

单词 成立

External sources (not reviewed)

指本協議任何訂約方(除政府外)將來單獨或與其他 人聯成立的任 何公司、合資企業或合夥業務,用以 經營發電、輸電、配電或售電的業務,以滿足香港的 電力需求。
means any future companies, joint ventures or partnerships that may be formed by any of the parties to this Agreement (except the Government) alone or in conjunction with others so as to carry on the business of generation, transmission, distribution, or sale of electricity for satisfying the demand for electricity in Hong Kong.
政府當局亦不可能對該 等行為施加適當懲處,以阻遏該等行為重現;即使投 成立 ,也 沒有任何機制讓受反競爭行為影響的人士申索損害賠償。
It is also not possible to impose appropriate sanctions for such conduct and deterrence of its recurrence, nor is there any mechanism for parties aggrieved by anti-competitive conduct to seek damages when a complaint is substantiated.
在實施很多獲得通過的措施,都涉及各個學院教研人員的參與,包括:港 大核心課程的設計和發展、發展科目學習果效和評核標準工作坊 成立 評 核 資源 中心 (AR@HKU)、推進就港大學生學習經歷問卷調查和修課式研究生學習經歷 問卷調查中所帶出的事項而制定和跟進課程為本行動計劃等。
The implementation of many approved initiatives have involved the participation of staff across all Faculties, including the design and development of the Common Core Curriculum, workshops for developing CLOs and assessment standards, the establishment of an Assessment Resources Centre (AR@HKU), and the formulation of and follow-up on programme-specific action plans to take forward issues identified in the HKUSLEQ and TPGLEQ.
(q) 向於配售或協助配售或擔保配售本公司股本中任何股份或本公司任何債權證 或其他證券或於本公成立或創 辦或經營其業務中提供或將提供服務的任何 個人或公司給予酬金。
(q) To remunerate any person or company for services rendered or to be rendered in placing or
assisting to place or guaranteeing the
[...] placing of any of the shares in the Company's capital or any [...]
debentures or other securities
of the Company or in or about the formation or promotion of the Company or the conduct of its business.
謹此聲明:當不適用於本公司時,本條款內「公司」一詞應被視為包括任何合夥或 任何其他團體(無論是否註成立為 法 團及無論是否以香港或其他地方為本籍), [...]
而不論現有或此後組成,本條款各段內所列之各項宗旨應被視作獨立宗旨,因此決 不因提述任何其他段落之條款或本公司名稱或因從中推斷而受到限制或制約(惟有
關段落於本條款內另有規定者除外),並須被當作獨立宗旨(單獨或與相同段落或 任何其他段落所訂明之任何一項或多項宗旨一起)。
AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that the word “Company” in this clause when
not applied to this Company shall be
[...] deemed to include any partnership or other [...]
body of persons whether incorporated or
not incorporated and whether domiciled in Hong Kong or elsewhere and whether existing or hereafter to be formed and the intention is that each object specified in each paragraph of this clause shall unless otherwise therein provided be regarded as an independent object and shall be in nowise limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other paragraph or the name of the Company and shall be capable of being pursued as an independent object and either alone or in conjunction with any one or more of the objects specified in the same or in any other paragraph or paragraphs.
[...] [...] 換任何類型的股額、股份及證券,以及與任何人士或公司組成合夥關係或訂立任何有關溢利分 佔、互惠優惠或合作的任何安排,以及發起及協助發起、組構 成立 或 組 織任何公司、合營企 業、財團或任何形式的合夥關係,藉以收購及承擔本公司任何財產及負債,或達致(直接或間 [...]
(ii) To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally, to underwrite, issue on commission or otherwise, take, hold, deal in and convert stocks, shares and securities of all kinds and to enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, reciprocal concessions or cooperation with any person or company and to promote and
aid in promoting, to
[...] constitute, form or organise any company, joint venture, syndicate or partnership of any kind, for [...]
the purpose of acquiring
and undertaking any property and liabilities of the Company or of advancing, directly or indirectly, the objects of the Company or for any other purpose which the Company may think expedient.
