

单词 大部份



overwhelming majority

See also:


most of
the majority of sth.


many ofadj


part (of a whole)
shell (Unix)

External sources (not reviewed)

However, mostof the exit polls conducted by the author are sponsored by medias, part of the outcomes are used to predict the election outcome.
虽然我们有些客户於年内面对财 政紧绌情况,我大部份仍然对本公司维持高忠诚度,主要基於我们能够提供全面化的优 质卫星服务,以支援客户的业务发展。
Although some ofour customers faced budgetary constraints during the year, our clientele mostly remained loyal to us based on our ability to offer a full range of high quality satellite services and support their business development.
大部份提供庇 护英语学习 (参看下文解释) 学校必须解释方案 如何进行、如何帮助你孩子学习英语及如何满 足你孩子的教育需要。
(See explanation of ShelteredEnglish Immersion below.) The school must explain how the program works, how it will help your child learn English, and how it will meet your child’s educational needs.
这 是 由 於 很 多 因 素 的 结 合 , 包大 部 份持 续 增 长 令 收 入 上 升 、 政 府 发 放 补 贴 、 执 行 节 流 措 施 令一般 及 行 政 开 支 减 [...]
少( 经 毛 利 贡 献 减 少 所 部 份 抵 销 )所 致 。
This was attributable to a combination of
[...] factors, including theincrease in revenue contributions by most of thebusiness segmentswith continuing [...]
volume growth, subsidies
granted by government and the decrease in general and administrative expenses as a result of the implementation of cost cutting measures which are partially offset by the decrease in gross profit contributions.
众多国家中,土耳 其、菲律宾及比利时领先大部份均录得理想回报。
From a country perspective, Turkey, the Philippines, and Belgium led the performance, with most countries posting positive returns.
在此次活动收集到大部份均支持露天广场的计划 (例如旅游业界,油尖旺区议会 等),然而,有些意見则主要关注到该区的車辆和行人的交通安排。
Amajorityof the views collected in this exercise support the piazza project (e.g. the tourismsector,the Yau Tsim [...]
Mong District Council,
etc.), although some are concerned mainly about the vehicular and pedestrian traffic arrangements in the area.
大部份认为贷款应只限学费,而部份成员则认为学习支 出也应包括在内。
Most suggested that loans should cover tuition fees only, while some wereof the view that they should cover academic expenses as well.
大部份参与活动的参加者接受 在香港会议展览中心及湾仔沿岸有填海的需要,以采用明 挖回填方式建造浅层隧道,但明显倾向於选择无须在铜锣 湾避风塘填海的隧道方案(虽然有些人士提出在避风塘内 湾进行有限度填海,以作优化海滨之用)。
Most participants in the public engagement exercises accept the need for reclamation at the HKCEC and along the Wan Chai shoreline for shallow cut-andcover tunnel construction, but there is a clear preference for tunnel options that do not result in reclamation in the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (although some parties have suggested limited reclamation in the corners of the typhoon shelter for waterfront enhancement).
虽然农林、林业和渔业所需的额外投大部份家庭和企业提供,额外的研究及延伸 活动所需大部分投资将依靠政府资助。
While most of the additional investment needed for agriculture, forestry and fisheries will be provided by households and corporations, a substantial part of the additional research and extension activity will be funded by government.
由於该两间联营公司已分别安排银行融资以支付大部份,预期在银行融资有效期间本 集团毋须就该等资本承担动用资金。
Since these 2 associated companies
have already arranged bank facilities to
[...] finance the majorportions of their said [...]
costs respectively, it is not expected that
these capital commitments will be called to any significant extent during the subsistence of the bank facilities.
他的职业生大部份都在海外度过(1962年至1970年期间,先后在安哥拉、几内亚及帝汶等地服务;于1974年至1976年,抵澳担任总督),是一位国际性的指挥家(于1987年至1990年间,在北大西洋公约组织(NATO)担任葡萄牙军事顾问代表;于1996年,担任联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(Minurso [...][...]
/ ONU)的军事指挥官、高级军事研究学院和国防研究学院院长及陆军副参谋长),除此之外,亦是位高等教育机构人员(分别於高级军事研究学院、里斯本技术大学社会与政治科学高等学院及葡萄牙天主教大学政治学院,担任专家导师)。
His professional life was dividedbetweenthe ancient colonies [...]
(Angola from 1962 to 1964 and from 1970 to 1972, Guinea-Bissau from
1965 to 1967 and Timor from 1968 to 1970, and was Governor of Macau between 1974 and 1979), the command and international roles (Military Counselor of the Portuguese Delegation of NATO between 1987 and 1990, Commanding Officer of Minurso/ONU-1996 Military Component, director of the High Military Studies Institute and of the National Defense Institute, and Vice-Chief of the Army Staff), and the universitary teaching (IAEM and masters degrees from the Superior Institute of Social and Political Sciences, IEP/UCP).
由 於 本 集 团 认 为,值 得 信 赖 的 和 合 作 性 强 的 供 货 商 对 本 集 团 是 非 常 重 要 且 有 益
处,且 向 中 兴 新、中 兴 新 地、中 兴 新 宇 及 中 兴 新 舟 进 行 采
[...] 购, 使 本 集 团 对 该 等 原 料 和 组 件 在 质 量、及 时 交 货 等 方 面 获 得 保 证,从 而 确 保 对 本 集 团 生 产 所大 部 份的 供 应 有 必 要 的 控 制。
As the Group considers that having reliable and cooperative suppliers is important and beneficial to us, purchasing from Zhongxingxin, Zhongxing Xindi, Zhongxing Xinyu and Zhongxing Xinzhou allows us to secure
