单词 | 大量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大量—numerousless common: bulk great amount large quantity magnanimous 大量adjective—extensiveadj substantialadj generousadj 大量noun—lotn massiven fundn scoren hostn blockn bunchn bucketn chunkn wealthn floodn bundlen massn 大大adverb—significantlyadvExamples:大容量n—large capacityn high volumen 大量杀伤武器—weapons of mass destruction 宽洪大量adj—generousadj
此外,还存在大量怀疑内有其他战争 遗留爆炸物的危险地点。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition a significant number of hazards suspected to contain other explosive remnants of war remain. daccess-ods.un.org |
有代表团还指出,由于石榴品种繁多并在不同地区种植,因此确定一个全球标准需要大 量的时间和资源。 codexalimentarius.org | It was also pointed out that significant time and resources might be needed to finalize a worldwide standard in view of the widerange ofvarieties of pomegranate cultivated in various regions. codexalimentarius.org |
在可能的 [...] 情况下,我们一定做到合乎标准,而不是永远超量进行,因为另一方面,这 会消耗大量能源。 legco.gov.hk | We should try to meet the standards as far as possible [...] instead of always exceeding the required objectives because this will, on the other [...] hand, wastea large amount ofenergy. legco.gov.hk |
斯洛伐克认为,这一系列建议所涉问题 十分复杂,需要有大量的资金及有关各方的努力与合作,并指出,处理好这些问 题不是一朝一夕的事,但这些问题将会得到解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Slovakia considered this set of recommendations very complex and requiring huge financial resources, effort and cooperation of all involved, and noted that solutions were not imminent but would materialize in the future. daccess-ods.un.org |
在与主要赞助者(会员国、联合国和学术界)围绕编制一 [...] 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做 大量的工作,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 [...]需要制定实际的政策工具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal [...] declaration of ethical principles in relation to [...] climate change, it became clear that [...]significant work is needed on the upstream [...]clarification of basic ethical principles, including but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools. unesdoc.unesco.org |
也门回 顾了以色列最 近 对 加沙地带 的 攻 击 ,并指 出,以色列无 视 自 1948 [...] 年以来提出的各项建议,所以它也将无视 大量的普遍定期审议建议,特别是 与结束 [...]对被占所有巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领、承认巴勒斯坦人民有权自 决、 有权建立 [...]一 个 以以色列耶路撒冷为首都 的 独立的主权国家 、巴勒斯坦难 民有权回 到自己 的 家 园 、有权得到赔偿并有权收 复财产的建议,这 一 点 也不奇 怪 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yemen recalled the recent Israeli attack against the Gaza strip and indicated that Israel has ignored recommendations since [...] 1948 and so it is not surprising that it [...] will ignore the largest number of UPR [...]recommendations, specially those related to [...]putting an end to the occupation in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and to recognizing the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, to an independent sovereign state with Jerusalem as a capital, and to the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and their right to compensation and restitution of their properties. daccess-ods.un.org |
以往冲突所遗留的大量武器的存在,以及武装团体及贩运网络的存在,领土面积 广大、往往难以控制,国家所提供的安保有限,周边地区体制驻留人员有限,以 [...] 及难以实施国际和国家两级的实体安保和库存管理最佳做法——这些都是助长 武器不法扩散的因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | The presence oflargequantities of weapons left over [...] from previous conflicts, the existence of armed groups and trafficking [...]networks, the very large and often difficult territory to control, the limited provision of security by the State, lack of institutional presence in peripheral areas, and the difficulty of implementing international and national physical security and stockpile management best practices are all factors that encourage the illicit proliferation of weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要挑战包括处理大量数据和提高接收的数据质量,确保传播数据的时间性和完整 [...] 性,克服语言障碍,并使各国专利库数量达到最高程度。 wipo.int | Main challenges include the [...] processing of the high volumeof data and [...]improving the quality of the data received, ensuring [...]timeliness and completeness of the disseminated data, overcoming linguistic barriers and maximizing the number of national collections. wipo.int |
