

单词 保苗



Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan

See also:


slim adj

Hmong or Miao ethnic group of southwest China
surname Miao

External sources (not reviewed)

由于中国有广泛的使用人群,一些国产疫苗可在更广泛的人群中进行测试以 保 疫 苗 的 安 全性及有效性(例如H1N1疫苗)。
Because of the vast population, certain Chinese produced vaccines are tested in a much bigger population group for efficacy and safety (eg. H1N1 vaccine).
各代表团要 求收到关于企业风险管理的更多信息,并赞扬儿童基金会加紧努力 保 疫苗 供应的透明度。
Delegations asked for more information on
Enterprise Risk Management and commended UNICEF for the
[...] increased efforts in ensuring the transparency of vaccine supply.
這項計劃會研究投 放 魚 苗 的理 想 時間、 環境、 魚 類 品 種 及成效 等 , 有 助 該
[...] 署評估 在 魚 類 產 卵 及苗 保 護 區 投 放 魚 苗 的成本效益 。
The information obtained will help the AFCD to assess the cost effectiveness of restocking fish fry in the "fish
[...] spawning and nursery protection areas".
本地農場的監察工作將會包括抗體測試,以 保已 注苗雞羣 的H5病毒抗體維持在有效水平。
The local farm monitoring would also include antibody
[...] testing to ensure that vaccinated flocks were maintaining [...]
good H5 antibody levels.
為 協助捕撈漁業發展休閒垂釣保護魚苗,政府當局應加強 教育,鼓勵市民不要從香港水 [...]
To help the fisheries industry develop
[...] recreational fishing and to protect fish fry, the Administration [...]
should step up education to
encourage the public not to take fish below a certain size from the waters of Hong Kong.
鑒於這個冬季的流感活躍度似乎較平均為 高,余若薇議員詢問此情況是否因季節性流感苗 未能發揮有保護或疫苗接種 率低所致。
Noting that influenza activity in the current winter season appeared higher than the average, Ms Audrey EU
asked whether this was
[...] due to ineffective protection conferred by the seasonal influenza vaccine or low take-up rate of the vaccine.
在婴保健方面,苗接种 和发放驱虫蚊帐运动, 已经使我们得以大大降低婴儿死亡率。
With respect to infant health,
[...] integrated campaigns for vaccination and for the distribution [...]
of treated mosquito nets have
enabled us to considerably reduce infant mortality rates.
我們會向您說明本計劃如何保您的 疫 苗 接 種 ,以及您應承擔的費用。
We can tell you
[...] about how your vaccination is covered by our [...]
plan and explain your share of the cost.
儿基会支持卫生部在整个巴勒斯坦被占领土维持广泛的接种率,采购脊髓灰 质炎苗,保护 4 2 000 名儿童,并采购所有其他疫苗,提供后勤支助。
UNICEF supported the Ministry of Health in maintaining high immunization coverage across the Occupied
Palestinian Territory through the
[...] procurement of polio vaccines for the protection of 42,000 children, [...]
and procurement and logistics
support for all other vaccines.
(三 ) 是 否知悉 在本年
內 曾 注 射 預 防 流感疫 苗 的 人士數 目 佔 人 口的百 分 比 ;當局 有否制 訂 具 體 的指引 和由公 、 私 營 醫
[...] 療 機 構 執行的計 劃,增加防疫注 射 的覆蓋 率 ,以 及 採 取措施保 疫 苗 供應充 足 ?
(c) whether it knows the percentage in the total population of those persons who have received influenza vaccination this year; whether it has formulated specific guidelines and programmes to be implemented by public and private
medical institutions, for increasing the vaccination coverage and
[...] taking measures to ensure an adequate supply of vaccine?
该计划呼吁制定和便利使用多种 办法和工具,包括最迟于 2012
[...] 年建立海洋保护区的 有代表性的网络,以及保护育苗场 和 成长期鱼苗设 定休渔期和禁渔区。
The Plan called for the development and facilitation of diverse approaches and tools, including the establishment of
representative networks of marine protected areas by 2012 and time/area
[...] closures for the protection of nursery grounds and [...]
保健信 息系统目前正在开发,使学 保 健 护 士和儿童的家庭医生能够 交流有关儿童健康的必要信息,包括 苗 接 种 信息。
A school health care information system is being
[...] [...] developed to allow a school health nurse and a child’s family doctor to exchange necessary information about the health of a child, including vaccination information.
為醫護人員及家禽業從 業員等高危組別人士注射苗,有助 確 保 員 工 健康及減低禽流感和季 節性流感病毒重組的機會。
When administered in high risk groups, such
as health care workers and
[...] poultry workers, the vaccine will help to maintain a healthy [...]
workforce and minimise the chance
of avian flu and seasonal flu virus re-assortment.
政府會繼續密切注視本港及世界各地的疫情發展,以及接種 苗 的情 況,以保我們 的防控措施能獲得最大的成效。
The Government will continue to closely monitor the development of the pandemic in Hong Kong and
other places in the world as well