essential control over
[...] most ofthe components ofour production by being able to ensure timely delivery of such componentswhile maintaining [...]
product quality.
大部份本平 民因此难以分辨,究竟由政党或由军国主义者执掌政府的分别在哪里。
To most Japanese commoners, thus, itmeant little difference whether the government was run by a party or by the militarists.
该 等 国 际 企大 部 份╱ 装 配 厂 房 均 为 新 建 , 彼 等 扩 充 生产计 划 预 期 将 继续带 动 武 汉 阳 逻 港 之 吞吐量 进 一 步 增 长 。
As many of the manufacturing/assembly plants of these international companies are new, their planned production expansion is expected to continue to contribute to the growth in throughput at the WIT Port.
预 期 是 项 拨大 部 份下 一 个 财 政 年 度 动 用,而 全 数 拨 备 将 於 结 算 日 起 计 三 年 内 动 用。
It is expected that the majority of this provision will be utilised in the next financial year, and all will be utilised within three years of the balance sheet date.
只有改变移民法律才可 以改大部份份移民此情况。
Only a change in immigration law will improve this situation for the vast majority of undocumented immigrants.
2.14 除非获得出席委员会会议大部份批准,否则,除委员会成员或委员会秘 书外,其他人士不准出席任何委员会会议。
2.14 Save for and except with approval from the majority members who present at a Committee Meeting, no persons other than the Committee Members or the Committee Secretary shall be allowed to attend any Committee Meetings.
管理层认为,由 於本集团大部份及交易主要於中国经营及进行,并以人民币为功能货币,故本集团毋须面对重 大外币风险。
The management considers the Group is not exposed to significant foreign currency risk as the majority of its operations and transactions are in the PRC with their functional currency of RMB.
在 2007 年 12 月行政长官提交全国人民代表大会常务委员会有关政治发展 的报告中,行政长官承大部份希望加快民主化步伐,但他同时建议香港在 2017 年进行首次行政长官普选,并把立法会的普选日期推迟到更後甚至没有明 确的日子(即使行政长官宣称有关选举可以在 2020 年举行)。
However, he still proposed a comparatively slow pace towards democracy in Hong Kong, with which the first Chief Executive will be, at the earliest elected by universal suffrage in 2017, leaving the realization of universal suffrage of the Legislative Council to a later, uncertain date (despite claims by the Chief Executive that this can occur in 2020).
铁矿石价格於年大部 份维持合理稳定,但於十月面对中国买家罢买而急剧下跌,最 终於年底回升至低於140美元/吨的水平。
Iron ore was reasonably stable for much of the year, but dramatically fell away in October facing a Chinese buyers strike before eventually recovering at the end of year below the $ 140/t level.
However, in the case of a R&D Centre project in which the university is undertaking most of the R&D work, the R&D Centre may be free to agree with the university concerning the ownership of the intellectual property.
大部份院 护理都是留医护理;病人亦可以在医院的急症 室或无须卧床护理中心接受「门诊」服务。
Most hospital care is inpatient care; a patient can also receive "outpatient" care in a hospital's emergency room or ambulatory care center.
默认它遵循的规则是类似大部份web览器为 创文档对象模型所使用的规则。
By default it follows the
[...] rules are similarto most webbrowsers to [...]
create the document object model used by the rules.
耆老就业培训计划全 国总监李恩姃博士 (Dr. Eun Jeong Lee) 主大部份﹐包括整个耆老就业培训计 划程序﹐从招募和登记参加者 至替他们找到一份非资助的 工作。
SCSEP National Director Dr. Eun Jeong Lee conducted most of the training, which encompassed the entire SCSEP process, from participant recruitment and enrollment, to exiting for an unsubsidized job.
构想二及构想三的主要缺点是:需要额外填平铜锣湾 避风塘的内湾;严重的交通滋扰;清拆维多利亚公园的大部份卸并重建主要公路结构;北角隧道出入口处的 空气质素问题等等。
The major drawbacks of Tunnel Variations 2 and 3 include additional reclamation for filling in of the corners of the
Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter,
[...] major trafficdisruption,demolition ofa large partof Victoria [...]
Park, demolition and then reconstruction
of major highway structures, and air quality concerns at the tunnel portal area in North Point.
Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the assets expire or, the financial assets are transferred and the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets.
当然,如果神没有给予我们生育的能力是另一回事。 我大部份妇是蒙神恩赐我们有儿有女的,我们是可 [...]
以见证得到,因有儿女教养儿女所带来真正无条件,像神 般的爱的学习。
Unless, for some reason, God has not [...]
given you the gift of children, those of us who are blessed with children can testify
to the tremendous privilege of learning what God-like, unconditional love is through the rearing of children.
如果有关投资物业可予以折旧,并且以目的 是使投资物业大部份济利益随时间过去(而非通过出售)而消耗的商业模式持有,则这项假设可 被推翻。
The presumption is rebutted when the investment property is depreciable and is held within a business model whose objective is to consume substantially all of the economic benefits embodied in the investment property over time, rather than through sale.




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