单词 | 大量的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大量的 adjective—large adjample adjExamples:数量巨大的 adj—overwhelming adj 大量(令人不快的事) n—rash n See also:大量 adj—substantial adj • extensive adj • generous adj 大量 n—lot n • massive n • fund n • host n • mass n • block n • wealth n • bundle n • bunch n • bucket n • chunk n • flood n • score n 大量—numerous • bulk • large quantity • great amount • magnanimous 大的 adj—large adj
为了有效遏制、防止和阻 [...] 止对海上安全构成的威胁,国家需要有牢固的基础设施、最新的知识、技术、设 备、培训以及大量的财政 、技术和人力资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to effectively deter, prevent and suppress threats to maritime security, States require strong infrastructures and [...] up-to-date knowledge, technology, equipment and [...] training, as well as substantial financial, technical [...]and human resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多渔业,特别是热带水域的多鱼种渔业 , 大量的 兼 捕 渔获物已经上 岸并被利用。 fao.org | In many fisheries, particularly multispecies fishing in tropical [...] waters, substantial quantities of bycatch are already [...]being landed and used. fao.org |
有代表团还指出,由于石榴品种繁多并在不同地区种植,因此确定一个全球标准需 要大 量的时间和资源。 codexalimentarius.org | It was also pointed out that significant time and resources might be needed to finalize a worldwide standard in view of the wide range of varieties of pomegranate cultivated in various regions. codexalimentarius.org |
其产品通过药房销售,价格定位处于中高档 ;他们主要通过专业人士推荐,没有 大量的 广 告 宣传。 bootb.com | Its products are distributed in [...] pharmacies and drugstores with a middle-high price positioning; they are mainly promoted through professional [...] endorsement and are not massively advertised. bootb.com |
在与主要赞助者(会员国、联合国和学术界)围绕编制一 [...] 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要 做 大量的 工作 ,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 [...]需要制定实际的政策工具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal [...] declaration of ethical principles in relation [...] to climate change, it became clear that [...]significant work is needed on the upstream [...]clarification of basic ethical principles, including but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools. unesdoc.unesco.org |
斯洛伐克认为,这一系列建议所涉问题 十分复杂,需要有大量的资金 及有关各方的努力与合作,并指出,处理好这些问 题不是一朝一夕的事,但这些问题将会得到解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Slovakia considered this set of recommendations very complex and requiring huge financial resources, effort and cooperation of all involved, and noted that solutions were not imminent but would materialize in the future. daccess-ods.un.org |
您在该网站上和/或通过我们产品提交的信息将会被用 于 大量的 商 业 目的,例如,完成产品交易和付款;向您提供我们的产品;验证您的身份;回应您对服务或帮助的请求;预测和解决我们的产品的实际和潜在的问题;创建并改进产品;推荐其他不同的产品;对目前和将来的产品作出内部商业决定;提供个性化服务和用户体验;保护我们的权益和财产;以及收集的信息在其他条款或条件下适用于该网站和/或产品的特定功能。 seagate.com | Any information you submit on this Site and/or through our Offerings will be used for a variety of business purposes, including for example, to complete transactions and bill for Offerings; provide you with our Offerings; verify your identity; respond to your requests for service or assistance; anticipate and resolve actual and potential problems with our Offerings; create and improve Offerings; suggest additional or different Offerings; make internal business decisions about current and future offers; provide customised service and user experiences; protect our rights and property; and as otherwise disclosed at the point where such information is collected or in any additional terms and conditions applicable to the particular feature of this Site and/or the Offerings. seagate.com |
