单词 | 保留 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 保留—reservereservationsless common: maintain continue to have hold back (approval or acceptance) 保留verb—retainvless common: keepv savev 保留noun—reservationnless common: retentionn objectionn Examples:保留的adj—retained 保留区n—reserved arean 无保留adj—unqualifiedadj See also:留v—retainv keepv stayv 留—remain preserve leave (a message etc)
审计委员会还注意到对有些学校的核查存在以下缺失:(a) 在资产核查期 [...] 间使用的资产核查副本没有作为记录予以保留;(b) 详细说明资产核查结果的最 后报告在指出存在差异时,只列出学校名称。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board also noted the following deficiencies in the verification at some schools: (a) copies of the asset [...] verifications used during the asset [...] verification were notkept forrecording purposes; [...]and (b) the final report detailing [...]the outcome of the asset verifications included only the names of schools where discrepancies were noted. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些人权方面的保留在《宪法》的不同条款中都存在,并且与保护别人的 权利和自由的特殊状况有关,同时也涉及到尊重人的荣誉、遵守公共秩序、国家 安全、公共治安、保护免受任何危险和刑事处罚的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | These reservations occur indifferent clauses of the Constitution and relate to specific situations regarding the protection[...] of the rights and freedoms of [...]others, but also regarding the honour of the person, public order, national security, the public peace, protection against the threat of danger and prevention of criminal offences. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使在这种情况中,为了使在国家继承之日之前未来得及反对保留的国家 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经扩大的保留必然会打破条约的平 衡:这正是这一例外的狭义意思,即仅涉及保留的领土范围的扩大“使保留的实施条件发生根本的改变”的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization [...] that has not objected in [...] time to the reservation priorto the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenanceof thereservation the territorial scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense of the restrictiveformulation ofthis exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extensionof the reservation “radically changes [...]the conditions [...]for the operation of the reservation”. daccess-ods.un.org |
代表团对外部安全和对监狱工作人员 在火灾等紧急情况下采取有效和适当行动的能力持有严重保留。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation had serious reservations about the external security and about the ability of the prison staff to take effective and appropriate action in case of an emergency, such as a fire. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,似乎可以清楚地看出,由于这些技巧产生的 效力几乎与保留所产生的效力相同,应该在专门载列保留定义的《实践指南》的 那一章中予以提及,至少能够更加明确地鉴别这个概念的关键内容,把它们同保 留区别开来,并且在可适用的情况下,针对保留的法律制度得出适当的结论。 daccess-ods.un.org | As they produce effects almost identical to [...] those producedby reservations, these techniques nevertheless deserve to be mentioned in the part of the Guide to Practice devoted to the definition of reservations, if only so as to identify more clearly the key elements of the concept, distinguish them fromreservations and,where applicable, draw appropriate conclusions with regard to the legal regime ofreservations. daccess-ods.un.org |
一成员认为,不妨就碳排放额度进行内部讨论,但另一成员对文件有强烈保留,他不明白为何全球环境基金涉入与臭氧有关的事务,指出处理化学剂是一个复杂的问题,而 [...] 且目前已有其他四项公约处理这项问题。 multilateralfund.org | One member suggested that it would be interesting to have internal [...] discussions on carbon credits, while another [...] expressedstrongreservations on the paper, [...]wondering why the GEF was involved in ozone-related [...]matters, pointing out that addressing chemicals was a complex issue for which four other conventions already existed. multilateralfund.org |