無論怎樣,《主板規則》第 2.07A(1)條(及《創業板規則》的相應條文)則要求所有上市發行人(不論 其註成立的地 點)所遵守的標準不得較香港法例對在香港註 成立 的 公司 在這方面所訂者寬鬆。
However, Main Board Rule 2.07A(1) (and its GEM Rule equivalent) require all listed issuers, irrespective of their place of incorporation, to comply with a standard which is no less onerous than that imposed on a Hong Kong incorporated company under Hong Kong law.
(D) 未經該等認股權證持有人或類別認股權證持有人的特別決議案批准,本條細 則有成立及維 持認購權儲備的規定不得以任何方式修改或增訂,以致將會 更改或撤銷或具有效力更改或撤銷本條細則下與該等認股權證持有人或該類 別認股權證持有人利益有關的規定。
(D) The provisions of this Bye-Law as to the establishment and maintenance of the Subscription Right Reserve shall not be altered or added to in any way which would vary or abrogate, or which would have the effect of varying or abrogating, the provisions for the benefit of any warrantholder or class of warrantholders under this Bye-Law without the sanction of a special resolution of such warrantholders or class of warrantholders.
(d) 核數師有關是否需要設立及維持認購權儲備及(如需要) 成立 及 維 持所 需的金額、有關認購權儲備的用途、有關其用以彌補本公司虧損的程度、 有關須向行使權利的認股權證持有人配發入賬列作繳足的股份數目,以及 有關認購權儲備的任何其他事項的證書或報告, 須( 在並無明顯錯誤的情 況下)為不可推翻,並分別對本公司及所有認股權證持有人及股東具有約 束力。
(d) A certificate or report by the Auditors as to whether or not the Subscription Right Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purpose for which the Subscription Right Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of Shares required to be allotted to exercising warrant holders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Right Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrant holders and Shareholders.
修訂第 6.15(1)條為:「提出全面要約後,有關人士須根據適用的法律及規例(若發行人並 非在香港註成立的公 司,有關規定必須至少與規管香港註冊公司的規定一樣嚴格)行使強 制收購權利,致使發行人全部上市證券(存庫股除外)被收購;或」。
Rule 6.15(1) is amended to read: “after a general offer a right to compulsory acquisition is exercised pursuant to applicable laws and regulations (the requirements of which are, where the issuer is not a company incorporated in Hong Kong, at least as onerous as those applicable if it were) resulting in the acquisition of all the listed securities of the issuer (other than treasury shares); or”.
本人[發出通告人士之姓名及地址]為 [附屬公司]
之正式授權代表,謹此根據新龍國際集 團有限公司一九九二年公司法第 4(2)節向
[...] 閣下發出通告,證明[附屬公司 ]為新龍國際 集團有限公司之全資附屬公司,並已於[附屬公司註 成立 日 期 ]根據一九八一年公司法 註成立為獲豁免公司,因此有權引用新龍國際集團有限公司一九九二年公司法條文。
I [name and address of person giving notice] a duly authorised representative of [the subsidiary] hereby give you notice pursuant to Section 4(2) of the SIS International Holdings Limited Company Act, 1992 that [the subsidiary] is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of SIS
[...] International Holdings Limited, incorporated on the [date of incorporation of subsidiary] pursuant [...]
to the Companies
Act, 1981 as an exempted company and is, therefore entitled to avail itself of the provisions of the SIS International Holdings Limited Company Act, 1992.
該委員會 於六十年代由聯合國糧食及農業組織( 糧農組織) 和世界衞生組織( 世衞) 成立,制訂相關的食物標準,並一直獲消費者、食品生產商、製造商、 國家食品規管機關,以及各地食物業界視為最重要的國際參考準則。
Codex, established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations in 1960s, has been the single most important international reference point for consumers, food producers, processors, national food control agencies and the international food trade in developing food associated standards.
屆時,中心將成立工作小組,就規管方案的技術細 節與業界交換意見,徵詢有興趣的食物商對此事的意見。
Views of interested traders would be sought on the technical details.