咨询委员会还获悉,和其他部厅 不同的是,信息和通信技术厅大量依赖 订约承办事务,以便灵活增强能力,满足 对于一次性信通技术项目的需求,这是一种最佳做法,即:工作人员职位通常保 留给需要长期维持机构利益和记忆、针对具体机构的职能和活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was also informed that, unlike other departments and offices, the Office of Information and Communications Technology relied heavily on contractual services to flexibly augment its capacity to address requirements for one-time ICT projects, reflecting a best practice by which staff positions were generally reserved for institution-specific functions and activities that required long-term preservation of institutional interests and memory. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列与巴勒斯坦权力机构之间的直接和平谈 判由于美国政府做了大量努力 而一度得以恢复,但不 久便告中断,此后一直未能恢复,尽管这种谈判是达 [...] 成一项将导致根据安全理事会相关决议、“路线图” 和“阿拉伯和平倡议”,以及 2010 年 3 月和 9 [...]月与 2011 年 2 月中东问题四方声明建立一个在政治上和经济上 有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国的全面、持久和可为双方共 同接受的解决办法的最佳途径。 daccess-ods.un.org | After a brief resumption [...] resulting from the considerable efforts undertaken [...]by the United States Government, it has not [...]been possible to resume direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, despite the fact that they represent the best option for achieving a comprehensive, lasting and mutually acceptable solution that would lead to the establishment of a political and economically viable Palestinian State, in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions, the Road Map and the Arab Peace Initiative, as well as the Quartet statements of March and September 2010 and February 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
大家充分地认识 到,这些危机需要采取全球协同行动,而且也使得我们有 大量机会来改善我们行 事的方式,以及进行互动的方式,以及我们与环境之间的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is ample recognition that these crises demand concerted global action and they offer us a tremendous opportunity to improve our way of doing things, of interacting with one another and with the environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
需要本着共同承担责任和相互问责的精神,通过重振和加强全球伙伴关系向这些 努力提供大量切实的国际支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | These efforts need to be [...] given concrete and substantialinternational support [...]in a spirit of shared responsibility and mutual [...]accountability through renewed and strengthened global partnership. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此值得指出的是,教科文组织是一个非驻地机构,并且是在财政资源和人员不足的 情况下参与大量会议,因此,参与国家工作队和联合国次区域工作队以及各种联合国专题和 [...] 联合小组会议(牙买加境内会议除外)的次数受到限制,并且主要通过电子邮件和电话会议 [...](在可能情况下)参与会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is worth mentioning that, as a non-resident agency and in the face of inadequate financial [...] resources and staff to carry out missions to [...] participate in the numerous meetings, UNESCO’s [...]participation in meetings of the UNCTs, [...]UNSTs and various United Nations theme and joint groups (outside of the ones in Jamaica) is limited, and done mainly through e-mail contributions and teleconference (where possible). unesdoc.unesco.org |
经社会认识到在亚太 区域有着丰富的经验和大量良好做法,要求秘书处继续支持交流各种知识、 经验和良好做法,以促进两性平等、社会发展和减贫。 daccess-ods.un.org | It recognized the wealth of experience and good practices that existed in the region, and called upon the secretariat to continue to support the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices to promote gender equality, social development and poverty reduction. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会还从前南斯 拉夫问题国际法庭代表处获悉,虽然这种合并审理导致一些审案法官的 任期延长,但也大量节约了成本并提高了整体效率。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was also informed by representatives of the International Tribunal for the Former [...] Yugoslavia that while such [...] joinders hadnecessitated the extension of the terms of some ad litem judges, they had also led to significant savings and [...]greater overall efficiency. daccess-ods.un.org |