大赦国际呼吁迅速、公正和有效地调查所有对侵害妇女的暴力的举报,政府 [...] 应确保将负有责任者绳之以法,受害者得到赔偿,妇女在法律与实践中无保留地享有与男子同样的平等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and effective investigation of all reports of violence against women, that the Government ensure that those responsible were brought to [...] justice and the victims granted reparations and that [...] womenbe grantedunqualified equalitywith men [...]in law and in practice. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国解释了 这些条款的立法历史,并提出,在缔约国,程序性义务的性质和范围是根据案情 [...] 中所涉各方利益的权衡来确定的:如果案例的结局对各方更重要,那么对于保留审判的官方记录和法院裁决的要求就越是精确和严格。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party explains the legislative history of those provisions and submits that the nature and scope of procedural obligations in the State party are adapted to the weight of the interests at stake in a case: the more important the case in terms of consequences for the [...] parties, the more precise and exacting the [...] requirements of keepingthe official record [...]of the trial and the court’s judgment. daccess-ods.un.org |
他表示希望该组织利用表决结果,将申请保留在审议中名单上,以便对所提出的重要问题做出答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | He expressed hope that the organization would make use of the result [...] of the vote to retainits application [...]under consideration to provide answers to [...]the important questions posed. daccess-ods.un.org |
某代表团对“振兴”执委会的提议表示关注,注意到执委会已经在发挥重要的功 能,应该继续保留其对食典委的咨询作用,而不应该对属于食典委职责的事情做出任何 [...] 决定。 codexalimentarius.org | One delegation expressed some concern with the proposal to “revitalise” the Executive Committee, noting that it [...] was already carrying out important [...] functions andshould retainits advisory role [...]to the Commission, but should not take [...]decisions that were the responsibility of the Commission. codexalimentarius.org |
它赞赏乌拉圭决 [...] 心继续进行必要协商,以就在没有重大保留情况下接受的各项建议采取后续行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | It appreciated Uruguay’s determination to [...] continue the necessary consultations in the follow-up to the recommendations, which were [...] accepted without majorreservations. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组有文件证明,2009 年塞尔日·梅尔·美莱杰被任命为黑石物流公司和 乌阿兹-CI 公司总经理(见附件 [...] 21);不过,美莱杰的真正角色是兑现科特迪瓦国 库开具的支票,同时保留支票金额的 0.05%-0.08%作为个人佣金(见附件 22)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As documented by the Group, in 2009 Serge Mel Meledje was appointed Managing Director of Darkwood Logistics and UAZ-CI (see annex 21); however, Mr. [...] Meledje’s real role was to cash cheques issued [...] by the Treasury, keepinga personal commission [...]of 0.05 to 0.08 per cent of the amount [...]of the cheques (see annex 22). daccess-ods.un.org |
把待测物和校准标样物中相应的化合物两者的保留时间、质量和两 个准确质量电荷比的离子丰量比率作比较,进行定性分析。 cfs.gov.hk | Identification was confirmed by [...] comparing the retention time,masses [...]and ion-abundance ratio of two exact m/z for each of [...]the analytes with those of the corresponding compounds in the calibration standards. cfs.gov.hk |
应主席邀请,以下国家代表在安理会会议厅一侧 为他们保留的座位上就座:阿富汗、阿根廷、澳 [...] 大利亚、阿塞拜疆、孟加拉国、比利时、巴西、 加拿大、哥伦比亚、捷克共和国、埃及、芬兰、 印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、以色列、意大 利、约旦、肯尼亚、科威特、列支敦士登、摩洛 [...]哥、缅甸、新西兰、尼加拉瓜、巴基斯坦、卡塔 尔、苏丹、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、阿拉伯 联合酋长国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、乌拉圭和委 内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the invitation of the President, the [...] representatives of the following countries [...] took the seats reserved for them at the [...]side of the Council Chamber: Afghanistan, [...]Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Morocco, Myanmar, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Qatar, Sudan, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay and Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议向秘书处指出,某些方案可继续保留,比如 C/5 批准本不要刊载那些列举参 [...] 与执行每项计划的合作伙伴的关系网图,而是在网上登载这些信息;此外,单独出版总干事 引言和每个重大计划的引言合订本可便于纵览(对各国决策者尤为如此)教科文组织一个年 [...]度的优先事项、指导方针和行动的精髓。