

单词 过誉

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External sources (not reviewed)

作为水服务的全球标杆企业,我们 过 享 誉 全 球 的技术和专长以确保我们客户的出众表现。
As the global benchmark of water services we secure our customers'
[...] performance through world-renowned technologies [...]
and expertise.
最近出现的网上欺诈行为之一就是在租房网站上以低廉的租金出租高端物业,然后 过 信 誉 良 好 的汇款机构(如 Skrill (Moneybookers)和西联汇款)从潜在租户那里骗取付款。
One of the most recent scams to appear online involves offering exclusive properties at low rents on housing websites, then taking fraudulent payments from potential tenants via reputable money-transfer agencies, such as Skrill (Moneybookers) and Western Union.
活动在健康日体检结果的基础上,通过持续六个星期的常规锻炼、参赛者需要每天记录饮食、睡眠、生活习惯,根据身体素质的提升情况和粉丝投票数选出2012 “WOW男”和“WOW女”各一名:最终,杨嘉文和邹旸分别从去年冠军得主黄洁铭和高颖雯手中 过 荣 誉。
The campaign selected two individuals as “Mr. and Miss WOW 2012,” based on results from health day screenings, followed by 6 weeks of continuous effort, including regular exercise, a daily journaling of eating, sleeping and lifestyle habits, real improvements in physical conditioning and the volume of fan votes.
In the past, the fact that defamation [...]
could be prosecuted as a criminal offence had the effect of hindering media freedom.
过IDBS,信誉良好的企业 资金高达100%的收购成本,建设,讽刺的设施,其中包括现场准备,在有利的利率。
Through IDBs, creditworthy businesses can finance [...]
up to 100 percent of the cost of acquiring, constructing, and quipping
a facility, including site preparation, at favorable interest rates.
E. 荣誉会员:由任一会员提名,获执行委员会或董事会批准,或半数以上会员过的可成为誉会员
E. Honorary: Nominated by a member and approved by the executive committee, the Board of Directors, or by approval of the membership at large (fifty percent plus one).
我 4 月份在刚果民主共和国时曾强过, 该 国的誉由于别人感到它是世界的强奸之都而受到拖累。
When I was in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in April, I stressed that the reputation of the country is being held hostage to the perception that it is the rape capital of the world.
过备受赞誉的印 福仕 Certified PDF® 技术,文件在到达收件箱的那一刻即被标记为输出准备就绪。
With award-winning Enfocus Certified PDF® technology, the files are flagged as ready for output from the moment they arrive in your inbox.
[...] 运用良好的商业管理,以此保护中国的投资安 全;将重点放过去对中国誉有所损害的领 域,尤其是透明度、社会和环境考虑因素、当 [...]
地就业目标和质量保证;通过保护商业往来的 利益和超越政府层面的合作伙伴关系来提高中 国地位。
Consolidate relations with Juba and protect the security of Chinese investments by ensuring Chinese companies in South Sudan exercise good business practices;
place emphasis on areas that have
[...] hurt China’s reputation in the past, notably transparency, [...]
social and environmental considerations,
local employment targets and quality delivery; and improve China’s standing by ensuring the benefits of commercial engagement and partnerships extend beyond government elites.
[...] 成为一个致力于以合适的内容和项目满足发展中国家文化需要为己任,并有能力 过 自 己声 誉赢得出资者关注的积极进取的基金,已是当务之急。
Given the emblematic nature of IFPC, which has been a source of hope since its creation, it is urgent to transform the Fund into an active and dynamic body driven by a demand for relevant content and projects, striving to meet the
cultural needs of developing countries, and capable of attracting the
[...] interest of donors through the credibility of its work.
与会者促请索马里领 导人达成协商一致,并完成关键性的过渡工作的任务,其中最主要的是 过 一项誉的和各方参与的协商进程开展制订宪法的工作。
Participants urged the Somali leadership to reach consensus and complete the critical transitional tasks, most notably the constitution-making process through a credible and inclusive consultation process.
伊拉克政府强调,必须落实 1995 年审议大会通过的关于无限期延长《条 约》的决定以及 2000 年审议大会通过的 13 项实际步骤,这些步骤构成 了提高《条约》及审过程本身的 誉 的 一 项行动方案。
The Government of Iraq underlines the importance of implementing the decisions that were adopted at the 1995 Review Conference upon the indefinite extension of the Treaty and
the 13 practical steps
[...] that were adopted by the 2000 Review Conference, which constitute a programme of action to enhance the credibility of the Treaty [...]
and the review process itself.
