单词 | 捐献 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 捐献 —donationcontribute捐献 noun —contribution n捐献 noun, plural —donations pl捐献 verb—contribute sth. vExamples:器官捐献者—organ donor 自愿捐献 n—voluntary contribution n See also:捐 n—contribution n 捐 v—donate v 捐—contribute • tax 献—offer • dedicate • put on display • worthy person (old) 献 v—show v
B4.3 制定一个筹资战略,寻求新的政府和私营部门资金,设定现实的目标( 在 捐献 国数 量和资金额方面)和期限。 unesdoc.unesco.org | B4.3 Develop a fund-raising strategy that pursues new and potential governmental and private sources [...] of funds and that sets realistic targets (in [...] terms of the number of donor countries and amount [...]of funds) and timelines. unesdoc.unesco.org |
各公司也有为发展中国家捐献适当 的技术(例如通过使用费全免的 许可),包括那些关于富含维生素 A 的营养米(金米)和木薯的种植技术。 iprcommission.org | Companies have also donated technologies of relevance [...] to developing countries (for example, through royalty free licences), [...]including those related to vitamin A enriched rice (Golden Rice) and cassava. iprcommission.org |
土 地配额所有权人可使用他们的公共用地配额从事农业生产活动,也可出售 、 捐献 或出租其名下的土地配额。 daccess-ods.un.org | Owners of land quotas may use their quota of common land for agricultural [...] activity or may sell, donate or lease it. daccess-ods.un.org |
该代表 指出,来自食典委和特别小组的东道国政府和联合东道国政府的给食典预算的大量实物 捐献未包括在工作文件中。 codexalimentarius.org | The Representative noted that the significant in-kind contributions to the Codex budget from the host governments and co-hosting governments of Codex Committees and Task Forces were not included in the working document. codexalimentarius.org |
器官捐献需要得到捐献者本人同 意。 daccess-ods.un.org | Organ donation requires the consent of the donor. daccess-ods.un.org |
为确保发展取得 的成果由全民共享,当前拓展就业机会的政策包含企业社会责任计划,私营企业 向基金社会项目捐献一定 比例的利润(账面利润的 2%)。 daccess-ods.un.org | To ensure that the fruits of development are shared by all, the current policy to broaden the circle of opportunities comprises a corporate social responsibility scheme whereby private enterprises contribute a percentage (2 per cent of their book profit) to fund social projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如我上一份报告所述,大会第 64/274 号决议拨款 5 [...] 630 万美元,用作联 塞部队 2010 年 7 月 1 日至 2011 年 6 月 30 [...] 期间的维持费用,其中包括塞浦路斯 政府自愿捐献的 1 890 万美元,用于支付联塞部队三分之一的费用净额,以及希 [...]腊政府 650 万美元的自愿捐款。 daccess-ods.un.org | As indicated in my previous report, the General Assembly, by its resolution 64/274, appropriated the amount of $56.3 million for the maintenance of UNFICYP for the period from 1 [...] July 2010 to 30 June 2011, inclusive of [...] the voluntary contribution of one third [...]of the net cost of the Force, equivalent [...]to $18.9 million, from the Government of Cyprus, and the voluntary contribution of $6.5 million from the Government of Greece. daccess-ods.un.org |
捐献给非 索特派团的装备或所有权依然属 于 捐献 者的 装备将不予偿还费用(见 S/2012/74,第 29 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Equipment donated to AMISOM or where the ownership still remains with the donor would not [...] be reimbursed (see S/2012/74, para. 29). daccess-ods.un.org |
在他的回忆录中,他提到在将个人财 产 捐献 给 史 密森博物馆时,他的 Omega 手表被盗走了。 hk.ashford.com | In his memoir he refers to his Omega watch as being [...] stolen when he was donating some of his personal [...]effects to the Smithsonian Museum. ashford.com |
2006 年,中国常驻教科文组织代表团代表中华人民共和国政府建 议 捐献 给 本 组织一个 花园,该花园根据苏州古典园林的标准和原则设计,3 [...] 体现了基于贴近自然理念的中国传统 哲学。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In 2006, the Government of the People’s Republic of China, [...] represented by its Permanent Delegation to [...] UNESCO, proposed to donate to the Organization [...]a garden, designed according to the [...]standards and principles of the Classical Gardens of Suzhou,3 which represent the origin of Chinese traditional philosophy, itself based on close ties with the natural world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
气候变化特别基金需要额外捐献来支持 已递交的项目。 undpcc.org | The SCCF [...] needs additional contributions to support projects [...]that have been submitted. undpcc.org |
古巴促请卢森堡继续履行 将其国民生产总值的 0.7%捐献给 官 方发展 援 助的国际承诺,并请 卢森堡鼓励在欧洲联 盟 和 经济合作与发展 组织(经 合组织)的合作伙伴也实行这一良好惯例。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba urged Luxembourg to continue its international commitment to contribute 0.7 per cent of GNP to official development assistance and to encourage its partners in the European Union and in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to replicate this good practice. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您希望捐献脐带 血,请告诉您的助产士或妇科医生,他们会告诉您信 息并指导您该手续。 perinatalandalucia.es | If you wish to give away blood from the umbilical cord please [...] inform your midwife or gynaecologist so that they can give [...]you information on the procedure (mark ‘x’ if this is your preference). perinatalandalucia.es |
