

单词 浓眉大眼

See also:


brows and eyes

眉眼 n

appearance n

External sources (not reviewed)

有時候,坦白說,專業做帳目的人,真的是“挑 眼眉 ” 的 ,要看管他 們,管理他們,別以為會很容易。
People whose profession is working with accounts are smart people and it is no easy task to oversee them and manage them.
局長剛才回答李柱銘議員的 補充質詢時,我覺得她是有點自滿,不知道是否要到了“水 眼眉 ” 的地 步,即出大規模 撤資時,政府才會多做一點事?
I do not know whether the Government will do something only when the worst has become imminent, that is when a large exodus of investment is actually taking place.
其實,做成今日新界交 通運輸㆒團糟,歸根究柢,就是當年設計屯門衛星城市時候計劃錯誤,高估了衛星城 市可以提供的就業機會,完全無準確㆞預計到衛星城市不夠工做,居民便得長途跋涉 往返市區來謀生會帶來嚴重的問題,這個問題在今日來說,已經「水 眼眉 」 , 未來大型基本建設,尤其是新機場及海港西移,青衣、大嶼山又多建新的貨櫃碼頭、屯門 又將會發展內河碼頭 等,全部都使客運及貨運的樞紐,尤其㆗港陸路過境交通,重重㆞壓在新界方面,由 荃灣、葵青,以至大埔、元朗以至屯門。
Furthermore, the large infrastructure projects that are going to be built, particularly the new airport, the relocation of the port westward, the new container terminals at Tsing Yi and Lantau Island and the river port at Tuen Mun, will all put heavy pressure on the part of the New Territories stretching from Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing to Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun, as the New Territories become the pivot of passenger and cargo transport, especially in the case of the cross-border land traffic between China and Hong Kong.
[...] [...] 充足、方便和灵活机制,为易受影响的国家最直接和最紧迫的适应需求,提供资 金;哥本哈根协议有助于大气中 的二氧化 浓 度 降至不超过百万分之 350;这 意味着,到 2020 [...]
年,需要从 1990 年的全球温室气体排放水平减少 40%;到 2050
年,减少排放量的 80%。
In the lead up to COP15, the Maldives called for: the Copenhagen agreement to ensure that the most immediate and urgent adaptation needs of vulnerable nations are funded through a mechanism that is adequate, easily accessible and flexible; and
the Copenhagen
[...] agreement to help reduce concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere [...]
to no more than 350 parts per million; implying
the need for a 40% global greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2020 from 1990 levels and an 80% emissions reduction by 2050.
[...] 人,還以為繼續辱罵、使用語言暴力,高叫“走狗”、“公公”,或 眉凸 眼地大聲叫 喊,便會得到別人的支持,他們卻不知道市民已厭倦了這種事。
The political sector in Taiwan has realized this, but people in the so-called pro-democracy camp in this legislature still think that continuing to insult people, resorting to verbal violence,
yelling "running dogs" and "eunuchs" or
[...] shouting with raised eyebrows and bulging eyes will win other [...]
people's support.
不過, 可惜得很,  生福利及食 物局局長楊永強作為這 場戰役的 總 司 令 , 似乎仍本 去 年 SARS 期間,一派 好官我自為之的 傲慢態度, 對禽流感的 威脅不放在 眼內, 只 是一味唱好,大眾說:“本港爆發 禽流感的 機 會大”,完 全 罔顧火燒前門, 水眼眉, “ 疫 ” 臨城下的事實 。
But it is a pity that the commander in chief of this battle, the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr YEOH Eng-kiong, who is so arrogant, behaves as if he had fulfilled all his duties, just like what he did during the SARS outbreak last year.
[...] 体型较大,位于食物链顶端,因此容易含更多的汞(US EPA 2001a,DHS 2004);比如说,king mackeral、 梭子鱼、鲨鱼、旗鱼大眼狮鲇 、梭鱼类、scabbard及枪鱼,还有海豹和toothed whales,所含平浓度 最高。
Fish that are predatory (eat other fish) are large and at the top of the food chain, and so tend to contain more mercury (US EPA 2001a, DHS 2004); for example, king mackeral,
pike, shark, swordfish,
[...] walleye, barracuda, scabbard and marlin, as well as seals and toothed whales, contain the highest average concentrations.
他的挽救工作构成了神对世界的拯救工作功率决定性或末世论的体现,对进一步的“最后的事”在未来 浓 度 be tokened到犹 大 卫 教派,它降低到仅仅是“初步”的角色,那些复发要素的福音,是耶稣的信息特色。
His redeeming work constituted the decisive or eschatological manifestation of the power of God operating
for the world's
[...] salvation; the later concentration on a further "last thing" in the future betokened a relapse into Jewish apocalypticism, which relegated [...]
to a merely "preliminary"
role those elements of the gospel which were distinctive of Jesus' message.
在这里,您可以欣赏到美妙的自然风景和本土动物;也可以在一望无垠的海滩尽情散步;在大型市场上观看来来往往的人流;在一流的免费艺术馆和博物馆了 解澳大利亚的艺术和遗产(参见“文化”部分);您还可以参加充 浓 郁 的 澳 大 利 亚气息的节日,如每年夏季在全国各地海滨举行的冲浪救生比赛等。
