单词 | 给...装窃听器 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 给...装窃听器 verb—bug vSee also:窃听器—tapping device • bug 窃听 n—wiretapping n 窃听 v—bug v • tap v 窃听—wiretap 窃窃—unobtrusively • privately
除其他外,实行 这种封锁将能防止外国份子进入,并能防止 武 器 弹药 被盗窃和输送给武装集团,从而使过去 20 多年来肆 虐该国的战事得以结束。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among other things, such a blockade would make it possible to prevent [...] the entry of foreign [...] elements and the theft and transfer of weapons and ammunition to armed groups, thereby [...]leading to an end [...]to the fighting that has ravaged the country for just over two decades. daccess-ods.un.org |
内部安保在所有主要宾馆都有相当强的影响,宾馆客房有时会 安 装窃听器 , 搜 查以寻找敏感或私人的材料。 embassyusa.cn | All major hotels had a sizable [...] internal security presence, and hotel [...] guestrooms were sometimes bugged and searched for [...]sensitive or proprietary materials. eng.embassyusa.cn |
布隆迪人之间要重建信任,就需要 做出更大的努力,来执行关于持有武 器 的 新 法律, 解除平民武装并监控配发给国防 和安全部队人员的 武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | If trust was to be rebuilt among Burundians, more vigorous efforts must be [...] made to enforce [...] the new laws on weapons possession, disarm the civilian population and monitor weapons issued to members of the [...]defence and security forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
总体而言,私营公司对专家组索取资料请 求 给 予 合 作,但专家组尚在等待若 干公司提供资料,其中包括武器装备 和石油产业的公司。 daccess-ods.un.org | In general, private companies cooperated well [...] with the Group’s requests for [...] information, although the Group awaits information from several firms, including in the armament and petroleum industries. daccess-ods.un.org |
追逐, 柯南, 侦探, 外交官, 免疫, 窃听器, 目标, 十几岁的男孩 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | chase, conan, detective, [...] diplomat, immunity, listening device, target, teenage boy en.seekcartoon.com |
秘书长指出,争议法庭将听取提交给 该 法庭审议的 申诉并就其作出裁决,工程处或其工作人员可依照《联合国上诉法庭规约》的规 定,就争议法庭的裁决向上诉法庭提出上诉(同上,第 26.23(a)段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General states that the [...] Dispute Tribunal would hear and pass judgement on applications submitted for its consideration [...]and that its decisions [...]may be appealed by UNRWA or its staff members to the United Nations Appeals Tribunal, in accordance with the Statute of the Appeals Tribunal (ibid. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会在第 2023(2011)号决议中谴责厄立特里亚政府利用侨民税破坏 非洲之角的稳定或违反相关决议,包括用于采购 武 器 和 相 关物资,转 交 给 武 装反 对 派团体,或直接或间接地向这些团体提供服务或资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its resolution 2023 (2011) the Security Council condemned the use of the diaspora tax by the Eritrean Government to destabilize the Horn of Africa region or violate relevant resolutions, including [...] for purposes such as [...] procuring arms and related materiel for transfer to armed opposition groups or providing any services [...]or financial transfers [...]directly or indirectly to such groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在马西西的刚果(金)武装部队 军官称,Karangwa 上校在叛变前从第 810 团偷窃了大量武器,包括 1 门 60 毫米迫击炮、1 挺 12.7 毫米机枪以及若干 PKM 机枪和火箭榴弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | Karangwa had stolen large amounts of weapons, including one 60 mm mortar, one 12.7 mm machine gun and several PKMs [...] and RPGs from the 810th regiment. daccess-ods.un.org |
多语种的沿海地区良策虚拟论坛(参见下面的 “成功的活动”)将当地的经验介绍 给 全 球 听 众。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The multilingual Wise Coastal Practices virtual [...] forum (see “Successful Activities” below) provides a crucial link between locally based [...] experiences and a global audience. unesdoc.unesco.org |
10 月,司法总长制裁了7 名前国家保安部官员,一名信息和财政分析股的 [...] 官员,一名总统办公室的人员,指控他们严重违反了关于电 话 窃听 和 非 法监督方 面的纪律规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | In October, the Procurator General sanctioned seven former DAS officials, an official from the Information and Financial [...] Analysis Unit and one from the President’s office for serious breaches of [...] discipline for wiretapping and illegal [...]surveillance. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 Kafr Batna,由 4 人组成的武装恐怖团伙偷窃了一辆政府所有的奥泊耳汽 车,牌照号为 931174(大马士革农村省),该车分配给 Shaqba 市政当局使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Kafr Batna, a group of four armed terrorists stole a Government-owned Opel vehicle, licence plate No. 931174 (Rif Dimashq) that had been allocated to [...] Shaqba municipality. daccess-ods.un.org |
20 时 30 分,一股武装恐怖团伙封锁道路,盗 窃 一 辆分 配 给 工 程师 Abdulkarim al-Ali 的汽车。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 2030 hours, an armed terrorist group blocked the road and stole a vehicle which [...] had been allocated to an engineer, Abdulkarim al-Ali. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港中央图书馆、大会堂公共图书馆、九龙公共图书 馆、沙田公共图书馆、荃湾公共图书馆和屯门公共图书馆均 安 装 了 点 字显 示 器; 香港中央图书馆及部分主要和分区图书馆的服务柜台 又 装 设 了“ 导 听 感 应 圈系 统”,供有需要的听障人士使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Hong Kong Central Library and some major and [...] district public libraries, all enquiry counters are installed with “Induction Loop System” to cater to the needs of persons with hearing impairment. daccess-ods.un.org |
