单词 | 改悔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 改悔 —mend one's ways悔改 —repentrepentanceExamples:死不改悔—unrepentant • not repent even facing death [idiom.] • very obstinate See also:悔 n—remorse n 悔 v—regret v
阿萨德承诺的改革没有任何迹象,而且该政权也 没有对其所采用的手段表现出任何 悔改 之 意 ,他们的 那些做法可能构成危害人类罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is no sign of the reforms that Assad has been [...] promising, nor any remorse for the tactics [...]that have been used by the regime, which [...]may amount to crimes against humanity. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府认为,当他 [...] 意识到证据不可否认,并对他进行的侵犯现有法律的行为表 示 悔改 时 , 他自愿地 供认了罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government maintains that he made the confessions [...] voluntarily after realizing that the evidence was [...] undeniable, and repented the acts that [...]he had carried out in violation of the existing laws. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中有位先生咬牙切齒地說︰“這位梁先生(我或許稱他為梁 X先生)真的是死不悔改、精神分裂,他明顯是以權謀私,還大言不慚, [...] 不肯認錯。 legco.gov.hk | A man said between clenched teeth that, "This Mr LEUNG (or maybe I should call him Mr LEUNG [...] X) is really unrepentant and schizophrenic. legco.gov.hk |
然而,当局因“他还尚 无回首悔改之心”,不准他假释。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it was rejected due to the fact “that he had not entered on the path of correction”. daccess-ods.un.org |
對犯事者來說,這過程也或可讓他明白自己所 作所為造成的傷害,因而真心悔改, 在 過程中改過自 新。 legco.gov.hk | On the part of the offender, the process may make him / her [...] realize the harm that he / she has done so that he / she may [...] feel genuinely remorseful and be rehabilitated [...]in the process. legco.gov.hk |
同样,嫉妒是我们需要对付、承认和为之 悔改的。 sallee.info | Again, the jealousy is what needs to be dealt with, [...] confessed, and repented of. sallee.info |
弥赛亚是所谓的“Hadrach”,作为一个谁领导的异教徒世 界 悔改 ( ) ,虽然他是以色列的投标,向外邦人苛刻(亚九1。 mb-soft.com | The Messiah is called "Hadrach" [...] (Zech. ix. 1), as the one who leads the [...] heathen world to repentance (), though he [...]is tender to Israel and harsh toward the Gentiles (: Cant. R. vii. 5). mb-soft.com |
路加福音 24:46-47 [...] 又对他们说:“照经上所写的,基督必受害,第三日从死里复活,并且人要奉他的 名传悔改、赦 罪的道,从耶路撒冷起直传到万邦。 sallee.info | Luke 24:46-47 He told them, “This is what is written: The Christ [...] will suffer and rise from the dead on the [...] third day, and repentance and forgiveness [...]of sins will be preached in his name to [...]all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. sallee.info |
Annihilationists,另一方面,无论是在找不到任何理由或启示这种乐观的理由,并考虑到自己是一个不朽的宽限期,而不是灵魂的自然属性,相信最终会被消灭或不 知 悔改 不 再存在 - 上帝会因此最终被迫承认了他的目的和电源故障。 mb-soft.com | Annihilationists, on the other hand, failing to find either in reason or Revelation any grounds for such optimism, and considering immortality itself to be a grace and not the natural attribute of the [...] soul, believe that [...] the finally impenitent will be annihilated or cease to exist -- that God will thus [...]ultimately be compelled [...]to confess the failure of His purpose and power. mb-soft.com |
直到該員認罪悔改,再 經長老團及主任牧師印 證屬實,並經長老團總人數四分之三(含)通過後,得恢復其會籍。 dcfc.org | If he/she [...] confesses and repents, being confirmed [...]to be true by Elders Board and Senior Pastor, his/her membership may be [...]reinstated with a three-fourths (inclusive) vote approval of all Elders Board members. dcfc.org |
H没有参加那天晚上的讨论,但是当他走出门时,他安静地告诉我们说 他 悔改 了 ,而且已经做了我们给他的那本小册子後面的祷告。 amccsm.org | H' did not join in the discussion that night but, [...] as he went out the door, he quietly told us [...] that he had repented and had prayed [...]the prayer at the back of a booklet we gave him. amccsm.org |
不少的解經家將以色列人的悖逆往往歸咎於在他們 當中的「閒雜人」(不論他們真正是誰) ,就如其中一位是 這樣說:「這些閒雜人就好似今天教會中沒有真 正 悔改的 教 友一樣,像昔日一般,是輭弱和分裂的源頭(參民數記 11:4-6) 。 totalgrowth.org | Many commentators blamed these other people (whoever they were) for many of the troubles of the Israelites in the wilderness, as one of them says, “These ‘other people’ similar to unconverted church members in the present age, were a source of weakness and division then as now (cp. Number 11:4-6). totalgrowth.org |
可是我们并没有悔改,我 们的灵性仍然昏睡 不醒。 liangyou.net | But instead of repenting, we are in a [...] spiritual sleep. liangyou.net |
如果我们告诉不信的人除非他们悔改 , 信 基督,否则就会死在他们的罪中,那并不是在审判他们。 bcbsr.com | If we tell unbelievers that [...] unless they repent and come to faith in Christ they will die in their sins, that is [...]not pronouncing judgment upon them. bcbsr.com |
与塔利班进行对话,只能由阿富 汗政府进行,只有塔利班表示悔改、 承 认《阿富汗宪 法》、放弃暴力、与基地组织和其他恐怖组织断绝一 [...] 切关系,才能进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | A dialogue with the Taliban can be conducted only [...] by the Government of Afghanistan and only [...] if the Taliban repent, recognize the [...]Afghan Constitution, renounce violence and [...]break all ties with Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
