

单词 拒签

See also:


a tag
a label
inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc)
sign one's name
small wood sliver

External sources (not reviewed)

如果您的学生签证申请被澳大利亚移民与公民事务部(DI AC ) 拒签 , 您可以依据《海外学生教育服务法案》(ESOS [...]
If your application for a
[...] student visa is refused by the Department [...]
of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), you will receive
a refund for pre-paid course fees calculated in accordance with the ESOS Act.
关于与培训相关的差旅,第 95 段表示,所需资源增加 主要是由于外来培训员的签证发放被拖延或 拒签。
With regard to training-related travel, it is indicated in paragraph 95 that the
increased requirements are mainly due to challenges faced with regard to the
[...] delay or denial of visas to incoming trainers.
值得注意的是,一旦移民与公民事务部拒绝为学生签发签证,无 拒签 原 因 如何,该生与教育机构之间签署的书面协议将就此失效。
It is important to note
[...] that if DIAC refuses to issue a visa [...]
to a student, for whatever reason, any written agreement between
the student and an education provider no longer remains in force.
[...] 苏丹和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,由于向国际专家发放签证出现延误 拒签 , 人 道主 义活动受到严重影响。
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Sudan and the Syrian Arab Republic,
humanitarian activities are significantly
[...] hampered by the denial of visas or delays in [...]
their issuance to international experts.
很多本身条件符合签证资格的申请人由于错误地认为只有通过说谎作假的方式才能获得签证反而 拒签。
The Visa Unit sees many otherwise qualified applicants who wrongly believe that lying is the only way they will
[...] be able to obtain a visa.
移民与公民事务部将向申请人发 拒签 通 知
DIAC will write to you to
[...] say your visa has been refused.
谨转递 2010 年 5 月 24 日美国常驻联合国代表团给伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻联 合国代表团的一份普通照会(见附件),回复后者 2010 年 3 月 15 日和 2010 年 5 月 7
[...] 日有关穆罕默德·迈赫迪·阿克洪德扎德赫·巴斯提副外长的签证延迟签发 和拒签的两份照会(见 A/AC.154/393,附件)。
I have the honour to enclose a copy of a note verbale dated 24 May 2010 (see annex) that has been sent by the United States Mission to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations as a response to its notes of 15 March 2010 and of 7 May 2010 (see
A/AC.154/393, annex) regarding delays in visa
[...] issuance and denial of a visa for [...]
the Deputy Foreign Minister, Mohammad Mehdi Akhonzadeh Basti.
任何为了获得签证而说谎或出示虚假材料的申请人都将 拒签 , 并有可能被永久 拒签。
Any person committing misrepresentation or using fraudulent documents in an attempt to obtain a visa will be found ineligible for a visa and may be subject to a lifetime visa ineligibility.
第二次选拔: 在当地进行学历考试以及面试 如已取得「在留资格认定证明书」,但因个人因素 拒签 者 , 入学金一概不 退,请谅解。
Please acknowledge that as a general policy admission fee that has already been remitted will not be refunded except when visa could not be obtained after going through proper processing procedures.
处罚与古巴开展投资和商务的第三国企业 拒签 其 进 入美国 签 证(拒 签可扩 展到其家属);与古巴交易如涉及美国公民或生于古巴而后获得 美国国籍的公民索偿的财产,甚至会受到美国法庭的法律起诉。
Third-country business people who have investments in or
conduct business with Cuba are
[...] penalized with the denial of United States visas (which may extend [...]
to family members), and they
are even subject to legal action in United States courts if their transactions with Cuba involve property related to claims by United States citizens or Cuban born individuals who subsequently acquired United States citizenship.
课程开始日期前15个工作日内递交的申请将不被作为SPP 类 别受理,并且有可能拒签。
Applications submitted less than 15 working days before the first day of classes will not be processed under
[...] the SPP and may be refused.
如果遭到拒绝,申请人可以在接 拒签 通 知 后30天内向瑞 士联邦行政法院提出上诉并要求法院判决联邦移民局承担相 [...]
If the visa is denied, the applicant [...]
can appeal to the Federal Administrative Court in Berne within 30 days of notification
by requesting the decision for a fee from the Federal Office for Migration.
未能提供完整、真实及准确的文件有可能导致你的申请 拒签。
Failure to provide complete, truthful, and accurate materials may result in your
[...] application being refused.
故意误导签证官或在面谈时说谎将导 拒签 , 并有可能导致永久 拒签。
[...] or lying could result in a refusal and even permanent visa ineligibility.
封锁阻碍古巴派代表 参加美国境内的国际组织,因为在签发必要的旅行签证时出现延误或遭 拒签, 古 巴政府代表参加 2010 年 9 月最后一次泛美卫生组织指导委员会会议的签证延 迟签发就属于这种情况。
The embargo hinders Cuba’s representation in international organizations in the United States owing to delays or failures in issuing the necessary visas for travel, as was the case in the delay of the visa for the Cuban Government representative attending the last meeting of the PAHO Directing Council, held in September 2010.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国对美国政府无拒 绝 签 发 主 管国际和法律事务副外长,即 直接主管联合国事务的最高官员的入境签证表示强烈抗议,并认为这 拒签 行为违反了东道国的国际法律义务,包括《总部协定》。