利用 Cloudmark 的内过滤和信誉服务 可快速而轻松地识别恶意活动 - 虚假用户资料、自动注册,以及利用看似合法的用户账号在发布伪装垃圾邮件内容。
Cloudmark's content filtering and reputation services quickly [...]
identify and block fake profiles that are being used for malicious
activity, mechanized signups, or display of veiled spam and other content.
我们的服务使制造商建立了良好的品牌 誉 , 通 过 减 少 设备停机时间,同时管理他们的风险和责任,以满足所有必要的安全要求。
Our services enable manufacturers to build a
[...] positive brand reputation through reduction in equipment [...]
downtime while managing their
risks and liability by meeting all safety requirements necessary.
联合国教科文组织教席》在中国享有很高的 誉 , 因 为可 过 这 个 标签顺利进 入国际各大高校。
UNESCO Chairs are highly regarded in China, as the UNESCO seal of approval facilitates access to international university networks.
因此,他同时作为发明家和工业家 誉 斐 然 ,并 过 这 些 途径,影响了许多其他同时代的发明家。
As a result, he acquired an
[...] impressive reputation as both an inventor and industrialist, and through these channels [...]
he was also able to
influence many other contemporary inventors.
拥有设 计和开发行业第一的誉,CEM通过持 续 不断地研发硬件来结合最先进的技术。
With a reputation for designing and developing industry firsts, CEM continuously develops hardware to incorporate the very latest in technology.
国家有责任应对洗钱和恐怖主义行为,但是绝不应该使之成为削弱相关社 团誉或过度妨碍其合法工作的理由。
States have a responsibility to address money-laundering and terrorism, but this should never be used
as a justification to undermine the credibility of the concerned
[...] association, nor to unduly impede its legitimate work.
诽谤定义为散布虚构信息损害他人誉和尊严,或过公开发言和在作品或媒体中演示的形式破坏他人名誉的行为, 这些行为将被指控犯有严重或特别严重犯罪。
The Criminal Code provides for criminal responsibility for libel, which is defined as the act of spreading knowingly false information offending the honour and dignity of another person or tarnishing that person’s reputation through public utterances or presentations in publications or the media, including in connection with an accusation of the commission of a serious or particularly serious offence.
[...] 两个组织代表全世界的科学和工程学界的 誉 从 未受 到 过 质 疑 ,它们是:国际科学理事会 (ICSU)和国际工程学和技术理事会(ICET)。
The NGO policy of the Natural Sciences Sector is set around cooperation
with two umbrella international NGOs
[...] with unchallenged reputations for representing [...]
the scientific and engineering communities
worldwide: the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Council for Engineering and Technology (ICET).
亚当的其他音乐并不会那么记住这些天来,但他的 誉 将 通 过 这 个 美妙的圣诞歌曲永远活。
Adam's other music is not so well remembered these
[...] days, but his reputation will live forever through this wonderful [...]
Christmas song.
经过技术审查之后,准备提交给大会或发展合作论坛的报告将进一步受益于 非洲和国际非政府组织民间社会组织和其他利益攸关方的代表之间的参与性对 话,这些组织在协助拟议的机制提高整体 誉 和 质量 的 过 程 中发挥着核心作用。
Following the technical review, the report to be submitted either to the General Assembly or the Development Cooperation Forum would further benefit from the participatory dialogue extended to representatives of African and international non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and other stakeholders who play a central role in helping to enhance the overall credibility and quality of the proposed mechanism process.
成为SAMPE学会北京分会的正式成员,将享受的会员权利包括专业 誉 ( 通 过 在 相应专业出版物上发表论文,为展示自己及其单位的研究成果提供相应的国际舞台),介绍(通过会议及出版物方式,在区域范围及国际范围内介绍自己及其单位在新材料开发及制造过程中的新技术及新产品),领先机遇(参加相应的国际性活动及团体组织的交流,进而提升您在业界的认知度),人际网络(具有明显及持久的建立职业人际网络联系之功能),资料共享(提供SAMPE的专业出版物、参考书、在线服务及40年来SAMPE会议录等),专业援助(获得来自SAMPE总部的专业援助)等。
SAMPE Society of Beijing branch of the official members will
enjoy the rights of membership
[...] including professional reputation (published in [...]
the appropriate professional publications,
show themselves and their research units in the international arena), introduction (through meetings and publicationsmaterial way in the region-wide and international level to introduce themselves and their units in the development of new materials and manufacturing process of new technologies and new products), the leading opportunities (to participate in the exchange of international activities and organizations, to enhance yourawareness of the industry), social network (with the obvious and lasting establishment of vocational networking functions), data sharing (SAMPE of professional publications, reference books, online services and 40 years SAMPE conference proceedings, etc.), professional assistance(to obtain professional assistance from the headquarters of the SAMPE).