该唱片由 A&M 唱片公司的 Jimmy 和 Vicki Iovine,以及 Bobby Shriver 制作,所有收入均捐献给特奥会。 specialolympics.org | It is produced by Jimmy and Vicki Iovine of A&M Records and Bobby Shriver, with all earnings going to Special Olympics. specialolympics.org |
从 1985 年起,在美国所有捐献的血液都经过了 HIV 检测。 colgate.com.cn | Since 1985, all donated blood in the United [...] States has been tested for HIV. colgate.com.sg |
食典委完全承认食典委成员国的努力,特别是那些作为食典委附属机构东道国政府 给食典委工作提供重要的财政和其他支持或者对粮农组织和世卫组织预算外项目的 捐献者的努力。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission fully recognises the efforts of the members of the CAC, especially those which provide significant financial and other support to the work of the CAC as host governments of subsidiary bodies or as contributors to extra-budgetary programmes of FAO and WHO. codexalimentarius.org |
63 所以不管外界如何宣传跨国公司的许可 式 捐献 , 发展中国家的研究人员和农民本来就可 以自由地研究、种植、出售金米,而不会侵犯任何知识产权,也不会因此而被起诉。 iprcommission.org | Whilst developing countries made a number of proposals during the negotiations, the final treaty was essentially a hybrid of the laws prevailing in a number of developed countries, in particular the US and the EU. iprcommission.org |
器官接受者支付的 费用通常比捐献者得 到的要多得多,两者之差则付给中间人、外科医生和医院 [...] 主管,据报告他们全都参与此类有组织犯罪网络。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recipients of the organs usually pay [...] much more than the donors received, and the [...]difference is used to pay brokers, surgeons [...]and hospital directors, who have all been reported to be involved in such organized criminal networks. daccess-ods.un.org |
公民事务部 还会追踪 Cigna 公司年度报告和年度捐献报告中使用 的 捐献 信 息 、用于沟通的信息以及政府实体、非盈利 组织和潜在客户要求的信息。 kronoshealth.com | Civic Affairs [...] also tracks contribution information for use in Cigna’s corporate Annual Report and yearly Contributions Report, and [...]for communications and [...]information requests from governmental entities, non-profit organizations and potential customers. kronoshealth.com |
我还要强调,《联合国发 [...] 展援助框架》和经常性的人道主义应急方案中所指定的发展方面优先事项,包括 给予难民和国内流民的必要援助,除了伊拉克政府已在作出的巨 大 捐献 外 , 无可 避免地还需要国际捐助者提供更多的资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would also like to stress that the development priorities identified in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework and continuing humanitarian response programmes, including vital assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons, will inevitably [...] require more resources from [...] international donors in addition to the substantial contributions already being [...]made by the Government of Iraq. daccess-ods.un.org |
地役权由土地所有者自愿捐献或出 卖,可构成一 份具有法律约束力的协议。 teebweb.org | The easement is [...] either voluntarily donated or sold by the landowner [...]and constitutes a legally binding agreement. teebweb.org |
但是,A. O. 史密斯不会授权任何员工、管理者 或董事以公司的名义向某个政治人物、候选人或政党做 出 捐献。 aosmith.com | However, A. O. Smith does not authorize any employee, officer, or director to make [...] a company contribution to a politician, [...]candidate, or political party. aosmith.com |
近年来,学会为法律事务厅建立国际法 视听图书馆提供支助,包括捐献学会 的视听材料、安排采访负责人和宣传该项 [...] 目等。 daccess-ods.un.org | In recent years, the Society has supported efforts of the Office of the Legal Affairs to develop its [...] audio-visual library on international [...] law, including by contributing audio-visual [...]content from the Society, arranging interviews [...]with its leading members and publicizing the project. daccess-ods.un.org |
3月5日是中国每年一度的“学习雷锋纪念日”,在今年的这一天,特奥运动员赖静作出了她生命中最为重要的决定:签署《人体器 官 捐献 自 愿 书》。 specialolympics.org | This year, Special Olympics Athlete Lai [...] Jing made her most important decision in her life on this significant date: to [...] sign off human organ donation agreement. specialolympics.org |
d- 资助基金 a- 国内之组织, 个人, 国外之组织, 个人的自愿捐献 nistpass.gov.vn | a/ Voluntary contributions of domestic [...] and foreign organizations and individuals nistpass.gov.vn |
这些由美国使馆美国和中国员工捐献 的 物 资将被运往青海帮助地震救援工作。 embassyusa.cn | These items donated by American and Chinese [...] employees of the U.S. Embassy will be sent to Qinghai for earthquake relief. eng.embassyusa.cn |
自1997年开始,尼森先生一直与联合国儿童基金会合作,那时他还是“零钱表爱心” 募捐活动的代言人,这项活动筹集飞机上乘 客 捐献 的 零钱来帮助发展中国家的孩子们。 unicef.org | Mr. Neeson has worked with UNICEF since 1997 when he was the public face of the Change for Good partnership, which collects unused currency from airline passengers to help children in the developing world. unicef.org |
如果您想捐献脐带血,医院将会按在孕期向您明确的医疗程序进行。 perinatalandalucia.es | If you are going to donate the blood from the [...] cord, the appropriate procedure will be followed, all information on this [...]will be given during your pregnancy. perinatalandalucia.es |
瓦克员工在上海(2006年)和苏州(2007年) 为 捐献 造 血干细胞而献血。 wacker.com | Blood specimen collection for [...] hematopoietic stem cell donation in Shanghai in 2006 [...]and Suzhou in 2007. wacker.com |