The Islamic Republic of Iran expresses its strong protest to the United
States Government for
[...] unjustifiably denying an entry visa to the Deputy Foreign Minister for International and Legal Affairs — the top official in direct charge of United Nations affairs — and regards this denial as a violation [...]
of the host country’s
international legal obligations, including the Headquarters Agreement.
[...] 法国国际广播电台和德国之声记者的签证未被延期,也被称为“变相驱逐”;其 论据是马达加斯加当局没有说拒签 决 定 有何理由,而按理来讲至少对记者据签 [...]
It was argued that the Malagasy authorities did not provide the grounds for their decision not to renew the visas, whereas such grounds must be provided, at least in the case of journalists.12 However, not only is such an obligation absent from the laws of Madagascar and
those of most other countries, but the granting
[...] or renewal of visas is a sovereign [...]
prerogative of States recognized by international law.
拉塞尔·格雷厄姆(签名) 美国常驻联合国代表团向伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻联合国代表团致意,并谨提 及后者 2010 年 3 月 15 日和 2010 年 5 月 7
[...] 日有关穆罕默德·迈赫迪·阿克洪德 扎德赫·巴斯提副外长的签证延迟签发和 拒签 的 两 份照会。
(Signed ) Russell F.Graham Minister Counsellor for Host Country Affairs The United States Mission to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations and wishes to refer to the latter’s notes verbale of 15 March 2010
and 7 May 2010, respectively, regarding
[...] delays and the denial of a visa to Deputy [...]
Foreign Minister Mohammad Mehdi Akhonzadeh Basti.
[...] 并不参与这一过程,也不对任何形式的处理延迟或意大利大使馆/领事馆对任何申请人的签证批准 拒签 负 责
It must be noted that the grant or refusal of the Italy visa is at the sole discretion of the Italy Embassy / Consulates and ITALYVAC is neither involved in the process nor is liable or responsible in any
manner whatsoever for any delay in
[...] processing or grant or rejection of the visa application [...]
of any applicant by the Italy Embassy / Consulates.
9.决定,依照 2000 年 7 月《洛美宣言》和《关于成立非洲联盟和平与安 全理事会的议定书》关于违宪政府更替的有关条款,如果到 2009 年 2 月 5 日尚 未恢复宪政秩序,理事会将采取措施,包括对其活动旨在维护毛里塔尼亚的违宪 现状的所有平民和军事人员实施定向制裁,特别 签 证 拒签 、 旅行限制和资产冻 结。
that, pursuant to the pertinent provisions of the Lomé Declaration of July 2000 and the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council on Unconstitutional Changes of Government, if by 5 February 2009, constitutional order is not restored, Council will impose measures, including targeted sanctions, in particular visa denials, travel restrictions and freezing of assets, to all individuals, both civilian and military, whose activities are designed to maintain the unconstitutional status quo in Mauritania.
葡萄牙还回顾说,它已拒绝关于签 署 《 保护所有移徙工人及 其家庭成员权利公约》的建议。
Portugal also recalled
[...] that it had already rejected the recommendation to sign and ratify the [...]
International Convention on
the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
(2) 任何人如沒有合法辯解或沒有獲得公司或其人員特准而處於任何巴士、西北鐵路
[...] 車輛或鐵路處所的任何部分,或違反本附例,在任何人員要求其離開該等地方 拒 絕 離 開,即可 被立即移離該等地方,而不損害按照本附例可予施加的任何處罰或附加費。
(2) Any person who, without lawful excuse or the authority of the Corporation or its officials is on any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or on any part of the railway
premises or who otherwise being in
[...] breach of this Bylaw refuses to leave the same [...]
on being requested so to do by any official
may be immediately removed therefrom without prejudice to any penalty or surcharge which may be imposed in accordance with this Bylaw.
[...] 不同级别的官员,或一些代表政府行事或得到政府直接或间接支持、同意或默许 的有组织团体或个人,违反有关人员本人的意愿而将其逮捕、拘留或绑架或剥夺 他们的自由,随后拒绝透 露有关人员的命运或下落, 拒 绝 承认剥夺了他们的 自由,结果将这些人置于法律保护之外。
As defined in the preamble of the Declaration, enforced disappearances occur when persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty by officials of different branches or levels of Government or by organized groups or private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent or
acquiescence of the Government,
[...] followed by a refusal to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge [...]
the deprivation of their
liberty, which places such persons outside the protection of the law.
該 條例第6(2)條訂明,某人如沒有在第3(1)條提述的限期內繳付該條
[...] 所指的通知書內指明的表列罪行的定額罰款, 拒 絕 接受該通知 書,指明的主管當局須向該人送達一份採用訂明格式的通知書, [...]
該罪行的法律責任提出抗辯,則須以書面通知主管當局;以及(c) 述明該項繳款或通知,均須在自如此送達的通知書日期起計的10 天內作出。