对拥有大量中小企业(例如:聚氨酯泡沫塑料行业、溶剂行业、聚乙烯泡沫塑料行 业和工商业制冷行业)的行业,将通过限制将要销售到国内市场的相关物质的数量对消费 [...] 量进行管理。 multilateralfund.org | For those [...] sectorswith large amounts ofsmalland medium [...]enterprises, like PU foam sector, solvent sector, XPS foam sector [...]and ICR sector, the consumption would be managed by limiting the quantities of the relevant substances to be sold to the domestic market. multilateralfund.org |
有代表重点指出,在本区域有大量的未被纪录 的女工,也重点强调了为通过正规渠道移徙的妇女提供更多机会的必要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The large numbers of undocumented female workers in the region was highlighted, as was the need to create more opportunities for women to migrate through formal channels. daccess-ods.un.org |
该举措涉及环境署和联合国范围内的多项举措,其 目的是提供令人信服的宏观经济证据,证明应该 大量增加 环境投资,以促进可持 续的经济增长,创造体面的就业机会并减少贫穷,同时减少温室气体排放,减少 开采和使用自然资源并减少废物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The initiative involves a number of UNEP and United Nations-wide initiatives that are aimed at providing convincing macroeconomic evidence for significantly increasing investments in the environment as a means of promoting sustainable economic growth, the creation of decent jobs and the reduction of poverty, while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions, extracting and using less natural resources and creating less waste. daccess-ods.un.org |
管理营运、法律及监管风险需要(其中包括)制定政策及程序以适 当记录及核证大量交易 及事件,而该等政策及程序在实施时亦未必完全有效。 glencore.com | Management of operational, legal and regulatory risk requires, among other things, policies and procedures to properly record and verify a large number of transactions and events, and these policies and procedures may not be fully effective in doing so. glencore.com |
就海地处理各捐助方运入该国的大量二手 氟氯烃设备问题,环境规划署代表证实, [...] 虽然国家臭氧机构正致力于建立使用氟氯烃的设备的配额制度,但他必须向新任臭氧干事 要求提交进度报告。 multilateralfund.org | In response to a question about the efforts being made by Haiti to deal [...] with the large amounts of second-hand [...]HCFC-based equipment being brought into the [...]country by donors, the representative of UNEP confirmed that, although the NOU was working on establishing a quota system for HCFC-based equipment, he would have to revert to the new ozone officer for a progress report. multilateralfund.org |
您在该网站上和/或通过我们产品提交的信息将会被用于 大量的商业目的,例如,完成产品交易和付款;向您提供我们的产品;验证您的身份;回应您对服务或帮助的请求;预测和解决我们的产品的实际和潜在的问题;创建并改进产品;推荐其他不同的产品;对目前和将来的产品作出内部商业决定;提供个性化服务和用户体验;保护我们的权益和财产;以及收集的信息在其他条款或条件下适用于该网站和/或产品的特定功能。 seagate.com | Any information you submit on this Site and/or through our Offerings will be used for a variety of business purposes, including for example, to complete transactions and bill for Offerings; provide you with our Offerings; verify your identity; respond to your requests for service or assistance; anticipate and resolve actual and potential problems with our Offerings; create and improve Offerings; suggest additional or different Offerings; make internal business decisions about current and future offers; provide customised service and user experiences; protect our rights and property; and as otherwise disclosed at the point where such information is collected or in any additional terms and conditions applicable to the particular feature of this Site and/or the Offerings. seagate.com |
有两方面的原因使这一问题更加凸显:一是专利申请数 [...] 量剧增使许多专利局不堪重负,二是专利系统中存在的 大量重复 做功的现象,尤其是需要 为同一个发明而向不同的授权机关递交多份专利申请。 iprcommission.org | This issue is raised by both the increase in the number of patent applications which is imposing heavy demands on the resources of [...] many patent offices, and the recognition [...] that there isconsiderable duplication [...]of effort in the system, particularly with [...]regard to the need to submit multiple applications for a single invention in different jurisdictions. iprcommission.org |