董事會可將其任何權力授權予由其成員及其認為合適之其他人士組成之委 員會,亦可不時撤回該等授權之權力或撤銷該等委員會之任命及解散整個委員會
[...] 或其部分,或罷免委員會中之任何人士或撤銷委員會之目的,但就此 成立 之每 個委員會在行使所獲授權之權力時須符合董事會可能不時向委員會實施之任何 [...]
The Board may delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of such member or members of its body and such other persons, as the Board thinks fit, and they may from time to time revoke such delegation or revoke the appointment of and discharge any such committees either wholly or in part, and either as to persons or purposes, but every committee so formed
shall in the exercise of the powers so
[...] delegated conform to any regulations that [...]
may from time to time be imposed upon it by the Board.
(e) 根據現行監管機制,我成立了資 訊科技督導委員會,每年檢視資訊科技管 理組的人力資源及其發展計劃。
(e) Under the existing governance mechanism, we have established the Information Technology Steering Committee to review the manpower resources as well as the development plan of ITMU every year.
如果你是:(1)外國公司的股東、董事或高階職員;(2)已 成立 外 國 公司的信託 機構信託人(即所知的「第三方信託人」(IBC);或是(3)個人擁有的美國公司或合 [...]
夥事業,持有外國公司的股份,就必須決定自己是否必須填寫美國稅務總署表格 的 Form 5471 表格。
If you are: (1) a shareholder, director or officer in a
foreign corporation; (2) the grantor ofa
[...] trust that has formed a foreign corporation [...]
(aka IBC); or (3) an individual whose
U.S. corporation or partnership owns shares in a foreign corporation, then you must determine whether you are required to file IRS Form 5471.
秘書處亦提供行政及事務上之協助予世界成員組織及由議會或協成 立之輔助團體或委員。
It also provides secretarial and administrative services to the World Fellowship and any subsidiary groups or committees established by the Forum or the International Council.
當局成立一個 包含多種專業人士的秘書處,職 員主要為非公務員合約僱員,來自歷史研究、管理、會計等相關界別,以協助推 行活化計劃。
A multi-disciplinary secretariat comprises mainly NCSC staff coming from relevant fields of historical research, management, accounting, etc. will be set up to assist in the implementation of the Revitalisation Scheme.
(3) 未經本公司尚未行使認股權證之認購權四分三之持有人親身或以受委代表出席通過之
[...] 決議案批准及在根據該等認購權證條款及條件正式召開及舉行之大會上就該項決議案 投票,本條細則有成立及維持認購權儲備之規定不得以任何方式修改或增訂以致將 [...]
(3) The provisions of this Bye-law as to the establishment and maintenance of the Subscription Rights Reserve shall not be altered or added to in any way which would vary or abrogate, or abrogate, or which would have the effect
of varying or abrogating the provisions for
[...] the benefit of any warrantholder or [...]
class of warrantholders under this Bye-law
without the sanction of a resolution passed by holders of three-fourths of the subscription rights represented by the outstanding warrants of the Company present in person or by proxy and voting on such resolution at a meeting duly convened and held in accordance with the terms and conditions of such warrants.
該成員建議政府參考祖國在這方面的經 驗,盡成立專門機構,專責其事,並制訂文化保育政策, 有系統、有計劃、有步驟地進行文化保育工作。
The member called on the government to draw reference from the experience of the Mainland in this area and establish a designated institution as soon as possible to take up the relevant responsibility, and formulate a policy on safeguarding the ICH so as to conduct the safeguarding work in a systematic, well-planned and organised manner.
(iv) 根據新稅法,中國附屬公司及聯營公司向於香 成立 的 投資者所宣派的股息 須按 5%繳納扣繳稅。
(iv) According to the New Tax Law, dividends declared by the PRC subsidiaries and associates to investors incorporated in Hong Kong are subject to a withholding tax of 5%.
從 2009 年 12 月 21 日起,海通(香港)金融控股有限公司(「海通(香港)」) 收購新 創建集團有限公司轄下大福並成為大福的控股股東。海通(香港)為一家在香港註成 立的公 司,且為國內極具領導地位的證券公司 - 海通證券股份有限公司(上交所編 號:600837.SH)全資附屬公司 。
With effective from 21 December 2009, Hai Tong (HK) Financial Holdings Limited (“Hai Tong (HK)”), a company incorporated in Hong Kong and wholly owned by the leading mainland securities firm - Haitong Securities Company Limited (“Haitong”; SSE Stock Code: 600837.SH), has acquired Taifook from NWS Holdings Limited and become Taifook’s major shareholder.