从广泛的Label-Lyte™ 拉伸聚丙烯(OPP)膜产品中,为各类瓶、罐 、 听 及 其它 包 装 容 器 的 高 性能、高性价比标签解决方案选择产品。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | Choose from a wide range of Label-Lyte™ oriented polypropylene (OPP) films for [...] high-performance, cost-effective labeling solutions for all types of [...] bottles, jars, cans and other packaging containers. exxonmobilchemical.com |
绿色和平组织在一份报告中援引了以下消息来 源:意大利一个议会委员会的证词;宣称一份 1996 年的文件据称授权建立一个 [...] 废物处理设施;一名意大利检察官发现证据,包括被指控罪犯的谈 话 窃听 录 音; 秘书长索马里问题特别代表在 [...] 2008 年对索马里可能发生非法捕捞和非法倾倒的 警告。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its report, Greenpeace cited the following sources: testimony from an Italian parliamentary commission; documentation from 1996 purportedly authorizing a waste treatment facility; [...] evidence uncovered by an Italian [...] prosecutor, including wiretapped conversations [...]with alleged offenders; and warnings by [...]the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia in 2008 of possible illegal fishing and illegal dumping in Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
助听器等电声装置的 性能受到声学及机械反馈量的严重限制,这是电声系统的典型问题。 bksv.cn | The performance of [...] electroacoustic devices such as hearing aids is severely limited [...]by the amount of acoustical and mechanical [...]feedback typically experienced within the electroacoustic system. bksv.com |
我们不仅是全球助听器行业 的市场领导者,还是为全球主要手机品牌和消费电子设备提供 MEMS 表面贴装麦克风的领先供应商。 digikey.cn | In addition to being the market [...] leader for components to the global hearing aid industry, we are also the leading provider of MEMS surface mount microphones to major cell phone [...]brands and [...]consumer electronic devices the world over. digikey.ca |
监测和收集关于黎巴嫩境内政党人物和政党中心的情报,并安 放 窃听装 置。 daccess-ods.un.org | Monitor and gather information on political party members and centres in [...] Lebanon, and plant listening devices. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为让青少年参与活动并给予听取他们意见的机会的承诺的一部分,委员会 已努力通过专门由儿童组织的活动,如研讨会、展览、戏剧艺术和视频,或使其 参加工作组,来促进青少年的参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of the commitment of the Committee to involve young people in the event and to give opportunities for their views to be heard, efforts were undertaken to facilitate their participation, including through specific child-organized activities, such as workshops, exhibitions, dramatic arts and video, and as participants in the working groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
教育局亦为听障学生提供听觉测验、一部免费并附 有 装 配 及 维修的 助 听器及 无线调频系统装配, 减少他们在学习和沟通上遇到的困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | For students with [...] HI, EDB has provided audiological assessment, one free hearing aid with fitting and [...]maintenance, and FM [...]system to alleviate their difficulties in communication and learning. daccess-ods.un.org |
请按以下说明将电源供给装置的 DC电缆连 接 器 连 接 到打印机的电源连接器上。 bixolon.com | Connect the DC cable connector of the power unit to the power connector of the printer as the following instruction. bixolon.com |
根据巴拿马刑法规定,凡接收、储存、交易、转换或转让资金、证券、财产 或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法 武 器 贩 运 、贩运人口、 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、 盗 窃 或 国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或掩盖其非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 [...] 至 200 天的罚款。 daccess-ods.un.org | Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to [...] drug trafficking, [...] fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international [...]trafficking in vehicles, [...]as provided for under Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their illicit origin or of helping to evade the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一事件导致秘书 长谴责这起爆炸事件和所有暴力行径,包括在叙利亚 [...] 各个城市使用爆炸装置日复一日地袭击治安部队、平 民及公共和私人财产;武装抢劫 、抢掠、 盗 窃 、 破坏 他人财产行为、在平民家中和商店袭击平民,以挑衅 [...]他们和恐吓他们;以及为了赎金绑架个人,赎金随后 用于资助恐怖主义活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | That incident led the Secretary-General to condemn the explosion and all acts of violence, including the use of explosive devices in Syrian cities to target the forces of law and order, civilians and public and [...] private property on a continuous [...] daily basis; armed robbery, banditry, theft, vandalism, attacks [...]on citizens in their homes [...]and in their shops, in order to provoke and terrorize them; and the kidnapping of individuals for ransom, which is then used to support terrorist activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,还在搜集和交流 有关信息,以确定那些犯下盗窃、绑 架、勒索以及贩运人口、 武 器 和 毒 品等罪行 的犯罪帮派或组织出现的原因及其影响,以及他们的结构和活动情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, information was being gathered and exchanged to establish the causes and effects of the emergence of criminal [...] gangs or organizations [...] engaged in vehicle theft, kidnapping, extortion and trafficking in people, weapons and drugs, and [...]to establish their structure and operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 2012 年年初以来,联利特派团收到了 1 起针对联合国人员的武 装抢劫事件的报告,还发生了 21 起不涉及武器的犯罪事件,包括入室 盗 窃 、偷 窃(两件武器)、抢劫和攻击事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the beginning of 2012, one [...] incident of armed robbery targeting United Nations personnel has been reported, in addition to 21 non-weapon-related crimes, including burglary, theft (of two weapons), robbery [...]and assault. daccess-ods.un.org |