Enjoy endless walks along endless beaches; go people watching at fantastic markets; learn about Australia's art and heritage at excellent free galleries and museums (see the Culture section); or attend some typically Australian festivals, like the surf life-saving competitions on beaches all around the country during summer.
因为没有人是完美的!每个人的脸上总有一点瑕疵,可能是不平衡 眉 型, 大 小 不一 的 眼 睛 或轮廓不美的嘴唇。
Every face has a weak point,
[...] let it be uneven eyebrows, unequally sized eyes or lips with [...]
a frayed contour.
有報章報道,王征並非亞洲電視有限公司(“亞視”)的董事,亦非 亞視管理層,更沒有申報為亞視股東,但由於他的親戚黃炳均購入了 52.4%亞視表決權股份,王征便可以亞視董事盛品儒“私人顧問”的身 份,成為亞視幕後大老闆,成為亞視真正的“話事人”,可以出席亞 視高層會議,對於亞視的人事、行政、節目,甚至新聞,由間接干預 至直接操控,破壞了香港行之有效,用來監管電視的法規,視《廣播 條例》如無物,蔑視政府和廣播事務管理局(“廣管局”)的監管權力, 其實這已經是公然“剃政眼眉”。
He attends meetings
[...] of senior management of ATV, and wields indirect or direct control over ATV's personnel, administrative and programming matters, even news programmes. He has violated the long-established rules and regulations in Hong Kong on the effective supervision of television broadcasters, ignored the Broadcasting Ordinance, and scorned the monitoring powers of the Government and the Broadcasting Authority (BA).
随着鱼粉价格继续上涨浓缩的植物蛋 白大豆蛋白浓缩、加拿大油菜蛋白 浓 缩 、 豌豆蛋白浓缩和玉米/小麦麸皮)将在 高营养层养殖物种和甲壳类水产饲料中得到比一般植物蛋白粉更显著的地位。
With the continued rise in the fishmeal price, plant protein concentrates (soybean protein concentrate, canola protein concentrate, pea protein concentrate and corn/wheat gluten meals) will gain increasing prominence over regular plant protein meals within aquafeeds for high-trophic-level cultured species and crustaceans.
[...] 同数量的多氯二苯并二噁英/多氯二苯并呋喃含量,但少于农业用地适用的污水 污泥的大允许浓度 100 ng TEQ/kg。
The same study shows that wastes from the cement industry have PCDD/PCDF levels in the same magnitude as foods such as fish,
butter, breast milk, and less than the
[...] maximum permissible concentration of 100 ng TEQ/kg [...]
for sewage sludge applied to agricultural land.
主席,所以,我在數年前一直建議,在監警 會成立後,應僱用更多具有法律專業知識,尤其是擅長處理刑事案 件,經常為認罪口供、苦打成招的個案出庭盤問,對這類案件有透徹 瞭解、“挑眼眉”、 見微知著、洞悉力高、資深的刑 大 律 師,又或 者僱用一些退休的廉署或其他紀律部隊人員等。
Can they identify clues and loopholes easily? Chairman, that is why I have been advocating all these years that upon the establishment of the IPCC, it is vital to employ more legal professionals who are well-versed in handling criminal cases and who have to conduct cross examination in courts in connection with conviction statements or cases of confessions made under torture.
这是一种基于醋酸乙烯-乙烯共聚乳液(VAE)、 利用聚乙烯醇和乳化剂进行稳定的水乳液, 适用于中、 高颜料体浓度(大于65%)的涂料, 产品具有极佳的耐磨性, 配方性能优良。
This product is suitable for use in paints
with medium to high
[...] pigment volume concentration (PVC > 65 percent) and features very high scrub resistance [...]
and good formulation properties.
即便浓度最大的喷 雾与气溶胶,也可以得出可靠的粒度信息。
The result is reliable particle size information even for the most concentrated of sprays and aerosols.
可是,中小企現時面對租金高昂、經營成本上漲、 資金流轉困難、定單減少等問題,很多中小企均已抱怨“水 眼眉 ”,你如果在很久以後才因應形勢拯救他們,他們可能已經溺斃,屆時可 能已經太遲。
And if you will come to their rescue only after a long time and after taking into account the situation, they may have already collapsed and that will be too late then.
普 通 市民不 知 道自己 的權益 , 正 所 謂 “ 水 不 浸眼 眉 便 不出聲 ” , 所以直 至 4 月 1 日後才 懂 得 發 聲 , 於 是 發生了上次這般嚴 重 的公眾恐 慌 。
Members of the public are not aware of their rights, and as the saying goes, "one does not speak out until he is at death's door"; the public spoke out only after 1 April and eventually gave rise to the serious public panic.
总之大家兴趣很浓,响 应积极,但积 极开展下游合作的能力面临共同的挑战。
Overall, interest and response levels are positive but the ability to actively collaborate downstream faces common challenges.
張超雄議員剛才說現在已不是水 眼眉 了, 已是水浸至頭頂,快要浸死了,但還不肯放水,如果再不放水的話,真的會 浸死整個政府。
As Dr Fernando CHEUNG has said just now, the Government is on the verge of getting drowned in a sea of funds, because the "body of water" in the form of money has reached not just their eyebrows, but is almost drowning them.
最近,我跟政府官員 傾談,他們也真的說差不多是“水 眼眉 ” , 這並不是災難,而是真的有太 多錢。