约翰知道耶稣是来拯救一个民族的:一个由普天下所 有 悔改 己 罪 ,相信耶稣为他们救主的人 所组成的新民族。 centerformissions.com | John knew that Jesus would be the Savior of [...] all who would repent and trust Him. centerformissions.com |
朝鲜民主主 义人民共和国代表要明确指出,两国不存在国与国之 间的关系的主要原因是日本疯狂地对朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国采取敌对政策,其特点是拒不真 诚 悔改和 为其过去罪行作出赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should be emphasized that the lack of diplomatic relations was actually due primarily to the fact that Japan relentlessly pursued a hostile policy towards his country, refusing to apologize sincerely or to provide restitution for its past crimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一课,我们将学 习耶稣作为救主,免费为一切凡相信他,愿 意 悔改 的 人所提供的救恩。 centerformissions.com | In this lesson we will be studying about Jesus [...] as Savior and the salvation which He freely gives to anyone and [...] everyone who will repent of their sins and trust in Him. centerformissions.com |
在五旬節,彼得傳福音時,對眾人說:『你們各人 要 悔改 , 奉 耶穌基督 的名受洗,叫你們的罪得赦,就必領受所賜的聖靈,因為這應許是給你們和 [...] 你們的兒女,並一切在遠方的人,就是主我們上帝所召來的人。 efcga.org | On the day of Pentecost, when Peter preached the Gospel to [...] people, he said, “Repent and be baptized, [...]every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ [...]for the forgiveness of your sins. efcga.org |
按照我 所見,富者或成功人者能真正的悔改 信 主,往往是要經過 神所動的「手術」。 lordsgrace.ca | I have seen God perform the “impossible” on some of the rich, and it often takes the form of a “surgery” that cuts away the “roots” of the temptation. lordsgrace.ca |
这邀请呼籲人悔改,放弃只是为自己而生活的态度,开始自由自在地成为泛爱众人的工具,爱人不分男女,而特别是爱那些最贫穷的人。 santegidio.org | It is a call to conversion, giving up [...] a life spent just for oneself, and beginning in freedom to be instruments of a broader [...]love for everybody, for men and women, and above all for the poorest ones. santegidio.org |
此外,安全理事会第 [...] 1267(1999)号决议所设监察组和新闻部正在开展一项关 于已悔改的恐 怖分子的电影项目,以便向弱势群体和广大公众解释可能导致个人 [...] 投向恐怖主义的过程,并介绍这一行动所带来的负面后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Monitoring Team established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1267 (1999) and the Department [...] of Public Information are undertaking [...] a film project on repentant terrorists in order [...]to explain both to vulnerable communities [...]and to the public at large the processes that may lead an individual to terrorism, as well as to highlight the negative consequences of such an action. daccess-ods.un.org |
记念那位想要更多认识神的穆斯林祷告;在堕胎之後渴慕认识耶稣和祂的赦免的L;最 近 悔改 、 现 在心中有平安的H;还有积极向其他人传福音的A、V和其他年轻的基督徒。 amccsm.org | Remember the Muslim who is interested in learning more about God; ‘L' who expressed a desire to know Jesus and [...] His forgiveness following an abortion; [...] ‘H' who recently repented and now has peace [...]in his heart; as well as ‘A', ‘V' and [...]the other young Christians who are actively reaching out to others. amccsm.org |
尽管如此,我们将区 别对待那些继续胡作非为的人和有 悔改 之 意 的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | That notwithstanding, we will distinguish between those who persist [...] in wrongdoing and those who repent. daccess-ods.un.org |
為神賜給我們的救恩作見證,就能把罪人帶 到神面前來認罪悔改。 liangyou.net | Authentic witnesses for our salvation are what will bring [...] conviction to sinners to repent. liangyou.net |
若然仍不願意悔改,教會會作進一步的紀律處分,理事 會有權解除其會藉. leedsccc.org.uk | If there is no repentance, he or she shall [...] be further disciplined or the membership shall be terminated by the Church Council. leedsccc.org.uk |
愿这个悔改游行日,成为各教会的提醒,亦希望明年会有更多的教会和基督徒参加。 ccineurope.org | We hope more people will join in the march next year. ccineurope.org |
经过长时间的审判,他被宣告是“不 知 悔改 的 异教徒”并最终于 1600 年 2 月 17 日被烧死在罗马鲜花广场。 wdl.org | He was put under arrest by the Inquisition and, after a long trial, was pronounced an “impenitent heretic” and eventually burned at the stake in Campo de’ Fiori in Rome on February 17, 1600. wdl.org |
的,祂永居信徒心中,祂使罪人知罪 悔改 , 因 信稱義;使眾信徒在基 督的身體(教會)互為肢體,在恩典中成長,為主而活,事奉基督建 立教會,將福音傳遍世界。 christs-college.org | Providing quality education to equip students both in Christian character and professional abilities as life-long learners. christs-college.org |
3.1 根據第二條款, 凡重生得救, 經歷過認罪悔改, 信靠 主耶穌基督, 並願意遵 守本教會信條和支持本教會目標的基督徒, [...] 不論任何宗派都可以成為本教 會的會員. leedsccc.org.uk | 3.1 Membership, subject to Chapter 2, shall be [...] open to all who have experienced the New [...] Birth through repentance of sins and [...]faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and who abide [...]with the doctrinal basis and subscribe to the aims of the LCCC, regardless of their denominational affiliation. leedsccc.org.uk |