[...] as the vaccination coverage to ensure that our preventive [...]
and control measures can achieve the best result.
法院最后审查了买方关于原告没有采取合理措 保 存 这 些 苗 木 ( 见《销售公 约》第 85 条)以及原告没有将这些苗木以适当方式转售因而未能履行其在《销 [...]
售公约》第 88(2)条下的相关义务的主张。
The Court finally examined the buyer’s claim
that the appellant had not taken
[...] reasonable measures for preserving the trees (article [...]
85 CISG) and that it had failed to
perform its obligations ex article 88 (2) CISG by not reselling the trees in a suitable manner.
承诺加快研究和开发安全有效、负担得起并易于获得的艾滋病毒疫苗及治 愈艾滋病毒的方法,同时保可持 续的 苗 采 购 系统和公平分配系统也得到开 发
Commit to accelerate research and development for a safe,
affordable, effective and
[...] accessible vaccine and for a cure for HIV, while ensuring that sustainable systems for vaccine procurement [...]
and equitable distribution are also developed
就此,即使身體在接受防疫注射 後,需時兩至四星期製造抗體來對抗流感病毒感 染,但現在接種苗,仍 能在本年剩餘的時間內提保護,對抗流感和其併發症。
In this regard, even if it took two to four weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against
influenza virus
[...] infection, getting vaccinated then could still provide protection against influenza [...]
and its complications
for the remaining of the year.
副秘書長( 食物)1 亦會監察家禽屠宰場的發展,並會繼續監
察調查小組就 2008 年 12 月元朗農場爆發禽流感發表的流行病學調查
[...] 報告中所載各項建議的實施情況,以期改善所有本地農場的生物安全 措施,並會監察疫苗研究的工作,決定是否需要轉用其他 苗 , 加強 保護本 地農場飼養的家禽,以防範禽流感的威脅。
DS(Food)1 will also oversee the development of the poultry slaughtering plant, and will continue to monitor the implementation of the various recommendations of the Investigation Group Report on the Epidemiological Study on the Yuen Long Farm Outbreak of December 2008 to enhance bio-security measures for all local farms, and the Vaccine Study to determine the
need or otherwise to switch to
[...] an alternative vaccine to give better protection to the poultry [...]
reared in local farms against
the threat of Avian Influenza.
食物及衞生局副局長引述世界衞生組織在 採購人類豬型流感苗的類似安排為例,強調醫管 局有必要不公開藥物諮詢委員會及有關專家小組 個別委員的姓名,以減低對委員造成不必要的壓 力,並保在討 論過程中專家意見的持平公正。
Citing the similar arrangement of the World Health Organisation in the
procurement of human
[...] swine influenza vaccine as an example, USFH stressed that it was necessary for HA not to disclose the names of individual members serving on DAC and the relevant expert panels so as to minimize unwarranted pressure on committee members and to ensure the impartiality [...]
of expert opinions in the discussion process.
衞生署會參考疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會的 建議,以購買適合的苗,保障市 民健康。
The DH will take into account the recommendations of SCVPD for procurement of
[...] a suitable vaccine to safeguard public health.
特別是對科學委員會建議的高危組別人士而言,接種 苗 對 他保障, 相比發現會有任何副作用,是利多於弊的。
For those high-risk groups
[...] recommended for vaccination by the Scientific Committees in particular, the benefits of protection they will get from HSI vaccination will outweigh [...]
any possible adverse vaccine effect.
使用新的苗,保护儿 童不受常见病侵袭,通过苏丹各州的一项战 略,推广免疫辅助和例行接种服务
Using new vaccines to protect children against [...]
most of the common debilitating diseases and expanding the reach of booster
and routine vaccination services by means of a strategy for each of the states in the Sudan
(m) 进一步加强国际合作,特别是通过交流以下方面的最佳做法:加强卫生 系统、获得医药、鼓励开发新技术和按照双方商定的条件转让技术、生产负担得 起的、安全、有效和优质药品、促进生产新药、非专利药品、 苗 和 其 他 保 健商品、培训并留住医务人员、努力确保国际合作和援助,特别是外来资金,更具可 预测性、更加协调、更符合各国促进能力建设的优先事项并以有助于加强各国卫 生系统的方式提供给受援国; (n) 进一步促进研究和开发、知识分享以及提供并利用信息和通信技术来促 进保健,包括为所有国家,特别是发展中国家提供便利,使它们能够以负担得起 的方式从中受益
(m) Further strengthening international cooperation, inter alia, through exchange of best practices in strengthening health systems, improving access to medicines, encouraging the development of technology and the transfer of technology on mutually agreed terms, the production of affordable, safe, effective and good quality medicines, fostering the production of innovative medicines, generics, vaccines and other health commodities, the training and retaining of health personnel and work to ensure that international cooperation and assistance, in particular external funding, become more predictable, better harmonized and better aligned with national priorities for capacity-building and channelled to recipient countries in ways that strengthen national health systems