专家组还着重指出,尽管卢旺达警察和海关当局没收了 大量矿产,但 无标记的刚果矿物可能会影响卢旺达的追踪计划(S/2011/738,第 478、495 和 503 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group also highlighted the risk of untagged Congolese minerals contaminating the Rwandan traceability scheme, despite significant mineral seizures by Rwandan police and customs authorities (see S/2011/738, paras. 478, 495 and 503). daccess-ods.un.org |
本 集 团 一 直 重 视 对 外 汇 风 险 管 理 政 策、模 式 和 策 略 的 研 [...] 究,订 立 和 完 善 了 符 合 公 司 运 营 实 际 和 借 鉴 国 际 风 险 管 理 规 范 的 [...] 外 汇 风 险 管 理 政 策,积 累了大 量利用外 汇 金 融 衍 生 工 具 进 行 [...]外 汇 风 险 管 理 的 经 验。 zte.com.cn | Witha strong emphasis on the research of exchange risk management policies, models and strategies, theGrouphasformulatedandimprovedonacontinuedbasisaforeignexchangeriskmanagement policy that takes into account the actual conditions of its operations and [...] international standards in risk [...] management andhas gainedconsiderableexperience [...]in the conduct of exchange risk [...]management through the extensive use of exchange-related derivative products. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
除了父亲Paulinus,已经提到,是神甫罗素,谁被选为协助完成了 大量的“薄伽梵往世书”的比尔努夫开始,翻译和出版谁除了对印度教有趣的研究有;神甫杜波依斯,谁发表了巧妙地阐述了现代印度教,题目是“印度教的礼仪,习俗和礼仪”(牛津,1897年);和父亲j的Dahlmann,律政司司长最后,但公平地注意到有相当出色的翻译工作是由当地印度教学者所做神圣的印度教和解释文本。 mb-soft.com | Besides Father Paulinus, already mentioned, are the Abbé Roussel, who was chosen to assist in completing the translation of the voluminous "Bhagavata Purana", begun by Burnouf, and who has besides published interesting studies on Hinduism; the Abbé Dubois, who published a masterly exposition of Modern Hinduism under the title "Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies" (Oxford, 1897); and Father J. Dahlmann, SJ Finally, it is but fair to note that considerable excellent work is being done by native Hindu scholars in translating and interpreting sacred Hindu texts. mb-soft.com |
虽然欧共体代表团不反对通过该标准,但在一些添加剂,特别是酸度调节剂、颜 [...] 料、防腐剂和增稠剂的使用上表达了强烈的保留意见,因为没有正当的技术理由在标准 涵盖的产品中使用这些添加剂,而这些产品由特定群体 大量消耗,尤其是儿童。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of the European Community, while not opposing the adoption of the Standard, expressed its strong reservation on the use of some additives, particularly acidity regulators, colours, preservatives and thickeners, as there was no technological justification for their use in the products [...] covered by the Standard and these products [...] were consumed in large amounts bycertain population [...]groups, especially children. codexalimentarius.org |
委员会注意到秘书长的说明,说明转递委员会编写的报告(A/66/78-E/2011/ 13),讨论以色列的占领对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土的巴勒斯坦 人民和被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯居民生活条件造成的经济和社会影响;委员会 并赞赏地注意到秘书处鉴于大量国际决议、章程和公约的保证,作出努力,支持 巴勒斯坦人民,建立自己的机构和提高各方对巴勒斯坦权利的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission took note of the note by the Secretary-General, transmitting the report prepared by the Commission, on the economic and social repercussions of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan (A/66/78-E/2011/13), and noted with appreciation the efforts of the secretariat to support the Palestinian people, build their institutions and raise awareness of Palestinian rights as guaranteed by numerous international resolutions, charters and conventions. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此, 倘若赌台管理员收到大量以奖金形式提供的金额,而这些款项并不是赠款而是属 于社会目的的捐款,因此如果只因这是奖金而减免赌台管理员的税务负担,但不 [...] 减免其他工作人员的税务负担,是毫无意义的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, although [...] croupiers receive considerable amounts inthe form [...]of gratuities, these gratuities are not donations [...]but customary gifts, and it makes no sense to relieve croupiers of taxes on such gratuities if the tax burden on other people at work is not alleviated. daccess-ods.un.org |