我們估計香港大學的研究成果其實包括一些應對數碼隔膜的方法,特區政 府理應盡快考慮落實部份建議,這較等 成立 專 責 小組,然後再等新一輪 研究成果才採取行動的做法,明智得多。
The Government should at least implement part of its recommended measures at once rather than waiting for the establishment of the task force and further waiting for the result of another round of research and study.
根據《商業登記條例》的規定,除根據《公司條例》註 成立 或 登 記的 公司外,每月平均銷售或收入總額不超過規定限額(主要憑提供服務以賺取利潤的業 務 :10,000 元;其他業務 :30,000 元)的小型業務可申請豁免繳交商業登記費和徵 費。
Except for
[...] companies incorporated or registered under the Companies Ordinance, a small business with average monthly [...]
sales or receipts
below a specified limit ($10,000 for a business mainly deriving profits from the sale of services or $30,000 for other businesses) could apply for exemption from payment of the business registration fee and levy.
附註:在中成立及經營的聯營公司的所得稅,是以該公司所在的中國相關省份的適用 所得稅率計算。
Note: Income tax for associates established and operating in the PRC is calculated based on the applicable rates of income tax ruling in the relevant provinces in the PRC.
市民的意見對有關建議能否成功至關重要, 須市民積極發表意見的問題包括:政府的角色、應否注 成立 「 種子基金」,特 區政府若財政盈餘超過某個水平,應否把部份盈餘撥入「市民戶口」等。
Key issues subject to further discussions from the public include: Government’s role and the payment of “seed money”, continuous injection of government surplus to the Account when the fiscal surplus exceeds a minimum threshold level, etc.
董事會可於香港或其他地成立任何 委員會、地方董事會或代理組織以管 34 理本公司之事務,並可委任任何人士成為該等委員會、地方董事會或代理組織之 成員,並可釐定彼等之酬金及向該等委員會、地方董事會或代理組織轉授董事會 [...]
授獲授之權力,董事會亦可授權該等地方董事會之成員填補有關之董事空缺及在 出現空缺時繼續行事,而該等任命或權力之轉授須按董事會認為合適之條款及條 件進行,而董事會亦可罷免就此委任之任何人士及可廢止或更改有關轉授權力之 授權,惟任何基於真誠行事及並未接獲有關廢止或更改通知之人士不會因而受到 影響。
The Board may
[...] establish any committees, local boards or agencies for managing any of the affairs [...]
of the Company, either
in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and may appoint any persons to be members of such committees, local boards or agencies and may fix their remuneration, and may delegate to any committee, local board or agent any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Board (other than its powers to make calls and forfeit shares), with power to sub-delegate, and may authorise the members of any local board or any of them to fill any vacancies therein and to act notwithstanding vacancies, and any such appointment or delegation may be upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board may think fit, and the Board may remove any person so appointed and may annul or vary any such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such annulment or variation shall be affected thereby.
在二零零二年十二月,國家電力公司經歷改組。改組 內容包成立五家 主要發電集團公司和兩家電網公司,以 管理和控制全國大多數國有的供電資產。
In December 2002, a restructuring of the State Power Corporation was formally announced, including the formation of five major generation groups and two grid companies to take up the management and control of majority of the state-owned electricity supply assets across the whole country.
(c) 可繼續出任或成為由本公司發成立 或 本 公司作為股東或以其他身份擁有其 權益之任何公司之董事或其他高級人員或權益擁有者,且根據公司條例,該董 事毋須就其作為該公司董事或高級人員或擁有其權益而得到之任何酬金或其 [...]
(c) continue to be or
[...] become a director or other officer of, or otherwise interested in, any company promoted [...]
by the Company or
in which the Company may be interested as a shareholder or otherwise, and subject to the Companies Ordinance, no such director shall be accountable to the Company for any remuneration or other benefit received by him as a director or officer of, or from his interest in, such other company.




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