也门回 顾了以色列最 近 对 加沙地带 的 攻 击 ,并指 出,以色列无 视 自 1948 [...] 年以来提出的各项建议,所以它也将无 视 大量的 普 遍 定期审议建议,特别是 与结束 对被占所有巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领、承认巴勒斯坦人民有权自 [...]决、 有权建立 [...]一 个 以以色列耶路撒冷为首都 的 独立的主权国家 、巴勒斯坦难 民有权回 到自己 的 家 园 、有权得到赔偿并有权收 复财产的建议,这 一 点 也不奇 怪 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yemen recalled the recent Israeli attack against the Gaza strip and indicated that Israel has ignored recommendations since [...] 1948 and so it is not surprising that it [...] will ignore the largest number of UPR [...]recommendations, specially those related to [...]putting an end to the occupation in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and to recognizing the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, to an independent sovereign state with Jerusalem as a capital, and to the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and their right to compensation and restitution of their properties. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,我們亦考慮在這些水域設 置㆟工礁,這不僅會增加海洋生物的種類,亦會產 生 大量的 生 物 ,而㆒些會從保護區 遷至其他㆞方,從而為捕魚業帶來長遠的利益。 legco.gov.hk | This will not only increase the diversity of marine life but also generate surplus stock which will move out from the conservation areas into other areas, thus contributing to the long-term interests of the fishing industry. legco.gov.hk |
有代表重点指出,在本区域有大量的 未 被 纪录 的女工,也重点强调了为通过正规渠道移徙的妇女提供更多机会的必要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The large numbers of undocumented female workers in the region was highlighted, as was the need to create more opportunities for women to migrate through formal channels. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 將屬於保證金客戶的證券匯集起來,這包括“不借貸或低 [...] 度借貸”的保證金客戶(即只借入少量款項或完全不借入任 何款項但在保證金帳戶持有相對 大量的 證 券的客戶),以 及將該等證券㆗流通性較高的證券轉按予銀行,以取得銀 [...] 行貸款,用作支持其業務營運以及貸款予其他沒有可獲銀 [...]行接納的證券作為貸款抵押品的客戶。 legco.gov.hk | (b) pooling securities belonging to margin clients, including “nonborrowing or low-borrowing” margin clients (i.e. those clients who [...] borrow very little or not at all, but have a [...] relatively large amount of securities in [...]their margin accounts), and repledging [...]the more liquid of such securities to banks in order to obtain bank loans. legco.gov.hk |
我们的办公场所遍及丹麦各地,需要往返于各地的定期的 IT 工作造 成了大量的时间 浪费,而基础设施为用户提供的服务质量也非常 低下。 igel.com | With offices all over Denmark, there was a lot of wasted time travelling backwards and forwards to locations for regular IT activities and the infrastructure was delivering a poor service to our users. igel.com |
童工在小型的非正式部门特别普遍,孩子 在 大量的 活 动中工 作,作为家庭企业的一部分、作为不付工资的家庭工人或被其他人 雇佣。 fao.org | Child labour is particularly common in the smallscale informal sector, and children work in a large variety of activities, as part of family enterprises, as unpaid family workers or employed by others. fao.org |
這 需 要 管 理 層 運 用 大 量 的 判 斷 來 估 計 未 來 應 納 [...] 稅 利 潤 發 生 的 時 間 和 金 額,結 合 納 稅 籌 劃 策 略,以 決 定 應 確 認 的 遞 延 所 得 稅 資 產 的 金 額。 zte.com.cn | Significant judgments are needed from management to [...] estimate the timing and amount of taxable profit [...]in the future with tax planning strategies, [...]to determine the amount of the deferred tax assets that should be recognised. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
即使强大的联动性能够减少经济流失,仍然可能会 有 大量的 结构性流失,因为很大一部分国际旅游支出从未流入本国经济,而是留在了外国 航空公司、旅游承办商、旅行社和旅馆链中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even when strong linkages reduce economic leakage, structural leakage may still be significant because a large share of international tourism expenditures never reach the national economy, but are rather retained by foreign airlines, tour operators, travel agencies and hotel chains. daccess-ods.un.org |
土耳其还说,随着一个 现代弹药处置设施于2007 年启用,得以在很短期间内销毁 大量的 杀 伤人员地 雷,而该设施的建造和配备完全靠的是本国资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Turkey also stated that, with the opening of a modern munitions disposal facility in 2007, destruction of a great number of anti-personnel mines was made possible within a very short period of time and that this facility was built and equipped entirely with national financial resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了父亲Paulinus,已经提到,是神甫罗素,谁被选为协助完成 了 大量的 “ 薄 伽梵往世书”的比尔努夫开始,翻译和出版谁除了对印度教有趣的研究有;神甫杜波依斯,谁发表了巧妙地阐述了现代印度教,题目是“印度教的礼仪,习俗和礼仪”(牛津,1897年);和父亲j的Dahlmann,律政司司长最后,但公平地注意到有相当出色的翻译工作是由当地印度教学者所做神圣的印度教和解释文本。 mb-soft.com | Besides Father Paulinus, already mentioned, are the Abbé Roussel, who was chosen to assist in completing the translation of the voluminous "Bhagavata Purana", begun by Burnouf, and who has besides published interesting studies on Hinduism; the Abbé Dubois, who published a masterly exposition of Modern Hinduism under the title "Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies" (Oxford, 1897); and Father J. Dahlmann, SJ Finally, it is but fair to note that considerable excellent work is being done by native Hindu scholars in translating and interpreting sacred Hindu texts. mb-soft.com |