In my recent talks with government officials, they actually said they were literally "drowned in a sea of funds", not because there was a calamity, but because there was too much money.
這 次水眼眉是真正的水眼眉,因為有不少島國最高的地方也只不過距 離海面的水平線不足4米,現在他們已經成為氣候難民,包括圖瓦盧、 [...]
基里巴斯、斐濟和東加等這些太平洋羣島;而新西蘭已跟他們簽署了協 議,便是接受這些氣候難民。
This is literally an overwhelming problem because the highest points [...]
of many island states are less than 4 m above sea level,
and the people of various states, including Pacific islands such as Tuvalu, Kiribati, Fiji and Tonga, have become climate change refugees.
由于这些变化,海岸与海洋栖息地发生显著改 变,陆地与海洋物种的中毒率上升 大 气 中 氮及甲浓度增加,大量臭 氧层遭到破坏,气温异常上升, 重大洪水及自然灾害日益频繁,热带雨林被严重破 坏。
Those changes led to dramatic coastal and marine habitat alteration, significant increases in rates of intoxication of terrestrial and marine
[...] increased nitrogen and methane concentration in the atmosphere, significant [...]
loss of the ozone layer, unusual increase in temperature, greater frequency
of major floods and natural disasters and significant loss of tropical forests.
正如我在施政報告辯論時亦有提過目前的情況已 是「水眼眉」。
As I have pointed out during the debate on the policy address, the situation now is a pressing one.
对这一点,一些与会者还指出,如果仅将生产定义为一种活动,那么不单 是所大型商业浓缩和 后处理工厂将包括在内,而且小型实验室实验也包括在 内。
To this point, some further noted that if production was defined only as an
activity, then not only
[...] would all large-scale commercial enrichment and reprocessing plants be covered but also small [...]
laboratory-scale experiments.
尽管《联合国气候变化框架 公约》的《京都议定书》为控制温室气体作了规定,但大气层中氢氟碳化合物浓度在大幅升 高,威胁着业已取得的气候惠益。
Despite the regulation of greenhouse gases under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate
[...] Change, the concentration in the atmosphere of one, hydrofluorocarbons [...]
(HFCs), was rising
dramatically, threatening the climate benefits already gained.
[...] 则和各自能力原则相一致,考虑到以下标准:(a) 附件一缔约方单独和共同地对当前 大 气温 室气浓度负 有的责任;(b) 源自发达国家的历史和当前人均排放量;(c) [...]
技术、资金和体制 能力;以及(d) 展中国家为满足其社会和经济发展需要、消除贫困和落实发展权而须在全球排 放量中占有的份额。
In determining the commitments in this Article, the following criteria are taken into account in order to ensure consistency with the ultimate objective of the Convention and the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities: (a) responsibility of Annex I
Parties, individually and jointly, for
[...] current atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases; [...]
(b) the historical and current
per-capita emissions originating in developed countries; (c) technological, financial and institutional capacities; and (d) the share of global emissions required by developing countries in order to meet their social and economic development needs, to eradicate poverty and to achieve the right to development.
现已确定共计 9 个极限:气候变化、生物多样性丧失速度、生物地球化学 流动(氮和磷)、平流层臭氧耗损、海洋酸化、全球淡水使用量、土地用途变化大气气雾剂浓度和化学污染。
A total of nine boundaries are identified: climate change, rate of biodiversity loss, biogeochemical flows (both nitrogen and phosphorus), stratospheric ozone depletion, ocean acidification, global freshwater use, change in land use, atmospheric aerosol loading and chemical pollution.
到 SARS 肆 虐 , 港 燈 只 是 叫 用 戶 申 請 電費貸 款 擔 保,對 “水眼 眉 ” 、 陷 於 倒閉邊緣 的 重 災 區 行 業,這些措 施 的 效用接近 “零”。
During the rampant attack of SARS, the HEC had only suggested its customers to apply for loan guarantee for electricity tariffs, but this was virtually useless to the hardest-hit industries which were in deep water and on the verge of folding up.
倘問題迫眉睫,則正大家已 多番指出,退休金計劃並非解決方法;即使問題在未來才會出現,退休金計劃 亦不能解決問題,因為我們無法保證這個計劃將來可以獲得足夠的金錢,足以為退休 ㆟士提供生活必需的開支。
If the problem is immediate then, as has been said many times, a pension scheme is not the solution, and even if the problem is in the future, a pension scheme is not the answer because there is no way to guarantee, nor is it likely based on historical evidence, that it will produce enough money to provide adequately for the needs of a person when he retires.




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