Section 6(2) of the Ordinance provides that where a person fails to pay the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence specified in the
notice given under section 3(1) within the
[...] time specified or refuses to accept the notice, [...]
the specified Authority shall serve
on the person a notice in the prescribed form (a) demanding payment of the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence; (b) informing the person that if he wishes to dispute liability for the offence he should notify the Authority in writing; and (c) stating that the payment or notification shall be made within 10 days from the date of the notice so served.
乍得强调,不应将剩余建议视为遭 拒 绝 , 实际上,一些建议是多余的,已 经采取了立法措施处理它们提到的问题,其他一些建议涉及的问题,目前正在由 [...]
Chad emphasized that it was not
appropriate to regard the remaining
[...] recommendations as rejected; indeed, some were [...]
simply redundant, as they referred to
matters on which legislative measures had already been taken, while others related to matters presently being considered by appropriate national bodies and institutions.
以色列的政策蔑视所有具有国际合法性的相关决 议,特别是尤其是第
497(1981)号决议——(该决议规 定,以色列侵占叙利亚戈兰的决定无效,没有法律效
[...] 力);作为这类同样政策的一部分,以色列正继 拒不 把被占领的叙利亚戈兰归还给它的祖国叙利亚,并正 [...]
在奉行其定居点政策、恐怖主义行动、种族歧视行为, 试图羞辱叙利亚公民,分割被占领的叙利亚戈兰,并
在戈兰 Majdal Shams 村庄以东建造一道隔离墙。
As part of the same Israeli policy that flouts all relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, in particular resolution 497 (1981), which provides that the Israeli decision to annex the Syrian Golan is null
and void and has no legal effect, Israel
[...] is continuing to refuse to return the occupied [...]
Syrian Golan to its motherland, Syria,
and is pursuing its settlement policies, terrorist actions, acts of racial discrimination, attempts to humiliate Syrian citizens, divide the occupied Syrian Golan and build a separation wall in the Golan east of the village of Majdal Shams.
在克罗地亚和执行委员签订的 协定中,2005 年附件 A 第一类(氟氯化碳)的最大 允许消费量是 65 ODP 吨,2010 年为 0 ODP 吨;对其间年份,协定没有设定确切数字,但 规定:“消耗臭氧层物质的法律(1999 年 1 月 30 日)列有条款,规定在 2006 年至 2009 年期间,作为一项特例,最多可进口 21.9 ODP 吨附件 A(第一类和第二类)和/或附件 B (第二类和第三类)或含有这些物质的产品,但这些物质和/或产品得用于维护人、植物和 /或动物的生命;国防、安保和消防;和科学研究安全,以及这些产品不能以对环境友好和 在经济上可行的代用品取代”。
In the agreement between Croatia and the Executive Committee, the maximum allowable consumption for Annex A, Group I (CFCs) for the year 2005 was 65 ODP tonnes, for 2010 0 ODP tonne; and for the years in between, the agreement provides no exact figure but stipulates that "The By-Law on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (of 30 January 1999) includes a clause on importing on an exceptional basis between 2006 and 2009 up to 21.9 ODP tonnes of Annex A (Groups I and II) and/or Annex B (Groups II and III) or products containing these substances, when these substances and/or products are for preserving human, plant and/or animal life; national defence, safety and fire-fighting; and scientific research safety, when such products cannot be replaced by environmentally-sound and economically-viable alternatives”.
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领域的工作:不敏感 爆炸物和氧化性固体的分类;与灰尘爆炸危害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点 蚀问题以及 C.1 检验对固体的适用性);进一步调整《全球统一制度》的标准以 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀/刺激的章节进行文字修订; 水引发毒性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全球统一制度》附件 1、2 和 3;编 制小包装签的进一步指导。
The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be continued in the biennium 2011-2012: classification of desensitized explosives and oxidizing solids; issues related to dust explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further alignment of the criteria in the Globally Harmonized System with that of the Model Regulations; editorial revision of the chapters addressing skin corrosion/irritation; assessment of water-activated toxicity; implementation issues; further improvement of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development of additional guidance for the labelling of small packagings.
与阿 富汗农村发展研究所和中央统计局之 签 署 的 合作协议表明该国有一些专家,今 后可由他们对类似调查进行设计、执行和报告。
Partnership agreements with the Afghan Institute for Rural Development and the Central Statistics Office mean that expertise exists in the country to design implement and report on similar surveys in the future.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理签订的 长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.




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