严重关切包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占领土内,特别是在加沙地带的难 民营中的巴勒斯坦难民生活条件极其艰难,原因是以色列继续实行实际上等于封 锁的长期关闭措施以及严厉的经济和流动限制,并于 2008 年 12 月至 2009 年 1 月在加沙地带采取军事行动,尤其是给包括妇女和儿童在内巴勒斯坦平民造 成大 量的伤亡,巴勒斯坦人的住宅、财产、关键基础设施和包括医院、学校和联合国 设施在内的公共机构广遭破坏和损毁,平民在境内流离失所 daccess-ods.un.org | Gravely concerned about the extremely difficult living conditions being faced by the Palestine refugees in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, as a result of the continuing prolonged Israeli closures and severe economic and movement restrictions that in effect amount to a blockade and the militar y operations in the Gaza Strip between December 2008 and January 2009, which caused extensive loss of life and injur y, particularly among Palestinian civilians, including children and women; widespread damage and destruction to Palestinian homes, properties, vital infrastructure and public institutions, including hospitals, schools and United Nations facilities; and internal displacement of civilians daccess-ods.un.org |
在许多情况下,国家越来越成为掠夺自然资源和破坏环境的商 业企业的代名词,结果公司和国家对当地社区积累 了 大量的 社 会和生态债务,特 别是在南方的生态系统中。 daccess-ods.un.org | In many cases, the State is increasingly identified with the business of looting natural resources and with environmental destruction; as a result, companies and countries have accumulated a social and ecological debt to local communities, especially in the ecosystems of the South. daccess-ods.un.org |
利比亚境内的冲突和由反对派控制领土的转变过程,已逐渐表明,在利比亚 境内有着极大量的武器库存,不仅是数量众多,而且其系统和型号繁多,包括: 小武器、轻武器、重型武器和相关弹药,以及地雷和爆炸物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The conflict in Libya and the evolution of control of the territory by the opposition has gradually revealed the very large weapons stocks in Libya, not only in terms of their vast numbers, but also the wide variety of systems and models, including small arms, light weapons, heavy weapons and related ammunition, as well as mines and explosives. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要挑战包括处理大量数据和提高接 收 的 数 据 质量,确保传播数据的时间性和完整 性,克服语言障碍,并使各国专利库数量达到最高程度。 wipo.int | Main challenges include [...] the processing of the high volume of data and improving the [...]quality of the data received, ensuring [...]timeliness and completeness of the disseminated data, overcoming linguistic barriers and maximizing the number of national collections. wipo.int |
民间社会方面的大量积极 参与以及在会议之后继续长时间就各类问题共同开展 工作的承诺,显示他们有兴趣也有能力影响变革。 daccess-ods.un.org | The remarkable amount of active participation [...] on the part of Civil Society, and their commitment to continue working together [...]for various issues long after the Conference, demonstrates their interest and ability to influence change. daccess-ods.un.org |
以往冲突所遗留的大量武器 的存在,以及武装团体及贩运网络的存在,领土面积 广大、往往难以控制,国家所提供的安保有限,周边地区体制驻留人员有限,以 [...] 及难以实施国际和国家两级的实体安保和库存管理最佳做法——这些都是助长 武器不法扩散的因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | The presence of large quantities of weapons left over [...] from previous conflicts, the existence of armed groups and trafficking [...]networks, the very large and often difficult territory to control, the limited provision of security by the State, lack of institutional presence in peripheral areas, and the difficulty of implementing international and national physical security and stockpile management best practices are all factors that encourage the illicit proliferation of weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,几名成员对以下问题表示顾虑:其中第二阶段技术转型的供金资格;待解决的 [...] 基准百分比(19.2%);一些建议的替代品的较高全球升温潜能值,特别是关系到第 [...] 60/44(f)(iv)号决定的成本效益相关的供资规定;针对配方厂家的技术援 助 的大量 资 金 请求, 而无相关的 ODP 值;2012 年的消费量明显增长和维修行业的技术援助在遏制这种增长中 [...] 的作用;在执行消耗臭氧层物质政策和法规方面所取得的进展;以及,印度四氯化碳淘汰 [...] 