我们为依维柯公司的良好誉做出 贡献, 过 我 们 的产品以及准时、可靠和经济实惠的服务信守我们的诺言。
We contribute to our company’s good name, keeping our promises with our products and with punctual, reliable and economical services.
敦促白俄罗斯政府立即无条件释放所有政治犯并恢复其 誉 , 通 过全 面 、透明和可信的调查,处理有关酷刑和虐待问题的报告,执行高级专员报告中 [...]
所载的所有其他各项建议,立即停止任意拘留人权维护者,停止使用越来越多的 任意短期拘留和任意旅行禁令,其目的是恫吓政治反对派和媒体、以及人权维护 者和民间社会的代表
Urges the Government of Belarus to immediately and unconditionally
release and rehabilitate all political
[...] prisoners, to address, through comprehensive, [...]
transparent and credible investigations,
reports of torture and ill-treatment, to implement all other recommendations contained in the report of the High Commissioner, and to put an immediate end to arbitrary detention of human rights defenders, the increased use of shortterm arbitrary detention and arbitrary travel bans aimed at intimidating representatives of the political opposition and the media, as well as human rights defenders and civil society
必须维护东帝汶国家警察的操守和 誉 , 包过确保 针对东帝汶国家警察个别警官的刑事和违纪 案件结案并且采取适当的行动。
It is important that the integrity
[...] and reputation of the PNTL is upheld, including through ensuring that [...]
the criminal or disciplinary
cases against individual PNTL officers are completed and appropriate action taken.
主要是一个法学家,在希腊,对罗马的作者,一个历史学家和诗人一流的权威专家,他还是获得通过他的哲学和希伯来文的作品他的主要誉 - 尤其是过他的 “Rudimenta Hebraica”(语法和词汇) - 在组成,其中他获得了犹太学者的协助。
Primarily a jurist, an expert in Greek, a first-rate authority on Roman authors, an historian, and a poet, he nevertheless attained his chief renown through his philosophical and Hebrew works -- especially through his "Rudimenta Hebraica" (grammar and lexicon) -- in the composition of which he secured the assistance of Jewish scholars.
ERM拥有作为世界领先环境管理和技术咨询服务供应商之一的良好 誉 , 拥有 超 过 3 0 年 的 与私营和公共部门客户合作的经验,帮助他们解决环境问题和组织内部面临的挑战。
It has more than 30 years' experience working with clients in the private and public sectors to help them address environmental concerns and challenges within their organisations.
已先后获得了“国家高新技术企业”“中国绿色照明优质产品定点生产企业”“省技术创新示范企业”“中小(民营)企业自主创新一等奖”“山东省民营经济最具有价值品牌产品”“山东省中小企业科学技术进步奖”“山东省中小企业科技创新促进奖”“济宁市科技进步一等奖”“济宁市守合同重信用企业”“济宁市知名品牌产品”等 誉 , 并 通 过 I S O 9001:2008质量体系认证。
Has won the " national high-tech enterprise ", " China green lighting products sentinel production enterprises " technological innovation demonstration enterprise " and " ( private ) Enterprises Independent Innovation Award " " the private economy in Shandong province and the most valuable brand " " Shandong province small and medium-sized enterprise science and Technology Progress Award ", " small and medium-sized enterprises in Shandong province the innovation of science and Technology Award " " the Jining Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award ", " Jining City Shou
contract re-credit
[...] enterprises " " Jining famous brand products " and other honors, and through the ISO9001:2008 [...]
quality system certification.
诠注:我们要通过业务指令是第一指令,行政指令是第二指令来服务于市场和满足顾客;通过优质稳定的品质来塑造 誉 和 品 牌; 过 科 学 有效的政策制度体系来优化流程和规范管理;通过积极主动的思维突破旧的观念、用新的思路和方法持续不断的创造来促使企业的发展;通过充分发挥公司的自身资源和有效运用社会资源来达成企业的规划和目标;通过满足顾客就是满足我们自己的服务理念来提升团队的合作,从而形成我们的核心竞争力。
Explanation:We will serve the market and meet the customer requirements with business order as the first order
and administrative order as the second
[...] order; create reputation and brand through high [...]
and stable product quality; optimize
procedures and standard management through scientific and effective system and policies; break the old concepts with positive and active thoughts and promote the development of enterprise with new ideas and methods and continuous creation; achieve the plans and goals of the enterprise through full play of the Company’s own resources and effective use of social resources; improve the cooperation of the team through the service concept that meeting customer requirement is satisfying ourselves and thus form our core competitiveness.




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