testing and technical consultation for a wide range of field such as: coal and coke, iron ore, manganese ore, chromites, ferro-alloy, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, steel products and marine services, cement, stone, magnesia, salt, fluorspar, barite, fertilizer and dry chemicals, pesticide and herbicide, geochemical exploration samples, mechanical sampling system, etc.
金属氧化物的性质,以及水、盐、酸、碱等溶剂和温度均是可 铁锈 和 腐 蚀产生影响的因素。
Factors affecting rust and corrosion include the nature of the metal oxide, the presence of a solvent such as water, salts, acids, alkalines and temperature.
铁锂电池在绿色节能 中的优势在于使用安全,废弃物对于环境无污染,同时拥有出色的高温性能,60度可正 常使用,无需增设空调设备,大大节省机房空调能耗。
The advantages of the lithium iron battery in green energy saving [...]
include safe use; no pollution or waste; outstanding high-temperature
properties, allowing it to be used normally at 60 degrees centigrade with no additional air conditioning equipment required, thus significantly saving the energy consumption of air conditioners for equipment rooms.
[...] 线形的叶片,线状披针形,或狭长圆形,革质,背面具 色 和 / 或 锈色 的 棕 色柔毛或具绵状毛毛被,边缘全缘,下弯。
Leaves shortly petiolate; leaf blade linear,
linear-lanceolate, or narrowly oblong, leathery,
[...] abaxially with white and/or rusty brown-pilose or [...]
woolly indumentum, margin entire, recurved.
只是留下足够的能量节省的监护人,他陷入的斑点领域和离开 色 的 磁 铁 消 退
With just enough energy left to save the Guardians, he plunges into the fleck field and the blue magnet is ebbed away.
该公司从事多种钢铁产品的生产,包括钢管、钢板、型 钢。85 公司位于包头大型工业区——国内最大的稀土工业基地,该地区工业 色 涵 盖 钢 铁、 机械制造、色金属、纺织等。
The company provides various steel products such as steel pipes, steel plates, and steel profiles.85 The company is located in the large-scale industrial zone of Baotou, the largest rare earth industrial base in China, also known for its production of iron and steel, machinery, non-ferrous metals, and textiles.
特别使用于不能存铁锈以及 对健康因素具有高要求的 医疗产业,光学产业及高质量透明产品.
Especially suitable for applications within the medical industry, optical
industry and for other high quality
[...] transparent parts when rust in production is [...]
unacceptable and where requirements for good hygiene are high.
印涂马口铁生产线配置英国CRABTREE酒精润版系统 色 印 铁 机 、 德国LTG自动连续烘房系统;奶粉罐生产线配备瑞士苏德罗尼克AFB108无汞环保型焊机、全自动焊线喷涂烘干系统、法国萨巴帝尔(SABATIER)罐身组合机及空气洁净度可达十万级标准的制造环境系统;化工罐生产线配备罐底7层卷封技术,拥有自配的模具加工中心,能够满足客户多样化的需求。
Printed and coated tinplates production line using UK CRABTREE alcohol dampening system color printing machine, [...]
Germany LTG automatic
continuous drying system; milk powder cans production line is equipped with Swiss Soudronic AFB108 environmentally friendly mercury-free welding machine, automatic wire spray drying system, France SABATIER Can body composition machine and air cleanliness standards up to 100,000 manufacturing environment systems; chemical cans production line is equipped with can bottom 7 layers seal technology, equipped with self-mold machining center to meet customer diversified needs.
在 5 月 15 日和 6 月 5 日以色列占领这些领土周 年纪念日,色列向手无铁的示威者发射了实弹, 造成许多烈士牺牲,并造成许多人受伤。
On 15 May and 5 June, on the anniversary of Israel’s occupation of their land, Israel fired live bullets at unarmed demonstrators, claiming the lives of many martyrs and wounding a great number of people.




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