计划的剩余余额 140 万美元,可用于氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的执行。 multilateralfund.org | Several members, however, expressed concerns relating to: the funding eligibility of the second-stage conversions therein; the percentage of the baseline to be addressed (19.2 per cent); the high-GWP value of some of the proposed alternatives, particularly in relation to the cost-effectiveness-related [...] funding provisions of decision 60/44(f)(iv); [...] the request for substantial funding for technical [...]assistance for systems houses with [...]no associated ODP value; the apparent growth in consumption in 2012 and the role of technical assistance in the servicing sector in curbing that growth; progress in implementing ODS policies and regulations; and the balance of US $1.4 million remaining from CTC phase-out in India, which might be used for implementation of the HPMP. multilateralfund.org |
有两方面的原因使这一问题更加凸显:一是专利申请数 [...] 量剧增使许多专利局不堪重负,二是专利系统中存 在 的大量 重 复 做功的现象,尤其是需要 为同一个发明而向不同的授权机关递交多份专利申请。 iprcommission.org | This issue is raised by both the increase in the number of patent applications which is imposing heavy demands on the resources of [...] many patent offices, and the recognition [...] that there is considerable duplication [...]of effort in the system, particularly with [...]regard to the need to submit multiple applications for a single invention in different jurisdictions. iprcommission.org |
关于申诉人对加拿大公众构成的威胁,部长代表指出了申诉 人 的大量 犯 罪 纪录以 及其罪行的性质和严重性以及没有改过自新的前景。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerning the danger the author poses to the public in Canada, the Minister’s Delegate noted the author’s extensive criminal record, as well as the nature and severity of his offences and the absence of prospect for rehabilitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果我们查阅有关委任制度和托管制 度 的大量 专 家著作,特别是那些熟悉这 些制度运作的专家的著作,我们会发现:(a) [...] 私法类比,因为这些司法机构的设 立是从私法中得到启发;(b) 监督机制的设立(委任制度和托管制度下的领土), 在国际一级(可向前常设委任统治委员会和前托管理事会提出申诉);(c) [...]国内和 国际法律秩序的互动;(d) 单位分类(委任统治和托管领土);(e) 各制度的工作 方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | If we go through the bulk of expert writing [...] on the mandates and the trusteeship systems, especially those who were familiar [...]with the operation of those systems, we detect: (a) analogies of private law wherefrom inspiration was drawn for the establishment of those juridical institutions; (b) devising of mechanisms of supervision (of territories and mandates and in the trusteeship system), also at international level (recourse to the former Permanent Mandates Commission and the former Trusteeship Council); (c) interactions between the domestic and international legal orders; (d) classification of units (mandates and trust territories); (e) modus operandi of the respective systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于秘书长关于在不当行为和(或)犯 [...] 罪行为已获证实时采取的所有行动的报告(A/63/202) [...] 中列出的欺诈、偷窃和挪用公款案件的数目,以及会 员国为本组织的任务提供的大量资源 ,他敦促大会考 虑采取更多行动,追偿被工作人员盗窃的资金,包括 [...] 通过使用这些工作人员拥有的其他资产或通知扣押 他们的退休金。 daccess-ods.un.org | In view of the number of cases of fraud, theft and misappropriation listed in the report of the SecretaryGeneral on actions taken in cases of proven [...] misconduct and/or criminal behaviour (A/63/202), as [...] well as the significant resources contributed [...]by Member States to fund the Organization’s [...]mandates, he urged the Assembly to consider additional actions to recover United Nations funds stolen by staff members, including by accessing other assets owned by those staff members or garnishing their pensions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 为分析目的而对数据加以利用和传播时,各种各 样 的大量 用 户 会对其准确性加 以认真审视;就这类数据对满足信息需求是否具有针对性而发表的反馈意见对 改进统计数据的质量和供应情况至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | When data are used and disseminated for analytical purposes, they undergo scrutiny of their accuracy by a broad range of users; feedback on their relevance to information needs are essential to improving the quality and availability of statistical data. daccess-ods.un.org |