保時捷總代理 永業投注鉅資,以嶄新風貌呈現的保時捷桃園展示中心,將以最優秀的服務團隊陣容,服務桃 苗 地 區 的 保 時 捷車主與車迷朋友;全新保時捷桃園展示中心自2011年4月1日盛大開幕後正式落成啟用,當天並將同時發表保時捷全新911 Carrera GTS,宣示保時捷總代理 永業深耕大桃園地區性能車款市場的決心與實際行動。
With the huge investment made by UMT, the brand new image of Porsche Centre Taoyuan together with the best service team, provides assistance to Porsche car owners and enthusiasts of the residents of the Taoyuan area; the new Porsche Centre Taoyuan is officially opened and in operation from 1st April 2011, when the new 911 Carrera GTS will be launched at the same time, a model stating the commitment of Porsche in building high performance sports cars.
鑒於訂立《公共衞生緊急事態規例》對香港影響深遠,例如在出現公共 衞生緊急事態期間,政府可以徵用私人財產,包括 苗 、 藥 物、個 保 護裝 備、車輛和船隻等,委員認為政府當局應在《條例草案》內,就“徵用”作 [...]
出定義,以及在《公共衞生緊急事態規例》內訂明公共衞生緊急事態會在何 時結束。
Given the significant impacts of making the PHE Regulation in Hong Kong, some examples being the Government's
requisition of private
[...] properties such as vaccines, medicine, personal protective gears, vehicles [...]
and vessels during a public
health emergency, members of the Bills Committee are of the view that the Administration should provide for a definition of "requisition" in the Bill and specify the end date of the state of public health emergency in PHE Regulation.
至於在 2003 至 04 年 防 疫 注 射 計劃下曾經接受免 費 注 射 的長者 ,
[...] 例 如在長 者 院舍居住的長者 ,若苗保 護 期已過, 可 選擇再 次 接 受 注 射 。
For elderly people who have received free vaccination under the immunization programme 2003-04, like those staying in
RCHE, they are provided with an option to receive another vaccination if the
[...] period of the vaccine protection has lapsed.
(m) 进一步加强国际合作,途径包括交流加强卫生系统方面的最佳做法,改 善获得医药的途径,鼓励开发新技术和按照双方商定的条件转让技术,生产负担
[...] 得起的安全有效的优质药品,促进生产新药、非专利药品、 苗 和 其 他 保 健 商 品, 培训并留住医务人员,努力确保国际合作和援助,特别是外来资金,更具可预测 [...]
性、更加协调、更符合各国促进能力建设的优先事项,并以有助于加强各国卫生 系统的方式提供给受援国
(m) Further strengthening international cooperation, inter alia, through exchange of best practices in strengthening health systems, improving access to medicines, encouraging the development of technology and the transfer of technology on mutually agreed terms, the production of affordable, safe, effective and good quality medicines, fostering the
production of innovative
[...] medicines, generics, vaccines and other health [...]
commodities, the training and retaining of health personnel and work to ensure that international cooperation
and assistance, in particular external funding, become more predictable, better harmonized and better aligned with national priorities for capacity-building and channelled to recipient countries in ways that strengthen national health systems
去年總代理永業於桃園展示中心開幕之後便積極著手規劃桃園保修服務中心,桃園保修服務中心的開幕除了嘉惠桃、竹 苗 地 區 的 保 時 捷 車主可以就近提供與全球同步的尊榮服務,包括:(2+2) 年不限里程的專業保固、先進的專業原廠診斷電腦 (PIWIS Tester) 與加入原廠完整技術認證 ZPT 訓練的專業技師及通過保時捷全球認證系統 (PGCS) 認證資格的服務顧問等,都將提供客戶最完善的服務與保障。
After the opening of Porsche Centre Taoyuan last year, UMT started the preparation for a service centre in the area. The opening of Porsche Sercive Centre Taoyuan provides nearby Porsche owners in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli world class services that include: (2+2) unlimited mileage warranty, PIWIS testing, Porsche certified ZPT technicians, and PGCS service advisors, bringing Porsche owners in Taiwan the most comprehensive services and warranty.
除 了我先 前已提過 的人工 魚 礁 計 劃,其他建議的措施包括成立捕 魚 牌照制 度 、 於 吐 露 港 和 西 貢 牛 尾 海 設 立 魚 類 產 卵 及苗 保 護 區 , 以 及 在 保 護 區內, 所有漁 船 須從漁 農 自然護理 署取得捕 魚 牌照, 才 可 以在該 區 捕 魚 。
Proposed management measures include the introduction of a fishing licence system, the establishment of "fish spawning and nursery protection areas" in Tolo Harbour and Port Shelter, and the aforementioned artificial reef placement project.




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