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was indicated by the Secretariat [...] that some options could be pursued, such as the non-publication in document C/5 Approved [...]of the context maps which list the partners involved in the execution of each programme and to place this information instead online; furthermore, the separate publication of the Director-General’s introduction and the introductions to each major programme combined could provide a handy overview on the essence of UNESCO’s priorities, orientations and actions for a biennial period, especially for national decision-makers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(B) 本公司须不时在百慕达由其不时厘定的地点(但并非於香 港)存置及保留一份完备及完整的可换股优先股及可换股 优先股股东名册,有关名册须不时载有任何可换股优先股 兑换及/或注销及销毁详情以及就取代任何损坏、涂污、 遗失、被窃或损毁股票而发行的任何替代股票的发行详 情,以及所有可换股优先股股东的翔实身份资料。 wuling.com.hk | (B) The Company shall maintain and keep a full and complete register at such location in Bermuda (but not in Hong Kong) as it shall from time to time determine of the Convertible Preference Shares and the CP Shareholders from time to time, such register shall contain details of conversion and/or cancellation and the destruction of any Convertible Preference Shares and the issue of any replacement Certificates issued in substitution for any mutilated, defaced, lost, stolen or destroyed Certificates and of sufficient identification details of all CP Shareholders from time to time. wuling.com.hk |
另一个例子是担心保留社区和农村经济的需要,需要平衡燃油补贴、当地粮食安全、向更广的市 [...] 场供应以及与避免社会崩溃有关的机会成本。 fao.org | Another example would [...] concern theneed to retain communities and [...]rural economies, where it would be necessary to strike [...]a balance between fuel subsidy, local food security, supply into wider markets, and opportunity costs associated with avoiding social breakdown. fao.org |
与贸易有关的知识产权协议》还 应当允许各国建立适合于本国农业体系的单独适用的植物品种保护法规,应当允许为进一 步研究和育种的目的使用受保护的物种,规定农民有保留和再次播种种子的权利,包括非 正式的出售和交换。 iprcommission.org | Such regimes should permit access to the protected varieties for further research and breeding, and provide at least for the right of farmers to save and plant-back seed, including the possibility of informal sale and exchange. iprcommission.org |
3) 转 移 了 收 取 金 融 资 产 现 金 流 量 的 权 利,并 且(a)实 质 上 转 让 了 金 融 资 产 所 有 权 上 几 乎 所 有 的 风 险 和 报 酬,或(b)虽 然 实 质 上 既 没 有 转 移 也 没有保 留金融资 产 所 有 权 上 几 乎 所 有 的 风 险 和 报 酬,但 放 弃 了 对 该 金 融 资 产 的 控 制。 zte.com.cn | 3) Therightofreceivingcashflowgeneratedbythefinancia lassetsistransferred,and(a)substantially allrisksandrewardsoftheownershipofsuchfinancialas setshavebeentransferred,or(b)control over such financial assets has been renounced even though substantially none of the risks and rewards of the ownership of such financial assets have been transferred or retained. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
在尚未对 31 C/5 和 32 C/5 期间进行的各种横向专题项目所取得的经验和结果进行全面 评估之前,总干事的建议是:在 33 C/5 期间,只继续保留一些正在进行的为数不多的、特别 是在总部外办事处实施的以及采用创新形式和方法的、并已经明显取得有效成果的几个横向 专题项目,但不增加新的横向专题项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Pending a full evaluation of the experience gained with and the results attained by the various CCT projects carriedout during the 31 C/5 and 32 C/5, the Director-General recommends to continue during the 33 C/5 only a limited number of ongoing CCT projects which have demonstrably shown effectiveness and results in particular at the field level as well as the use of innovative modalities and approaches, but not to add new CCT projects. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如联营的权益持有被削减但仍保留重大影响力,只有按比例将之前在其他综合收益中确认的数额重新分类 [...] 至损益(如适当)。 wingtaiproperties.com | If the ownership interest in an associate is reduced but [...] significant influence is retained, only a proportionate [...]share of the amounts previously recognised [...]in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss where appropriate. wingtaiproperties.com |
为了确保差别定价系统的有效运转,发展中国家的国家法规应该保留政府对平行进口和强制许可的批准权。 iprcommission.org | In order to ensure an effective operation of a differential [...] pricing system, national laws in developing [...] countries should retain the right for [...]the government to admit parallel imports and to issue compulsory licences. iprcommission.org |
在非循坏系统中,保留此插塞以便最 大程度地减少冲洗时间。 graco.com | In a non-circulating system, install the plug as shown to minimize flush time. graco.com |
她正在勤奋工作,建立一个甄别法庭记录的系统;与档案和记录管 理科及联合法庭档案战略工作小组一道制订一项记录保留政策,用于整个法庭的 记录;开始全面审查法庭内几项不同的记录保存计划表建议;正在牵头开展审查 工作,以确保记录保留计划表保持内部一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | She is working diligently to establish a system to identify records at the institution; is developing, in conjunction with the Archives and Records Management Section and the Joint Tribunals [...] Archival Strategy Working [...] Group,arecordsretention policy forrecords throughout the Tribunal; has begun a comprehensive review of the several different retention schedule recommendations within the Tribunal; and is leading a review to ensure that the records retentionschedule represents [...]an internally consistent system. daccess-ods.un.org |
集安条约组织对派驻阿富汗的打击毒品国际安 全援助部队更多的参与表示赞赏并衷心呼吁军队和 阿富汗政府之间加强合作,同时注意到,为应对这 [...] 一灾难,阿富汗需要更多更加协调的国际援助,以 及政府无保留的承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | CSTO welcomed the growing input of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the fight against the Afghan drug infrastructure and called for increased cooperation between ISAF and the Government of Afghanistan, noting that, in order to combat that scourge, [...] Afghanistan needed increased and better coordinated international assistance and the [...] complete commitmentof its authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
股息将於截至二零零九年十二月三十一日止年度在股东权益中确认为保留盈余根据印度税务条例,本集团可能需要就提供转发器容量予在印度运作业务或从印度赚取收益的 [...] 本集团客户所支付的租金而缴纳印度所得税。 asiasat.com | be recognised in shareholders’ equity as an [...] appropriationofretained earningsin the [...]year ending Under Indian tax regulations, [...]the Group may be subject to Indian tax on revenues received by the Group in respect of income from provision of satellite transponder capacity to the Group’s customers for purposes of those customers carrying on business in India or earning income from any source in India. asiasat.com |
这些学者的许多赞誉只有少数句子或即使只有一个,而对另一些冲高的警句,教导,问题和答案数以百计,以及那些百年犹太传统的代表,该tannaim和亚摩兰,收到了他们对名利的作者放弃传统保留丰富的赔偿时,他们的各种论述与他们的名字一起,从而救出甚至遗忘了他们最少。 mb-soft.com | Many of these scholars are credited with only a few sentences or with even but one, while to others are ascribed many hundreds of aphorisms, teachings, questions, and answers; and the representatives of Jewish tradition of those centuries, the Tannaim and the Amoraim, received an abundant compensation for [...] their renunciation of the fame of [...] authorship when tradition preservedtheirnamestogether [...]with their various expositions, and [...]thus rescued even the least of them from oblivion. mb-soft.com |
我们保留发布任何个人身份或非个人身份信息的权利,如果法律要求我们这样做或者我们有正当理由相信有必要这样做,从而:(a) [...] 完成政府请求;(b) 遵守法律要求或遵循要求我们履行的法律程序;(c) 保护本网站或其用户的合法权利或财产或为其辩护,或者 [...](d) 在紧急情况下,保护本网站的用户或公众的健康和安全。 seagate.com | We reserve the right to disclose [...] any personally identifiable or non-personally identifiable information if we are required [...]to do so by law or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary in order to: (a) fulfil a government request; (b) conform to the requirements of the law or comply with any legal process served on us; (c) protect or defend our legal rights or property, this Site or our Offerings, or its users; or (d) in an emergency, protect the health and safety of this Site’s users or the general public. seagate.com |